Minutes 1970/04/27 , I I I - . 3100 Gilroy, California Apri 1 27, 1970 The Special Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Protempore George T. Duffin at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Members: Fred p. Batrez, George T. Duffin~ John E. Pate. and Everett C. Wentworth. Absent: Council Members: Mark E. Kennedy, Anthony C. Silva, and Nor- man B. Goodrich. . J 3101 Mayor Protempore Duffin explained the reason the Special Meeting was ca 11 ed. Agree.re: Migrant Housing Project City Administrator Wood presented a proposed Agreement with Santa Clara County Housing Authority and the Harvest Housing Association for a Migrant Housing Project. ~ Mr. ~ee Stephenson, County Counsel, further explained the proposed Agreement in detail with comments on same by Counci 1. ~ (Councilman Kennedy entered at 4:01 p.m. and took his seat at the Council Table.) . ~r. Stephenson further noted that the property to be used for the project had been conveyed to the County of Santa Clara as holders of the deed for same to be conveyed ~o the County Housing Authority for said project. Mr. Stephenson further noted that the City would be requested through the Agreement to allow the extension of its water service to the planned project with the Housing Authority to pay for said extension. (Councilman Silva entered at 4:08 p.m. and took his seat at the Counc i 1 table.) . Mr. Stephenson further noted that the City would also be requested through t~e Agreement to allow connection to its Outfall Sewer Line with a Lift Station and 1 ine to be installed. The cost ofa new installation to be paid by the Housing ~uthority. ~ I U He further explained the subject site and right-of-ways to be con- veyed to the City. He noted that if the supj~ct property ceases to be used for Migrant Housing, same will be revonveyed back to the Harvest Housing Association; that prior to said reconveyance same would be annexed to the' City. Mr. Stephenson also noted that this proposed project could hopefully be presented to the Board of Supervisors April 29, 1970 in order to meet E.O.C. deadl ines as they would construct the proposed project. Discussion was had in regard to annexation of the property. Discussion was had in regard to the outfall sewer line proposal. Director of Public Works Henry noted that it would be the County's problem to drain the area; that the City could provide use of the filter beds at no additional cost. Mr. Stephenson noted that the total Federal Government budget for on- .site purposes of th~ project is $152,000.00. Discussion was, had in regard to the sewer, water and drainage con- nection fees tot911ing 9Pproximate1y $11,000.00. Discussion wa~ had in regard to a portion of Luchessa Avenue within the County used by the City to get to the Sewer Farm property, noting that the proposed Migrant Housing Project would also be using this portion of Luchessa Avenue; that the increase in traffic would require interim improve- ment of said road. Council agreed that the County and Housing Authority should share in any interim improvement. The Authority noted that they woul~ cooperate with the City if funds were availab)e. 'I , Motion was made by Councilman Pate that the City collect the off- site sewer and water fees and that the off-site storm drainage fe~ ~e defer- red until such time the property develops. Motion died for lack of a second. "',..",,.u,,",, Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth that sewer, water, and storm drainage fees be paid over a 10 year period with no specific repayment schedule. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made by Counci lman Wentworth seconded by Counci lman Kennedy and carried that all off-site fees for the Migrant Housing Project, including sewer, water and storm drain total1ing approximately $11,000.00 be paid on an annual basis in equal in~tallments over a 10 year period; first pay- ment to be made when construction of said projec~ begins. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Counci 1man Silva ! r)' and carried tj1at the propqsed Agreement as modified with Santa Clara County, the Santa Clara County Housing Authority and the Harvest Housing Association be approved subject to approval of said agreement by the City Attorney. Drainage Ditch- S . bound- ary Sewer Farm Dra i nage Ditch Sewer Farm property Adj ourned Councilman Wentworth, Council Advisory Sewer Committee Chairman, reported on the Southerly Drainage Ditch at the Sewer Farm. He noted that the City Engineer's' estimate for this improve- ment to be in the amount of $6,000. to $8,000. and noted the Committee recommended Staff to proceed with said improvement. Motion was made by Councilman Wentworth seconded by Council- man Silva and ca.rr,ied that Azevedo Drag Line Co. be hired at $18.00 per hour for construction of said drainage ditch and that the funds for said improvement estimated between $6,000. to $8,000. be expended from Account 40C2 provided for in the amount of $10,000. for replac- ing the outfall sewer line at the Sewer Farm which work will not be accmmplished in the 1969~70 Budget. Councilman Wentworth reported that George White had request- ed permission to drain water from his property adjacent to the sewer farm property through a 1,000 ft. ditch which would enter the City's drainage ditch; same to be accomplished by a non-revocable right-of- way, and that the City install a pipe line through' the existing levee. Council indicated that this may be allowed if Mr. White in- stalled his own pipe through the City's existing levee. Said matter was referred to Staff to investigate said proposal for action by Council at the next regular Counci.l Meeting. At 6:20 p.m. Mayor Protempore Duffin adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, J) _ i. ? '- ----" to, ;'/7~ ,k, - t"') )Z{-~ 7~ ..~,,(, City Clerk /J" .'\