Minutes 1956/04/09 1707 Gilroy,California April 9,1956. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M,Mason. Present~Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy, Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. tJ(lF~' (-"It The Mayor now calls upon Councilman Sanchez, chairman of the Water 1iIIIiM.\OlOIII Committee, for his committee's report and recommendation for a new water well pump. Councilman Sanchez reports that two bids submitted were not considered by cthe committee because they did not meet the specifications. Of the three remaining bids the Cascade Pump Company submitted the lowest bid. Motion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the bid of Cascade Pump Company on a Jacuzzi Pump Company pump of $4,897.38 be accepted as the lowest and best bid and the final approval given for purchase of the pump after the City Attorney has examined the bid and accompanying bond. A communication is read from Food Machinery Company relative to the merits of their closed impeller pump over the semi-open impeller pump. ........ A communication is read from the City Planning Commission of the - City of Gilroy giving their recommendations on matters referred to the Commission by the Council. The Mayor reports on the meeting of the City Planning Commission which he attended when the subject contained in their recommendations were discussed and recommended. Mr.Anthony Anastasia,attorney, ~epre~enting Mr.Victor LoBue,now appears before the Council to discuss the setback of the Gilroy Motor Company building to be erected on North Monterey Street in the "Second Northern Eddition". Mr.Anastasia asks that the building -,- '-" permit for the Gilroy Motor Company be granted as the company has complied with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance as it is now ~ritten. ........ There is a general discussion of the Planning Commission's recommend- ation that wherever property is annexed to the City,and the State or County,prior to such annexation,established a setback or future width line from any State Highway,upon the annexation of such territory to the City, the setback or future width line,as heretofore established, shall be maintained, and continue to be an established 1708 setback line. Councilman Sanchez asks if it is agreeable to Mr.LoBue to post- pone action on the setback matter for one week. Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that Mr.Victor LoBue be granted a permit to proceed with the construction of his building for the Gilroy Motor Company in the "Second Northern Addition" and that the building setback be eight feet as shown on plans. The Mayor now reads a portion of the letter to the Council from the Planning Commission with reference to their recommendation that the map of the proposed subdivision-"Sherwood Park"-as presented, showing no alleys, be not accepted. The Mayor states that he has discussed the matter of alleys with heads of. the Fire,Police,Sewer,Street and Water departments and they all favor alleys. The following address the Council on the matter of alleys favoring the elimination of alleys-Mr.Jack DeBell, one of the owners of the proposed subdivision,Mr.Harry Arnold,a partner of Mr.DeBell and Mr.Jack Howson of Howson Brothers,local contractors. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the Mayor and Council invite members of the City Planning Commission to attend a meeting with them to discuss their recommendation for alleys in the proposed "Sherwood Park" subdivision on April 16,1956 at 8 o'clock P.M.,City Clerk's office,City Hall,Gilroy,CaliforDia. A communication is read from the Music Department of Gilroy High SChool requesting free use of Wheeler Auditorium on April 27,1956. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the Music Department of Gilroy High School be granted free use of Wheeler Auditorium on April 27,1956. Mr.Chet Englund,labor contractor, now appears before the Council to discuss housing facilities for imported farm labor stating that there would be between 250-300 Mexican Nationals housed in the proposed project for about six month of the year. After discussion of the subject the Mayor and Councilmen are invited to visit a labor camp installation conducted by Mr.Englund in Salinas. ~ ~ ~ l 1709 ~he following. appear bef~re the Council to speak in favor of of establishing a labor camp in Gilroy-Mr.Garretson of the Taix Company,Williarn Wright representing the Progressive Growers,Mr. Ned Driscoll of Driscoll Strawberries. Councilman Pate reports that he expects to have a report on price Bank of America is asking for their property located at 116 North M9nterey Street withi~ the next few days. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that this meeting adjourn to Monday,April 16,1956 at 8 o'clock P.M., City Clerk's office,City Hall,Gilroy,California, and that the members of the City' Planning Commission of the City of Gilrpy be invited to attend the meeting. ~~~~ .