Minutes 1957/03/25 :1814 Gilroy,Ca1ifornia March 18,1957. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Sig Sanchez,Charles Gallo,Kenneth L.Petersen,Courtland M.Rush,Everett C.Wentworth. The Mayor now calls upon the Rev.Arthur Breed of the Methodist Church to give the invocation. The Mayor now calls upon Building Ir'lspector Byron Drown to rrive his report on his conversation with the several property O\,"lners residing on the west side of Forest Street between Swanson Lane and Leavesley Road with reference to the installation of a water main on Forest Street at the expense of the property owners. ., -.... , ,.7~ i ; a...o,.' ~ I.....J 1815 <l The Building Inspector reports that two property owners are not interested in the proposed project and that most of the others are interested if arrangements can be made to pay their share of the cost on their tax bills. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the matter of the proposed water main on the west side of Forest Street between Swanston Lane and Leavesley Road be referred to the City Attorney for clarification of the legal asnects of the matter;and any obli~ation on the part of the city to furnish water service for the area; that the City Attorney reports his findings to the Council. This being the time specified in a legal notice callin~ for bids for removing the old Sank of America 9uilding,11A North Monterey Street, two bids are nresented and read: Ace Transport,Mari~a,California-~l.OO. Charles L.Camnanella Co.,Oakland,California.(From notation on the envelope the Clerk believed that the envelope contained the bid of this fitm. When the envelope was opened it was learned that what was believed to be a bid was a letter requesting information on the bid). Mr.IIub Grove of Ace Transport is present and now anpears before the Council to discuss his bid. lVlotion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman ':JJentworth and carried that the bid of Ace Transport,Dox S2,Marina,California,of )1.00 for the old Bank of America Building and improvements,ll~ North ~tTonter€y '3treet, be accepted, the City Attorney to investir:,ate the bidder and if found reliable and they can meet the requirements of the notice calling f~r bids that Ace Transport be awarded the contract;that all non-burnable refuse be taken to the Carnadero levee and disposed at a location to be designated by the City Building Inspector and the burnable refuse be disposed of under the direction . of the City Building Inspector. Councilman Wentworth, chairman of the Sewer Committee, reports that his committee has determined that the outside sewer connection for the two proposed labor camps to be located along the city outfall sewer line should be ~4g0.00 per year for each camp. r10tion by Councilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that tHe sewer charge for the two labor camps to be located adjacent to the city's outfall sewer line be ~4aO.Obper year for each camp and that a contract for this amount be made with each camp owner;that the contract and the amount of charge be reassessed at the end of one year. Councilman Wentworth also reports on his committee's findings on the matter of a storm sewer which would start at the south end of Filice Drive in Castlewood Park and have its termination at Fifth and Princevalle streets. It is the committee's opinion that a thirty inch pipe is large enough for this storm'irain line and the project has the committee's ,approval. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the Sewer Committee contact the County Flood and Drainage Control committee to ascertain from them the proposed route the storm drain and when it is contemplated that the project will be completed. The City Attorney reports that an abstract and title insurance company and the County Counsel are now discussing the matter of quiet title proceedings with reference to Wayland Lane and that he will have a report for the Council at a later date. 'C) The matter of Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. requesting certain chanp'es in the lease on a portion of the city's sewer farm property for'aviner . station is discussed. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the lease to Stokely-Van Camp,Inc.for a period of five years on a portion of the city's sewer farm property as the location for a viner station stipulate that a water well will be constructed at a location designated by the Sewer Committee it being understood that at the termination of the lease the hole and casing will become the property of the city, the PQ~P and appurtenances to remain the property of Stokely-Van Camp,Inc.;that t~e lease,as signed by the Mayor, be returned to the corporation. The City Attorney reads a letter from the County Counsel with refer- ence to the title to the Severance School property. It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney present all information he has with reference to the title to this property to the Attorney Geheralfor his opinion. Councilman Petersen discusses the request of the person conducting the Nursery School to use the Forest Street playgrounds for school purposes during the coming school year.It is unanimously agreed that the Buildings and Grounds Committee investigate this matter further. . -, 81 f" ~_ it> Councilman San~hez presents and reads a portion of a letter from a trustee of the Estate of Henry Miller with reference to the use of the Hosnital Reservation Site for recreation purposes. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that this meeting adjourn. (1.(1,~ rri City Clerk L,