Minutes 1968/09/03 Roll Ca 11 Intro. new Minutes Bids re: 168 Alley Imp. Program 2845 Gilroy, Cal ifornia September 3, 1968 The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: John E. Allemand, George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy, Charles F. Quartiroli, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: Anthony C. Silva The Mayor introduced new employees, Leonard E. Waltemeyer, Police Patrolman and Lupe Martinez, Police Clerk-Typist. Mayor Goodrich clarified the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 19, 1968 in regard to IIVirginia Cox's offer to sell her property to the City of Gilroy, same bei ng located at 95 South Church Street and at 243 W. 7th Street for the total sum of $22,500.00t,', noting that it was the Council's intent that said matter be referred to Staff in order for Staff to obtain an appraisal of said property to aid Council in making a decision regarding purchase of same. The Minutes of said regular meeting of August 19, 1968 and of the Special Meeting of August 19, 1968 were approved as corrected, mailed and recorded. * (See Page 2849) City Administrator Wood presented a Report on the following Bids received for the 1968 Alley Improvement Program: 1. George C. Renz Construction Company, Gilroy - $18,310.00; 2. Leo J. Piazza Paving Company, San Jose - $20,600.00; 3. Granite Construction Com- pany, Watsonville - $18,530.00, recommending that the low bid of 0846 Bids re: Welburn Ave. St. Sewer Proj.68-5 Bids re:7th St. Storm Sewer 68-p Budget Amdn. re:Acct.# 35C2 \ Plan. Com. Report 8/26/68 P & R Com. Report 8/27/68 HUD Agreement George C. Renz Construction Company of Gilroy in the amount of $18,. 310.00 be awarded; noting the following Bids received for the Welburn Avenue Storm Sewer Project 1968-5: 1. Mission Pipeline Inc., Milpitas - $12,100.100; 2. George C. Renz Construction Company, Gilroy - $lO, 980.00; 3. Will iam Caprista Underground Construction Company, San Jose - $10,344.00; 4. Pisano Bros., Inc., Santa Clara - $12,364.20; 5. William Radtke & Son, Gilroy - $11,316.00; 6. W.H. Ebert Corp., San Jose - $11,277.00; 7. H.A. Ekelin & Associates, Salinas - $11,066.00; 8. Lopez Mills Pipeline, Inc., Mountain View - $10,695.00; 9. Central Underground Construction, San Jose - $10,756.00; 10. Granite Construction Co., Watsonville - $10,533.90, recommending that the low bid of William Caprista Underground Construction Inc. of San Jose in the amount of $10,344.00 be awarded; noting the follow- ing Bids were received for the Seventh Street Storm Sewer Project 1968-6: 1. Mission Pipeline, Inc., Milpitas - $17,672.00; 2. George C. Renz onstruction Company, Gilroy - $15,964.00; 3. William Caprista UndergroGnd Construction, San Jose - $16,780.00; 4. Pisano Bros., Jnc., Santa Clara - $18,421.60; 5. William Radtke & Son, Gilroy - $17,895. 20; 6. W.H. Ebert Corp., San Jose - $17,052.00; 7. H.A.'Ekelin & Associates, Salinas - $16,968.00; 8. Lopez Mills Pipeline, Mt. View - $15,450.00; 9. Central Underground Construction, San Jose - $15,126. 80; 10. Granite Construction Company, Watsonville - $16,383.20, recommending that the low bid of Central Underground Construction of San Jose in the amount of $15,126.80 be awarded. .....-, ...".i In regard to the Bid received for the 1968 Alley Improvement, City Admlinistrator Wood noted that the budgeted amount for said project was $14,000.00 and that award of same to Renz Construction Company would require a budget amendment in the amount of $4,310.00 to allow for completion of the alley behind Ranch Milk, etc. and paving the alley behind Carlo's Delicatessen, etc., same being additions subsequent to the budget estimate. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the bid of George C. Renz Construction Company in the amount of $18,310.00 be awarded and that the 1968-69 Budget be amended to in- crease Account 35C2 in the amount of $4,310.00 for the additional work required. ~ Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the bid of Will iam Caprista Underground Construction Inc., of San Jose in the amount of $10,344.00 be awarded. -- Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the low bid of Central Underground Construc- tion Company - San Jose in the amount of $15,126.80 be awarded sub- ject to approval of same by the City Attorney and with the stipula- tion that said construction project does not begin until the present tomato crops are harvested at the location of said construction project. City Administrator Wood reported on copies of the minutes of the Planning Commissions' Special Meeting of August 26, 1968 recom- mending that Council action and discussion of same be deferred pend- ing the Commission's approval of said minutes, and noting a correc- tion of said minutes regarding the Commission's vote on a motion carried regarding Princevalle Street remaining a collector street, specifically four "Ayes" and one "No" vote on said motion. Council tabled action in regard to discussion regarding Princevalle Street to the next regular Council Meeting to allow interested parties to be present during any discussion in this regard. 1""""-1 ........ Parks & Recreation Director Ayer reported on the Parks and Recreation Commission's Meeting of August 27, 1968 and further ex- plained the proposed City Facility Use Regulations. Discussion was had in regard to same. Council deferred action on said regulations pending specific rules and regulations for all City Facilities to be used by the Public and a Fee Schedule for same. City Administrator Wood reported on the amended HUD Agreement in regard to the Water Pressurization Project, noting that the changes in said Project would increase the total estimated project ,.-"""" Water Rate Increases (Intro.Ord.) - Jt.M.H.-Gilroy Sewer Proj. re:crop damages Res.#1275 re: Fire Dept. Rules & Regulations -"" Jt.Meet.re: M.H.-Gilroy San Martin """""" S.C.Co.Flood Control & Water Dist. So.ZoneRep. United Fund Campaign 2847 cost from $623,100.00 to $708,000.00 which would be an increase to the City's cost in the amount of $84,900.00 and that said change will require approval of same by a resolution. Discussion was had on the matter. The Mayor appointed a Council Committee: Councilman Quartiroli, Chairman; and Councilmen Allemand and Duffin to meet with John Carollo Engineers in regard to the increase cost of the proposed reservoir addition to the Water Pressurization Project, prior to action on same. City Administrator Wood presented a Report on proposed revi- sion of City Water rates for Users within and outside the City. Dis- cussion was had on the matter. The City Attorney presented a pro- posed ordinance in regard to the water rate revisions. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and car- ried that the proposed ordinance revising the City of Gilroy Water Rates for users within and outside the City as presented and read be introduced and published by title and summary. City Administrator Wood presented a report on Crop Damage Settlements in regard to the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Sewer Trunk Line Project requesting Authorization to make settlements estimated bet- ween $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 for same, noting that negotiations will be made with Morgan Hill following completion of all settlements. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to make crop damage settlements in regard to the Morgan Hill-Gilroy Sewer Project up to a maximum of $10,000.00. City Administrator Wood requested Counci~ approval of the Fire Department Rules and Regulations presented with the Agenda. Fire Chief Brittain further explained the proposed Rules and Regula- tions. The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 1275 approving said rules and regulations. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand that Resolution No. 1275 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1275 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPT- ING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GILROY FIRE DEPARTMENT AS OF SEPTEMBER, 1968. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of September, 1968 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Wentworth None Si Iva Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, and Goodrich. NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBER: City Administrator Wood reported on a proposed Joint Meeting with Morgan Hill and San Martin Residents informimg Council that the said meeting has been tentatively scheduled for September 12, 1968 in Morgan Hill at their Council Chambers. The Mayor recommended appointment of Councilman Duffin and Mr. Firman Voorhies to represent Gilroy on a proposed Committee in regard to the South County conso- 1 idationproposal if said Committee is formed. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that the Mayor's recommendation of the appointment of Councilman Duffin and Mr. Firman Voorhies to represent the City if said Com- mittee is formed, be approved. A letter from the ,Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District was presented informing Council of the appointment of Coun- ci Iman Si Iva to the South Zone Flood Control Advisory Board. A letter from the Santa Clara County Fund Chairman, William Childers, 'was presented in regard to the 1968 Fund Drive. Motion was made by Councilman Wentowrth seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the proposed scheduling of solicitation for the 1968 United Fund be approved. 2848 Claim re: Mrs. L. Bariola 7th Day Adven- tist Church Evange 1 i ca 1 Meet i ngs J..; 0 United Cerebral Palsy Ass'n. Pacific Central street open- ing request re: 10th St. Project Use of Gilroy Schoo 1 re: P & R Dept. Miller Ave. curbs & gutters Mi ller Slough Mai n t. Debris at Bridge (Howson Warehouse) P & R Rep. & Emp.Ass'n. Reps. Retirement Dinner re: A Claim from Mrs. L. Bariola in regard to an infury occurring on August 23, 1968 at Seventh and Monterey Streets was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that said claim of Mrs. L. Bariola be denied and referred to the City Attorney and the City's Insurance Carrier. City Administrator Wood presented an informational letter from the Seventh Day Adventist Church in regard to the Tent Evange- lical Meetings scheduled for September 6th through 29, 1968 at First and Wren Avenue site. ~ A letter from the United Cerebral Palsy Association was pre- sented requesting permission to conduct a Local Fund Drive on January 14th through 18, 1969. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the request of the United Cerebral Palsy Association to conduct a local Fund Drive on January 14th through 18, 1969 be approved. fIIIII1II City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Pacific Cen- tral Company in regard to a Future Access Opening to Tenth Street. He noted that said project is under a Cooperative Agreement between the County, City, and State, and that the County is presently acting as Administrative Agent for the Project and that the City should re- quest that upon completion of said project the excess lands will revert to the City; that at this time the City would not be in any position to grant easements or openings at said location; and that in the event said lands do revert back to the City, the same should be retained in anticipation of a future railroad over-pass at said location. Discussion was had. Council instructed the City Adminis- trator to advise the County that the City desires to obtain said residual parcels at the completion of the Tenth Street Project, and that Pacific Central Company be advised of the fact that the City is attempting to obtain said parcels and if acquired, will consider temporary driveway openings to Tenth Street. ... ..... A letter from the Gilroy School Districts' Grounds and Building Manager, was presented and read complimenting the City Parks and Recreation Personnel on their care of School Facilities. The Mayor requested that the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Playground Supervisor be informed of said correspondence and be thanked for this cooperation with the School District. Councilman Duffin inquired of the City's progress in regard to determining if curbs and gutters could be required on Miller Avenue where same are not installed. City Administrator Wood noted that Director of Public Works Henry is presently on vacation and that ~ the City has not made said determination. Councilman Wentworth requested authorization for the City to proceed with removal of debris in Miller Slough from Wren Avenue to Forest Street. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Allemand and carried that removal of debris in Miller Slough from Wren Avenue to Forest Street be allowed subject to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District assuming the costs for same and that Staff notify the Flood Control District to ___ determine if they have funds for the proposed maintenance project. ..... Discussion was had in regard to the debris under the bridge resulting from the Howson Warehouse fire. Fire Chief Brittain noted that the charcoal debris was supposed to be removed by the owners. The Mayor noted the presence of Masaru Kunimura, representing the Parks & Recreation Commission. The Mayor also noted representa- tives from the Gilroy Employees' Ass'n. present in the audience. Chief of Pol ice Laizure informed the Council of a Retire- ment Dinner scheduled for Edmund Piedmont and Raymond Fortado to be 1 2849 E. Piedmont & R.Fortado held at the I.F.D.E.S. Hall on September 21, 1968 and that tickets are available at the Police Department. Ass'n. of Bay Area Govern. Meet. City Administrator Wood noted the Association of Bay Area Governments' Meeting on September 27, 1968 at the Hotel Claremont. Inter-City Council [he Mayor noted the Inter-City Council Meeting of September 5, 1968 in Cupertino and requested that four reservations be made for City Officials. Adjourn. At 9:31 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, 7 /,-d,2~<<-/!;vYl,<..) ,(~~~ui;> / City Clerk 9/5/68