Minutes 1957/12/16 1 RO- 1_- (") ~ Gilroy, California December 16, 1957 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George c. Milias. Present: Councilmen Carl W. Pate, Coyrtland M. Rush, Kenneth L. Petersen, Sig Sanchez, and Everett C. Wentworth. Absent: Council- man Charles Gallo. . A couy of a Res61ution adopted by the City Council of Mor~an Hill aDproving the "South Santa Clara County Plan" is read and ordered to be placed on file. A letter from the Trustees of Miller and Lux Incorporated accompanied by a check for ~375.00 for .the poor at Christmas time is read. I~otion by Councilman Sanchez second by Councilman Went- vlorth and carried that the check for $375.00 from the Miller and Lux Trustees, and payable to the City of Gilroy, be placed in the City's funds and a City 0 f Gilroy warrant be drawn to the Gilroy Community Christmas Fund in the amount of )375.00 for distribution to the Door durin~ the 1957 Christmas season by the Welfare Dept. A communication from the Gilroy High School requesting use of the ':'V:1.eeler Auditorium on December 19th for a Christmas Prop:ram is brought uu, no action is taken because the City Clerk state; that he has been notified that the high school no longer wishes use of the auditorium on that date. A notice of an assessment of $10.00 from the Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities is read. Motion by Councilman Pate second bv Councilman Petersen and carried that the City of Gilroy pay th~ requested amount of ~lO.OO to the Peninsula Division of the Leap-ue of California Cities. A communication from the Divis~on of Highways regarding the City's request for improvement of Old Gilroy Street is read stating that no ,funds are available at this time for this imurovement. This matter is referred to Councilman Pate, Chairman of the street Committee and he is authorized to write a letter to ~1r. Montell fur- ther recommending a curb to curb improvement on Old Gilroy Street. A letter from the Lion's Club offerin~ to furnish four waste 1 R 0 'l -'~ 00 ,~.- - . + :;> disuosal cans for lJIonterey Street is read. CO\.lnci Iman Pate states that the 4-H Club would also be interested in furnishi~ one disposal can for Monterey Street. At this time George Schaefer, Committee Chairm!;3.n of/the' Lion's Club explains that they would like to place the Lion's Club insignia on the cans. The Mayor states that "City of Gilroy Property" should be stenciled on the cans for protection. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the offer of the Lion's Club for furnishin~ four waste dis- posal cans with the proper insignia on the cans be accepted. ~~e City Clerk is instructed to notify George Schaefer of the Council's action and that the Council has decided to let the Lion's Club desi~- nate where the cans are to be located. The Mayor now asks for a report on the prog;ress on the ex- tension of the alley between Seventh and Eighth Streets and Hanna and Dowdy Streets. The City Administrator reuorts that the pro- perty owners have been contacted by ~1r. Jordan and they all have agreed to give deeds for an alley. The City Attorney was directed to prepare the deeds. Councilman Petersen compliments Mr. Jordan for his fine job of contacting the prouerty owners. The City Attorney r€ports that the Miller Avenue annexa- tion is progressing. He states that the new description is now in the hands of the County Boundaries Commission and the intention to circulate a uetition will be published soon. He also states that at the firstLmeeting in January permission can be given by the Council for circulation of the petition. The Mayor asks for a report on the progress of the off- street parking program. Councilman Petersen instructs the City Clerk to find out the City taxes on the possible off-street park- ing lots on South Monterey Street. Councilman Wentworth states that we should write to the American Trust Company and ask them to take down the fence around their parking lot in order to make more parking spaces by combining their parking lot with the City's park- ing lot. The Mayor states that before a letter is written some- thin~ definite should be available to show the American Trust Com- pany'the advantage of taking the fence down. Councilman Pate is in- structed to work out a plan to present to Mr. Gwinn, the manager of local branch of the American Trust Company, on combining the parking lots and report the results to the Council. The City Clerk reports that we are ready to advertise for bids for air-conditioning and heating the proposed new city offices at the auditQft~m as soon as permission is given by the Council and that wneh these bids are received and a bid accepted we can then advertise for bids for alterations. __J Motion by Councilman Sanchez second by Councilman Pate and carried that the City Administrator be given authority to adver- tize forbids for heating and air-conditioning the new city offices, the bids to be opened on January 20, 1957 at 8: 00 P.M. T~e City Clerk reads the specifications which will be called for in the heating and air-conditioning bids. The Councilmen all agree that an alternate bid should also be requested for cooling' the city offices and Council chambers at one time. The City Clerk states that there is no bond that has been posted as yet ,for Castlewood Park Unit No.3. The City Attorney states that the' contract must be signed and that it is not signed at this time. The City Engineer, Walter Hanna Sr., comes before the Council and requests that Walter Hanna Jr. be given the title of City Engineer. Mr. Hanna Sr. submits his resiination at this time. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Petersen and carried that Walter Hanna Sr's. resignation be accepted. Motion by Council- man Wentworth second by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to write ~alter Hanna Sr. a letter of appreciation for his many years of service with the City of Gilroy and for a job well done. Moti9n,by Councilman Pate, second by Councilman Rush and carried that Walter Hanna Jr. be appointed as City Engineer with Walter Hanna Sr. as consulting engineer under the agreement that the retainer fee will remain the same as it has been in the past when ;,val ter Hanna Sr. was City Engineer. The Ci tv Clerk is instruct- ed to notify~iJalter Hanna Jr. of the action taken by the Coungil. The M?yor now asks the government students from the Senior Class who are in the audience if they have any questions. The stu- dents do not have any questions but express their thanks for being ~ ....J ~ ..... J 1887 allowed to attend the meeting. The City Attorney presgnts Resolution No. 455. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen that REsolution No. 455 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 455 A RESOLUTION PROHIBITnrn THE CONTJECTImr TOTHE '3E~j\JEH LINES OF T~IE CITY OF GILROY TO PROPERTY LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CI TY OF GILROY, EXCEPT TO COTcIT/iERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL O'JJNET1,(3 UNDER CONDITIONS ACCEPTABLE TO T:m COI'O'J[ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY. PASSED and ADOPTED this lAth day of December, 1957 by the followin g; vote: AYES: Councilmen Pate, Petersen ~ Sanchez, VJentworth, and Rush NOES: Councilmen None AB3-ENT: Councilman Gallo. George C .!..-f'Ttlia ~ I'Iayor Attest: G. B. Carr City Clerk The City Attorney states that the taxes on the Miller and Lux property which has been leased to the City of Gilroy are now ~lOOO.OO. At this time there is some discussion concerning the taxes on the property. Councilman W~ntworth brings up for discussion the annexations proposed by SanMartin and Morgan Hill. No action is taken. Councilman Petersen reports that the City Marshal would like a plan of their own for a firing range. It is decided that the Police Department can use the one that they are now using out at the creek. It was stated that the firing range in the auditorium is not being used by the National Guard and that the area could now be used for the storing of the Civilian Defense supplies and equip- ment. The Mayor suggests that the large generator could be stored, under cover, at the City corporation yard. Councilman Rush reports that the fire department siren is not loud enough to be heard by some of the Volunteer Firemen who live in the" outlying districts and suggests that additional horns be installed at two different locations. He reports that John Allemand would investigate the cost of installing the extra horns. Councilman Pate rep6rts thot on December 14th at 12:20 P.M. - one of the sheriff's ~ars was traveling on Monterey Street at an excessive speed of 60 miles per hour or more and requests that a letter be written to Sheriff Hawley akking for an explanation for the excessive speed. Councilman Pate reports that the Finance Committee has given considerable thought to the matter of a salary raise for the City's employees and recommends that the Council authorize a firm of consultants be employed to make a salary survey. Motion by Council- man Pate second by Councilman Rush and carried that the City Ad- ministrator be instructed to contact two or three firms to evaluate salaries and ask them to consult \i'lith the Finance Committee who in turn will reuort back to the Council. A report on a water sample taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department on December 5th is read. This report is satis- factory and is ordered filed. TIierEl being no further business 'this Council meeting is adjourned. / , ::U3 (0 A-AA ./ G. B. Carr, City Clerk