Minutes 1962/12/03 ,." )" I ,~1 J' .' n i-' .:.....' ",,) c. Gilroy, California December 3, 1962 This regular monthly meeting is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez at 8:00 p.m. The Mayor states that Councilman Goodrich will not be attending this Counc i I meet i ng. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Wilford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F. Quartirol i, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Council Member: Norman B. Goodrich. The Mayor asks if all Council Members have received copies of the regu- lar meetings of November 5th and 19, 1962. All Councilmen present answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular meetings of November 5th and 19, 1962 ap- proved. An application from R. F. Martin for a taxicab owner's permit is pre- sented and read. Mr. Martin is the present owner of J. & M. and Gilroy Taxi cabs and requests authorization to operate an additional taxi under "Yellow Cab" formerly owned by Frank Stegall. Mr. Martin states that he has purchased Frank Stegall IS taxi business however proposed to operate only one taxi cab under the name of "Yellow Cab". Discussion is had. Motion by Counci Iman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and car- ried that the appl ication of R. F. Martin be approved and that a I icense be issued for one taxicab under the name of "Yellow Cabll. An application for On-Sale General Alcohol ic Beverage License from Augustine P. and Mary Villalobos at 23 South Monterey Street is presented. City Administrator Carr reports that he has received no objections from the Police Department on this appl ication. A petition requesting to commence annexation proceedings under the annexation Act of 1913 to annex territory to be known as the "Fifth Northern Addition" is presented and read. The Mayor states that this petition wi II automatically be referred to the Planning Commission and the Boundary Commission. Discussion is had on the proposed map of the "Fifth Northern Addition':'. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the petition be referred to the Planning Commission for report at their next regular meeting, A request from the Salvation Army is presented and read requesting permission to place a portable container in the City of Gilroy to be located on the City parking lot between J. C. Penney Company and the Wells Fargo Bank building. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a memo from Director of Publ ic Works Kludt reporting that there is not room for a portable container at the requested location. He suggests that it be placed at the base of the Hecker Pass Shopping Center sign, DiscussiDn is had, The Mayor instructs Director of Publ ic Works Kludt to determine addi- conta I ner . . tional places where the requested / COUla be placed, possibly the Salinas Val ley Savings lot and the Bank of America parking lot. The City Administrator is instructed to notify the Salvation Army that the requested location for their portable container is not satisfactory and that a new location is being investigated. The Mayor states that the report from Bruce Jacobs on the formation of the proposed Junior College District will be discussed later this meeting since Bruce Jacobs, Chairman of the General Citizen's Committee has been detained at the Kiwanis Meeting. City Administrator Carr presents a proposed ordinance read at the last meeting setting official plan lines for the Northerly Extension of Church Street from WelburnAvenue to Liman Avenue. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Counci lman Jordan that the read- ing of Ordinance No. 688 be waived and that the ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 688 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING OFFICIAL PLAN LINES FOR THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF CHURCH STREET FROM WELBURN AVENUE TO A POINT 160.58 FEET NORTH OF LIMAN AVENUE. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd Day of December, 1962" by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli ,Wentworth,and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich 0/ 2287 Councilman Petersen reports that property owner Irvin Holl ister has re- quested that it be made a matter of record that he opposes the location of the Northerly Extension of Church Street from Welburn Avenue to Liman Avenue. City Administrator Carr presents a proposed ordinance read at the last meeting, setting official plan 1 ines for the extension of Tenth Street from Monterey Street to Pacheco Pass. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Counci lman Wentworth that the reading of Ordinance No. 689 be waived and that the ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 689 ORDINANCE ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN LINES FOR THE EASTERLY EXTENSION OF TENTH STREET, FROM MONTEREY STREET TO THE PACHECO PASS ROAD AS PART OF THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF GILROY. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of December, 1962, by the fol lowing vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartirol i ,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: Goodrich City Administrator Carr presents a proposed ordinance abandoning the northeast corner of Wayland Lane and Welburn Avenue formerly dedicated for street purposes. Motion by Counci Iman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that the reading of Ordinance No. 690 be waived and that the ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 690 i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF WELBURN AVENUE. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of December, 1962, by the following votes: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBER: Goodrich The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance amending Sections 8.2 and 8.3 and repealing Sections 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 of the Gilroy City Code pertaining to public dances and dance halls. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the proposed ordinance pertaining to publ ic dances and dance halls be intr~ duced and publ ished by title and summary. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a letter from Director of publ ic Works Kludt recommending a progress payment to George C. Renz Construction Company in the amount of $3,114.00 for reconstruction of the intersection at First and Carmel Streets. Motion by Councilman Quartirol i second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that $3,114.00 be paid to George C. Renz Construct10n Company for recon- struction of the intersection at First and Carmel Streets as recommended by the Director of Publ ic Works. Bruce Jacobs, Chairman of the Citizen's General Committee on the pro- posed Junior Col lege District is present and the Mayor cal Is on him for a progress report on the formation of said District. Mr. Jacobs addresses the Counci I and apologizes for his late attendance. He states that there will be an election on the proposed Junior College District on January 8, 1963, He informs the Council of the necessity of formation of a Junior College District and requests Counci I endorsement of this project. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Quartirol i and carried that the Council approve formation of a Junior College District to include San Benito, Gilroy, and Morgan Hill High School Districts as proposed by the General Committee. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt reports on the total amount of property needed for a new fire house site explaining that it would be advisable to have the property in I ine with Welburn Avenue and existing property lines. Discussion is had regarding the necessity of purchasing one half of Welburn Avenue and one half of a new proposed street. The City Attorney reports that one half of Wren Avenue should be pur- chased to clear the title. The Mayor states that one half of Wren Avenue should be included in the description but the City should not have to pay for it. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 717, Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Counci Iman Petersen that Resolution No. 717 be adopted. 2,QiJ8 RESOLUTION NO. 717 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DECLARING PUBLIC NECESSITY FOR AC- QUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY FOR A FIRE STATION AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS IN EMINENT DOMAIN THEREFOR. PASSED AND ADOPTED the third day of December, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartirol i ,Wentworth,and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCI~ MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich A letter is read from W. J Hanna & Son recommending progresspayment in the amount of $7,096.63 to Samuel R. Spencer for the contract on Wren Avenue. Motion by Councilman Quartirol i second by Councilman Petersen and car- ried that $7,096.63 be paid to Samuel R. Spencer for the contract on Wren Avenue. City Administrator Carr reports that the entire 80 feet of parking area at the Justice Court site will not be paved by the County and that paving the re- mainder of the area to the rear of the Auditorium is estimated to cost $2,835.00. Discussion is had. It is the Councils' wish to table this matter until completion of the Justice Court to determine what the County is going to do before the Council takes any action on this matter. City Administrator Carr presents and reads the names of the commission members whose terms expire January I, 1963, The Mayor requests the Council Members to consider these appointments at the next Council Meeting. A letter is read from Arthur Chesbro regarding dogs running at large. Discussion is had. Chief of Pol ice Laizure requests that the ordinance requiring all dogs running at large whether I icensed or unlicensed, be enforced or removed from the books. He states that the Council have had a policy to picking up only unlicensed dogs running at large. Discussion is had. Motion by Counci lman Duffin that the Counci I pol icy be to pick up all dogs running at large, whether they are licensed or unlicensed. Mayor Sanchez relinquishes his chair to Mayor Pro-tempore Petersen to second Councilman Duffin's motion. On a roll call vote on the motion Counci lmembers Jordan, Duffin, and Sanchez voted for the motion; Councilmembers Petersen, Wentworth and Quartiroli voted against the mOtion. Motion did not carry because of a lack of a majority vote. The Mayor states that all Council members present have received copies of the report of the Pol ice Department, Pound~aster, and Building Inspector; progress reports of City Officers; reports of receipts of City Officers; finan- cial report of November 1962; and the City Auditor's report from July I, 1962 to November 30, 1962. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the reports as presented be approved. Councilman Quartiroli recommends that the City purchase a new recording machine. City Administrator Carr states that it will be considered in next year's budget. Councilman Jordan asks what the water level is to date. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the water level has raised 2 feet. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the building report for November has reached approximate!y one-half a mill ion dollars and that this will probably be the largest building year to date for the City. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that at the Trafficways meeting the Town of Los Gatos has requested that they be allowed funds in advance of non- expressway cities, He states that he also requested I ike funds for the City of Gi lroy. He requests Councils' decision for voting on the Los Gatos proposal. Discussion is had. Motion by Counci lman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Council go on record directing Director of Public Works Kludt to vote against the Town of Los Gatos' proposal for obtaining advancement of funds for non-expressways. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the traffic signal is being constructed at Third and Monterey Streets. Councilman Duffin asks if there has been any progress on the completion of paving First Street by the Hecker Pass Inn property. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt reports that he is attempt ng to negotiate with the State on this matter. ;) ~) .) n, ";,,,'~'jt'1 Purchasing Agent Reinsch asks if the Council wishes to give turkeys to the employees for Christmas which is a budgeted item. All Council members agree. The Mayor asks Planning Commission Representative Eckard if he wishes to discuss anything with the Council. Commissioner Eckard has no comment. The Mayor states that Roy Westphalinger wishes to express his apprecia- tion to the Police and Auxiliary Pol ice Departments for controll ing the crowd Saturday at the Santa Claus event. The Mayor reminds the Council of the meeting tomorrow night of the Loma Prieta Soil Conservation District on the Miller Slough Project. He states that he and the City Administrator will be attending if any Council member wish to join them. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 718. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Counci Iman Duffin that Resolu- tion No. 718 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 718 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SELL AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF A PORTION OF WELBURN AVENUE, HERETOFORE A PUBLIC STREET IN THE CITY OF GILROY WHICH HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND VACATED BY ACTION OF THE COUNCIL. PASSED AND ADOPTED the 3rd AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: day of December by the following vote: Duffin,Jordan,Petersen,Quartirol i ,Wentworth None Goodr i ch and Sanchez. The Mayor asks the students from St. Mary1s Convent if they have anything to discuss before this Council Meeting, An unidentified spokesman for the group addresses the Councl I and thanks the Council for inviting them to this meeting, Mr. Joe Mondell i addresses the Council and expresses his appreciation to the Chamber of Commerce for the Santa Claus Event being on the east side of town. Motion by Counci lman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen that this meeting adjourn at 9:50 p.m. i .. t .'. Ie ,,/ ,', l -"'t. "-. i;. / _,l~" . . - City C 1 er k l... ') i / ' (,< ~l