Minutes 1966/11/21 -r I I o .~ ~'J: 8') "'- V:J <.. ',,-- ~ Ro 11 Ca 11 Minutes Pub.Hear.re: Appeal of Denial of Variance 472 N. Eigleberry Gilroy, California November 21, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Counci I was called to order by Mayor Protempore Everett C. Wentworth at 8:os p.m. Present: Counc i I Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Charles F. Quartiroli, and Everett C. Wentworth, Absent: Counci I Members: Chester C. Eckard and Kenneth L. Pete rsen. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 7, 1966 and Special Meeting of November 10, 1966 were approved as mailed and recorded. Mayor Protempore Wentworth stated that it was the time and place scheduled for the Public Hearing on the appeal of the denial of the Planning Commission for a sign variance to Dale Connell at 472 North Eigleberry Street. Secretary of the Planning Commission Kludt reported on the public hearing before the Planning Commission on October 20, 1966. He presented and read a petition of protest presented to the Planning Commission at the Public Hearing containing twelve (12) signatures of property owners in the immediate area. He reported that the Planning Commission recommended denial of the sign vari- ance. Mayor Protempore Wentworth asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for the requested sign variance. Mr. J. B. Howard, Realtor; Mr. Jack K~janjian, Accountant and an owner of the pro- posed location; Dale Connell, Realtor and Petitioner; and Mr. Court Rush spoke for the sign variance pointing out that the sign would be located in.a C-I commerical area one block from Monterey Street, which is in a C-2 zone and allows a two faced sign without a variance. Mayor Protempore Wentworth asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak against the sign variance request. Mr. Ernest Harrison of 429 North Eigleberry Street spoke against the variance. Mayor Petersen enters the meeting at 8:30 p.m. "w '..,,~, i I ...... r . i I.~..., I I "'"'c_ Estab 1 ish Unified C i v i I De- fense & Disaster Off. in S.C. Claim for Per~onal Injury by Proc lamat ion "Farm-City Week'l Plan. Com. Report of Monthly Reports '):; l. )t') ~V;..l~'1 Motion was made by Counci Iman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the public hearing be closed. Discussion was had on sign variances being granted on First Street, also two faced signs located on Eigleberry Street and possible zone change for First Street as well as Eigleberry Street. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Counci Iman Allemand and carried that the sign variance be granted. Mayor Petersen takes his place at the Counci I table. City Attorney Johnson ruled that in order to grant the sign variance the Council must find grounds whereby the Planning Commission erred in denying the original request. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Counci Iman Goodrich and carried for reconsideration of previous action. Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that action of the Planning Commission denying the sign variance be upheld. Discussion was had in regard to changing the sign ordinance. Motion was made by Councilman Quartiroli, seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the Planning Commission reconsider changes in the Zoning Ordinance specifically in regard to signs. Mr. Frank Holt, Civil Defense Coodinator addresses the Counci I and explained that there are five cities under the present proposal. Gi Iroy's share would be $100 a month and has 30 day written termination clause. Discussion was had on the termination clause. Motion was made by Counci Iman Quartiroli seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried to authorize the Mayor to sign the initial contract as presented by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, to be effect ive January I, 1967. City Administrator Wood reported claim for personal injury from Vita Rapazzini, 96 South Hanna Street when she apparently fell on the sidewalk at 2 South Dowdy Street, September 2, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the claim be denied and referred to the City Attorney and the City's insurance carrier. City Administrator Wood explained request of the League of California Cities to proclaim November 18th - 24, 1966 as "Farm- City Week". Motion by Counci lman Goodrich seconded by Counci Iman Allemand and carried that the Mayor be authorized to proclaim "Farm City Week" as presented. The report of the Planning Commission meeting of Thursday, November 18, 1966, was presented by Secretary Kludt informing the Counci I of the review of official plan lines for several streets in the Northwest Sector and requested staff to prepare precise plan lines for the following streets: Church Street from Ronan Avenue to Day Road a width of 86' Wren Avenue from Day Road to Uvas Parkway a width of 86 feet, Kern Avenue from Hecker Pass Road to Day Road a width of 60 feet, Ronan Avenue from U. S. 101 to Morey Avenue a width of 86 feet, Welburn Avenue from Morey Avenue to Wren Avenue and from Mi Iler Slough to U. S. 101 a width of 86 feet; Requested preliminary plan lines for Chestnut Street from 8th Street to North City Limits; Requested the City Attorney to prepare necessary documents to change the time of appeal from 10 to 15 days and to change the designation of "C-011 to liP-Oil; Reviewed setback require- ments of garages fronting streets. The Summary of the Monthly Reports of October, 1966 were noted and ordered filed. Disbursements The Report of Disbursements from October II, 1966 to November 10, 1966 were noted and filed. Salary Increase City Administrator Wood recommended a step increase in the Salary Pay Plan for Robert Frost, Parks and Recreation Director, Range 29, Step A, $696 to Step B, $731 and Mary Goshert, Chief Librarian, Range 27 Step A $631 to Step B, $663 effective December 2600 Appl ications to A I coho I i c Beverage Cont. Ord.#780 re: Rezoning "Southwest Annex. 65-2" S.C. County Fact Sheet County of S.C. Plan.Dept. Publ ication S.C.County Trans.Plan Study Pub. Curbside Mail Box De I i very Letter from U.S.Dept. Commerce Sewerage Plant I, 1966. Motion was made by Councilman Allemand seconded by Councilman Goodrich and carried step increases in the Salary Pay Plan for Robert Frost, Parks and Recreation Director and Mary Goshert, Chjef Librarian, be approved as recommended. City Administrator Wood recommended a merit salary increase in the Salary Pay Plan for Michael L. Elder, Patrolman, Range 23, Step, B, $546 to Step C, $573 effective December 1, 1966, Motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that step increase in the salary pay plan for Michael L. Elder be approved as recommended. i I .. ~l City Administrator Wood reported on two applications to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for 1281 N. Monterey Highway, for A. Greigo, et ux applicants for an On-Sale Beer License and for 139 South Monterey Street, M. DeLuna, et al applicants for an On-Sale Beer- and Wine License. Staff found no objections to the On-Sale Beer Li~ense, fo~ 1281 North Monterey Highway for A. Griego but could not recommend favorably of the application for 139 S. Monterey Street, based upon the past records of some of the appli- cants. Motion was made by Counci Iman Goodrich. seconded by Counci Iman Wentworth and carried that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board be advised that the Council has no objections to the On Sale Beer License at 1281 North Monterey Highway but could not vavorably recommend an On Sale Beer and Wine License at 139 South Monterey Street. Ordinance No. 780 previously introduced and published by title and summary was presented for adoption. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Counci Iman Goodrich to adopt Ordinance No. 780. ORDINANCE NO. 780 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE AREA HERETO- FORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF GILROY DESCRIBED AS SOUTHWEST ANNEXATION 65-2, NOW ZONED CI and R3 AND PLACING SAME IN ZONE Rl, COMBINED WITH "S" ZONE REGULATIONS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November, 1966 by the following vote: AYES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: I.._,...-~ NOES: ABSENT: Allemand, Wentworth None E c ka r d Duffin, Goodrich, Quartiroli and Petersen. COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: County of Santa Clara Planning Department Fact Sheet 66-6, October, 1966 was noted. A publication from the County of Santa Clara Planning Department No. 44, November-December, 1966 was noted. A publication of "News of Santa Clara County's Transportation Planning Study" No.5, November 1966 was noted. City Administrator Wood reported on League of Calif- ornia Cities report on change of policy by the Postmaster General on curbside Mail Box Delivery. Discussion was had on when the new change of address system in the County would become effective. City Administrator Wood presented and read a letter from the United States Department of Commerce acknowledging receipt of the City's Application for a Sewerage Treatment Plant Grant at the Seattle, Washington, Regional Office. City Administrator Wood informed Counci I that he notified Swift and Company representative of Gilroy's Sewerage Treatment Plant application status and was informed that Gilroy was not definitely ruled out as site for the Swift Plant although Stockton currently has an edge on Gi Iroy due to having Mayor , Counc i Imen Pay .... ...., Request for Establishment of County Housing Author i ty -""\ Letter from Sunnyvale to Tech.Adv.Comm. re:Expressway Prog.Fund ........' Perm i ss ion Request for Signalization Ra i 1 road Tracks Luchessa Ave. "",.... ..... Inter City Counci 1 Meet- ing 12/1/66 # 260J sufficient sewerage capacity currently available and is located closer to the major source of supply in the San Joaquin Valley, which reduces their transportation costs. City Administrator Wood presented and read a letter from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce recommending Council pass a resolution granting Councilmen $150 a month pay and $250 per month for the Mayor. Councilman Wentworth suggested Councilmen be paid $25 per regular attended Council'meeting and $150 per month for the Mayor and that the proposal be presented to the Council prior to the April elections for consideration. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that staff and City Attorney prepare a draft of such an ordinance and staff survey other cities to compare pay scales with the suggested $25 each regular meet.ing attended and $150 per month for the Mayor, to be presented to the Counci I for cons iderat ion. City Administrator Wood presented and read a letter from the County Executive requesting a written reply for the establish- ment of a County Housing Authority. Council instructed staff to inform the Board of Supervisors that the City of Gilroy may consent to County Authority Operating within the City Limits but also may wish to retain our local authority to work in laison with the County. Mr. Joseph Sarsosa, Director of the Area Service Center in Gilroy addressed the City Council stating that the need for housing is City wide and would like to see the City and County work together to accomplish the need. He further stated that it is rumored that other cities favor the County Housing Authority favorable. City Administrator Wood presented letter from the Mayor of Sunnyvale to Technical Advisory Committee in re: Phase, Express- way Program Funding. Councilman Duffin stated that he received a letter from the Transporation Commission and suggested that he meet with the City Administrator and Public Works before the next Council meeting to discuss a recommendation. Director of Public Works explained the original proposal and policy. A letter from the Guadalupana Catholic Society and the Centro De San Juan was presented requesting permission to have a religious procession in honor of our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12, 1966 to begin at 10th and Rosanna Streets and proceed on Church Street to Saint Mary's Church. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Quartiroli and carried to grant the Guada- lupana Catholic Society and the Centro De San Juan permission to have a parade on December 12, 1966 as requested. Mr. Ochoa, of Luchessa Avenue addressed the Council and explained that children living at the labor camp on Luchessa Avenue are denied school bus transportation because by school policy its buses cannot cross railroad tracks that are not signalized, he requested Council action in obtaining signaliza- tion. Mr. Sarsosa addressed the Council and stated that letters had been sent to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and to Mr. Gubser requesting their assistance in the matter. He further states that Area Service Center would like the Council to initiate action for signalization. Counci I instructed staff to contact the S.P.R.R. concerning installation of signals. City Administrator Wood requested confirmation on those officials planning to attend the Inter City Council meeting to be held at Moffett Field on December 1, 1966. A letter from Assemblyman George Milias was presented asking that the installation of the By Pass Signs be delayed until the new State Administration and Commissioners take office. City Administrator Wood reported that Mr. Milias has intended to be present at the meeting but had conflicting meetings. Council con- curred to delay installation of signs until hearing Mr. Milias's views. Councilman Duffin suggested special meetings be held to estabish priority for new additions and cost estimates in the Capital Improvements Program in reference to addition to the ":' {~ IU"- 0 .....' U 4-' Administrative Building, and proposed new Library. Councilman Wentworth requested cards of condolence be sent to Mrs. Berberick, widow of the Mayor of Hollister a~"t~e City of Holl ister. Councilman Allemand inquired the possibility of requiring webbing reinforcing in sidewalks and driveways to prevent cracking. Council concurred with recommendation of City Engineer Henry to increase strength of concrete to 2,500 Ibs. per square inch. At 11:15 p.m. motion was made by Councilman Goodrich seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, /'-'\, j~NW ~. ~l^~ ,.......~)uty City Clerk