Minutes 1960/12/19 r 2085 :Gilroy, California December 19, 1960 \ This regular monthly meeting of the City Counci I is cal~ed to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Council Members: Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, Courtland M. Rush; Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. The Mayor now calls.for the opening of the bids for removal or demolition of the house at Ous~ey Park. City Administrator Carr reports that there were no bids received. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the City crew is scheduled to demolish the house at Ousley Park tomorrow. The Mayor now calls for the opening 6f.the bids for purchase of a six inch dewatering pump. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch opens the bids and they read as follows~ I. -Edward R. Bacon Company - $3,707.00 Including sales tax, 2. Bay Cities Equipment Inc. - $3,823.01 Including-sales tax, 3. \ Cascade Pump Company - $3,475.00, 4. Chappell Pump Company - $4,444;00. Discussion is had on the requirements for the length of suction hose in the 000rr" ,,;.... ~J (] specifications of the dewatering pump. Director of Pub 1 i c Works K l:ud.t 'Sugges ts that the City negot i,ate with the low bidder on fo~tage of d i scha rge and s~ction requ i;rements of the de- watering pump. . Further discussion is had. . , Counci lITian Rush asks Purchasing. Agent Reinsch :the .nameof the pump that the Cas:cade Pump COlTlJlany bid on. Purchas+ng Agent Reinsch'leaves tne.C.ounci 1 Chambers to obtain the brand name of the six inch dewatering'pump,as submitted by Cascade Pump Co. City Administrator .Carr reads. .an :appl ication fQr ,tr:a/,!sferq-f Qff!"" Sale Beer and Wine License to Bruno J. and Rose Matteucci for Carlo Delica- tessen at 415 North Monterey Street. The .Mayor asks Chief of Pol iree Laizure if he has any obj'ection to thisapplicathm. Cihief of Police Laizure states that he has no objection. A letter from San Martin Vineyards Company is read. :requestin.g init- iation of proceedings for annexation of pr9perty on H.ecker P.ass Hi9hway. City Administrator Carr states that the City Attorney has the des- cr i pt i on and maps of th is terr i tory, and file .agfeement wi th the 'Cemeter.y Association for installation:of cUl"bs" :gutters, :and sidewal.ks i's prepared. The City Attorney reports that the~-next step is to'n~fer this matter to the Boundary.Commission. ::: ,j{ , City Admini.strauorCarr reports: tnat he will obtain the agreement and wi 11 de 1 i ver it to the Masons and I.O.O.F. Cemetery ASioc i at i on for thei r spprova I. Discussion is had on the possibility.of Qfferin9 the same agreement to the Cathol ic 'Cemetery Association. ,. City Administrator Carr is instructed to offer the curb, gutter, and sidewalk agreement to the Catholic Cemetery Association. Purchasing Agent Reinsch reports that Cascade Pump Company Ibid on the Jaccuzzi Pump. If . . Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the two low bids be held for study pending a report fr,om the Department of Public Works and the remaining bids be returned. A letter from the,Planning Commission is read regarding the follow- ing: a. circulation element of the General Plan, b. Drainage element of the General Plan, c. Official plan Jines on Miller Slough, d. Capital Improve- ments Program, .and i e. Progress report on off-street parking requi rements. City Administrator Carr also reads Resolution No. 221 of the Plan- ning Commission. City Administrator Carr reports that the traffic circulation ele- ment of the General, Plan is now changed.from Seventh to Tenth Street. Dis- cussion is had. . The Mayor asks if the publication called for Seventh Street being a four lane thoroughfare. Director of Public Works Kludt states that this was not in the pub- 1 i ca t i on 1 The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 594. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Rush that Resolution No. 594 be adopted. ] ~ I I ..... RESOLUTION NO. 594 RESOLUTION FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON ADOPTION OF CIRCULATION TER OR GENERAL PLAN. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day AYES: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: ELEMENT OF MAS- NOES: ABSENT: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: of December, 1960, by the following vote: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Went- worth, Rush, and Sanchez. None None The Mayor asks Director of Public Works Kludt to explain the drainage element map of the General Plan. The Mayor states that there is no need for action at this time on items b, c, d, & e, of the Planning Commission report. City Engineer Hanna Jr. explains the drainage element of the General ~ ~ Plan. The Mayor explains that the short term of some of the members of Boards and Commissions expire January 1, 1961, and suggests that these mem- bers be reappointed for full terms. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Pate and carried that the following members be reappointed to a full term: Armand White - Li- brary and Culture Commission, Donald Strahl - Personnel Commission, E. J. Mar- tin - Planning Commission, and George A. Parrish - Recreation Commission. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to notify these members on their reappointment for a full term. A letter from Chief of Police Laizure is read recommending that Pa~ rolman Gus Steele be advanced to the next step in the salary range from $395.00 to $415.00, effective January 1, 1961. ,') 0 0 ,..., :.. ;1, Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that Patrolman Gus Steele be advanced to the next step in the salary range from $395.00 to $415.00 effective January 1, 1961. A letter and report from the State Department of Public Health on the City Wa~er System is read. The State recommends chlorination of the reservoir and repair of the 18" wire netting around the reservoir as a protection against rodents. Discussion is had. Director of Public Works Kludt suggests that the City investigate the possibility of chlorinating the reservoir and states that the 18" wire netting will be repaired. The Mayor instructs City Admimstrator Carr to write a letter to the State Department of Public Health to inform them that a complete study is being made of their report. At this time the Mayor calls for Initration of proceedings for annex- ation of an area south of Tenth Street as uninhabited territory. City Administrator Carr reports that the petition and necessary maps of the proposed annexation have not been received by the City Attorney. A letter is read from the Association of Bay Area Governments announ- cing a meeting on pending legislation effecting bay area cities. Water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department are presented and read. City Administrator Carr reports that all samples are satisfactory except samples taken at well #4, that this well is not in opera- tion and that steps are being taken to bring this well up to standard. Councilman Wentworth asks when the sewer farm road is going to be repaired. Director of Public Works Kludt states that this repair is scheduled to begin next week. The Mayor asks representatives from the school district who are present in the audience if they have anything to be discussed before the Council. Mr. Emerson, Supt. of Schools, states that they wanted to hear the discussion of official plan lines for Miller Slough. The Mayor states that no action was taken on that matter this evening. The Mayor reports on a Highway Commission meeting in Sacramento that Councilman Petersen, City Administrator Carr, Dr. E. Chesbro, and he attended concerning the proposed freeway. He states that there will be a hearing be- fore the Highway Commission in San Jose on January 27, 1961 on the proposed route between Thomas and Ford ,Roads. Councilman Petersen states as a point of information that this will be the first time that a route for this proposed freeway has been discussed be- fore the Highway Commission. City Engineer Hanna Jr. suggests that copies of the several letters from interested parties concerning the freeway be put before the Highway Commission on January 27th. The Mayor wishes everyone present a Merry Christmas. The Mayor asks Chief of Police Laizure if he has anything to be discussed before the Council. Chief of Police Laizure states that he has nothing at this time. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Good~ich and carried that this Council Meeting adjourn. .,,~~ ~.r~ City Clerk