Minutes 1956/01/03 I 1'6'~ ~. f" b Gilroy,California January 3,1956. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is (i: alled to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kenneqy, Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received a copy of the regular monthly meeting of December 5,1955. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be made in the minutes. No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the Ma~or now declare s the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of December 5,1955,approved. Councilman Rush,chainnan of the Finance Committee ,reports that his committee examined al~ bids submitted for fmrnishing gasoline to the city for the year 1956 and found that the bid of the General" Petroleum Corporation of 24.8 cents per gallon was the lowest and best bid and the gasoline business of the City of Gilroy was awarded to the General Petroleum Corporation. Councilman Kennedy presents an estimate for repairs,etc. on the dwelling at the Golf Course submitted by Gordon Farotte;the estimate being $3,048.00 for improvements to the ~tructure. It is unanimously agreed that all the Councilmen meet at Owsley Park on Saturd~,January 7,1956 at 1:00 o'clock P.M.to inspect the dwelling bef"ore any action is taken by the Council toward ordering improve- ment s. W.J .Hanna,Jr., of the City Engineers office, states he has no report on costE of converting Wheeler Auditorium to City Hall purposes. Councilman Pate reports that the truck offered to the City by ~ ......-.......'" , I I......i i r'r"', I i I ............ 1677 the Division of Highways for $309.00 had been purchased IIld delivery would take place as soon as the city could send a man to Oakland to receive delivery. Councilman Sanchez reports on progress in the drilling of the new water well on South Forest Street. George Azevedo,well drilling cont- ractor,who has the contract for drilling the well, reports that the well is now 346 feet deep with a good strata of clay and recommends that drill- i~ be stopped at this point. Mr.Azevedo requests that he be granted an extension of time on his contract. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that George Azevedo be granted an extension of two weeks on his contract for drilling the new water well on South Forest Street. ~he Mayor states that he has ordered a Resolution prepared commending orgainiations and others who worked so hard during the recent high water and flood condition in the city and requests the City Attorney to read the resolution. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen that RESOLUTION NO.36B be adopted. RESOLUTION No.~68 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COill{CIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY COMMENDING THE MEMBERS OF THE GILROY POLICE FORCE, GILROY AUXILIARY POLICE FORCE, GILROY CRAPI'ER OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS,GILROY TANK COMPANY OF THE l59TH INF&"ITRY OF THE CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD, CITY EMPLOYEES, AND INDIVID- UALS WHO AIDED THOSE FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES BY THE RECENT FLOODS IN THE GILROY AREA,XND WHOSE SERVICES TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC PREVENTED GREATER LOSS AND SUFFERING . WHEREAS,as a result of a storm and excessive rains occuring in the Gilroy area on and following December 23,1955,and flood conditions caused thereby,a large number of families on this area were rendered homeless temporarily, and their possessions either ruined or d~aged;and, WHEREAS,the Gilroy Police Force,the Gilroy Auxiliary Police Force, City of Gilroy employees,the local chapter of the American Red Cross,and members of the Gilroy Tank Company of the l59th Infantry of the Calif- ornia National Guard,besides a number of other individuals,all rendered great services in moving the said families from their homes,protecting their property,providir~ food,clothing,and housing,and otherwise aiding them in their extremity; and, WHEREAS,the work and services rendered by said orgainzations and their members and other individuals mentioned, far exceeded that which the ordinary performance of their duty required,and but for which there might have been considerable loss of life and much greater property damage; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy does not believe that such services and sacrifice by the said organizations and individ- uals should go unnoticed,but~Uhat a record should be made thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Common Council of the City of Gilroy does hereby commend the Gilroy Police Force,Gilroy Auxiliary Police Foree,Gil~y Chapter of the American Red Cross,the members of the Gilroy Tank Company of the l59th Infantry of the California National Guard,City of Gilroy employees, and those individuals who assisted in the \Ii, ork of saving the families, removing them from their homes,protecting their possessions,providing them with food, clothing, and housing,and otherwise helping them,and does hereby recognize that the work thus performed was far beyond the ordinary call of duty. BE IT FtmTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the orgainzations above mentioned,and that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Ifr78 . minutes of this meeting and included as a permanent part thereof. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of January,1956, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Gallo,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen None ~~ R- b / ay Attest: C~yC~~~ Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and :J carried that the City Marshal ascertain from members of the Gilroy Police Force and the Gilroy Auxiliary Police Force the number of uniforms that had to be dry cleaned as the result of work performed during the recent flood condition and tile bill for the cleaning be presented to the city for payment and the Chief Administrative Officer ascertain from the city employees the clothes used in their work during the recent flood and instruct the employees to present the cleaning bill for these clothes to the city for payment~ A communication is read from the Santa Clara County Cattlemen's Association thanking the Council for their cooperation in making their Sixth Annual Range Bull Sale a success. This communication is ordered filed. The Mayor now calls upon the chairmen of the several committees of the Council to report on flood damage. ~ Councilman Pate,chairman of the Street Committee,reports no damage to streets except the after storm clean-up. Street damage may appear when the warm weather comes. Councilman Sanchez,chairman of the Water Committee,reports no damage to the water system. Councilman Sanchez)chairman of the Sewer Committee,reports damage to the west levee of the Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm. Councilman Kennedy,chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Conmittee, states that the only damage to city buildings was a leak in the Fire House roof. 3 The City Engineer's office reports that they have reportaed the damage to the levee on the Uvas Creek and the Laagas Creek to the U.S.Army Engineers office in San Francisco and have requested an inspection by the engineers. SUperintendent of Public Works Brown reports that as soon as the county bulldozer is available it will be used to change the channel in the Uvas Creek opposite the point where the levee has been damaged. 1f//IY.""''l\l I L r"" ! .L r ~ i .r...... 1679 Councilman Pate reports that Purity Stores are planning on expanding their warehouse facilities adjacent to the south city limits on Monterey Road and have agreed to fUrnish the necessary deeds for a 40 foot wide extension of Alexander Street from Ninth Street to the South City Limits this extension to provide a method of ingress and egress by those persons who now use, Bane's Lane ii.t being Purity's plan to close Bane 's Lane from Monterey Boad to the extension of Alexander Street. Purity Stores ask if the city will construct a 4Q'foot wide street from Ninth Street to the the south city limits as an extension of Alexander Street and maintain the street after it is constructed. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Council go on record to advise purity stores that the City is willing to improve the extension of Alexander Street from Ninth Street to the South City Limits by grading and gravelling the extensioIll] ,the Purity Stores to deliver to the city a deed or deeds for the land for the street extension 40 feet in width from Ninth Street to the South City LLffiits;that in the event Purity Stores does not go through with it's proposed plan of expansion that the Council is not obligated to do any work on the proposed extension of Alexander Street. Councilman Kennedy requests permission to be excused from the meeting. The Mayor now excuses Councilman Kennedy and he retires from this meeting. Application for the transfer of a General Off-Sale liquor license to Andrew Arzino,Guardian of the Person and Estate of Martin McGuern,to the Estate is presented.No objection is made. Reports of the County Controller, the Building Inspector,the Police Department and the Poundmaster are presented and read and ordered filed. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the reports of city officers be a. ccepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that bills as presented be allowed andWirrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The City Attorney states that in answer to a query his opinion is that the city would not loose its approporation rights on the Uvas Creek due to lack of use of the pipe line from the d am to the reservoir but prges that pipe line be repaired or replaced before the time limitation expires. Councilman Sanchez. discusses the matter of a revenue bond to finance a portion of the cost of a new pipe line from the dam to the reservoir. 1680 It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney should contact the Division of Water ResoUrces and ascertain from them just what the city's position is with reference to its approporation right on the Uvas Creek under the present circumstanC'es. It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney secure figures on the cost of possible legal action by the city against the Pacific Gas and ElectriC' Company with reference to the full p~ent of 2% of the sale of gas and electricity within t he city of Gilroy instead of the compromise p~ment accepted from the company without prejudice. The City Attorney is instructed to continue his discussion with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company with reference to intersection lighting in the Renz Addition. It is unanimously agreed that further thought should be given to the enlarging or replacing of the bridge across Miller Slough on Lewis Street. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that this meeting adjourn. G.G-.~ City Cle .