Minutes 1962/09/17 2' 019 '.i.J 1. Gilroy, California September .17, 1962 This regular monthly meeting Is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez at 8:15 p.m. Present: Council Members~ George T. Duffin, Norman Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C.Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. ,Absent: .counci 1. Member: Kenneth L. Petersen. The Mayor states that this Is the time and place for opening of bids for improvement of First and Carmel Street intersection. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that 2 bids were received. City Engi neer Hanna Jr. opens the bids and they read as follows: 1.. Samuel R. Spencer - $3,205.00; 2. George C. Renz Construction Company - $2,930.00. The Mayor asks that the low bid be referred to the City Attorney for checking. Councilman Petersen enters and takes his seat at the Council table. The City Attorney reports that th~ low bid of Geor8e C. Renz Construction Company Is in order. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman ~entworth an~ carried that the bid of George C. Renz Construction Company In the amount of $2,930.00 be awarded for improvement of the, intersection of First and Carmel Street. The Mayor introduces Miss Linda Dal Bon recently hired as Account Clerk for the City. The Mayor states that this Is the time and place scheduled for the continued public hearing for setting of official plan lines on Ninth Street and declares the public hearing open. He calls on Director of Public Works Kludt to report on any information available regarding this hearing. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that he h~s prepared an economic feasibility study on the extension of Ninth Street to Tenth Str~et and Church, previously recommended by the Planning Commission on March 2, 196~~on the extension of Tenth Street straight through to Pacheco Pass. He distr~tes copies of his study to ~ach Council Member. Discussion is had. It ts the Counci Is~ opinion that extension of Tenth Street should be the recommended route. Discussion is had regarding. construction of the portion of either street which lies beyond the City limits. City Engineer Hanna Jr. reports that th~ State should be informed that which ever route is, adopted the portion, beyond t~e City limits should be con- structed to State specifications and paid for by them. Discussion is had., Motion by Councilman Duffin second, byCou~cilman Wentworth and carried that the matter of setting ppecise plan lines be referred to the Planning Com- mission for further study and recommended their consideration of; the extension of Tenth Street and that the public hearing for the setting of official plan lines on Ninth Street be continued to November 19, 1962. The Mayor asks if anyone in the audience wishes, to sJileak fooJor against the proposa I . Mrs. Carmen Mangano addresses the Council and states that jt is her opinion and the neighborhood',s opini,on that the lienth Street rOtJteshould be the-designated route. Mr. John Cimino questions the matter of el~her route being too close to a schoo.!. Mr. Heredia asks if the Ninth Street route Is going to be set tonight. The Mayor states that it will be held in abeyance. The report of the Planning Commission is read notifying the Council of 2220 the filing of a tentative map on a proposed subdivision on'MurrayiAvenue, filing of a tentative map on a proposed subdivision south of Tenth 'Street on the Bonanza property, and notification of a public hearing before the Planning Commission on October 4, 1962 on the proposed adoption of official plan lines for the extension of Church Street to Carlyle Avenue. Director of Public Works Kludt explains that the Planning Commissions' reason for rejecting the tenative map of the proposed subdivision on Murray Avenue was the flood condition in this area. Discussion Is had. H'e also explains that the Commission accepted lots I through ZIon the tentative map of the proposed subdivision on the Bonanza property. Director of Public Works Kludt explains the precise plan lines on the proposed extension of Church Street to be presented at the public hearing be- fore the Planning Commission. The Mayor calls on Mr. E. D. Martin, Planning Commissioner. Mr. Martin reports that he believes the Commission to be in agreement with the Tenth Street route for setting of official plan lines as opposed to the Ninth Street route previously recommended. Ordinance No. 685 is presented. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartlroli that the reading Ordinance No. 685 be waived and that it be adopted. ;><"""$, ....""'" ORDINANCE NO~ 685 r. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTjONS 12.30, 12.31:AND 12.32 OF T HE GILROY CJTY CODE REGULATING THE PLACEMENT OF GARDEN REFUSE FOR SYSTEMATIC COLLECT! ON. PASSED_~AND ADOPTED th is 17th day of September, 1962, by the fo II owi ng vote: AYES.: '~ COUNC I LMEMBERS: Duffi n ,Goodr i ch ,Jordan, Petersen ,Quart I ro Ii, Wentworth, , '- .--.--' and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCllMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ordinance No.686 is presented. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that the reading of Ordinance No. 686 be waived and that it be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 686 AN ORDI NANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDI NG SECTION 15.41 OF THE G,llROY CITY CODE BY DESIGNATING FOUR ADDITIONAL INTERSECTIONS OR PLACES AT WHICH VEHICLES OR DRIVERS OF VEHICLES SHALL STOP AND AT WHICH STOP SIGNS SHAll BE PLACED. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of September" 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None """-' Ordinance No. 687 is presented. Motion by Councilman Quartlroli second by Counci Iman Petersen that the read,ing of Ordinance No. 687 be walv,d and that it be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 687 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.69 OF THE GILROY. CITY CODE RESTRICTING PARKING OF VEHICLES ON RAILROAD STREET, I.O.O.F. AND MURRAY AVENUES. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of September, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCil MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Carr requests Council decision on scheduling of cer- ta i n items dln the budget. He states that the purchase of a proposed site for a new fire house is in the budget. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the Fire Department recom- mended that a site be purchased on Wayland Lane, however they would be In agree- ment to a site on Wren Avenue. Discussion Is had regarding purchase of a proposed I acre site. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that City Administrator Carr,. Fire Chief Ramezane, and Director of Public Works Kludt be instructed to present recommended sites for the proposed fire house. City Administrator Carr states that a Packer truck is also in the '.-__,4 budget. 2221 , .... Director of Public Works Kludt states that he would rather see the purchase of a loader truck because of easier operation and less maintenance problem. Discussion is had. It is the Councils' wish that estimates be obtained for a; Packer truck, a loader truck, and a Front Packer before a decision is made. City Administrator reports that $300.00 was also budgeted for an Incinera- tor at the City Hall however, an approved incinerator Is approximately $750.00 and the present incinerator m!ist be discontinued soon because of Air Pollution regulations. Discussion is had. It is the Councils' feeling that purchase of an approved incinerator be forgotten and that if necessary the City Hall rubbish be disposed of by garbage s~rvice. City Administrator Carr reports that the Chief of, POlice has recommended that a card room license be granted to Roland A. Cantando at 19 South Monterey Street. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth aod carried that a card room license be granted to Roland A. Cantando at 19 South Monterey Street. OityAdministrator Carr presents rules and regulations for dances in the City of Gilroy and specifically at Wheeler Audltoriu~. He explains that these regulations should be discussed and a specific policy decided upon regarding rules and regulations for all dances. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by. Councilman Wentworth and carried that this matter be held in abeyance. Mr. John Cimino addresses the Council and'asks about parking restrictions on Railroad Street as determined by Ordinance No. 687. The Mayor explains that Ordinance No. 687 authorizes additional parking time on portions of Railroad Street. The Mayor reports that Jim Pray, Chairman of the Off-Street Parking Com- mittee, informed, him that the Chamber of Commerce authorized a $500.00 expendi- ture to hire someone to complete the sign up for the down town parkingdiS- trict. City,Admlnlstrator Carr presents and reads ResQlution No. 706. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Quartiroli that Resolution No. 706 be adopted. '1 , ' ~ ",,-P-"'--:.'ll RESOLUTION NO. 706 RESOLUTION,OF THE CITY,OF GilROY DECLARING THAT PROJECT FOR THE PROCURING AND INSTALLATION OF SIX INCH WATER MAIN ON OLD GILiOY ST~EET,FROM 'EAST STREET TO EAST NINTH STREET CAN BE DQNE MORE ECONOMICAllY BY DAY LABOR AND THE MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES FURNISHED AT ,p.. L-oWERPRICE ON THE OPEN MARKET THANiCAN BE OBr~lN- ED BY SUBMITTlMG THE PROJECT TO BIDS. PASSED AND .ADOPTED the 17th day of. September, 1:962 by thefo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: COUNC Il MEMBERS: Duff In ,Goodr ich ,Jordan, Petersen"Quart i ro I i ,Wen tworth, :and Sanchez. NOES: COUNClt MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ........ -... City A.dministrator Carr: recommends the, f'ol1owi,ng employees, be advanced to the next step in their respective salary ranges effective October I, 1962: CadetChris..Charvez Jr. Ral1lge II, !$281.00,~to $295dilO;Utl] ity Man'~ Silvio Dal Bon, Range l7, $415.00 to $436.00; and Utility Man, Jesus Ramirez, Range l7, $395.00 to $415.00. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Goodrich, and carried that Chris Charvez Jr., Silvio Dal Bon, and Jesus,Ramlrez be advanced to the next step in their salary ranges, effective October 1, 1962 as recommended. City Administrator Carr reads a request from Purchasing Agent Reinsch for approval to purchase water meters. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the request to purchase water meters be granted. City Administrator Carr reports that there Is a drainage problem at Christmas Hill Park that should be corrected by the County Department of Public Works. Discussion is had. The Mayor directs him to continue negotiating with the County by offer- ing the County right-of-way If they will construct a ditch to correct the existing problem. All Councilmen agree. City Administrator Carr reports that he has received a request from the Chief of Police to enforce the state law prohibiting vehicles to park on the wrong side of the street in residential districts. Discussion is had. All Councilmen agree that the State law prohibiting parking of vehicles on the wrong side of the street ina residential district be enforced. Chief ,h"--"""'t ] I ! 2222 Laizure reports that'warning notices will be used for an unlimited time be- f.ore citations for this violation are actually issued. A letter is read from the Commission on Peace Officer's Standards and Training regarding reimbursement for police officer's training. A letter .is read from the City of Hollister thanking the Council for participation in their Air Fair. A letter from Gonzalo S. Valencia is read submitting his resignatioh immediately as a member of the I!arks and Recreation Commission. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman, Petersen and carried that Gonzalo S. Valencia's resignation be accepted. The Mayor in- structs City Administrator Carr ta send Mr. Valencia a letter thanking him for serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Mayor s ta tes tha,t a II Counc I I Members have rece I ved copi es' of the City Auditor's report of disbursements from August 10th to September 10, 1962. Discussion is had re~arding the construction work paid for by the City at the Hecker Pass Inn. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the City has compJeted its obligation, for work done In front of the Hecker Pass Inn. Discussion is had regarding the irregular driveway approach in front of the Hecker Pass Inn property. The Mayor states that the construction should be completed to the east end of the driveway and not to the west end as it was done. The Mayor instructs. Director of Public Works Kludt to~ prepare an es t i mate for rea 1 i gnment of the dr.i veway approach on the Hecker Pass Inn property. Councilman Petersen reports that Joe Lazaneo Jr. has requested that the street be paved on South Dowdy in front of his duplexes. Discussion Is had. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt reports that he has talked to Joe Lazaneo Jr. regarding this problem and he has agreed to Improve the corner lot after such time the City can require that the property owners on the opposite side of the street to install curb and gutters and then the City will be in a position to pave the street. Discussion is had regarding progress of the proposed annexation north of Gilroy. Councilman Quartirolj asks why the swimming pool was closed on the Saturday before Labor Day without advance notification to the public. DiscussiOn is had on this matter. Discussion is had regarding hirIng of a full-time Recreation Direc- tor during the summer. ' The City Attorney requests permission to leave this meeting. Per- mission is granted. Director of Pub Ii c Works Kludt. reports that Joe leon has reques ted sewage facilities for his property at 544 East Sixth Street and that he:is willing to pay $320.00 for his front foot charges. : He states that since this is an unbudgeted item and if funds are not avai lable Mr. leon wi II be requl red to pay his cost and Budget Homes wi 11 have to pay the balance. He requests permission to contact the other pro- perty owners, now using septic tanks,. to determine if. they will want the service if available. The Mayor instructs Director of Public Works Kludt to proceed on this matter. Mati on by carried that this Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Council Meeting adjourn. Petersen and 11:10 P.M. .../ ' 1',' '\ --K) )7~A.?IJ/Jt'j/~~)~) l.i<.--1 ~ r CI ty Clerk ,I I ,.- , '" 1 I ( y