Minutes 1962/10/01 j 2222 I I , Gilroy, California Oc tober I, 1962 v This regular monthly meeting is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, ,Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth and Sig Sanchez. The Mayor asks if all Council Members have received copies of the regular meetings of September 4th and 17, 1962. All Councilmen present answer 10 the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions In the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions are noted. of ",..... , ... --"""~~'-;III. - 'f. -....I 2223 \ The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular meetings of September 4th and 17, 1962 approved. A request is read from Hogue Brothers Body Shop to construct a sign on the North East corner of Monterey Street and Casey Lane. Discussion is had. Councilman Wentworth reports that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howson and another person requesting that his name be withheld object to the installation of the sign request by Hogue Brothers. Further discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the request from Hogue Brothers Body Shop to install a sign at the North East corner of Monterey Street and Casey Lane be granted. A letter is read from the Sports Car Racing Association requesting traffic control 'in Gilroy after their auto races at Laguna Seca to be held on October 19, 20, and 21, 1962. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City Administrator be .nstructed to,d.rect Chief of Police laizure to provide for additional traffic officers necessary to control traffic on Monterey Street after the laguna Seca races on October 19, 20, and 21; 1962. City Administrator Carr presents a summons to appear in court on the claim of Lena Bozzo, and 'explains that this claim has been referred to the City Attorney. The City Attorney reports that he has turned the claim over to the insurance carrier. Ci ty Administrator Carr reports that the Parks and Recreation Com- mission have recommended that preliminary plans for Christmas Hill Park b~ approved. The letter of recommendation is read. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch explains the preliminary plan. Discussion is had. Motion by Counci Iman 'Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen alld carried that the preliminary plan for Christmas Hill park be approved as(recom- mended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and that an investigation be made for additional parking near the other end of the plan. , City Administrator Carr presents and explains City Code sections controlling public dancing and dance halls. 'Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Counci Iman Jordan and car- ried that the City Administrator'be instructed to prepare an ordinance regula- ting dancing and dance halls with Ghanges as recommended in the discussion. City Administrator Carr'presents and reads"a suggested administra- tive policy for rental of Wheeler Auditorium. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the suggested regulation prohibiting persons from re-entering a dance be deleted. Further discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the suggested administrative policy for regulations of Wheeler Auditorium with amendments be adopted. City Administrator Carr presents three proposed sites for location of a fire house. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to discuss with Mr. W. B. Stuart the possibility of purchasing a'portionof his property for a site location as recommended in the proposal. The Mayor states-that this is the time to review Frank Stegall IS Taxi Stand located at North Monterey Street to determine if 24 hour service has been maintained. Mr. Stegall addresses the Counci land states that he has maintained a 24 hour taxi service in the City and that if one~of his taxitabsis not at the taxi stand location he has maintained a 24 hour service through the tele- phone answering service. Discussion is had regarding the taxi fares presently being cha~ged. Mr. Martin states that presently he does not have.meters in his taxi cabs, however after discussion he agrees to install meters' in his taxi cabs. , The Mayor in~tructs'Mr.:Martin to Inst~~l meters in his vehicles and requests that both taxi owners ,meet with the'City Administrator and Chief of Police to see that all taxi meters are set at the same rate. Motion by Councilman Wentworth, second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the 90 day trial basis for Frank Stegallls Taxi Stand be terminated and that thfs location'be,allowed <1m a permanent basis. City Administrator Carr prese"ts a memorandum from Director of Public Works Kludt for estimates of costs-for'coverlng the City reservoir. Discassion is had regarding the $135~000.00 estimate. -No action Is taken. The Ma'for thanks ,Director of Public Works Kludt for-his report. Director of Public Works Kludt explains the County's proposal for 2224 correcting the drainage problem at Christmas Hill Park. He ~tates that the County has agreed to install a structure at the North West corner of Christmas Hill Park if the City will di~ert the water out of the park from the structure. Discussion is had. Motion by ~ouncllma~ Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the City accept the County's proposal as presented by Director of Public Works Kludt for correcting the drainage problem at Christmas Hill Park. A 'letter is presented from the Traffic Ways Committee recommending sup- port of legislation for a .Ol~ increase in gas tax for street and road purposes, copies of w~ich were mailed to each Council member. City Administrator Carr states that letters to our representatives were mailed regarding this matter. No further action is taken. A letter is read from Carollo Engineers requesting a meeting with the Council. All Councilmen agree to October 8th 'fo~ a meeting with Carollo Engineers if agreeable with th~m. A letter/;~U.C. from John B. Bates of San Francisco Is read regarding proposed discontinuance of "Del Monte" train by Southern Pacific. No action is taken. A letter is read from Ralph H. Mehrkins, President of Bay Area Govern- ments asking Gilroy's consideration of membership. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the request from Mr. Mehrkins be tabled. , Copies of the report of the Police Department, Poundmaster, and Build- ing Inspector;;progress reports of City Officers; reports of receipts of City Officers; and the Financial report uor September 1962 are presented to each Gouncil Member. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by' Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the reports be accepted as presented. Councilman Wentworth suggests that the electroliers on Monterey Street be numbered to aid identification of the electroliers when the lights are burned out. Councilman Duffin asks Chief Laizure if his department has a continuing program for removing cars parking o~er the time allowed on City streets. Chief laizure states that the Police Department attempt~ to check continuously on veh- icles over parked on the streets. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the bid opening for the traffic signals at Third and Monterey Streets is scheduled for October l6, 1962. Director of Public Works Kludt r~ports that the Division of Highways has installed a left turn retardi~g timing signal on Monterey Street at First Street enabling vehicles turning from Monterey St~eet on to First Street additional time before the signals change~to red. City Engineer Hanna Jr. reports that the hearing for application of water rights on the Little Arthur Creek will be. soon. , Director of Public Works Kludt,requests Council decision on determing whether a 3 or 6 foot fence should be installed to dtvide the boccie ball area from the play area at the Forest Street Playground. Discussion is had. , Motion by Counci Iman Wentworth second by Counci Iman, Duffin and carried that a six foot cyclone fence be installed at the Forest Stree~ Playground to divide the boccie ball area from the children's play area. , , Assistant Director of Givil Defense Reinsch reports that the City's fire horn used in the recent Civil Defense yellow alert lasted 1 minute and 45 seconds and that the red alert series continued for 1 minute and 40 seconds. The Mayor asks Planning Commissioner Bruce Jacobs i~ he has anything to discuss with the Council. Commissioner Jacobs has no comment. The Mayor reports that the property owner at the Welburn Avenue and Wayland Lane corner wants to know the disposition of the corner piece of land owned by the City, stating that he might be willing tO,pay for the advertising ~osts of this property if for sale. Discussion Is had. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the property owned by the City at the c9rner of Wayland lane and Welburn Avenue be abandoned and advertised for sale. Coun~ilman Petersen asks if anything further has been done about the State completing the paving on First Street. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the work will have to be advertised for bid sinc~ the State will not be allowed to include completion of this paving in their present contfact. The Mayor reports that Mr. Pickel property owner at the proposed dam site requested,a tentative,figure from the City for his property in the event the dam is constructed so that he can decide whether or not he wishes to protest at the hearing. Discussion is had. No action is taken at this time. Mr. Bruce Jacobs reports that the City of Hollister might be interested in discussing the possibility of a joint arrangement for an ariport. ~ - .J;iU .... .... 2225 r The City Attorney requests permission to be excused. The Mayor excuses the City Attorney. The Mayor suggests that Mr. Jacobs discuss this matter with Bernie Habing, Chairman of the Airport Committee, for the Chamber of Commerce. Discussion is had regarding the water level in the City's wells. The Mayor states that there will be an Inter City Council meeting: in Mountain View on October 4th. The Mayor states that the League of California Cities Conference is October 21st to 24th and asks which Council Members are planning to attend. All Council Members state that they are planning to attend. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that this Counci I meeting adjourn at 1,1: 10 p.m.;? ~, ~ . O)U2fl?1/hL/ 6.7;1~ City Clerk