Minutes 1966/05/16 r) h i) 9 .. , " : f", ' "",u '--' .J ~ Gilroy, California May 16, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 8:02 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Chester R. Eckard, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles F. Quartiroli, and Everett C. Wentworth. Absent: Council Member: Kenneth L. Petersen. Minutes The minutes of the regular Council Meeting of May 2, 1966 were approved as mailed and recorded. Apri 1 166 Monthly Report Disbursements was City Administrator Wood presented the Summary of Monthly Reports of April 1966. Said report was ordered filed. The Report of Disbursements from April 11, 1966 to May 10, 1966 noted and ordered filed. Dept. of & U r ba n Develop- ment docu- ments Housing City Administrator Wood recommended that the Mayor be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Department of Housing and Unban Develop- ment for an "Open Space Grant" for Mi ller Park and a Prel iminary Appl ica- tion to the same agency on the proposed Gilroy-Morgan Hi 11 Sewer Line. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried that the Mayor be authorized to execute the documents as recom- mended. Salary increase City Administrator Wood recommended approval of a step increase in the Salary Pay Plan for Ronald Chaffee, Police Patrolman, Range 22.8 from Step "B" $520.00 to Step "C" $546.00 effective June 1, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the step increase in the Salary Pay P~an for Ronald Chaffee as recommended be granted. 1966-67 Budget Copies of the 1966-67 Preliminary Budget were presented to each Council Member. The Council set May 18th and 23, 1966 for Study Sessions of the 1966-67 Budget. (8:00 p.m.) Appointment of Co. Library Com. Railroad ings City Administrator Wood presented a request of the Board of Supervisors re: recommendation for Appointment to the County Library Commission anq recommended approval of the re~ppointment of Mr. Will iam L. Hoyt. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Alle- mand and carried that Mr. Hoyt be recommended for reappointment to Co.Lib.Co Cross- City Administrator Wood presented an additional report in re: to a City Ordinance on blocking Railroad Crossings. Discussion was had. The Council instructed City Administrator Wood to proceed on the matter to determine if property owners are interested in extending Alexander Street to Luchessa Lane under an Assessment District procedure. Dis- cussion was had regarding enforcing the City Ordinance prohibiting Railroad Crossings to be blocked longer than a 5 minute period. Council instructed the City Administrator to notify the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company that the City intends to issue citations to Trains block- 2i;:,'10 ' Li "1: . Card Room License G i I roy Bowl Ext.N. Church S t. Appointment of P. & R. Direc- tor ing crossings within the City Limits for longer than a 5 minute period. City Administrator Wood presented a report and recommendation from the Chief of Police re: request for a Card Room License at Gilroy Bowl, 154 North Monterey Street. Mr. Leon Welco, Owner of Gil- roy Bowl, addressed the Council and answered questions regarding the proposed operation of said Card Room. He also presented photographs of a similar card room operation at a Bowling Establishment in Sonoma County. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli seconded by Council- man Allemand and carried that the request for a Card Room License at Gilroy Bowl be approved and a license granted for a 6 months temporary and revocable basis as outlined and recommended by the Chief of Police. Council Members Goodrich and Eckard voted "no" on the motion. City Administrator Wood reported on a Meeting recently had with Property Owners in re: to the Extension of North Church Street. Discussion was had. City Administrator Wood informed the Council that the City would advance the funds for the proposed Assessment District and if the project should fail the City would have to assume the cost expended for plans and specifications for said project. The City Engineer estimated said engineering costs to be $4,000.00. Motion was made by Councilman Eckard seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Staff be authorized to proceed with the necessary steps to form an Assessment District for the Extension of North Church Street as outl ined. Councilman Duffin abstained from voting on said motion and stated that he is a Property Owner who would be affected by this proposed project. City Administrator Wood reported on the recent oral examina- tions for Parks and Recreation Director and recommended the appoint- ment of Mr. Robert H. Frost to said position. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that Mr. Robert H. Frost be appointed Parks & Recreation Director at Range 29, $696.00 per month effective June 1, 1966 as recommended. S.C.Co. Transporta- The Minutes of the Santa Clara County Transportation tion Pol icy Committee Meeting of April 13, 1966 were noted and discussed. Com.Meet. Protempore Wentworth commended Councilman Duffin for his fine tation of the Council on said Committee. Fire Chf's.Report Opere & Maint. School Annual Fire Dept. Project566 Freeway Bypass (retention of Federal Funds) S:-iP.R.R. Depot property Old City Hall Pol icy Mayor represen- Fire Chief Brittain presented and explained a report on Fire Alarm Operation and Maintenance School. Discussion was had, regard- ing said report. Discussion was had regarding the consecutive false alarms received on the evening of May 15, 1966. Councilman Allemand commended Fire Chief Brittain for the Report on the Fire Alarm Opera- tion and Maintenance School recently attended. Mayor Protempore Wentworth commented favorably on the Annual Report (1965) of the Fire Department included with the Council Agenda. Fire Chief Brittain explained said Report. City Administrator Wood presented a letter from the Loma Prieta Soil Conservation District in re: to 566 Project. He reported that there would be a meeting regarding said Project on May 18, 1966. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt agreed to attend said meeting on behalf of the Council since a Study Session of the 1966-67 Budget is also scheduled for this date. City Administrator Wood presented,a letter from the State Highway Commission in re: Retaining Federal Highway Funds. Discussion was had on the matter. Mayor Protempore Wentworth instructed Staff to forward a copy_of said letter to Mr. Stuart Fletcher. City Administrator Wood presented a letter from the Southern Pacific Company in re: to Beautifying the Local Depot Property. City Administrator Wood reported that he recently met with Mr. King and Mr. Lynch of the Southern Pacific Railroad regarding said matter. City Administrator Wood reported that the Southern Pacific Railroad Company Representatives have indicated that they are I imited in funds for such projects and that the only contribution would be poss~bly for weed control. Discussion was had regarding mobile trailers parked at the Depot property. The matter of beautification of said property was referred to Staff. A letter from California Pioneers of Santa Clara County was S.C.Co. Transpor:lla- tion Plan- ning Study bulletin Santa Clara Va 11 ey PI ans Newsletter "G reenbe It & "Migrant Labbr Housing" League of Calif.Cities Meet. S.C.Co.Assoc. Truckers Barbecue Xmas Hill Ground Breaki ng Cere- monies Carbide gun firing 2541 presented in regard to Retaining the Old City Hall. Said letter was ordered fi 1 ed. The Mayor, noted the News Bulletin of Santa Clara Countyls Trans- portation Planning Study. A Newsletter, No.1, May 1966 of the Santa Clara Valley Plans was noted. Zoning" City Administrator Wood presented copies of two letters proposed to be forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors regarding '~reenbelt Zoning" and I'Migrant Labor Housing" for Council Approval. Council con- curred with said letters. City Administrator Wood informed the Council of a peninsula Division of the League of Cal ifornia Cities meeting on May 26th at 7:30 p.m. at Vahl IS in Alviso. Councilman Wentworth and City Administrator Wood indicated that they intend to be present at this Meeting. City Administrator Wood informed the Council of an invitation to the Santa Clara County Association of Truckers barbecue at the Gilroy Golf,Course on May 19, 1966 at 6:30 p.m. City Administrator Wood reported that a sign for Christmas Hill Park is completed. Council set May 18, 1966 at 3:30 p.m. for Ground Breaking Ceremonies. Councilman Duffin informed the Council of many complaints re-, ceived from the carbid~2guns being fired peiodically to frighten birds on the San Martin Vineyard property (westerly of Santa Theresa Drive) beginning at 6:00 a.m. The Council instructed the,City Administrator to notify Mr. Filice that the City would appreciate their consideration of not firing said guns before 7:00 a.m. State Retirement Councilman Allemand inquired of the progress in regard to the Actuarial Sur- Actuarial Survey on State Retirement for City Employees. City Adminis- vey trator Wood reported that a San Francisco Consulting Actuary had been awarded the contract for said survey, approximately two weeks ago. Staff will recontact State to determine a completion date on this matter. One-way all ey Signs '> Discussion of Annual Fire Dept. Report Adjournment Councilman Goodrich requested a sign be posted at the exit of the City Parking lot next to the Telephone Company indicating the one- way alley and also to re-sign the one-way alley on F.ifth next to the Fire Department because vehicles turning off of Monterey Street and turning into the alley next to the fire house cannot see the one-way sign at that location. Fire Chief Brittain further explained the,Annual Fire Depart- pa rtmen t. Mayor Protempore Wentworth noted the students in attendance at the Council Meeting. There was no spokesman from the group. At 9:38 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Eckard and carried to adjourn. R~e;::~~Ys~m:?~/ C ! ty Clerk'