Minutes 1956/07/16 1740 Gilroy,California July 16,1956 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Sig Sanchez,Charles Gallo, Everett Wentworth. Absent:Councilmen Kenneth L.Petersen,Courtland M.Rush. The Mayor now invites Mr.Ernest Wilson,attorney,San Mateo,Calif- ornia, to appear before the Council and discuss the 1913 Municipal Improve~ent Act and other acts pertinent to the development to j'4lt~" t~~posed subdivision-Park-MeadDws Unit No.2. Councilman Petersen i~ now present and occupies his seat at the Council table. Councilman Rush is now present and occupies his seat at the Council table. It is unanimously agreed that Mr.Wilson's proposal with ref- erence to the development of Park-Meadows Unit No.2 through the 1741 use of the 1913 Municipal Improvement Act and other acts be studied further. Mr.Luther McDaniel of Salinas, California, now appears before the Council to request permission to hold a dance in Wheeler Auditorium on August 4,1956. ."N~ Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried ..... that the request of Luther McDaniel to hold a dance in Wheeler Auditorium on August 4,1956 be dehied. A general discussion on the matter of the amount of rent charged for the use'of Wheeler Auditorium follows and it is unanimously agreed that the Buildings and Grounds Committee make a study of of this subject and report its findings to the Council. A communication is read from W.J.Hanna,City Engineer, recommending that the amount of improvement bond to be posted by the owners of "SherwIDod Park Unit No.1" with the subdivision agreement, be set at $50,000.00. A communication is read from Walter J.Hanna,Jr. submitting the final map of Tract No.1784,"Sherwood Park Unit No.1" and requesting """,C--;:'<l , , , *,.""iiI that the Mayor,City Clerk and chairman of the Planning Commission sign the certificates on the map. The commu~ication from the City Engineer states that the Sher- wood Park Unit No.1 developers have contracted for and are inst- aIling water mains, fire hydrants, sanitary sewer system and storm drainage system and that the estimated cost of installing curbs, gutters,sidewalks,street paving and electroliers. is $50,113.00. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the map of Tract No.1784"Sherwood Park Unit No.1" be accepted and the Mayor,City Clerk and chairman of the Planning Commission sign the certificates as presented when the agreement between the City and the developers Mr.Harry Arnold and Mr.Jack ~... LJ DeBell ,sign the agreement and submit a bond approved by the City Attorney in the amount recommended by the City Engineer and the Building Inspector approves all utilities and other public improvements. The matter of curb and gutter on the west side of Monterey Street in the Second Northern Adclition is discussed.Councilman Pate, chairman of the Street Committee states that he., will contact Mr.R.C.Warriner,Maintancne Superintendent of the Division of 1742 ~H; Highways and have him advise on the matter of curbs and gutters in the area under discussion. Councilman Sanchez discusses the matter of the purchase of radar speed control eauipment stating that the city has ordered a 6 volt system. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and ~ carried that the purchase order for the 6 volt radar speed control unit stand and that the 6 volt unit be purchased. Councilman Sanchez reports on the meeting with the Recreation Commission,the high school trustees and the Recreation Committee The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to the Director of Recreation,State of California, and request that he send a rep- resentative to Gilroy to make a survey and submit a report on his findings in the matter of an, outdoor swimming pool. Councilman Sanchez report that the government agency has approved the city's request for financial assistance on the the improving of the Llagas Creek channel at the city sewer farm and that the work will proceed. Councilman Sanchez discusses the complaint of dust being I created by vehicles using a ten foot easement along the north line of Castlewood Park Unit #1. It is unanimously agreed to oil the 10 foot easement to settle the dust. Councilman Rush reportspn the matter of securing necessary logs to place a bridge across the Llagas Creek at the city sewer farm. -I. Councilman Wentworth asks the May,Qr for permission to retire from the meeting and the Mayor grants Councilman Wentworth's request. Councilman Rush reports on the request of the Fire Department for an additional man and salary increases. This matter is Councilman Pate discusses that matter of a driveway for the I referred to the Finance Committee. Model Market on North Eigelberry Street. It is unanimously agreed that the driveway shall not exceed 35 feet. The City Attorney presents and reads ORDINANCE NO.54l. Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate that ORDINANC~ENO.541 be adopted. \ i 1743 ORDINANCE NO.541 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.427 OF THE CITY OF GILROY REGULATING AND CONTROLLING DOGS,BY ADDING A NEW SECTION, TO BE KNOvffl AS SECTION 6 If2,REQUIRING VACCINATION OF DOGS AS A PRER~QUISITE TO LICENSING. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.541: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Sanchez,Gallo,Petersen,Rush. Councilmen None Councilman Wentworth. The Building I~spector discusses a request by the Seaside Oil improvements Company to make certain fin their bulk plant on North Monterey Street. It is unanimousl y agreed that the Seaside Oil Company be permitted to change their loading rack from wood construction to steel construction. Motion by Coufucilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the National Gward Company be granted a permit to conduct a dance at Wheeler Auditorium on August 10,1956. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that this meeting adjourn. ~~.~~ Ci y e r .