Minutes 1960/06/06 "'~"'.'."--""r.'o...".."_"."""'''.'''':s=',~","'.'$C.''c,*.t;'/'1-'^'1l<""-~'~~"'-"_T'.;;'~/,,*;''i'7_i)~=i.'G:Q;qfiiC.'i&,).h''.''''~',Vi-'~,I...;..F'-".","~:_;"_'x."X.",,,":",,~ "'~'W-'2,';';;:0ifii1.~"i'tr'g1'~''').'M$$.''t-.".~;~?~.::u.'t1'U;t-i,'f.:i'.~''''JlJi'''!;::'::%Z:~'.oy,-':-ur~_~.)c'''''''r':~;;:;;-:!1''.1~~~''i~1'4?~:fi;O'S.'bf.t\'i:5t{Ut;:s:,;''i~~lZr;q~1~N~~'Jifi!:}---""':>.t.1:~"'0,.;,::;rf0'i~\.~~~~~~iff'::i':*,'i\i: .J n .~ ":' c. \, j l I Gilroy, California June 6, 1960 \ This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Councilmen Norman D. Goodrich. Wilford F. Jordan, and Everett C. Wentworth. Absent; Councilmen Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, and Courtland ~. Rush. The Nayor asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the minutes of the regular monthly meetin~ of May 2nd, the re~u- lar adjourned meeting of May 16th, and the special executive meeting of June 1st. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meetin~ of May 2nd, the regular adjourned meeting of May 16th, and the special executive meeting of June 1, 1960 approved. The Mayor now asks for the opening of bids for bonds of City officials and employees. Assistant Administrator Reinsch opens the bids and they read as follows: Firman B. Voorhies - Proposal !/:l irJhich includes Director of Finance, Assistant Direc- tor of Finance, and City Clerk )361.47, Proposal 42 which includes public employees $67.45, total bid )42g.92; August Piedmont - Proposal {l which includes 13 class "ATI employees and 3 class TlBI! employees excluding the City Clerk $337.93, Proposal 12 which includes 14 class ITA'.' employees, and 3 class "Bl' employees inclu- ding the City Clerk ;~34 7.14; G. B. Hodeck - Director of Finance ,;~175.00, Assistant Director of Finance ,;~175.00~ City Clerk '~17.50, Public Employee Honesty Bond $64.97 total bid ;~432.47: and E. E. Eustice ~ Proposal #1 including as per specifications, annual premium ,~448.45, Proposal J2 as an alternate includes a faithful performance bond of ,~2, 500.00, Director of Finan ce and Ass is taant Directo: or Finance '1v50,000.OO coverage, and City Clerk !t5,OOO.OO total bld ~3g1.qO. Councilman Pate arrives and takes his seat during the open- ing of the bids. I~ayor Sanchez requests Ed Peterman, representin~ E. E. Eus- tice Insurance, to explain the alternate bid submitted. Mr. Peterman states that E. E. Eustice Insurance Company sub- mitted a bid according to specifications and also submitted an alternate bid which is in accord with the specifications hut sur- passes the specifications and is broader than the specifications. Discussion is had on the matter. Assistant Administrator Reinsch requests Mr. Peterman to ex- plain the method of payment accordin~ to their bid. Mr. Peterman states that their is a three year payment pro- gram available however this would increase the yearly cost unless the rates increase over a three year period and then the rates would remain the same under this three year payment program. Further discussion is had. The Mayor su~gests that the bids be held until further check- ed and reviewed. ,elr. Firman B. Voorhies states tha t if the bids are not a c- cording to specifications everyone should be allowed to rebid. Notion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman \,'Jentworth and carried that the bids be referred to City Administrator.Carr for study and if they meet the specifications the bid maybe awarded accordin~ly. A letter is read from Albert Gurries and Richard Brooks re- questing a permit to erect a sign on Monterey Street to advertise the Hecker Pass shopping center. 'i (~j ~ ".- (, I 'I ,..." ~ . I ,,_ tJ \. Director of Public Works Kludt indicates where the proposed sign is to be located. I~r. Albert Gurries states that the merchants at the shopping center feel that the summer tourists should be aware of the shop- ping center on First Street. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Pate and car- ried that this request be referred to City Administrator Carr and if it meets with the specifications to grant permission to Mr. Gurries and I,lr. Brooks for erecting a sign on Monterey Street to advertise the shopping center. 111'. Gurries states that if the sign does not prove satisfactory at the end of three years they will eliminate it. He thanks the Council for their consideration. A letter is read from the Gilroy Gliders requesting use of V,'heeler Auditorium free of charge on November 12, 19()O. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried tha t the Gi lroy G lid ars be e;ranted use of 1\r'1eeler Audi tor- ium free of charge on November 12, 1960. Mayor Sanchez requests the report of the Planning Commission meeting on June 3rd. A letter is read from the Planning Commission recommendin~ that the request from Mr. Louis Bariola for a use permit to operate a Fix-it Shop at his residence at lS4 South Eigleberry Street be granted and submits Planning Commission approval of the tentative map for Sherwood Park Unit No.3. Discussion is had on the Planning Commission recommendations. Motion by Councilman 'JJentworth second by Cou.l1cilman Pate and carried that the variance be granted to Mr. Louis Bariola and that a variance be granted for operation of a Fix-it Shop at 184 South Eigleberry Street. Ordinance No. 625 is presented by the City Attorney. ITotion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Ordinance 1:0. 625 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 625 ORDDJANCE NO. 62S OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4~O (TRAFFIC ORDiNANCE) OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY ADDING A NEW SEC- TION THERETO DESIGNATED AS SECTION 72.5 ESTABLISHING A TRUCK TRAFFIC ROUTE OVER CERTAIN STREETS. AYES: Council Goodrich, Jordan, Pate, Wentworth, Sanchez NOES: COmJCIL None ABSENT:COUNCIL Petersen and Rush Ordinance No. 626 is presented by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth that Ordinance No. 626 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 62~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTION 14 OF ORDINANCE NO. 452 (LICENSING ORDINANCE) BY ADDING THERETO A PHOVISION RE- QUIRING CARD ROOlvlS TO CLOSE AT OR PRIOR TO TvJO O'CLOCK A.I-1. AND MAKING A VIOLATION THEREOF A IUSDEIIJIEAlJOH AND FIXING T:1E~ PUNISH- MEl!"T THEREFOR AND PROVI DING TEAT SUCH VIOLATION SHALL BE A CAUSE REVOKING OR SUSPENDING LICENSE. AYES: COUNCIL Goodrich, Jordan,Pate,Wentworth,Sanchez NOES: COUNCIL None ABSElJT:COUNCIL Petersen,Hush ., FOR Ordinance No. 627 is presented by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Jordan that Ordinance No. 627 be adopted. ORDIN AN CE NO. 627 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CITY OF GILHOY, CALIFORNIA. AYES: COUNCIL IcfJ:EIJiBERS: .9oodrich,Jordan,Pate,\,'Jentvvorth,Sanchez NOES: COUNCIL I,IErJrBERS: l\One ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: Petersen and Rush City Administrator Carr states that the public hearin~ on the 60-61 budget can be on June 20th if there is a work meetin~ to com- plete Council revievJ of the budget on June 13. 1960. He states :?018 that this will make possible publication of the notice 10 days prior to the hearing. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the public hearin~ for the budget be set for June 20, 1960. City Administrator Carr reports that the sewer advisory committee met and discussed the matter of sewer char~es for labor camps and decided that the sewer charge be figured on the basis of industrial sewage charges. Based on normal per capita usa~e for the ca~acity of the camps,the committee recommends an annual charge of 'dJ300.00 per camp. The committee further recommends that the payment be due on May 1st of each year,that a penalty of tSO.OO be imposed if not paid within 30 days and that service be discon- tinued. The TJlayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for the recommended sewer char~es. The liIayor states t hat the Rascals Carr Club at this time would like to make a presentation. Mr. Mike Defebaugh, representin~ the Rascals Car Club, pre- sents the City of Gilroy with a trophy expressin~ gratitude for cooperation given them by the Council. City Administrator Carr reports that he met with interested parties and discussed conditions of annexation of the Penta costal Dible Institute property adjacent to north City Limits and that they would like to know the Council's feelin~ on the matter. Mr. De Salvo, from Fortune Realty Company in San Jose, repre- senting interested parties in annexation of this property, asks the Council what they could expect in regard to sewer and water services if the property in question were annexed, and if Church Street would be continued across Welburn Avenue and through the Pentacostal property. Discussion is had on the matter. The r,1ayor states t.'1at zoning of the property cannot be done until after annexation but they can probably expect commercial zoning to the front of the property and residential or light in- dustrial at the back of the property. Discussion is had on tantative estimates of sewa~e. water and drainage costs. The Mayor suggests that the interested parties discuss these costs with City Administrator Carr at a later date and also states that this matter should be brought up before the Plannin~ Com- mission for zoning purposes and if very urgent the Council ca~ call a Special Meeting. City Engineer Hanna Jr. gives an estimate of costs to extend a sewer line north and for providing water facilities to a proposed County building in the northern area. Councilman Petersen arrives and takes his seat during the estimates of sewer and water extensions by the City Engineer. Discussion is had on the proposals. The Council is requested to make a decision as to the condi- tions under which the City would be willing to participate in pro- viding these services to the proposed County building if located in the northern area. The Mayor requests City Engineer Hanna Jr. to arrange a meeting with the County Department of Public Works for a decision if they will assume costs for a portion of the extension. City Engineer Hanna Jr. states that he will request a meet- ing but believes that this matter should come before the County Executives Office. A letter from the County Department of Public ~orks is read. Discussion is had on the matter of the County participatin~ to the extent of a six inch sewer main and/or a six inch water main and then if the City wishes to enlarge the system the City would assume the additional cost. 1'oIotion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman ";ientlfwrth and carried that Citv Administrator Carr be instructed to write the County Department of Public ~orks concerning the City's pro- posal, that wherever they locate the proposed County building outside of the City limits the County will be required to parti- cipate to the extent of the cost of installing a six inch sewer line, and if the City wishes to enlarge the system the additional cost would be paid by the City; in reference to water the same would apply unless the County wishes to install their own well. City En~ineer Hanna Jr. recommends a~ainst installation of Of"" , . s' ", I ! ,;,.\y",tl a six inch 2ewer line if the County locates the proposed buildin~ as far as Ht~hland Avenue. T'1e City Attorney pre sents and reads Resolution 1'J o. 568. Mo- tion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth that Resolution No.,568 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 568 RESOLUTIon AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPEHTY n,J THE CITY OF GILROY ON ROSANNA STREET ADJACENT TO THE CITY AUDITOpnJI.I PRO- PER TY Q'j,'NED BY FLOYD JONES. AYES: COUNCIL IiTET.mER.S Goodrich, Jordan,Pate,Petersen,l\Jent'vlorth. and Sanchez. I'JOES: COlIf'JelL r.TET"'IBERS 1J one ABSEN T: COUNCIL T/lEn3ERS Rush ''/, City Administrator Carr requests Council approval for partial payments on contracts for well and for rest rooms at Miller Park. It is decided that no Council action for payments on contracts are necessary when the Council has approved the contract. Letters are read from the Fire Chief and Director of Public ';Jorks Kludt recommending advancement to the next step in the salary range for Hurshel Wingo, Assistant Fire Chief and for Gabriel Filice, Water Foreman, and recommending advancement to the next step in the wage scale for Jesse Vargas, Laborer. ;'"Iotion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Pate and carried that the advancements for Hurshel Wingo, Gabriel Filice, and Jesse Vargas be granted. City Administrator Carr requests Council policy on closing the City offices for State and County elections. The City Attorney reports that it is a state law for city offices to be closed on these elections days. Discussion is had. l'Iotion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the Council adopt a policy to close the City Offices on General and Primary Elections. City Administrator Carr reports that Fire Chief namezane rec- ommends that certain vacant buildings and shacks within the City limits be condemned. The Mayor requests that this recommendation be in writing from the Fire Chief. City Administrator Carr requests establishment of a Oentral and iJJestern Storm Drain Fund. The City Attorney is instructed to prepare a resolutior: estab- lishing the Central and 1.Jestern Stonn Drain Funds. City Administrator Carr requests authority to wirte-off un- collectable water accounts in the amount of ~193.70 with ~120.00 covered by deposi ts. TVlotion by Councilman Pate second by Council- man Petersen and carried that permission be granted to write-off uncollectable water accounts in the amount of 1~193. 70. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce is read requesting for financial support in the amount of ~3,000.00 during the 1960-61 year. No action is necessary since, this amount has been consider- ed in the 1960-61 budget. City Administrator Carr recommends that H. R. Eschenburg be appointed Assistant Director of Finance at a salary of $50.00 per month, beginning June 6, 1960. 1,10tion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to appoint H. R. Eschenburg as Assistant Director of Finance at a salary of ~50.00 h' b . . T f-, lQ (' 0 per mont _eglnnlng uune 0, ,0. A letter is read from Director of Public Works Kludt recommend- ing permanent emplo:t.ee status for Theodore Carpenetti, starting salary to begin at .;P310.00 per month as of June 1, 1960. notion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that Theodore Carpenetti be put on permanent employee status starting June 1, 1960. A letter from San Martin Vineyards Company is read notifyinp; the Council of necessity for change in subdivision plans because of new school site. Discussion is had on this matter. Hotion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman T:Jentit'Jorth ai1d carried that the City Admi~istrator be instructed to write a let- ter to the School District stating that the City Council, subject to present information available to them, is not in favor of block- ing Fourth Street by the new school site west of Filice Drive. }OGl Councilman Petersen states that this could have been pre- vented if the City were closing more annexation. Discussion is had on the matter. TiJater samples taken by the Santa Clara County T{ealth Depart- ment on May 10th, 19th, and 26th are read and are satisfactory. Reports of the Buildinr; Inspector, Police Department, Pound- master and City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Council- man Wentworth and carried that these reports be accepted as read. City Administrator Carr recommends that Susanne E. Payne be temporarily appointed City Auditor for the' purpose of si~ninp: checks because at the present time he is Director of Finance and also City Clerk il'Jhich ,,^Jould mean that 'nis signature would appear til'lice on the checks. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Susanne E. Payne be temporarily appointed City Auditor. Councilman TvientvJOrth requests permission to leave the Council Chambers. Permission ~ranted. T''18 Ci ty Attorney 'presents and rea.ds Hesolution j~o. 569. 110- tion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman ,Jordan that l1eso- lution No. 569 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 569 RESOLUTIon OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY PROVIDIN G T'iA T RANGE 27 BE THE PAY RAlmE APPLYIHG TO THE POSITION OF CHIEF OF POLICE INSTEAD 01" RATJGE 24 AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION HO. 554. AYES: 1,Tembers of the Council: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Sanchez 'NOES: TTembers of the Council: ?Jone ABSEN T: rTembers of the Counci 1: Rush, Hent,,^,orth Resolution No. 570 is presented and read by the City Attorney. Hotion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen that F'eso- lution No. .570 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 570 RESOLUrrrOlJ ACCEIJTI1J (} COT'1,rEYAN" Ci~ FF~Or.-T i\LBERT GTJhI~IES 1\1,1 D LI1I L ~[ GUnnIES TO CITY OF GILROY AYES: COTJN CIL T1EI;TBEaS: Goodrich, ,J ordan, Pate, Petersen, Sancnez TJOES: COUIIJCIL TTEl,l1JERS: :'~one 1\BSE1"~ T: CO~JI,rC 1L :.TEI\'1REI1S:' fl US~rl, -r,',! en ti.^lO rth Resolution TJo. 571 is presented and read by the City Attorney. l;otion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Goodrich that Resolution No. 571 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 571 I1ESOLUTION ACCEPTING COIIVE'!ANCE FRaT,! ROSS SANCHE~ ATTD ELIZABETH SATJCI-IF~Z ~~ YES: COUlrCIIJ Tj:1~rilBEI1S: ?JOES: C01JNCIL MEMBERS: ABSEN T: COUTJ CILHEl:iI3EItS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Sanchez Hone Hush, Uen t1Jvorth I~esolution No. 572 is presented, and read by the City Attor- ney. T:lotion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Pate that TIesoltition I;o. 572 be adopted. EESOLUTIOi: F o. 572 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED FTIOlvI VINCENT TALLOTIICO AND RAF?l\ELA TAL- AHICO, HIS ;iITFE, AND PEPPINO J. FILICE ArJD SAi';JINA FILICE, HIS TJI?E, TO THE CITY OF GILHOY. It YES: COUr~CIL I.TE:T.IBEIiS: ?,j 01:::S : COU1',JC 11 IJTEI.iIBERS: AGSEi:J T: COUT,JeIlJ TJTET!TBEFtS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Sanche~ None Hush. '}ent'\"lorth ,. The Mayor asks if anyone in the audience has anythin~ to say. n ]\10 response. Mayor Sanchez announces that there is a meetin~ with the Di- vision of Hip"h,,^,ay officials on JuneC;th in San Fra,ncisco at 10:00 a.m. to discuss proposed locations for a freeway. City Administrator Carr reports that Pacific Gas and Electric Company have applied to the Public Utilities Cornmissionfor a raise 2..c.:.-;'i""'~'~~~!$'~'!'~z:.:;~f"",~:~~~<"",j.^w;":<-.._".,_,,~,,,.,,j~--:;':';:l:8,:St"-'<!~;;;\<'"'"0J:!.;:""':i!i\!.;0~!!i-: _j.'c;::;;.'J*:;;.ti'.1:l'q:;':..it.:;Wilit~;~f'.\l-;t;',i-;;-":rX-"',;"t;(i:;2~!i;i;p~W'L"f'",,'@;.1d'~~ij-10';;:'':;:',,''''C:V.;j;;:::~'.:I!.:,::~~0aL~::~~'i;!j';;;-f-,Lc:.:SC:2Cii;'i:.; '2>..'~i:c"- ,- "'<~,,?':f:i';~~E:::C::;:",i~;~~l~~'j),i2D~-~it'.:',~'S-,)':! 0()C~q ,;:.. { d.:..l in gas rates and that hearings will be held in San Francisco on June 15th, 16th, 17th, 1960 should interested parties wish to attend. IVlotion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that this meetinp; adjourn to June 13th at R:OO p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, Gilroy, California.. 't, /" //, (J .. ~/ U /- J (I l Ir / Ci ty \..Ilerk l