Minutes 1971/03/01 3210 Roll Call Introduction Minutes Bids re: Del ta Dr. Li f t S ta . Demo 1 i t i on Ra i nbow Courts Plan.Com. Meet. 2-18-71 \ Library & Cul- ture Com. Meet.I/5/71 & 2/2/71 Personnel Com.Meet. 2/25171 Res .#1550 Residency Requ i remen t Gilroy, California March I, 1971 The Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor, Norman B. Goodrich at 8:03 p.m. ..... IIIIIIII Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, Geqrge T. Duffin" Mark E. Kennedy, John E. Pate, Anthony C. Silva, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: Everett C. Wentworth. The Mayor introduced Miss Lori Brock, San Jose State Student, presently working with the Parks and Recreation Department. -, IIIIIIlIIf The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 1971 were approved as mailed and recorded. "),\ City Administrator Wood reported on the following bids re- ceived March 1, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. for the Delta Drive Lift Station, at Northwood, Unit No.2: 1) 0 K Construction Inc., Los Altos - $6,999.00; 2) Hood Corporation, San Jose - $13,750.00; 3) Granite Construction, Watsonville - $8,514.00; 4) H.A. Ekelin & Associates,' Salinas - $6,916.00; 5) Pisano Brothers, Inc., Santa Clara - $9,853.00; 6) Power- Anderson, Inc. - Mountain View - $6,289.00. City Administra- tor Wood recommended that the low bidder, Power - Anderson, Inc. of Mt. View be awarded same in the amount of $6,289.00. . .. Motion was made by Counci lman Kennedy seconded by Counci 1- man Pate and carried that the low bid of Power Anderson, Inc. in the amount of $6,289.00 for the Delta Drive Lift Station, Northwood Unit #2 be awarded as recommended. The Mayor discontinued the Public Hearing scheduled regard- ing Cost of Demol ishing and Removing Bui ldings known as "Rainbow Courts'l at Seventh and East Streets regarding Special Assessment for same, as property owner demol ished said bui Idings at his expense. ..... ..... Secretary of the Planning Commission Henry explained the Report of the Planning Commission Meeting of February 18, 1971 recom- mending rezoning of property belonging to Trevis Berry approximately ten (10) acreS southerly of Pacheco Pass Highway and east of the pro posed South Valley Freeway from I-Z to C-l. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that a Pub- lic Hearing date of March 15, 1971 be set for said rezoning request. The Planning Commission Report also noted a contimed Public Hearing before the Commission of March 18, 1971 on setting of official plan I ines for Wren Avenue from Day Road to Uvas Parkway and a Public Hearing of March 4, 1971 on the proposed Highway Commercial Zoning. The Minutes of the Library and Culture Commission Meetings of January 5, 1971 and February 2, 1971 were noted and the increase in circulation volume for said period. Secretary of the Personnel Commission Reinsch explained the report of the Meeting of February 25, 1971 recommending adoption of a resolution regarding Residency Requirement for City employees. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva that the reading of Resolution No. 1550 be waived and that it be adopted. ~ ...",j RESOLUTION NO. 1550 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTION II I, D OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS ENTI TLED "RES I DENCY REQUI REMENTS". PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1971 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth ..... .... NOES: ABS ENT: It was also noted that Commissioners Gillott and Gallagher 3211 will be representing the Commission on the Meet and Confer Team. _... Monthly Reports The Summary of Monthly Reports of January 1971 were noted and Jan.1971 discussed. It was noted that the rece.ipts of the Golf Course for January 1971 were audited by the Board of Directors. Further discussion was had in regard to the current Budget Amendments to the 1970-71 Budget. r- '.......J " ii i I ~ r ~! ...".,. T . V . Po 1 i ce Train. & Info.Grant J ( A Report on T.V. Police Training and Information Grant was ex- plained by City Administrator Wood and further explained by Deputy Police Chief Williams. Discussion was had on the matter. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that the City support the County in applying for the Grant for said project as recom- mended. N.Si~e Pk.Acq. City Administrator Wood presented a Final Report on Northside Res.#1551 Park Acquisition Project and presented and read a resolution approving the final amendment (boundary 1 ine) to the Agreement. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Pate that Resolution No. 1551 be adopted. R~OLUTION NO. 1551 RESOLUTION NO. .1551 APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF SECOND AMENDATORY CONTRACT FOR GRANT TO ACQUIRE AND/OR DEVELOP LAND FOR OPEN- SPACE PURPOSES NO. CALIF. OSA-274(G) BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF GILROY AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Adopted this 1st day of March, 1971 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Batrez" Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva., and Goodrich. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth Disbursements The Report of Disbursements from February 1, 1971 to and in- cluding February 28, 1971 was noted. Res .#1552 Gen .Mun i . Elec. Resolution No. 1552 Designating Polling Places and appointing Election Officers for the General Municipal Election of April 13, 1971 was presented and explained by the City Clerk. ,Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva that the reading of Resolu- tion No. 1552 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1552 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY PROVIDING FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE REGULAR ELECTION PRECINCJS FOR CONDUCTING THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY ON APRIL 13.1971, FIXING POLLING PLACES AND DESIGNATING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR,SAIIi.> GENERAL MUNI- C I PAL ELECTI ON. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1971, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCJL MEMBER: Wentworth NOES: ABS ENT: IIHire Program" Personnel Director Reinsch explained the Report of Federal IIHire Programll continued from February 16, 1971 Council Meeting. Council- man Batrez thanked Staff for providing said ,i.nformation. Ord.#915 re: 2J.2 & 24.9 Zon.Ord. Amend. The City Attorney presented and explained Ordinance No. 915 Amending Sections 23.2 and 24.9 of the Zoning Ordinance Changing R~3. Density Requirements and Requiring a Conditional Use Permit for more than three (3) Bedroom Apartments in an R-2 Zone. Motion was made by Councilman Kennedy seconded by Councilman Silva that the reading of Ordinance No. 915 be waived and that it be adopted. 3212 ORDINANCE NO. 915 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTIONS 23.2 AND 24.9 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CHANGE DENSITY REQUIREMENTS IN IIR-311 ZONES AND REQUIRE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR MORE THAN 3 BEDROOM APART- MENTS I N AN IR-2" ZONE. PASSED AND ADOPT~D this 1st day of March, 1971, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth .. - NOES: ABS ENT: ~ 1 So 1 i c i ta- tion Per- mi ts City Administrator Wood presented the following Solicitation Permits: Easter Seal Society Request accompanied by a proclamation of same and Multiple Sclerosis Society Request. Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the request for a waiver of the Solicitation Permit be approved and that the Mayor be authorized to issue a Proclamation for same as .requested. Motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried .that the Multiple Sclerosis Society request for a waiver of the Solicitation Permit be approved from Mothers' Day through Fathers' Day only. .. Assemblyman A letter from Assemblyman Richard D. Hayden, 22nd District, re- Hayden- garding Staff Service was presented and noted. 22nd Dist. S.C.Co.Plan. The Minutes of the Santa Clara County Planning Policy Committee Policy and Executive Committee Meetings of December 17, 1970iand Executive Com- Com.Meets. mi ttee Meet i ng of January 28, 1971 were noted. Di scuss ion was had in regard to progress on the Planning Council proposal. So.Co.Conso- Councilman Duffin presented and explained the Report on the lidation South County Consolidation Study. City Administrator Wood noted that Study the City of Morgan Hill has indicated that they are interested in meet- ing with the City regarding the Sewer Policy for service to unincorpor- ated areas. Council agreed to set a meeting date after the April 13, 1971 E 1 ec t ion. "" ..... Golf Course CounciJman Duffin reminded Council of the Golf Course Committee Com.Meet. Meeting with the Gilroy Golf & Country Club Board scheduled for March 2, 1971. Res.#1553 City Administrator Wood presented a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to accept deeds and grants on behalf of the City amending Resolution No. 944. Motion was made by Councilman Pate _____s~conded by Councilman Silva that the reading of Resolution No. 1553 be waived and that it be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1553 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING OFFICERS WHO MAY ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS OR GRANTS TO THE CITY OF GILROY AND CONSENT TO THE RECORDATION THEREOF. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1971, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Batrez, Duffin, Kennedy, Pate, Silva, and Goodr i ch. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth ~ ... NOES: ABS ENJ: Deanda Prop. City Administrator Wood informed the Council that the Deanda. adj.N. property 'adjacent to the Norths.ide Park.in which the City had intended '" side Pk. to purchase for delinquent taxes had recently been redeemed by the. property owner. .. Plan.Policy A letter from Planning Commissioner Childers was presented Com.rep. resigning from the Planning Policy Committee as a non-voting member. .. 3213 Motion;was made by ~ounc~lman Pate seconded by Councilman Silva and carried that Planning Commissioner Childers resignation from the Planning Policy Committee be accepted with regrets and that a replacement for said repre- sentative be accepted as outlined by the Mayor. Injury Claim City Administrator Wood presented an Injury Claim from Mr. Gregg G.Floros Floros recommending that same be denied. Motion was made by Councilman Pare seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that said Injury Claim be denied and be submitted to the Cityls Insurance Carrier. Chestnut St. Discussion was had in regard to the Department of Public Works Imp.Dist. scheduling preparation of plans for the proposed Chestnut Street Improve- men t D i s t r i ct. The Mayor noted the presence of Planning Commission Representative Berry and Deputy Chief of Police Williams. City Administrator Wood reported that Chief of Police Laizure was in the hosp ita 1. Adj ourned At 9:38 p.m. the Mayor adjourned ,the meeting. Respectfully submitted, / / I 0/)//1/ _ ' '<,.~ L-/ t~ I ~/./f1' z/ C/ /( "e!/!;;/r;YrtL/~ . City Clerk // )