Minutes 1966/04/04 Roll Ca 11 Minutes ( Sol icitation for Multiple ,Sclerosis Public Schools Week Introduction of Pol ice Cadet Migrant Labor Hous i n g n """') ~ ~ i~'~. ';J _ U':'-. , Gilroy, California Apri 1 4, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by His Honor Kenneth L. Petersen at 8:04 p.m. Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Kenneth L. Petersen. Absent: Council Member: Chester R. Eckard. The minutes of the regular Council Meeting of March 21, 1966 were approved as mailed and recorded. A letter from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society was pre- sented requesting to solicit'funds from May 1st to June 19, 1966 in the City of Gilroy. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the request of the National Multiple Sclerpsis Society be granted as presented. A request from the School District was presented requesting the Mayor to proclaim Public School Week from April 25-29, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the Mayor be authorized to Proclaim Public School Week April 25-29, 1966 as requested. The Mayor introduced Mr. Danny Munyon who was recently hired as a Police Cadet for the City of Gilroy. City Administrator Wood presented a report on a Council Com- mittee Meeting in regard to Migrant Labor Housing. Mr. Johnson of the Economic Opportunity Commission, addressed the Council and ex- plained the City's participation in said program. He stated that the City would be required to contribute 10% of the Capital Improvement and that the City would not have any operating costs in said project. The site for the project could constitute the City's contribution. Mr. Herman Kalish, State Housing, addressed the Council and explained the proposed Housing Program for Migrant Labor, stating that the City's main purpose in the Program would be to provide the land for said facility and that said housing would be of a temporary nature with supervised clinic and day care center. That in the winter the City could use the permanent building for any purpose desired. Councilman Allemand, Chairman of the Council Committee on Migrant Labor Housing, reported that he contacted the local farmers regarding said program and that they have stated that if they contribute to such a program that they would expect to receive their share of improve- ments at the end of the proposed 5 year project. Mr. Earl Garrettson Jr., also addressed the Council and com- 2528 Recess Res.#1002 re:Hwy.Funds Development Agree.re: EI Roble School Site Old City Hall Supplemen- tary Report Auditorium Re- modeling mented on the proposed 'Migrant Labor Camps. He stated that the local farmers also intend to provide additional housing for migrant laborers which would be of a semi or more permanent nature. At 8:55 p.m. the Mayor declared a Recess to view the prelimi- nary plot plan proposed for this permanent type of migrant labor housing presented by Mr. Garrettson. At 9:00 p.m. the Mayor called the meeting to order. The City Attorney reported that on an installment basis the City could not purchase the entire land in one year under a deed of trust for purposes of a Migrant Labor Camp. That such an install- ment purchase would have to be accompl ished by taking title to a proportionate part of the property as payments are made over some period of time. MQtion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Council- man Allemand and carried that Staff proceed and investigate the possi- bilityof purchasing land for the purpose of establishing a Migrant Labor Camp and that the Mayor call a Special Meeting of the Council if necessary to accomplish this transaction~ . J City Administrator the Governor to Attempt to for California and Gilroy. ed by Councilman Wentworth Wood presented Resolution No. 1002 Urging Retain Certain Interstate Highway funds Motion was made by Council~an Duffin second- to adopt Resolution No. 1002. RESOLUTION NO. 1902 A RESOLUTION URGING THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO UNDER- ~AKE EVERY EFFORT TO RETAIN FOR CALIFORNIA, THOSE FEDERAL INTERSTATE HIGHWAY FUNDS PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED FOR HIGHWAY WORKS IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO IN ORDER THEREBY THAT STATE FUNDS MAY THEN BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROPOSED FREEWAY ON STATE ROUTE 101 IN THE VICINITY OF GILROY, CALIFORNIA. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1966, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Goodrich, Wentworth, and Petersen. None Eckard Quartiroli, NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: City Administrator Wood reported on and reviewed the Develop- ment Agreement in re: El Roble School. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the Develop- ment Agreement in regard to El Roble School be approved and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same for transmittal to the School District. ~ City Administrator Wood presented a Supplemental Letter Report from Brewster & Greulich, Structural Engineers, in re: to Preserving the Old City H~ll. He noted that the estimated cost for Preservation of the Old City Hall for an Historioal Museum to be in the amount of $50,000.00 which would not be in all respects in conformance with the 1961 Uniform Building Code nor would it include any electrical or plumbing improvements. City Administrator Wood presented a Certificate of Substan- tial Completion on the Auditorium Remodel ing. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that said Certificatesof Substantial Completion be authorized. City"Admin- istrator Wood requested authorization to amend the 1965-66 Budget to increase Account 8C2 in the amount of $3,156.00 to allow for the general contract and a change order for the said remodeling. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the Budget be amended to increase Account 8C2 in the amount of $3,156.00 as requested. City Administrator Wood requested authorization to prepare a Notice of Completion for Remodeling of the Auditorium. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Staff be authorized to prepare a NQtice of Completion for Remodel- ing of the Auditorium and that the same be executed and recorded. 2:'. :zqn , cJ .:-' ;--1 ' A.B.C. Applica- City Administrator Wood presented a report on an Application to tion - 143 S. the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for an liOn-Sale Beer License" recom- Monterey mending disapproval of said application. Motion was made by Councilman Street Wentworth seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried in accord with Staff's report recommending disapproval of said application. Sewer Com.Meet. City Administrator Wood presented a Report on a Sewer Committee re:Joint . Meeting of March 29, 1966 regarding the proposed Joint Sewer Program with Services Morgan Hill. with M.H. Neighborhood Park Adj a~. cent to El Roble School City Administrator Wood requested authorization to proceed with Preliminary Site Plans for a Neighborhood Park jointly,and Adjacent to the Planned El Roble School Site. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that Staff be authorized to proceed with engaging the services of Arthur Hyde for preparation of Preliminary Plans for said Neighborhood Park at an estimated cost of $350. to $400. S.C.Co. Trans- The minutes of the County of Santa Clara Transportation Policy portation Committee Meeting of March 9, 1966 werenoted and discussed. Pol icy Com. Meet. Communication re:preserva- tion of Old City Hall Laguna Seca Races A letter from the Conference of California Historical Societies was presented Urging the Preservation of the Old City Hall. Councilman Wentworth reported that Mr. George Porcella has also contacted said Society for aid in preserving said City Hall. A letter from SCRAMP in re: to U.S. Road Racing Championship Race at Laguna Seca M9y 6, 7 and 8, 1966 was presented. Communication A letter from the local Chamber of Commerce to the County was re:Economic presented regarding the Economic Development Commission. Develop. Commission Highway Signs Ped.Bench 5th & Hanna Mr. Stuart Fletcher of Baines Lane addressed the Council and requested action of the Council to install the Signs previously pur- chased by the City to notify motorists traveling through the City of Gilroy on 101 of the Traffic problem. He requested that said signs be erected prior to the Laguna Seca Races mentioned in the communication from SCRAMP. Council took no action on erection of said signs at this time. Councilman Wentworth requrested to change the location of the Pedestrian Bench installed for Senior Citizens at the north-east corner of 5th and Hanna Streets because the property owner will not maintain the grass under said bench. Director of Public Works Kludt noted that he was aware of said problem and would attempt to relocate said bench. Ext.Church St. Councilman Wentworth inquired about the progress on the pro- posed extension of Church Street. City Administrator Wood reported that an Appraiser would be coming to discuss this matter soon. RRX i ng Over- Pass S.P.Trains Sewer Li ne Luchessa Ave. Councilman Allemand inquired of the progress of plans for the proposed Overpass for access to the East side of the'City. The City Engineer reported that he would have the plans for the next Council Meeting. Councilman Allemand reported that the Southern Pacific trains have recently been blocking the crossing at Luchessa Avenue for a 45 minute period. Director of Public Works Kludt suggested that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company be notified of the City Limits extended to Luchessa Avenue since they may not be aware of the existing City Limit line. ' Director of Public Works Kludt requested Council authorization to advertise bids for installation of the Sewer line on Luchessa Avenue southerly to Motel 6 because the City Crew is not equipped to handle the maximum 11 ft. depth of this pipe line. Motion was made by Council- man Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that Staff be authorized to advertise for bids for the next Council meeting of April 18, 1966. ^-,' 0 [, /' v-...,. ~_) , ,t,.}uU .. Granite Const. Director of Public Works Kludt reported that Granite Construction {' damage to Company had damaged certain pro~erty on Monterey Street during a recent, City pro- construction project, and ~tated that $201.19 was the total amount of perty danages to C it Y water .improvements and that Gran i te Cons truct i on Company is willing to pay this cost,however damages to the conduit line of an electro- lier was $412.78 and that they are willing to pay one-half of this cost since they were not aware that this I ine existed. The total cost that they have agreed to assume is $408.08 or a loss to the City of $206.89. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the City accept the damage payment of $408.08, from Granite Construct- tion Company which would include the total damages to the City's water im- provements and one-half of the cost of the electrolier damage subject to review and approval of the matter by the City Attorney. Sportsman Club City Administrator Wood presented a request from the Sportsman change of Club of 31 South Monterey Street to transfer their business location to 26 address South Monterey Street. Council had no objections to the transfer subject to approval of the A.B.C. Electroliers Councilman Quartiroli inquired about the proposed electroliers proposed planned for lighting of North Monterey Street. Director of Public Works for N. Kludt reported that lighting for this area is planned for the sidewalk Monterey area rather than the middle of the street. He also reported that when the left turn lanes on Monterey St. to Pierce St. are installed that possibly the State will provide lighting at this location for safety purposes. 7th St.Ext. Councilman Wentworth inquired about the radius turns on 7th and Monterey Streets. City Engineer reported that the increased footage'desired by the City on the radius turns will be included in the Contract as an Ex t ra. Ad~ourned At 10:22 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. by