Minutes 1954/03/25 1496 Gilroy,Cali~ornia March 25,1954 This regular adj ourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor W~yor George C.Mi1ias. Present:Councilmen Carle W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gal10,George W.White,JackW~Rona1d. The Mayor announces that the purpose of this meeting is to con- sider the offer of Filice and Perrelli Canning Company of $5000.00 to be used to pay a portion of the cost of constructing an indust- rial sewer line from the cannery to Old Gilroy Street via the alley between Alexander and Forest streets. W.J.Harma,Jr.ofthe City Engineerts office is called upon by the Mayor to review his estimated cost of the industrial line and the amount is given as $10,795.00 to construct a 1~ inch industrial sewer line from the cannery to Old Gilroy Street,Mr.Hanna stating that the industrial ~ine would be tied into the 12 inch trunk line on Old Gilroy Street and a cross connection made with the 10 in,ch trunk line on Old Gilroy S~reet. The m.atter of future industrial development in the city requiring sewer connections is discussed and it is agreed that each problem should be solved as it arises. Motion by Couneilman K ennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the $5,000.00 offered by the Filice and Perrelli Canning Company to be applied to the construction of a 15 inch industri a1 sewer line from the cannery on Lewis Street to Old Gilroy street via the alley between Forest and Alexander streets, be accepted and the City Attorney instructed to drawn up an ~ree- ment provi81ng for the exclusive use of the line for cannery sewage. ~e Mayor now declares this meeting adjourned. ~.CA.~ i ty 1e-rk