Minutes 1953/09/23 1 1443 Gilroy, California Se,ltember 23, 1953 This s :)ecial mectin"; of the Cchmlon Council is cal' ed to order b:! His Honor 1"IEyor Geore C. I'lilies, due notice ha'~ing been~i vc:n in \vri tin:'; to tho meyor and council- ~TlCl1 h'l letters, dbted So]ter.ber 21, 1953, ste,tine; tile llJrpose of' tly mectin~:; to be theurther c0nsiderati~n of Resolnti011 No. 2(9 cut:'orizin:; the cxecl.,tion of Cooperati've ATe8mcnt No.1, VJidenc':3 of 1-10ntercy street. Pre,,;(;nt COl1ncilmen CErl 1-1 . Pate , CC111rtland H.Hush, J. Hu';lles Kennedy, Chccrles Gello, Geor'e l1.White, end J8C[~ vI.Ronald. ""''''11/1 .L Ct It i-f The 11IOYe'T directs the Deputy City Clerk to relOd a letter from B.W.B-yoker, Assistant State Hi;-;hivey En~ineer. The letter steted the~t Resolution No. 299 authorizing execution of the Cooper2ti ve AGreement on IT:1~)rovcment of Monterey Street made provisions which vrer8 not incr1rporated in the a Teeill8nt eend that it VTould be necessary either to ch1m~:e the agreement or revise the resolution before the Division of His}nrays could recommend its execl1tion. RESOLUTION NO.JOO is presenteqand read. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that RESOLUTION NO. JOO be adopted. E.ESOLUT ION NO. 30Q m;SOLUTIr'I\: OF TI-IE COi,Cl'l CCUr1CIL OF THY eEY OF GILEOY ~11SCFDING RESOLUTION ~-1~ 3C<:tJ}1~e'("'1'\.ID C,'.', ""'j"'," '.";',.-.,r-'.}:'..,,:,'I-L .,...)<1..-1,....".,1 I.',.-,.,.,.... no. J:OO: ''--' . .',~, [C. ~ u '. TC THE APPP,OVH,G AGRl:E}}lJT BllnJILN THy.aTY OF ILH.o',' LED T1-F STATE OF CAl Iron.rIA, DEPLHT 1FT F PlFiLIC v1Oill\S, DIVISION OF HI JmIl, YS, FIT:ILTICN TO TliI~ lJID},:;IIJG LND r P,iJ". Il':T OF 1 CNTEPJY STBELT, TO Dr KI!CUJll AS "GILROY CCOPFI(j;.TJiJF PHC~: EGT NC. 1." WHEREAS, the Co~~on Council of the City of Gilroy did, on the 14th day of September, 1953, adopt resolution No. 299 approving the agreement heretofore s11bmitted by the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, proposed to be entered into between the said City of ~~""'~1 Gilroy and the said Department of Pub1ic Works, Division of Hi:'hways of the State of California, relation to the iVideniw; [ind i provement of Monterey ..- Street in the s~ id Ci t~J of Gilroy, which said approval of the said aiTeemeht WB S conditiohed upon there bein-; inserted and included in the agreement the fo110wing provision: "The I)rOperty owners owning property situated along Monterey Street shall not be under any direct oblL;ation to paJ: any portion of the costs of the said improvement, and it is under- stood that all driveways from :t-10nterey Street across the sidewalks along the said street shall be altered or reconstruct- ed \.,There necessary to establish the proper~rade and that portion of dovm-spouts imbedded in or extending throu~h or altered so that the same will be serviceable, and such re- construction or alteration of said driveways and said portions of down-spouts shall be a part of the irr,provcment covered by this 8::;reement and no part of the cost of such alteration or reconstruction shall be borne by any property ovmer." and "'Hi: .l?.EAS, the s~3id Department of Public Works , Division of HL~h- '1 I ! ..,..,./ ways, of the State of California, has aSl-::ed the CorDon Council of the City of Gilro~' to cancel and delete the s8.id condition from the a.pprov81 6f the said a Teement and Resolution and has in a Jetter indicated that it will do all the things ,.rhich the said condition required to 'ad lone and that no part of the cost of the irnprovement will be directly borne by property mmers owning property along Monterey Street in the said City of Gilroy;and lnn,JEAS , it appears to be unnecessar;{ to have the approval of 1445 the said a;reement conditioned as aforesaid. NOW, TEEBl-;:;YO illi, BE IT RJ:SOLVED: That the said Resolution No. 299 iJe, and the same is hereby, rescinded and declared to be of no effect. PLjSED and ADOPTTD the 23rdday of September, 1953, by the follovJing vote; l~Y}i-;S : Councilmen Pate, Kennedy, White, Ronald. iOES: Councilmen Rush, Gallo. ABSEr-;T : Councilmen None. Approved: ~~ ~, UYOR ~} ~ / Attest~, ,@ ~ &f --- City Clerk :1ESCLUTICN ]:JO. 301 is presented and read. lC:otion by Councilman Pate, seconded b;y Councilman Ronald, that RESOLnTION NO. 301 be adopted. IUSOVTICN lJO .301 J.cSOLFTION or TEE CO; '" on COlJNCIL OF THE CITY OF~:;LROY APPROVING AGREEl:ENT ELT1~7EEN TP,E CUY OF GILHOY AND TIrE: STATE. CFLIIFOLiJ'JIA, DEPAHT1TNT (-1' PTJBLIC WORKS, DIVI- Slm: OF HI::;mJL~y S, liLLATICN TO TEl: \HD:;C:l'nJ:~ diD I PEWVTII2,:T OF ; CiNT.,BEY ST.8.EFT, TO J:L JTJOHN AS "GILnOY Cr'OPERATIV} PROJICT IJC. 1." . : 1;J}I];iLA3, the City of (U.lroy and the Department of Public Works, Division cf Hi::h\Va,'s, of the State of California, have been discussing for some- time past a COOiJen:ti ~Je proj ect l)ro)o~)cd to be undertaken j 6intly by the City of Gilroy and the said St8te of California, for the '\1ideninc; of Honterey Street; and 1,:IIIULA::3, in the aforeseid discussions relating to the said pro- ject the limit of the liability of the City of Gilroy hes been fixed at the sum of $150,000.00 for its share of the cost of the project;and I'JH}LmL3, the said StE,te of C2.1ifornia has nOVl submitted to the l1a~or and Common Council of the City of Gilro:, a proposed cooperative a~ree- ment coveri'.lc; the afDresaid project and vlliell project is to be knmm as "Gilroy Cooperative Project No.1", and has [sked the City of Gilroy to examine the form of a;re0'11ent and a ppr:1ve the same if sa tisf8ctor~r to it; and HHL:.EJ\.3, the se.id Ha=, or and Corlon Council of the City of Gilroy hEve excmined the sc:id e Teoment as submitted by the Depclrtment of Public Horks, Division of Hi=:hwqs, of the Stete of California, to the said CO!'1Jnon Council Lnd finds that the ::ETre is satisfact0r) c,nd;n accordance \Vi th the understandin~ heretofore reached by the City of Gilroy and the State of CDlifornia covering the said project. reF, TJII:i(l,}O_C:, BE IT ;I;-;C]\iiD: That the SLid Hayor Emd COI"lJnon Council of the City of Gilro;, do hereby appro'e the scid a. reerilent, and the Hayor of the Cit;\, of Gilroy is hereby Gutherie-ed to execute the said 2.reement on behalf of the SLid Cit~, of Gilroy. .?J_:S1D 1.l'D ADCPT:~D the 23rd day of September, 1953, by the follOlving vote: J'i.YT3: ;3: COlmcilmen Pate, Kennedy, \1hite, Ronald. COlillcilmen Rush, Gallo. COlillcilmen None. . ,LliT: LPf'"tOrD: ~ M~ e,~ 1 If /1 ,') . q. C ;.', -'- ..c l, Attest: G" (C)~. /' , I ~~.._____~_._ City Clerk Hr. Byron BrO\m, Buildin Ins)ector, nOH ep,)(,ars before the Council and states that Be-Ge llanuf'[ccturing Company reCjuec;ts that they '0 allO\-.Tcc1 stop si'"o-ns on tvIO rm:cds leadin':~ froIl their propert:. on to Lea sley Hoad. It is stated that the roads bein" on privcLe prOlJerty the Be-Ge Nanufcccturing Company u()ul~ :p.ave the right to place Stop si;n~3 on their ovm:)roperty if they so desire. The mat tel' is re:Cerrcd to the :3troct Corrni ttee to vlOrk with the Be-Ge ItC:. Co. and the City Clerk. It is Sl}- sted by llayor Ni lias that Stop si;ns be :!laccd on Forest Street and on Sw::;nston L<::ne at their intersections on Leavfsly Road. The matter is referred to the Street COffirni t tee to 'Hork vIi th the City Clerk and the Calif'. StEite Al.'tomobile Association. The I.layor nev! declc.re s this meeting ad,j ourned. ../ ,h~13 (~_ / / 1. 'l ____. ____. Dep. City Clerk