Minutes 1961/02/06 " . 2102 Gilroy, Cal~forn~a February. 6, 1961 This regular monthly meeting of the City Council is ,called to order by His ~onor SigSanchez. Present: Co.un.ci I Members: Norman Goodrich, .Wllford E. :Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, CourtlandM. Rush, Everett C. Wentworth, and Slg Sanchez. The Mayor asks if all Councl.lmen have received copies of the min- utes of the. .regular monthly meetings of January 2nd and January 16., 1961. All Councilmen answer In the affirmative. The Mayor now asks If there are any errors or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omis- . sions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular month- ly meeting of January 2nd and January 16, 1961 approved. The Mayor states that this is the time and place for the con- tinued hearing on the Traffic Circulation Element of the General Plan which was held over until this meeting for futher study. The Mayor asks if anyone in the audience wishes to speak for or against the proposal. Mr. Al Wilkerson, who resides at 441 Tenth Street addresses the Council and states that he is representing a. group of property owners who are against the proposal of Tenth Street being a minor thoroughfare. He states that there would be too much traffic In front of their homes. . Discussion is had on the matter. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Pate and carried that this public hearing be closed. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 59~. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Pate and carried that Resolution No. 599 be adopted. ;1 ...J RESOLUTION. NO. 599 RESOLUTION OF THE ,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING CIRCULATION ELE- MENT OF THE GENERAL OR MASTER PLAN. PASSED A~DADOPTED this 6th day of r-ebruary, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: none .. The Mayors ta tes that th is is the time and pI ace for the hear i ng on the proposed annexation of the F~ rst Southern Addi t i on. The Mayor asks if anyone .In the audi ence wi shes to speak for or against the proposed annexation. No one appeared to speak either for or against the proposal. The City Attorney. presents and reads Ordinance No. 643. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Ord- inance No. 643 be adopted. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 643 AN ORDJNANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ALTERATIONS OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY THE ANNEXATION THERETO OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO BE KNOWN AS FIRST SOUTHERN ADD I TI ON TO THE CITY OF GILROY, AND FOR THE I NCOR- PORATION OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY IN AND AS A PART OF SUCH MUNICIPALITY FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL CONTROL OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY. PASSED AND ADOPTED the 6th day of February, 1961 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCJL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None A notice of application is read for "off-salell beer and wine li- cense for Carl A. and Mary L. Blackledge of Farm Fresh Produce Market at 296 South Monterey Street. City Administrator Carr reports thGltthe Police. Department has no objection to this application. A letter is read from Gi lroy Union High School. requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium free of charge. Moti on by Counc i 1 man Goodr i ch second by Counc II man Jordan and carried that Gilroy Union High School be granted permission to use Wheeler Auditorium free of charge for the Dramatic Club performances. A letter is read from the Pentecostal Bible College requesting use of Wheeler Auditorium for graduation ceremony on June 2, 1961. Motion by Counci Iman Wentworth second by Councilman Pate and car- ried that the Pentecostal Bible College be granted permission to use Whee- ler Auditorium on June 2, 1961 free of charge. ~ -....J 210B I...... The Mayor asks Rev. Moon of the Pentecostal Bible College If he wishes to discuss this matter with the Council.' Rev. Moon thanks the Council for granting his request. A letter is read from the University of California Agricultural Extension Service Offices of Santa Clara and San Benito Counties for use of Wheeler Auditorium for row crop growers meeting on Thursday, March 16, 1961 . Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Pate and carried that the Agricultural Extension Service be granted permission to use Whee- ler Auditorium free of charge on March 16, 1961. A petition Is read from certain property owners requesting exclu- sion of their property from the proposed parking district. The City Attorney states that this petition should be placed on fi Ie and presented again at the time of the hearing on the proposed parking district. The Mayor requests that this petltton be placed on file for future reference. A letter Is read from the Planning Commission reporting on the proposed drainage element of the General Plan. City Engineer Hanna Jr. explains the proposed drainage element of the General Plan. The Mayor calls on the Off-Street Parking District Chairman, Mr. Jim Pray, to explain what Mr. Ernest Wilson, Attorney, retained by the Off- Street, Parking Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, will present at this time regarding the procedure to follow in the formati~n of a parking dis- trict. Mr. Pray states that Mr. Wilson will discuss the proposed parking district ordinance presented by the firm. Mr. Wilson comes forward and explains the proposed ordinance in ".. ~ I I detai I . _",J Discussion is had. After discussion of the proposed ordinance the Mayor asks Mr. Pray if the Off-Street Parking Committee has any proposed plan for the Counci I to follow. 'Mr. Pray states, that their only request at this time is to have the proposed ordinance adopted. The Mayor states that this proposed ordinance will be tabled at this time in order for the City Attorney to.study.and present it for intro- duction at the next regular ,Council meeting; The Mayor thanks Mr. Wilson for his explanation. City Administrator Carr notifies Mr. Wilson of certain necessary changes to be made in the proposed ordinance. A letter is read from Bonanza Corporation requesting a use permit for a service station at Tenth and Monterey Streets. Mr. Smi th, representi ngBonanza Corporat ion is present and re- quests that a use permit be granted as soon as possible. The City Attorney states that this request must be referroed to the Planning Commission for recommendation before the Council can grant a use permit on this property. Discussion is had concerning possible special meetings of the Plan- ning Commission and Council In order to discuss the use permit request of Eonanza 'Corporation. The Mayor states that the Planning Comm,ission and Counci 1 wi 11 meet on Thursday, February 9, 1961, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss this matter. The letter from the Planning Commission is read reporting on the site for centralized recreation, off-street parking ordinance, and fire protection in annexed areas. City Administrator Carr reports that theronly action necessary concerning the Planning Commission report Is on the fire protection in an- nexed areas. He suggests that a representative from the Board of Fire Underwriters be contacted to discuss this matter with the Council. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to contact the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau to have one of their representatives meet with the Counc i 1 at a work meeting. A letter Is read from the Personnel Commission recommending over- time pay for police clerk when called after working hours. Mot i on by Counc i I man Petersen second by Counc i I man Jordan and carried that overtime pay in the amount of .$5.00 per call be allowed for the police clerk when called after working hours. The City Attorney presents and .reads OrdtnanceNo. 644.' Mot i O'l by Councilman Goodrich second by'Councilman Pate that Ordinance No. 644 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 644 ORDI NANCE.OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTI ON 71 Of ORDINANCE NO. 480 2104 (TRAFFIC ORDINANCE) ESTABLISHING INTERSECTIONS AND OTHER PLACES IN THE CITY OF GILROY AT WHICH STOP SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED STOPPING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC IN THE CITY OF GILROY BY REQUIRING STOP SIGNS TO BE PLACED ON EIGLEBERRY STREET AT BOTH THE NORTH AND SOUTH ENTRANCES TO FIFTH STREET, STOPPING NORTH AND SOUTH BOUND TRAFFic AT SAID INTERSECTION. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 6th day of February, 1961, by the fiollowing vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 600. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen that Resolution No. 600 be adopted. ........ RESOLUTION NO. 600 RESOLUTION TERMINATING LIABILITY UNDER BOND GIVEN FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE OF OBLI GATI ONS OF COAST COUNT I ES GAS AND ELECTR I C COMPANY, ASSUMED BY PAC I F I C GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY IN FRANGHISE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCES NO. 453 AND NO. 454, AND RELEASING SURETY UNDER SAID BONDS FROM .ALl LIABILITY. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None A letter is read from the Board of Supervisors requesting adoption of a resolution by the City Council endorsing the proposed $70,000,000.00 Bond issue for the County Expressway System. Motion by Counci lman Pate second by CouncIlman Wentworth and car- ried that the proposed resolution be tabled and presented at the next reg- ular Council meeting. Director of Public Works Kludt is instructed to present the facts conoe:ming the Bond Issue when speaking before the various organizations and to make no recommendation on this Bond Issue. Letters from the National Guard Office and from Congressman Gubser are read regarding the acreage required for armory sites. Discussion is had on the possibility of investigating the nego- tiation of a new lease with the National Guard for use of Wheeler Auditorium for rental Increase. The Mayor instructs CLty Administrator Carr to contact the Nation- al Guard for investigation of a proposed new rental lease to be brought up at the next meeting. City Engineer Hanna Jr. gives preliminary estimates on the proposed South West Outfall Sewer line. Discussion Is had. Finance Director Carr requests Council decision on a proposed change in plans for money on time deposit with the local banks. He recom- mends that the time deposits that are now on a six months basis be placedoon a three months basis. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the money on time deposits with the local banks be placed on a three months basis. City Administrator Carr requests Council policy on proposed legis- lation to increase gasoline taxes or in-lieu taxes to finance street defici- encies. He states that letters were mailed to each Council member explain- ing the proposed legislation. Discussion is had on the matter. All Council members are In favor of Increasing in-lieu .tax reven- ues for this purpose. Letters are read from the Personnel Director recommending that Ceci lIe Kirk's salary be increased from $295.00 to $310.00 and from the Police Department recommending that Eugene Jewell IS salary be increased from $436.00 to $458.00. City Administrator Carr states that he approves these recommend~ tions. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and ca~ ried that Cecille Kirk be advanced to the next step in her salary range from $295.00 to $310.00, and that Eugene Jewell be advanced to the next step in his salary range from $436.00 to $458.00 as recommended. A letter from Firman Voorhies is read informing the Council of the availability of property near the Golf Course. Discussion is had. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to discuss the details with Mr. Howard Smith, representing Firman Voorhies Real Estate, take the matter up with Vernon Brown, Pro at the Golf Course, for possibIlity of a pr~ posed additional nine hole course on this property, and report back to the ~ , ... ~ i ~ o -1 0-' ~'1. ;) Council with the information, obtained. ~eports of the Building Inspector and reports of receipts of City Officers are presented and read. The report of the Police Department and Poundmaster are submitted to each Council member. City Administrator Carr thanks Chief of Police Laizure for prepar- Ing the Poundmaster's report. City Administrator Carr requests that the agreement for anr'lexation of the Cemetery Association be amended to state that the cemetery will be treated as a dedicated cemetery. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Jordan and car- ried that the amendment as requested be embodied In the agreement. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the reports of the Building Inspector, Poundmaster, Police Department and reports of receipts of City Officers be accepted as read. The Mayor reports that there will be a Planning Commission meeting on February 16th for a public hearing on the Drainage Element of the General Plan. . The Mayor also reports that there is a City Manager's Convention in Fresno'on February 15th to 17th and assumes that City Administrator Carr will attend. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Pate and carried that this Council meeting adjourn to February 9, 1961, at 7:30 p.m.~ ) /'" .---- tel /(( ^..:!'t.{. c/~! Clerk i1 ,...----, Y-7 Y /' /1. /1<1 l' ! / ,./, (.J }Ch'1 t.{_, City