Minutes 1971/11/30 Roll Ca 11 3291 November 30, 1971 G i 1 roy, Ca liforn i a The Adjourned Meeting of the Gilroy. City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 4:05 p.m. Present: Council Members: Fred P. Batrez, George T. Duffin, John Hughan, John E. Pate, and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent; Council Members: Anthony C. Silva and David V. Stout. Official Canvass The City Clerk's Offician: Canvass of Returns of the Special 11/23/71 Spcl. Mun~cipal Elect10n of NOvember 23, 1971, was p~esented. Mun.Elec. Returns Resolution No. 1605 approving'and adopting the City Clerk's Canvass of said Special Municipal Election was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Hughan secondeq by Councilman Pate that Resolution No. 1605 be,adopted. Res.#1605 RESOLUTION NO. 1605 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY CLERKIS CANVASS OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND DECLARING RESULT OF. SUCH ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY. ON NOVEMBER 23, 1971. RESOLVED, by the'City Council of the City of Gilroy, Cal ifornia that WHEREAS, by order of this Council a special municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy on Tuesday, the 23rd day of November, 1971, as required by law; WHEREAS, it appears that notice of said election was duly and legallyg1v~~: voting precincts were: properly established; election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished, and in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat 3292 received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made, determined and declared in time, form, and manner as required by the general laws of the State providing for and regulating municipal elections in said City; WHEREAS, the City Clerk of ~aid City on the,29th day of November, 1971, in the Council Chambers in the Gilroy City Hall, did conduct the canvass of the returns of said municipal election and did count the absentee ballots cast thereat, pursuant to direction and order of the City Council of said City; and ..... ... WHEREAS, said canvass was duly completed and the results thereof were certified by the City Clerkof the City of Gilroy and submitted to this Council. ~ NOW, THERERORE,IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED, as follows: WIII1Ii 1. Said municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, on Tuesday, November 23,.1971, in tbe time and in the form and man- ner as required by law. 2. That there were established five (5) voting precincts for the purpose of holding said municipal election consisting of either regular election precincts established for holding state or county elections, or a consolidation of some or all of such precincts, as follows: CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.1, comprising State and County precincts designated Precinct Num~ers 3951, 3953 and 3954 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Super~isors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.2, comprising State and County designated Precinct Numbers 3960 and 3968 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.3, comprising State and County precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3956 and 3965 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. ~ CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.4, comprising State and County precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3961 and 3963 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. ...... CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO.5, comprising State and County precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3966 and 3969 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. 3. The canvass of the returns of the votes cast and the count of absentee ballots cast in said City for the referendum measure was duly held on November 29, 1971, by the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy in accordance with the order of the Council and in accordance with law and said City Clerk has executed a certi- ficate certifying to the results of such canvass, which certi- \ ficate is hereto attached, marked Exhibit.'WI and by this reference is made a part hereof. Said certificate has been examined and is hereby approved and adopted by this Council as the official can- vass of said municipal election. 4. The whole number of votes cast in said City of Gilroy at said municipal election was 2960 (including 47 absentee votes). 5. The proposition voted for at the special muncipal election, the number of votes received for anQ against said proposition in each of said precincts and by absentee vote, together with the whole number of votes which said proposition received in the entire city, is shown on said Exhibit "A" hereto attached. ~ ..... 6. That the proposition voted upon in said special municipal election is as follows: MEASURE SUBM I TTED TO VOTE OF VOTES: IISha 11 Ord i nance No. 935, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on August 16, 1971, amending the Zoning Ordinance of said City by Prezoning as M3 (Heavy Industrial) District 73 acres of land located north of Bolsa Road and east of Monterey Highwa, and forming a part of an annexation to the City of Gilroy, become effective?" .... .... .. 3293 7. The total number of votes cast for the proposition voted upon was 1,987, and the total number of votes cast against the proposition voted upon was 960. ........ 8. That at said election a majority of all of the votes cast for and against the proposition were in favor thereof and Ordinance No. 935 shall become a valid and binding ordinance of the City and shall be considered as adopted on November 30, 1971, same being the date that the vote of the electors is declared by the city council and shall go into effect 10 days after said date. r~.: u 9. That the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, instructed to enter this resolution in full in the minutes of this Council as a statement of the result of said special municipal election. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of November, 1971, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: BATREZ, DUFFIN, HUGHAN, PATE, AND GOODRICH NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: SILVA AND SOUT APPROVED: /s/ NORMAN B. GGODRICH Mayor ATTEST: /s/ SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" (attached to above resolution) [ State of California ) ) ss. County of Santa Clara) (""1,' I """'" .;...,.., 3294 Salary Merit Increases Adjournment City Administrator Wood recommended approval of merit step increases for the following employees to become effective December I, 1971: Gary J. Goularte, Police Cadet, Range 20, from Step llA!' $449 to Step "B" $472 and Billie J. McCuiston, Pol ice Patrolman, Range 30, from Step "C" $805 to Step IID" $846. Motion was made by Counci lman Duffin seconded by Councilman H~ghan and carried that the employees be advanced to the next step in their salary ranges, as recommended to become effective December 1,1971. .. - At 4:08 p.m. the Mayor adJourned the ~eeting. Re;:C::~i ted'dI::A J City Clerk ~~ \ o \ \ J \ .. - -.... .",..4 r-l I i U 51 A IEMENI OF ALL VOlES CAST AT THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD JIIIlII'"!""" I November 23 , 1~~ ~ IN CITY OF GILROY STATE OF CALIFORNIA (When the City Clerk makes the Official Canvass, he m~st fill out Certificate on back page.) "' 'i I , I \....-i ...,"'" STATEMENT OF ALL VOTES CAST AT THE ... e .. z: Cl fd UJ I- I:Il:: I- ELECTION a.. - I .... L lD Q :::> ,,.. PRECINCTS LI.I U'l ~ UJ I ~. a::: -' :::> ~I == U'l ~ ~ (J) 0 L >- Z Tota I Votes A S C D ,E , iF Ca s tl G I . H , J : K L M , iN 599 422 311 93 327 170 320 92 ~ _3971?91' 33 14. 1987 960 i I i -+ Precinct No. I 2 3 4 5 Precinct No. Precinct No. :0 ___,___L__,_ ______.___ ip i I --~ I II :i I 'I "--1--- --,- H----- . II I :1 I I, I '! I I: ., II I 'I I :1 I II I ii j i,,' 1----- I II :i I :i i II I '..., Ii 'I I' :,'1 I, t-t-i I I I' I jl I 'i I II I ;i I " I Ii , 'I I . '1---- Precinct No. Precinct No. Absentee ... Q jR is I ! T --------------+ A I l--- T I I I i-1 I I I I I ,I ---r----~-H I I I I I i 11 :! !i i ii II ; . --+-+- ! I ~ I' , I I I I I I r-'I .... , I I I E ' ---------+,----------- -----1--- : F I : i I G I H . , I ---- ! i,-----t--1, , L I I I I ----___i :-----1-1 : 'I I s c D M N I I- J i I - ".,- i ELECTION HELD November 23 , 1971 SPECIAL MUNICIPAL - I-. I; " " :1 ii it = II :1 , A li 'I :1 S II il II II ,i I' Ii c 1 I' ,I i' II D I: E il I, L--- -,-- ---- ---- -----~-- -- ---.--.- i - " f iI 'I I' II II II ,I G I il I: I, H Ii II II !i II , II I, II II II J il : II - - --- -....-.----.--...-.... K II !I Ii II " 'i II Ij I, L I! II i: iI ;1 il I' " .; il II i; I' M II il Ii !I .-.., -". N Ii il II i! Ii j' 'i 'I 011 d II II II , -_--I jl-- ~-- ._----.-_.".~ p I! :I II Ii Ii 'i I " !I H Ii Q !I Ii II I' II [I ii [I I' 11 Ii " Ii R d I' il " !i ,I ,I Ii I II ii S II :1 ,I II 'I !; II !! T II I, Ii i: 1: "' I --.---. " 'I I. ii A H I, II Ii II : I, S I! II 'I Ii !, " c Ii it i: :i :i " !I I D [I d II :1 ii I E ' " I, Ii I, -- --+--- --------- !I , " !i f II 'I I II Ii II 'I II G 'I II Ii II Ii H II II II Ii , II 'I Ii I! II i! 'i II q :i Ii J 'I I !I .------.-... K I' il Ii 'I " d II ,.. . 'I , L II " il I :1 Ii ,. M :1 'I il ....,,"" it II :1 N !i I, q il il II :1 0 il 'I " II i, , , ------ p il 'I I[ Q 'I II II 'h' , R Ii ,! Ii S I: Ii ii ."""'" H T II I ,: , 'i .'. --' _. ..-.... "' .. -..- - '. ---_.-..~~--~.- I i '! : , : " d : ! ... IIIIIlIIIIll CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK TO RESULT OF THE CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS ~ ...J State of California, } County of.....~.9D.tg....C.J.fl.r.9............................................ ss. I, ........................................~JJ~.AN~..I;....I;......~.I.I;.LNM.Ul...............................m...........m..........................................C ity C ler k , of said City, do hereby certify that) in pursuance of the provisions of Section 22932.5 of the Elections Code and of the resolution of the governing body of said City) heretofore adopted and entered upon the minutes of said governing body, I did canvass the returns of the vote cast in said City, at the........m....~.p..~.~.!.~J.....~.~n.!..~.!.p.~.!..........m......................m.... ........................................................................................... ....-....... ,....,.................... ..... ....E le ction he ld on ............m....N.Q\'J'~rnb.e.r....~.3......m' 19...1.1....) for elective public offices) and/or for and against each measure submitted to the vote of the voters, and that 11IIII the Statement of the Vote Cast, to which this certificate is attached) shows the whole nttmber of votes cast in said City) and the whole num- -- ber of votes cast for each candidate and/or for and against each meas- ure in said City and in each of the respective precincts therein) and that the totals of the respective colttmns and the totals as shown for each candidate and/or for and against each measure are full) tnte and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this.........m?:9J.h.....m.m....day of ............................~.9.y.~~~.~.r.........., 19....7.).... (SEAL) C'~-< :...cill&,!{".,,',:.....:....:..d....{Ac,,~fr..., City Clerk. By .............................................................m..................................., Depttty. (The above certificate is to be used only when the governing body has ordered the City Clerk to make the official canvass.) M '... ~ .... ...