Minutes 1975/07/08 Roll Call ,'ih" - Executive Session G i 1 roy Fire As s oc . *",jiiilll - Adjournment 1'1""""'. - 3709 Gilroy, California July 8, 1975 The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 4:09 p.m. Present: Council t1embers: William E. Childers, Marion T. Link, John E. Pate, David V. Stout and Norman B. Goodrich Absent: Council Members: Dennis L. DeBell and George T. Duffin City Administrator Wood requested that Council adjourn to an Executive Session in regard to progress of "Meet and Confer" process. At 5:40 p.m., the Mayor reconvened the Meeting and called for a recess. At 5:42 p.m., the Mayor called the meeting to order. Mr. David Bibler, representing the Gilroy Fire Association, ad- dressed the Council and gave the following justifications for the Gilroy Fire Association's proposal noting that he is negotiating for the Fire Department and these employees should be treated individually apart from any other employee of the City. He noted that they are not trying to dispute whose benefits the City's share of Social Security belong to. He stated that the overall operating cost of the City for employees is only 4% with the 8% increase granted. Mr. Bibler noted that written notice from the Assistant City Admin- istrator stated that, in his opinion, an estimate 11.5% increase in salaries was used of the cities included in the City's Salary Survey. He stated that the City of Gilroy is the only City in the County that does not pay medical premiums for dependents of its employees. He further stated that the City has the lowest paid Fire Department in the County; that during negotiations, the City Administrator said that if that was all the Association was concerned with, same could be rectified. He further noted that the Mayor previously stated that the City recognizes that the Fire Department salaries are below other Fire Departments in the County. He requested that job classifications be revised to equalize the City's classifications because some positions are 2% within the same position'in other cities in the County and some are 14-15~~ below. He noted that Firemen have donated their time and volunteered in improving the Fire Stations, attend meetings on their off-duty time, and this can be a justification for giving the Fire Department Employees a higher wage than other employe~s of the City. Mr. Harold Lawrence addressed the Council and thanked them for allow- ing the Fire Department Association to present and explain their proposal. He further requested that the City grant a higher salary increase than the 8% recently approved. At 6:06 p.m., motion was made by Councilman Link seconded by Councilman Childers and carried that the meeting adjourn to an adjourned regular meeting and Council Executive Session on July 9, 1975, 15 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, / (0j~4<Jt,,~ Ci