Minutes 1969/04/15 1 2939 Gi lroy, Cal ifornia Apri 1 15, 1969 The Adjourned Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayou Norman B. Goodrich at 8:00 p.m. Pdrsent: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy, Charles F. Quartiroli, Anthony C. Silva, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: John E. Allemand. The Mayor declared a moment of silence in memory of Mike Martin. Official Canvass The City Clerk.s Official Canvass of Returns of the General 4-8-69 Gen. Municipal Election of April 8, 1969 was presented. Run. Elec. Returns Res. #1330 Mr. Phi lip Assaf, Attorney, presented and rea~ Resolution No. 1330 Approving and adopting the City Clerk.s Canvass of the General Municipal Election and Special Municipal Election consolidated therewith, and Declaring result of same. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Council- man Silva that Resolution No. 1330 be adopted. 2941 RESO LUT I ON NO. 1330 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND 'ADOPT! NG THE CITY CLERKJ.S CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MUNI C I PAL ELECT! ON AND THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELeCTION CONSOLIDATED THEREWITH AND DECLAR- ING RESULT OF SUCH CONSOLIDATED ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY ON APRIL 8, 1969. RESOLVED, by the City Countil of the City of Gilroy, Calif- ornia, that i ...... WHEREAS, by order of this Council a general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1969, as required by law and the Charter of said City; ....,C,__ WHEREAS, this Council did by Ordinance No. 843, adopted on February 3, 1969, duty call and order a special municipal election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city propositions for incurring bonded indebtednesses' as hereinafter set forth tobe held in said City on April 8, 1969, and to be consoli- d~ted with the general municipal election; WHEREAS, it appears that notice of each of said elections so consolidated was duly and legally given; voting precincts were prop- erly established; election officers were appointed and election sup- plies furnished; and in all respects the consolidated election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made, determined and declared in time, form and manner as required by the Charter of said City and the general Jaws of the State providing for and regulating municipal elections in said City; ~';~ WHEREAS, the eity Clerk of said City on the 10th day of April, 1969, in the Council Chambers in the Gilroy City Hall, did conduct the canvass of the returns of said consolidated municipal election and did count the absentee ballots cast thereat, pursuant to direc- tion and order of the City Council of said' City; and ..... WHEREAS, said canvass was duly completed and the results thereof were cerified by the City Clerk of the eity Of Gilroy and submitted to this Council. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED, as follows: 1. Said consolidated municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Calara, State of California, on tuesday, April 8, 1969, in the time and in the form and manner as requireQ by law. ~, .:>-. 2. That there were established five(5) voting p'recincts for the purpose of holding said consolidated municipal election consisting of either regu- lar election precincts established for holding state or county elections, or a con- solidation of some or all of such precincts, a~ follows~ ~I CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.1, comprising state and county pre- cincts designated Precinct Numbers 3953 and 3954 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.2, comprising state and county pre- cincts designated Precinct Numbers 3960 and 3968 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. ~- .-~ ....... CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.3, comprising state and county pre- cincts designated Precinct Numbers 3956 and 3965 as established by the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.4, comprising state and county pre- cincts designated Precinct Numbers 3961 and 3963 as established by the Sant Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.5, comprising state and county pre- cincts desegnated Precinct Numbers 3951, 3966 and 3969 as establish- ed by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. 2942 3. The canvass of the returns of the votes cast and the count of absentee ballots cast in said City for the propositions submitted and for the offece of City Councilman was duly held on April 10, 1969, by the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy in accordance with the order of the CouncjJ and in accord- ance with law and said City Clerk has executed a certificate certifying to the results of such canvass, which certificate is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and by this reference is made a part herof. Said certificate has been examined and is hereby approved and adopted by this Counc'il as the official canvass of said consolidated muniGipal election. 4. The whole number of votes cast in said City fo Gilroy at said consol idated municipal election was 2,466 (including 15 absentee votes). ..... 5. The names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, the number of votes preceived by each of said persons in each of said precincts and by absentee vote, together with the whole number of votes which they received in the entire city, are shown on said Exhib.it "N', hereto attached. i WIll 6. The bond propositions voted for at the special municipal bond election consolidated with said general municipal election, the number of votes received for and against each of said bond propositions in each of said precincts and by absentee vote, together with the whole number of votes which each of said bond propositions received in the entire city, is shown on said Exhibit "A" hereto attached. 7. At said general municipal election held in the City of Gilroy on April 8, 1969, the following persons were elected to the following offices: JOHN E. IlJACK" PATE was elected a member of the City Counc i 1 to hold office for a term of four years, from and after Tuesday, April 15, 1969, and continuing until his respective successor shall qua I i fy. FRED p. BATREZ was elected a member of the City Councit to hold office for a term of four years, from and after Tuesday, April 15, 1969, and continuing until his respective successor shall qua 1 i fy. .. i GEORGE T. DUFFIN was elected a member of the City Council to hold office for a term of four years, cfrom and after Tuesday, April 15, 1969, and continuing until his respective successor shall :; qualify. . IlIiIIIlf 8. The City Clerk is hereby derected to make out and deliver to each of the persons elected a certificate of election signed by her and duly authenticated. She shall also impose the constitutional oath of office and have them subscibe thereto. 9. That the propositions voted upaa in said consolidated municipal election as follows: "Shall the City of Gi lroy incur a bonded indebtedness in the prici- pal amount of $150,000 in aCCOJH. dance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted, for the object and parpose of the acquisition of real property and the constuction and compli- tion thereon of a library building, including land and rights in land, site clearing and development, building, parking facilities, landscaping, furniture, furnishings, equipment, facilities and ap- purtenances, and all things auxiliary' thereto and necessary to com- plete the same?" PROPOSITION NO..l: (Library) .... PROPOSITION NO.2: {Park Improvement) .,...; "Shall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded indebtedness in the princi- pal amount of $150,000 in accor- dance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of making certain additions and improvements to the City.s Northside Park encompassing the construction and completion of park facilities for community use,. including structures and equipment and incidental works and structures necessary or convenient to the maintenance and operat i on of a park?" 2948 f It"'..'^""t, JlShall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded indebtedness in the princi- pal amount of $200,000 in accor- cance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted, for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and comple- tion thereon of a ~eadquarters fire station; the completion of gradingl paving and site preparation of such real property; the purchase of furniture and equipment to furnish said headquarters fire station; and the purchase of fire apparatus and its equipment; and the ac- quiring of all lands, easements, facilities, and appurtenances and the completion of all incidental work necessary therefor?" PROPOSITION NO.3: (Headquarters Fire Station) I..... 10. The total number of votes cast for Proposition No. was 1,1880, and the total number of votes cast against Proposition No. upon was 461. voted upon vo te d 11. The total number of votes cast for Proposition No.2 voted upon was 1,799, and the total number of votes cast against Proposition No.2 voted upon was 526. 12. The total number of votes cast for Proposition No.3 voted upon was 1,947, and the total number of votes cast against Proposition No.3 voted upon was 401. 13. That at said election more than two-thirds of all of the votes cast for and against each of the three propositions were in favor, thereof and authorized the issuing of bonds in the amounts and the purposes set forth in each of said propositions herein stated; that each of said propositions has been ac- cepted and approved by the electors of said City and that said bonds will be issued to defray the costs of each of the improvements heretofore specified and to the amounts stated therein. 14. That the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, instructed to enter this resolution in full in the minutes of this Council as a statement of the result of said special municipal election. ~ ATTEST: Isl SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City Clerk (Sea 1 ) vote: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 1969, by the AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand following Silva, NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: Isl NORMAN B. GOODRICH Mayor EXHIBIT "AII (attached to above Resolution No. 1330) State of California ) ) s s. County of Santa Clara) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK (""- Declaring Results of the Canvass of the General Municipal Election and Special Municipal Election held in the City of G i 1 roy on April 8, 1969 ~.... I, Susanne E. Steinmetz, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy do hereby. certify that, in accordance with the order of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, made on the 20th day of March 1967, by Resolution No. 1096 of said Council, which resolution refers to the General Municipal Election of April 11, 1967 and all subsequent municipal elections, pursuant to Section 22932.5 of the Elections Code, I did on the 10th day of April, 1969 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at No. 10 South Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California, duly and officially can- vass the result of the General Municipal Election and Special Municipal Election held in the City of Gilroy on April 8, 1969 and I do hereby certify further as follows: :?944 I, did canvass said returns, including absentee votes of said elec- tion, and found and ascertained that the total number of votes, including absentee votes, cast at said election was 2,466; that the number of votes cast in Precinct No. 1 was 530; that the number of votes cast in Precinct No. 2 was 379; that the number of votes cast in Precinct No. 3 was 449; that the number of votes cast in Precinct No.4 was 358; and that the number of votes cast in Precinct No. 5 was 735; and That I did then also canvass the absentee ballots cast in said elec- tion and found and ascertained that the total number of absentee ballots issued for said election was 16; that all of said absentee balbts have been returned ~ or received except one; and that the total number of absentee ballots cast at ..J said election was 15; and that the following named persons received the total number of votes set opposite their respective names for the respective office for which they were candidates, to wit: Total Vote Total ex c 1 u din g Absentee Votes Absentee Vote "1" 11211 "6" 11411 ~ Vote Cast FOR COUNCILMAN George T. Duffin 1250 314 157 250 135 394 10 1260 Fred P. Batrez 1352 251 246 187 229 439 4 1356 Wm.E."Bi II"Chi lders 1236 298 171 263 168 336 10 1246 Ronald J. Gurries 564 142 62 107 88 165 4 568 John E." Jackll Pa te 1401 326 197 266 184 428 11 1412 Victor D. Reisig 530 122 73 78 73 184 0 530 and, I further certify that there was submjtted to the electors of the said City at said election three (3) propostions designated as "Proposition No.1 (Library)", "Proposition No.2 (Park Improvement)", and "Proposition No.3 (Headquarters Fire Station)", said propositions submitted to the quali- fied voters of said City the question of incurriug bonded indebtednesses by said City for the objects and purposes set forth in the following propo~i- t i on s, to wit: lIIIlIIl PROPOSITION NO.1: (Li bi"'ary) IiIIIIiIi "Shall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded in- debtedness in the principal amount of ~600,000. in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted, for the object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon of a library building, including land and rights in land, site clearing and development, building, parking facilities, landscap- ing, furniture, furnishings, equipment, facilities, and appurtenances, and all things auxiliary thereto and necessary to complete the same?" PROPOSITION NO.2: (Park Improvement) "Shall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded in- debtedness in the principal amount of $150,000 in accordance with the provision of the election at which this proposition is submitted for the object and purpose of making certain additions and improvements to the City.s Northside Park encom- passing the construction and completion of park facilities for community use, including structures and equipment and incidental works and structures neces- sary or convenient to the maintenance and operation of a park?" PROPOSITION NO.3 "Shall the City of Gilroy incur a bonded in- (Headquarters Fire Station) debtedness in the principal amount of $200,000 in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance calling the election at which this proposition is submitted for the ... object and purpose of the acquisition of real property and the construction and completion thereon of a headquarters fire station; the completion of ... grading, paving and site preparation of such real property; the purchase of furniture and equipment to furnish said headquarters fire station; and the purchase of fire apparatus and its equipment; and the acquiring of all lands, easements~ facilities and appurtenances and the completion of all incidental work necessary therefor?" That, votes cast upon said .Proposition No.1. in each of the fol- lowing precincts was as follows: 2945 Total vote Total Excluding Absentee Votes Absentee Vote ' "1" "2" ~ 11411 "SI} Vote Cast Yes 1 , 866 404 278 331 256 597 14 1,880 No 460 111 72 93 72 112 1 461 ......:;'b.... That, the total number of votes cast upon Proposition No.1 was 2,326 votes, of which 1,866 votes were "Yes" or in favor of the Library Improve- ment, and 460 were "No" or against the Library Improvement, and the absentee ballots cast, 14 votes were IIYes" or in favor of the Library Improvement and 1 vote was "No" or against the Library' Improvement and that the total number of votes cast upon said Proposition No.1 were 2,341, of which 1,880 were "Yes" votes or votes in favor of the Library Improvement, and 461 were "No" votes or votes against the Library Improvement; That, the total number of votes cast upon Proposition No.2 was 2,310 votes, of which 1,787 votes were "Yes" or in favor of the Park Improvement, and 523 were "No" or agains.t the Park Improvement, and the absentee ballots cast, 12 votes were "Yes" or in favor of the Park Improvement and 3 votes were "No" or against the Park Improvement ana that the total number of votes cast upon said Proposition No.2 were 2,325, of which 1,799 were "Yesll votes or votes in favor of the Park Improvement, and 526 were "No" votes or votes against the Park Im- provemen t; That, votes cast upon said .Proposition No.3. in each of the following precincts was as follows: _.,.~4 Total vote Total Exc 1 ud i ng Absentee Votes Absentee Vote 111" "2" ~ 11411 ~ Vote Cast Yes 1,935 412 285 352 279 607 12 1,947 No 398 102 62 73 60 101 3 401 That, the total number of votes cast upon Proposition No.3 was 2,333 votes, of which 1,935 votes were "Yesll or in favor of the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement, and 398 were "NolI or against the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement, and the absentee ballots cast, 12 votes were "Yes" or in favor of the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement and 3 votes were liNe' I or against the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement, and that the total number of votes cast upon said Proposition No.3 were 2,348, of which 1,947 were "Yes" votes or votes in favor of the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement, and 401 were "Noll votes or votes against the Headquarters Fire Station Improvement; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy this 10th day of April, 1969. ISI SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Sea 1) ;', ;':: 'Ok ;', ..."..,f Adjourn Sine Die Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the meeting be adjourned Sine Die. (It was noted by the Mayor that retiring Councilman Allemand intended to be present at this meeting,'however was required toreturn to the hospital and was unable to attend this meeting.) Oa th of Off i celNew Counci lmen The City Clerk swore in the new Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, George T. Duffin and John E. "Jack"Pate. ~946 Roll Ca 11 G ift- Quartr i- rol i Chamber of Commerce Bro chure Res.#1331 re: N.side Park Con- demnat i on Plan. Com. resigna- tion (Robert Chappe 11) Lib. & Culture Com. resigna- t i on (J . Pate) Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, George T. Duffin, Mark E. Kennedy, John E. "Jack" Pate, Anthony C. Si lva, Everett C. Wentworth, and Norman B. Goodrich. Mayor Goodrich congratulated the New Council Members. The new Council Members accepted their election as Councilmen with the City of G i 1 roy. The Mayor presented a certificate of service and gift to re- tiring Councilman Quartiroli. ... City Administrator Wood reported on a request of the local Chamber of Commerce for the City's participation in a proposed Brochure of Gilroy, noting that a prime page would be $874.50 and other pages $795.00 and further noting that the City would receiVe approximately ten (10) copies of said brochure and the Chamber would receive 5,000 copies. Discussion was had and Council tabled action on same to the regular meeting of April 21, 1969. - The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 1331 authorizing Condemnation Proceedings for Northside Park properties. (I t was noted that Counci lman Duffin was an interested party in' said property and that he refrained from entering into discussion and voting on said matter.) Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Councilman Kennedy that Resolution No. 1331 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1331 A RESOLUTION DETERMIN1NG AND DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF GILROY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PUBLIC PARK AND APPURTENANCES THERETO ON 21 ,869 ACRES. OF LAND HERE I NAFT,ER DESCR I BED, ALL WITH I N THE CITY OF G I L- ROY, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA: AND THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO BE USED BY THE CITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUB- LIC PARK AND APPURTENANCES THERETO WITHIN THE AREA AFORESAID: AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPER~Y UNDER EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS, AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF GILROY TO COMMENCE AN ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF ACQUIRING SAID REAL PROPERTY. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 1969, by the folbwing vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, Wentworth, and Goodr i en . COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin iIIIIIII ..... NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor presented and read a letter of resignation from Robert P. Chappell, Planning Commissioner, to become effective attht: end of April 1969. Council tabled action on same to the regular meet- ing of April 21, 1969. The Mayor requested Council Members to submit names of 1 oca 1 c i t i zen s to fill the unexp ired te rm of Rober t Chappe 11 for appointment to said Commission at the Apri 1 21, )969 meeting. The Mayor presented and read a letter of resignation from John E. "Jack" Pate on the Library and CuI ture Commission. Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Counci lman Kennedy and carried- _ that John E. "Jackll Pate.s letter of resignation from the Library and' Culture Commission be accepted. The Mayor requested Council Members to submit names to fill said unexpired term for the April 21, 1969 Counci 1 Meet i ng. .... ..... -.. '- Councilman Batrez noted that Mr. John San Miguel, present in the audience, desired to be placed upon the Planning Commission ap- pointment list for for possible appointment to said Commission. Mr. San, Miguel 'indicated that he was interested in said appointment. The Mayo noted Mr. San Miguel.s name would be considered for said Planning Com- mission appointment at the,next regular meeting of April 21, 1969. Councilman Kennedy suggested that the City pay tribute to Golf Champion- Mr. George Archer for a recent championship of Master.s Golf Tourna- ship (Geo. mente Discussion was had. Archer) Adjournment J947 Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman' Duffin and cRrried that the City Attorney prepare a resolution Honoring Mr. George Archer for his recent achievement. City Administrator Wood noted ~at the local Chamber of Com- merce has indicated that they intend to erect a sign on the Park area adjacent to t he Chamber Office in honor of Mr. Archer. Counci 1 con- curred. The Mayor thanked those in the audience for paying tribute to the newly elected Council. At 8:29 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, .5 ----I ., Cl.fr;i .c.,c '){C.(.>t'li,'! Susanne E. Steinmentz, City Terk