Minutes 1975/12/16 i 3'760 Roll Call ..... ~ December 16, 1975 Gilroy, California The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Council, with the Planning Commission in attendance, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 8:09 p.m. Present: Council Members: William E. Childers, Dennis L. DeBell, George T. Duffin, Marion T. Link, John E. Pate, David V. Stout, and Norman B. Goodrich. Planning Commissioners Present: Guadalupe Aceves, Midge Chiesa, Diana Dorathy, Richard Harrison, and Chairman Vance Baldwin. Absent: Commissioners: Trevis Berry and Dr. Thomas G. White. Req. of Lazzarini The Mayor stated the purpose of this Adjourned Council Meeting re:Urb. Servo with the Planning Commission was to act on the request of Edward Area Lazzarini to include 18+ acres on the east side of Wren Avenue, south of Ronan Avenue and adjacent to Las Animas Park, in the Urban Service Area for presentation to LAFCObefore the end of the year. City Administrator Wood presented a letter from Mr. Lazzarini requesting said property be included in the Urban Service Area. Mr. Bill Henry of Garcia & Henry Engineers, representing Mr. Lazzarini, addressed the Council and explained the proposed use of the parcel noting that the most easterly 8 acres are planned for a PUD with a probable buildout schedule of two years, and the westerly 10 acres are to be deeded to the City for lease to the Gilroy Little League on a long-term basis. 3761 Mr. Henry further stated that perhaps this property was not included in the Urban Service Area because of a possible flooding condition. Mr. Edward Lazzarini addressed the Council stating he proposed to dedicate the westerly 10 acres to the City as a deductible contribution for a Little League ballpark. The concept arose as a result of publicity of the Gilroy Little League's problem of not having land available for a ballpark. The property would be deeded to the City with the stipulation the City lease it to the Gilroy Little League on a long-term lease-- probably 10 to 20 years. - Councilman Duffin stated he thought the purpose of the meeting was only to determine if the Lazzarini property should or should not be included in the Urban Service Area, and that the proposed use of the property was not an item to be discussed at this time. It was noted that discussion of future plans for the property should be taken as purely informational. The question was raised if Council can take action on the matter before being presented to the Planning Commission. The City Attorney stated that, as a rule, the Planning Commission recommends to Council and the Council decides and makes a recommendation to LAFCO, but that LAFCO does not have any set rules regarding areas already annexed to the City. Council requested a poll of Planning Commissioners present for their comments on the inclusion of this property in the Urban Service Area, to be taken on an advisory basis only. Commissioner Baldwin, speaking as an individual, stated his reaction, based on the impact of the proposal on local schools and the 'possible flooding situation, would be against the proposal. h0"'ll1 Commissioner Chiesa stated he could see no reason why the property shouldn't be included in the Urban Service Area and, as he recalls, this property is not subject to flooding except for a few feet along Wren Avenue. - Commissioner Dorathy stated that perhaps the Planning Commission should go back and ask other property owners who have been denied inclusion in the Urban Service Area if they wished to donate a portion of their property to the City. Commissioner Aceves felt that since this parcel is surrounded by other property al ready in the Urban Service Area, he could see no reason why it shouldn't also be included. Commissioner Harrison stated that he was not prepared, at this time, to vote on the matter with the information he now has. He further stated that he felt such last minute proposals have an element of unfair- ness to other people who have requested to be included in the Urban Service Area.. Commissioner Baldwin stated he had no objection to calling a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission to consider the request. Commissioner Baldwin noted that the Planning Commission has a meeting on Thursday, December 18 and this matter could be put on the Agenda. IIIIIM! ..... The Mayor instructed the Planning Commission to agendize Mr. Lazzarini's request for their December 18 meeting, noting he will adjourn this Council meeting to Friday, December 19, 1975, to act on their recom- mendation. It was noted by Council that the Gilroy Little League does not want this request to be used as a wedge for granting same. Commissioner Baldwin stated the City should seriously consider a process for hearing requests for inclusion in the Urban Service Area. The City Attorney suggested the Planning Commission make a recommendation to Council re: same. T 3762 Blocker/Dixie-Rea : Mr. Jerry Fuchs, taxpayer, addressed the Coun~il and spoke Properties against their decision to uphold the Planning Commission's denial of the Blocker and Dixie-Rea properties in the Urban Service Area. Mr. Fuchs stated it would be equitable to consider the requests again and that it would be a dis-service to the community if the Planning Commission did not take this stand. Mr. Fuchs further stated that the City should include these properties in the Urban Service Area and leave it to the Planning Commission to determine what restrictions should be put on their use, especially since utilities border these properties. Mr. Fuchs further spoke regarding the necessity to bring additional industry to the City in order to expand the tax base noting that the last industry to come to Gilroy was approximately- three years ago. Mr. Brian Cunningham, member of the Board of Directors, Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, spoke in opposition to the Council's decision and stated that, unless the City gets an industrial tax base, the small property owner must bear the tax load. Mr. Cunningham further stated that he does not have a financial interest in the property being denied, nor does he own any property other than his home. Mr. Wes Garret addressed the council stating he felt Gilroy will soon become a bedroom community for San Jose and Morgan Hill since industry cannot locate here. Mr. Don Christopher, farmer, addressed the Council and spoke in favor of the Blocker property being admitted in the Urban Service Area. Mr. Bob Infelise, President of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, noted he received a copy of the resolution from the Industrial Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce to the Council opposing Council's decision re: the Blocker/Dixie-Rea properties and requested said resolution be made a part of the Record. Mr. H. C. Miller, resident of Gilroy, addressed the Council and stated he feels there is a need for additional industrial land in Gilroy as several industries have not shown any interest in the present Industrial Park. Adjournment At 9:30 p.m., motion was made by Councilman Pate seconded by Councilman Duffin and carried that the meeting adjourn to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on December 19, 1975, at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, i: . tf" , .......~~ ~. f~ f Deputy Clty Clerk