Minutes 1953/10/26 1451 Gilroy,California October 26,1953 This meeting of the Common Council called by a legal publication for a heai'ingon the proposed annexation of the Third ~\.restern Addi tioD is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.lJlilias. Present:Counci:men Carl VJ.Pate,J.Hughes Kennedy,George W.~TIite,Jack r;:.Ronald. Absent:Councilnlen Courtland lv'I.Rush,Charles Gallo. The Dilayor states that this is the time specified in a legal not.ic.e publi shed in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch calling a hearing on' the pro- posed annexation of the Third Western Addition. Property owners in the proposed area to be annexed present are:Mr. & ~lrs.George Dooher arId Mr.ancJ Ers.lufred Williams. The Mayor nOVJ calls upon the City Attorney for a report. The City Attorney report;:; that in a telephone conservation vdth the County Assessor's office he was advised that there are tllirteen parcels 1452 of land lying within the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed and that nine protests of property owners residing in the area had been filed with the City Clerk; that Iv:r.i'l.B.Stewart signed three protests but upon checking the records it was determined that he was entitled to only tVJO protests leaving a total of eight valid protests. :Totion by Councilman Pate, see-onded by CouncilrEan Tthi te and carri ed that the hearing on the matter of the anneMation of the Third West- ern Addition be continued to lV:onday,November 2,1953 at 8 0 'clock P.M. in the Council Charnbers,City Hall,Gilroy,California and that the City Attorney secure a certification from the County Asse::-.>sor as to the number of parcels lying vJi thin the boundaries of the proposed Third r.'estern Addition and the names of the owners thereof. There being no further business to come before this meeting the ~ayor now declares this meeting adjourned. __"g~i9:~ Ci t:l c~flZ