Minutes 1961/05/05 n-1 ()f' ,~:.L ..:..; ,,) G i I roy, Ca II forn i a May 5, 1961 This specialmee,ti.ng o,f th,e City Council Is call~lq t9prd~rby His" Honor Sig Sanchei at'I:OO P.M.' . Present: Counci I Members: Norman B. Goodri'ch, Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F.' Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Si.g ~anchez. Absent; Counc i 1 Members: George T. Duff in and'Wi I ford E. Jordan. The Mayor states that the purpose of this m~e,tlng, ,is tode~ermine the reason for the low bid of George C. Renz Constructi.on Company exceeding the budget estimate for construction of new pavement on Eiglebwrry Street between Ninth and Tenth Streets. The Mayor calls on Director of Public Works Kludt to give his report of the study made by City Engineer Hanna Jr. and himself. Director of Public Works Kludt expfains that the bud'get estimcHe for this project was low and was based on the bid for the ~~lburn Avenue Project and that the Elgleberry Street project entails $1,896.00 extra for headers, tree removal, increase in overhead, seal coating, etc. that were not included in the Welburn Avenue Project. Discussion lS had. Motion by"Councllman Wentworth second by Councl jrpan Petersen and car- ried that the low bid of George C. Renz'Construction Company in the amount of $7,289.16 be awarded for construction of new pavement on Elgleberry Stre~t between Ninth and Tenth Streets. Motion by Co'unci.lman Petersen' s!econd by Councilman Goodrich and car- ried that this Council meeting adjourn. . .' ....i) \: ') )'1L-) a 1}/'PZA../ C;./ ;i'L-j/'),,-^ j: , City Clerk! .