Minutes 1997/07/07 7012 Invocation Posting Agenda Roll Call New Emp. Regular Meeting July 7, 1997 Gilroy, California Mayor Protempore Gilroy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Pastor Robert Langley, First Baptist Church, gave the Invocation. The Interim City Clerk noted that the Agenda had been posted on July 3, 1997 at 11 :02 a.m. Present: Councilmembers: Charles S. Morales, Connie Rogers, Suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas W. Springer, Pete Valdez, Jr., and K. A. Mike Gilroy; 7:03 p.m. Mayor Protempore Gilroy introduced new employees Phaedra Hendrix, Clerk Typist I - Finance and Gary S. Muraoka, Community Service Officer - Police Department. Vol. Year Consent Calendar Minutes Minutes Minutes Write-Off Utility Accts. Household Haz. Waste Claims 7013 Sandra Sammut introduced Al Gagliardi, Volunteer of the Year for 1997. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rowlison, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried that the following items under the Consent Calendar be approved by the following Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Councilmembers: Charles S. Morales, Connie Rogers, Suellen C. Rowlison, Thomas W. Springer, Pete Valdez, Jr and K. A. Mike Gilroy: Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of June 16, 1997; Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 16, 1997; Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 23, 1997; Write-Off of Uncollectible Utility Accounts; 1997 -98 Agency Agreement for Countywide Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program; Denied claims of Rebecca Schanding, Ben Griffin, Frederick Fitzgerald, Mary Galvan, Mary Perry, Mariela N. (a minor), and Alexander Gonzalez; and Accept Park & Accepted Improvements for Project No. 96-CDD-437, Various Park & Landscape Landscape Improvements, Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. (Copies) Improvements P&RCom. many Report Bid-FD Com. Sys. Bid-Well 5-02 bid Drilling Bid-ADA Improvements Sherri Stuart, Chairperson, P & R Commission, commented that she saw of the Councilmembers at the two new park openings last week. She reviewed the summer recreation programs, noting the adult programs registrations are way up, and noted the increases in many programs. She reviewed facility needs for various programs and groups. She stated that there will be a contest to name the two new parks. She explained that the City has hired a consultant for master planning the parks. Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the bid of Peninsula Communications in the amount of$18,642.65 for the Fire Department Communication System (RFP-FD-230). Councilman Springer questioned what the budgeted amount was, and Mr. Dorn stated that he did not have that figure. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried to award the bid to Peninsula Communications for $18,642.65 for the Fire Department Communication System (RFP-FD-230). Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the of Maggi ora Bros. Drilling in the amount of$362,885 for the Well 5-02 Drilling, Project #97-CDD-474. Councilman Springer questioned whether this will include testing of the well, and was told that it would. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rowlison, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried to award the bid to Maggiora Bros. Drilling for $362,885 for the Well 5-02 Drilling, Project #97-CDD-474. Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the bid ofG. B. Group in the amount of$148,756 for ADA Improvements, Project #96-CDD-470. 7014 Councilwoman Rogers noted that the bid was sent to numerous vendors, but only one bid was received. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilwoman Rowlison and carried to award the bid to G. B Group for $148,756 for ADA Improvements, Project #96-CDD-470. Bid-Computers Councilman Springer excused himself from discussion or vote on this item. & Printers Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the bid of En Pointe Technologies in the amount of $6,262.92 for fifteen (15) printers (97-IT-469) (the computers to be recommended at a future time). Councilwoman Rogers questioned whether Council should wait to see what computers are chosen to see if the printer is compatible, and was told that was not necessary. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rowlison, seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried (Councilman Springer absent) to award the bid to En Pointe Technologies for $6,262.92 for fifteen (15) printers (97-IT-469). Bid-Hydrological Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the bid Assess.-Uvas of Balance Hydrologics, Inc. in the amount of$120.00/hr. for Principal in Charge Creek Park and $80.00/hr. for Project Manager for Hydrological Assessment for Uvas Creek Preserve Park Preserve (RFP-CDD-231). Councilwoman Rowlison questioned whether there is a cap on the expenses, and was told that staff does not anticipate substantial expense, if they need to use the firm at all. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rowlison, seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried to award the bid to Balance Hydrologics, Inc. for $120.00/hr. for Principal in Charge and $80.00/hr. for Project Manager for Hydrological Assessment for Uvas Creek Park Preserve (RFP-CDD-231). Bid-Custodial Acting City Administrator Dorn presented recommendations to award the bid Services of Cleaning Services in the amount of$57,31O for Year 1 and $62,520 for Year 2 for Custodial Services (97-ASD-473). Motion was made by Councilman Morales, seconded by Councilwoman Rogers and carried to award the bid to Cleaning Services for $57,310 for Year 1 and $62,520 for Year 2 for Custodial Services (97-ASD-473). Pub. Hear. M 97-04 Mayor Protempore Gilroy stated it was the time and place scheduled to Consider Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report Prepared for the Proposed City of Gilroy 18-Hole Municipal Golf Course Project, on Property Located East of Burchell Road, North of Hecker Pass Highway, M 97-04, City of Gilroy. The Staff Report was noted and further explained by Planner II Durkin. City Attorney Callon stated the project is not before the Council, but rather the EIR as an informational document. Laura Worthington-Forbes gave a brief overview of the concerns of the Planning Commission. Bob Matson, traffic engineer, made two clarifications based on the Planning Commission concerns, noting that no new impacts would be added with 9 additional holes since this project would result in a LOS (Level of Service) C and that no mitigation would be required. He answered various questions from Councilmembers. Mayor Protempore Gilroy stated that he does not believe that the current goll 0 1 :> course traffic uses Burchell Road and therefore there would be traffic impacts. Community Development Director Allen stated that the two warrants looked at for this project were interruption and total volume. Mayor Protempore Gilroy asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposal. John Kent spoke in favor of the request. Autumn Arias, LAFCO, noted a letter regarding changes that LAFCO would like to see before it comes to LAFCO specifically regarding prime agricultural land, premature conversion of agricultural land and open space, and the issue of the South County Agricultural Preserve Study, which the consultants have since agreed to remove from discussion in the EIR. Louise Conrow, Burchell Road, read a petition of over 100 signatures of persons who believe the EIR is flawed. Owen Byrd, Mitchell & Marks, representing a Burchell Road owner, asked that the EIR not be certified due to concerns and the EIR being flawed. Mayor Protempore Gilroy called for a break at 8:50 p.m. and recalled the meeting to order at 8:59 p.m. Joe Galletto reviewed that AD.T. calculations, noting that the calculations are flawed. He stated there is not enough data contained in the document on which to make a decision. He stated that the safety and noise issues are not mitigated. Tom Bums, 1330 Cedar Court, stated that the EIR is developed to bring up problems, and find ways to mitigate the problems. Tom Fouts, 8485 Burchell, discussed information that is not provided which is needed to be able to make an informed decision on the EIR. Kent Miller stated that he has seen a reduction in recreational activities and the golf course is a needed project. He stated that he is in favor of the project and increasing recreational activities. Chris Cali, Poppy Lane, noted that the safety issues are not addressed. Hermann Schmalzried, 9430 Burchell Road, stated that there is an enormous traffic problem. Bob Crane, Burchell Road, stated his concerns with the increased traffic on Burchell Road and the concern with getting medical personnel in quickly if there is a need. Sean Rositacco, 9575 Burchell Road, stated his concerns with the traffic on Burchell Road and the residential sprawl. Mayor Protempore Gilroy asked if there was anyone else wishing to speak on this request. There was no further comment from anyone in the audience. Mayor Protempore Gilroy closed the Public Hearing. Laura Forbes stated that staffwill be working with LAFCO on their concerns. She noted that if the sound mitigation is not cost effective, it can be considered as an unavoidable impact, and would need to be noted as such. In answer to a question, she reviewed that approximately 71%,30 acres, of the area would be retained in open space. Bob Matson reviewed the traffic concerns, trip generation, and traffic safety concerns. 7016 Community Development Director Allen explained that if the property is annexed, the City would also annex all of Burchell Road adjacent to this project. He stated concerns with recreational activities along this roadway. He noted that there would be no improvements to this roadway, except areas adjacent to the entrance to the golf course. Community Services Director Connelly stated that all the plans are conceptual except for those areas designated for the residential areas. In answer to a question, Autumn Arias stated that the fact that the residential out parcels could not be built out by the year 2003 would have to be noted in the EIR. Councilman Springer stated that the wording for buildout should be stricken from the EIR. Laura Forbes explained that if the units are not built by 2003, additional environmental documentation may be required. Councilman Springer stated the EIR does need some additional work, but may be considered adequate. Councilwoman Rogers stated that for the most part, there is enough information in the EIR. Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilwoman Rowlison and carried to continue certification of the EIR to July 28, 1997 and direct staff to research alternatives to limit the number of residential units and address concerns with traffic, and work with the consultant to respond to LAFCO concerns. Councilman Springer asked for clarification that there will not be 138 residential units. He also stated that the entrance should not be on Burchell Road. Mayor Protempore Gilroy stated his concerns regarding the number of residential units, the traffic calculation, and the safety issue. Councilman Morales agreed that traffic is a major concern. Laura Forbes stated that alternative 2 is not a part of the current document. Councilman Springer stated that he would like parcels 3 & 4 designated as Rl PUD. Mayor Protempore Gilroy called for a break at 11: 15 p.m. and recalled the meeting to order at 11 :20 p.m. Maint. Dist. # 1 Mayor Protempore Gilroy stated that it was the time and place scheduled for a Public Hearing to Levy Annual Assessments for Maintenance District No.1 (Tract No. 8136-Gilroy Country Club Estates, Tract No. 8631-The Forest, and Tract No. 8711-Carriage Hills), Fiscal Year 1997/1998. City Administrator Baksa stated that this is the assessment district up on the hill. Mayor Protempore Gilroy asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak for or against the proposal. There being no comment from anyone in the audience, Mayor Protempore Gilroy closed the Public Hearing. City Attorney Callon noted a letter of opposition in the packet. 7017 Res. 97-41 Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 97-41 be waived and that it be adopted giving final approval to the annual budget and Engineer's Report, overruling protests and ordering the levy and collection of benefit assessments for the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 for Maintenance District No. One. RESOLUTION NO. 97-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY REGARDING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. ONE, CITY OF GILROY, GIVING FINAL APPROVAL TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND ENGINEER'S REPORT, OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ORDERING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997/1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1997, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, VALDEZ, and GILROY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Equal Empl.Opp. The Staff Report was noted and further explained by City Administrator Baksa Policy Stint. Regarding an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement. City Attorney Callon noted some minor changes to the resolution. Res. 97-42 Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Valdez and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 97-42 be waived and that it be adopted approving an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement. RESOLUTION NO. 97-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY STATEMENT. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1997, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, VALDEZ, and GILROY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None Vol. Exp. Ceiling City Attorney Callon explained that if no action is taken regarding establishing a voluntary expenditure ceiling, the contribution limit by State law is $100 per contributor with no expense limits. Council discussed possible expenditure ceiling limits. Res. 97-43 Motion was made by Councilwoman Rogers, seconded by Councilman Valdez, and carried that the reading of Resolution No. 97-43 be waived and that it be adopted establishing a voluntary expenditure ceiling not to exceed $.35 per resident, and limit contributions by single individual to $250. RESOLUTION NO. 97-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING VOLUNTARY EXPENDITURE CEILINGS FOR CANDIDATES AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEES IN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of July, 1997, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, VALDEZ, and GILROY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None 70i 8 Mayor Protempore Gilroy asked if there was anyone in the audience wishing to speak on any matter not on the agenda. There was no comment from anyone in the audience. Megan's Law Mark Zappa discussed and requested that the issue of the City of Gilroy's Participation in the Implementation of the CD ROM Portion of Megan's Law be agendized for discussion. Bob Dillon, Victoria Drive, stated his concerns regarding the attitude of Chief Sumisaki and the implementation of Megan's Law. He requested Council mandate the installation of Megan's Law, and if there is a problem regarding money, it will be taken care of Motion was made by Councilman Springer, seconded by Councilman Morales and carried to agendize for July 21, 1997 discussion of the implementation of the CD-ROM portion of Megan's Law. The following informational items were noted with no separate discussion on same: Customer Service: Letter of appreciation from ESO to Annabel Yurutucu for assistance in establishing the Tool Lending Library in Gilroy; Letter of appreciation from Bill Lindsteadt to Rachel Munoz for her dedication and hard work on the Spring Clean Up Day, May 31 st; Letter of thanks from Elizabeth Ugalde to Beatriz Perez for her participation on an Oral Board to select a Clerk Typist I for the City of Gilroy; Letter of thanks from the Community Services Department Staff to Jay Baksa for taking part in the Summer In-Service Training; Letter of appreciation from John Porter to Sgt. John Sheedy and Fire Engineer Andy Holiday for their assistance; Letter of thanks from the Community Services Department Staff to Kathy Sakahara for the professional manner in processing the Part-Time Summer Staff; Letter of appreciation from Laura A Phillips to Communications Supervisor Steve Ynzunza for his assistance with the Dispatcher's Appreciation Banquet; Letter of appreciation from Escono Asuncion to Randy Newell for his cooperation during the jail painting project; Letter of thanks from John H. Sutcliffe, Santa Clara Valley Water District, to Fire Captain Dave Bozzo for his participation in the FERC Functional Exercise; Letter of appreciation from the City of Milpitas to Gayle Glines for her assistance as a member of the Qualifications Appraisal Board for Public Services Supervisor; Gilroy Visitors Bureau Financial Statements - May, 1997; Letter from Cal/EP A notifYing the City of Gilroy of certification by the Secretary for Environmental Protection as a CUP A (Certified Unified Program Agency; Letter of appreciation to the Honorable Leslie C. Nichols for addressing the City Council on matters related to the work of the Superior Court and the Administration of Justice in Santa Clara County; Letter of thanks to John H. Bremond, President, Kaufinan and Broad, for the generous offer of a contribution to the Thomas Road Sports Complex; Plan. Com. 6-19-97 7019 Letter from Sylvia Rhinehard (and response from Staff) regarding new site for Westside Transportation Inc. trucking operation; League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin #23-1997, dated June 20, 1997; South County Regional Wastewater Authority ongoing Engineering activities, June 24, 1997 JPA meeting; Letter from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren regarding pornography on the Internet, including a copy of her Bill H.R. 774 on this subject; Letter from Jack Kazanjian regarding elimination of garbage pick-up in alleys; League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin #24-1997 dated June 27, 1997; Community Development Department - Planning Division Monthly Report of Long-Range Applications and Status ofRDO Allocation & Activity; and Drought Alert Calculations, summary of monthly water production. The report of the Special Planning Commission Meeting of June 19, 1997 was noted. City Administrator Baksa distributed information from the workshop in preparation for the retreat with the Gilroy Unified School District Board. City Administrator Baksa distributed information on transient mobile vendors. City Administrator Baksa distributed a letter to the editor regarding two charter amendments. City Administrator Baksa reminded Council of the interviews scheduled on July 12, 1997 for the City Clerk position. He noted that Council will meet at 8:30 to go over the questions to be asked. He suggested a couple of Councilmembers could get together to put some questions together. Council agreed to get their questions to the City Administrator as soon as possible. Mayor Protempore Gilroy noted the reception for the new superintendent of schools on July 11, 1997 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Harvest Time Restaurant. Councilman Springer noted a letter from the Governor's office regarding the library Internet issue and the he agrees with us. Councilwoman Rogers commented on the nice celebration for Caltrain last Thursday. Councilman Valdez noted the core committee who assisted in the Fifth anniversary celebration. He stated that the City of Gilroy may have an edge on having the maintenance facility here, since San Jose does not want it at Curtner and Monterey. Mayor Protempore Gilroy noted the following meetings: Special Meeting-Closed Session of the Gilroy City Council on Saturday, July 12, 1997 at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California Pursuant to California Gov't. Code Section 54956 Regarding Public Employee Appointment - City Clerk. 1 7 Q"'ln L '.J Adjrnmt. Closed Session "..,~:;"'''''.''',",,''''''~.'''''C:''::__ '~"~.....' '0' Joint Study Session of the Gilroy City Council and Planning Commission on Monday, July 14, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California regarding the City's Affordable Housing Policy and Discussion of the "Infill" Exemption for the Residential Development Ordinance. Joint Retreat of the Gilroy City Council and the Gilroy Unified School Board Members on Saturday, July 19, 1997 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Unified School District Board Room, 7810 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy, California regarding items of mutual interest. At 12:20 a.m., Mayor Protempore Gilroy adjourned the meeting to a Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8: CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR. Property: Santa Clara County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 841-06-025 Negotiating Parties: John Ford, P. G. & E. Matter Under Negotiation: Direction from Council regarding possible purchase price and terms of payment. Mayor Protempore Gilroy reconvened the meeting and announced that Council had just held a Closed Session regarding Conference with Real Property Negotiator, pursuant to Gov't. Code Section 54956.8, and that no action had been taken and further adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~~ - RHONDA PELLIN Interim City Clerk