Minutes 1961/12/04 216f) , ' '- 'I G II roy ,Ca II forn I a December 4, 1961 This regular monthly meeting of the City Council is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Wil- ford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Council Member: ~harlesF. Quartiroli. The Mayor asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the regular meetings of November 6th and 20th and the special meeting of November 8, 1961. All Councilmen answer In the affirmative. The Mayor now asks If there are any errors or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular meetings of November 6th and 20th and the special meeting of November 8, 1961 approved. The Mayor states that this Is the time and place for the public hearing on establishing of "S" Zones in "BII, IIC", "C-l", and "011 Districts and asks if any- one in the audience wishes to speak'for or against the proposal. There is no res- ponse from the audience. The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance establ ishlng "SII Zones in IIB", "C", hC-lN-and '~DH.Dlsti-lcts. Motion by Counci fman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the proposed ordinance establishing IISII Districts be Introduced and published by title and summary. City Administrator Carr reports that an emergency interim ordinance pr~ hibiting issuance of a building permit unless conforming to the proposed regula- t ions for "SI1 Zones has been prepared if the Counci I wi sh to 'adopt it. Discussion is had. The City Attorney presents and reads Ordinance No. 668. Motion by Counci lman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that Ordinance No. 668 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 668, EMERGENCY OR INTERIM ORDINANCE ORDERING AND DIRECTING THAT NO BUILDING PERMITS BE ISSUED FOR DWELLINGS OR OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF GILROY WHICH 00 NOT COM- PLY WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS IN PROPOSED ORDINANCE NOW PENDING BEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, DEFINING AND DESCRIBING liS" DISTRICTS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1961, by the following vQte: [.. ... ... :'i I.......; ri , I I I , 1..,,,..1 2167 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffln,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Wentworth, and Sanchez. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Quartiroli ~ City Administrator Carr reads an application for transfer of On-Sale Liquor License for the Sportsman1s Club at 31 South Monterey Street from Pasquale Yacovonl and Thomas P. White and reports that he has received no objection to this transfer from the Police Department. The Council has no objections to this request for transfer of On-Sale Liquor License. City Administrator Carr reports that the Recreation Commission has requested that a portion of the money budgeted for purchase of Christmas Hill Park be spent for a survey and topo map of certain areas and planning. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Counci lman Wentworth and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to work with the Recreation Commission to develop a master plan for Christmas Hill Park and that the balance of funds pre- viously budgeted for purchase of the property be allocated for this purpose. City Administrator Carr presents and explains a survey of sewer charges in neighboring cities. Discussion is had. It Is the opinion of all Counci 1 members that this matter be discussed again on April I, 1962 in order to give ample time for further investigation of the necessity for the proposed sewer charges. The City Attorney presents and re~ds a proposed ordinance regulating parking on a portion of I.O.O.F. and Murray Avenues. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the proposed ordinance regulating parking on I .o.o.r. and Murray Avenues be intr~ duced and published by title and summary. City Administrator Carr presents a proposal to lease land on Christmas Hill Park property. The Mayor suggests that this matter be advertised for bids on a one year cash basis. Discussion is had on proposed annexation of this property after 2/5 of the property is purchased. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that bids be advertised for lease of Christmas Hill Park property on a one year cash basis for opening of bids on January 2, 1962. The Mayor reports that he contacted the Commission members for terms expiring January 1, 1962 and they are all willing to serve another term. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the following members of the Commissions whose terms expire January I, 1962, be reappointed for a full 4 year term expiring January I, 1966. . PLANNING COMMISSION RECREATION COMMISSION PERSONNEL COMMISSION Marvin Brodersen Ben Gutierrez Mlchael.A. Filice Chester Eckard Mrs. Celeste Zamzow Lawrence Keller LIBRARY AND CULTURE COMMISSION Rev. Ernest Tufft Mrs. Vernie Cowardin The Mayor suggests that Gonzalo "Steve" Valencia be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission created by the resignation of Floyd Emerson for the unexpl red term unti I January I, 1964. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Mr. Gonzalo "Steve" Valencia be appointed to serve on the Parks and Recreation Com- mission for the unexpired term of Floyd Emerson, expiring January 1, 1964. A letter is read from the Municipal Fire Defense Institute Inviting the City of Gilroy to join their organization. City Administrator Carr explains the purpose ~nd benefits of this Institute and recommends that the City join this organization. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Goodrich and, carried that the City join the Municipal Fire Defense Institute. The Mayor states that all Council Members have copies of the reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department, Poundmaster, receipts of City Officers, pro- gress reports of projects completed or under way during the month of November and anticipated to begin In December, and the financial report for November 1961. The Mayor calls on Mr. Ed Hanna and Mr. Lester Bisho who are present in the audience and asks them if they have anything to discuss before this Council meeting. Mr. Hanna states that they would like to discuss a matter with the Council after adjournment. Personnel Director Reinsch reports that he has received 19 accepted applica- tions for the Building Inspector1s written examination to be held on December 8, 1961 . Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the Building Department issued () -1 ~ 0.) ~.: J.. u C) permits for half a million dollars in valuqtion during the month of November. Councilman Duffin asks progress, if any,at,the Trafflcways Committee Meet- ings. Representative Kludt reports on important matters at the 1.ast Trafficways Committee Meeting. Councilman Jordan asks about the water situation. City Administrator Carr reports that the water level of the wells is about the same as June of this year. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the reports of City Dfficers be accepted as submitted. Councilman Duffin states that a new law will be effective January 1963 re- quiring all high school districts to form or belong to a Junior College District and states that we should be thinking about this in advance. Mr. Ed Hanna addresses the Council and states that Is why he and Mr. Bisho are present. Councilman Jordan ,asks about the accident survey at Fourth and Rosanna Streets since the Yield-Right of Way crossings were painted at this intersection. Chief of Police Laizure reports that there has not been any accidents at this partlcul~r intersection since the crosswalks were painted. He states that there has been one minor accident at the intersection of Martin and Railroad Streets where crosswalks were painted in the same manner. He states that he will have a report regarding this matter In January. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch requests Council IS wishes for a Chris- tmas gift for City employees. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman ~entworth and carried that the Council give the City employees a turkey or merchandise of the same value for a Christmas gift, as budgeted. Chief of Police Laizure reports that the Police Department booking-room is now being painted by the City crew. Chief Laizure reports that the slides showing the activities of the Police Department have been viewed by over two hundred people. He states that a different set of slides will be shown to the school students later. City Administrator Carr shows the Council photographs that he took of Monterey Street traffic after the races at Laguna Seca. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. d~0.fi:r.) . City Clerk