Minutes 1975/12/19 ! 3762 . - December 19, 1975 Gilroy, California The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Gilroy City Coucnil w~s called to order by His Honor Mayor Norman B. Goodrich at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Members: William E. Childers, Dennis L. DeBell, George T. Duffin, Marion T. Link, David V. Stout and Norman B. Goodrich. Absent: Council Member: John E. Pate. Lazzarini Prop. The Mayor stated this adjourned meeting was held to consider the request of Edward Lazzarini to include 18+ acres on Wren Avenue, south of Ronan Avenue, in the Urban Service Area before the end of the year in order to present said request to LAFCO. -'" - Dixie-Rea Property ~~ - ..... Adj ournment -- " 3763 .. . The report of the Planning Commission's meeting of December 18, 1975, was presented noting Mr. Lazzarini withdrew his request with the understanding that, under the City's Urban Development Polic" he could apply at a later date as this property was within the City Limits and did not have to be considered by LAFCO. Councilman Pate entered at 4:09 p.m., and took his seat at the Council table. It was moved by Councilman stout seconded by Councilman Link and carried that the Council concurs with the Planning Commission's action regarding the property of Edward Lazzarini and that land outside the Urban Service Area, but within the City Limits, need not be bound to hearing constraints of that which would come before LAFCO. It was noted that the Fllanning Commission, at their meeting of December 18, 1975, voted to reconsider their prior decision regarding the Dixie-Rea property, and that the Planning Commission re-affirmed their decision not to include said property in the Urban Service Area. It was further noted that a portion of the 193 acres was already in. Discussion was had on consideration of the remaining 183+ acres in the Urban Service Area. - City Administrator Wood noted that water and sewer lines were extended to the property prior to the freeway construction, and he felt this property has the best potential for service of any undeveloped industrial land in the community. Councilman DeBell stated he would be in a position to reconsider the matter of the Dixie-Rea property in an effort to create a larger inventory of industrial land. The Mayor noted a motion from a councilmember who previously voted against inclusion of the Dixi-Rea property in the Urban Service Area was needed for reconsideration by Council. It was moved by Councilman DeBell seconded by Councilman Childers and carried that the Council reconsider their previous action of not including the Dixie-Rea property in the Urban Service Area. Councilmen Pate and Stout voted IINo." ** (see omission below) Councilman Pate stated he felt the more suitable piece of property is the Blocker property south of town and that the City shouldn't begin developing across the freeway until IIwe decide how far east we want to gO.1I Councilman Stout was opposed to the decision as the property was not adjacent to, nor near, the railroad tracks and that he feels rail service is necessary for industrial development. The Mayor noted that the type of development was a matter to be considered at a later date and that putting the property in the Urban Service Area does not give a green light to the future use of the land. Further discussion was had at Council level. It was moved by Councilman Duffin seconded by councilman Link and carried to amend the previous motion by including the Dixie-Rea property in the current five-year Urban Service Area. Councilmen Pate and Stout voted "NolI on the motion. At 4:25 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, '~ {! ~ h r /. t A ./ r eputy City Cler * Motion was made by Councilman Duffin seconded by Councilman Link and carried to include the Dixie-Rea property in the Urban Service Area. Councilmen Pate and Stout voted IINolI.