Resolution No. 75-45 -~," _,po _,~' . 'Ill"": ",'--' ", ....; ,--\ o 'T] ---"'1"1 e,.,c:; c::;> '"1'J rT1 ~ _ -0_ .>r- ..-....- -fm r-v~::oO m-" r."'. !~. ~,""'. ---~ r." ......." .() " \ ~ .~ ~~. ~ ~t ~er fj5~"() ~\~\~ ( ~ t/ / G\ 5417627 ( ~ ~j) (I) C 297 PAGE 32 =:~ :~:t t:': ~? ;">r~ :;:; _,. ::-:... I ';-":; ::J r', ~ .... i~ ozog o 0.:.,., ;:0. c..... u zO fI'l .-1m, ;0 .-:<:' ~"Clt ~ i~ ~ ~'1 ~ ~ N fi-(t OJ.jUT1 'IN N Cl. 75- . . c'!~ "Tl;o o c...J N RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REFORT OF THE DLl"E:CTOR OF PUBLIC l\lORKS OF THE CITY OF GILROY ON TH1: COST OF ~;TRUCTION OF SIDEHALKS, S, GlJTTERS AND (Jnj;.;JVF:HAYS })"OR-- SUANT TO THE IHPROVEYENT ACT OF 1911, DIVISION "7 OF STRKE'J'S A~m HIGHvU\YS CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING PARCELS OF PROPER'J'lES FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION .AND nETERNTNATION OF PAYMENT OF .ASSESSNI';YJ'S. WHEREAS, the Directcn: of Public t.:rorks of the City of Gilroy has he'rc:t or E' proceded in accord,,{nce ''/ th, the Impro"\lQrneJ)t 0:[' 1~}],1:~ Division 7 of Streets and Highways Code of State of California. \,vith construction of certain sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and/or driveways and has made his report to the Council of said City of Gilroy on tbe cost :cif construct.ion; and' WHEREAS, the 3rd day of November, 1975, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at 7390 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California, has been set as the time and place for hearing the said report and recommendation of said Director of Public HO::-~,3, and notice of said hearing h.as been given in accord;:lTice wi th the Improvement Act of 1911, Di.vision of Streets and Highways Code of State of California, and the Council of the City of Gilroy now having proceded I i to the hearing of said report and recorrrrnendation, and the Council having duly considered the same and, overruled any protests, has determined , , that said report should be adopted; NOW~ 1~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following costs of ~ Ii ~ ~ construction are approved for assessment against the following parcels: ASSESSOR IS PARCEL NO. NAME AL'lD ADDRESS ASSESSMENT COST 013 ,893 01 015 803 01 050 80J-01-0~2 Harry & LRgic L. Crccn, 7851 Eiglcbcrry et. $152.15 , '/ ~ QI ~ \ I :J " f! f J Enl\~.5t A.& Hat" F. llarri.30l1, 7831 Eig1eberry 10.74 L, diA II. Hcllerlry, 7841 RO.3al1rd~. Str~~t 44. 75 93.08 A'.;. aLalfi & Bl3'tlLt~ raul.3, 7821 Rooanna ~trcct ,.., -, !:" RESOLUTION NO. 75-45 -1- ; i ~ " ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO, "~--"'--"" 003 03 033 803 03 061 803 04 C39 803 OL OGG r -' , 80J-OG O:),~;- .803 06 049 803 06 061 803 07 055 -803 07 059 803 07 061 803-07-075 '1Qq- Cl :1- C I '7 fifJ 08 027 Q'1-oe,.-c'3 80J-08-06G -80J 09 047 803 10 025 803 10 050 803 10 067 803 13 018 ~ 15 013 .- gg3 15 020 -803 15 100 80J 17 014 .B03 18 all ( C 297 PAGE 33 ASSESSMEN'j' COST NN1E AND ADDRESS RolliIL 'bL & LelLGre D. Carper, 7708 Rosanl1el CtYee.t ~ 22.J~j Cl.,,,n::le,'l & .}(/,!)I;':~.t)L.I1J.t;:.; DuuLc:t\.h::lli, 7704 Chun.h Street. 11 6 . ] ~) HllT9 S 1k.IU.~)U., 7G/0 C1LUlclJ :H.r eel Hl "' __ J , I l! La ~~rc~ G. S HaL..LGl if. 'vT..Ll Lu. ed 1, 7631 Rooanna Street 116. 35 C laY" i.e. ~~ ~_'"" ~f~":;, ~~ i.... t... c III Pi f :-}-1 ~-'.~ t 1: (~C t 'i Ii. 7'> DomirLi.ck & FloreILce ~L 8accullo, '590 Tatum Atlel1ue g9,SO Barbara Strochenko. 7530 Rosanna Street 275.36 Dorothy ~rias, 555 B~6l1cl-wB) . .' 152.15 35H.OO . . :.. J?rcobyterian Church, P.O. Bon 1567 Emilyv R. Dean, 7463 Church Street 23.27 Victor J. & Yvonne S. Perine. 12326 E. Wardman St., ~fuittier, California 134.25 107.40 Theo. . Weldon, 146 W. Sixth Street Thc:.= 7. Ca"'t:Y, J.t:., t:::L al, 32.5 I,tl .:'rcnda, ~ril1brac, California. ]/13.~)O Ethel H. Johnson, 7280 Church Street 1/1.32 R03c Silviera, R03~ Ciordano, 595 Broadway \ ...'\dolph. T. !~ Hargaret K. Cetola, 7101 Rosanna Strect 161. 10 143.20 Ign.cio 1. ~ Ma~tj~. ~rQl]aQQ, 7190 Church Stre~t 268.50 Emilio L. & Marg2rit2 ~. Puido, 7071 ROO:1flll:1 ~ trect 35.BO 17.90 Rosa l~artincz, 9130 Kern kvefitle Claude F. &: ~^~nne L. Hough; Thoman P. & Tholma J. Holler, 7001 Ro~annB. Ctre~t 121.72 M.::ndo ^C. e. Hglvin M. Kcatgnum lr. , 7273 Rooanna btrect ~~.75 Bruno F. Paul, b. Tomiko ~. O. Box e95, Morg~Q Hill, C21if. 101.115 Coorgo K. ~ Li11i2n M. Pino, 7591 ROE:1nni ~troGt 119.70 RESXJLUTION NO. 75-45 -"L- ! ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. NAME AND ADDRESS C 297 PAGE 34 ASSESSNENT COST 80J-22 OG7 Ber, 'f. &. LarBir.~. :t. Vc>to, 7620 S3nt2 Thoreoa Drive $ 80.55 803 22 071 141m g ~ 1>- v ~t C\) 1'1 i t 2 n c Wi ('b ? r~ g ~~ y- $~ .7690 Santa Thcrcca Drive 11/1. '75 OOJ-::;O-OOl L~o C;e (~ I~~'~l}.t!~ 11" Oba.1J.l~,) ~,~S.2 rfc-11th StT:~cc,~: 134.25 80J-SO-OQO '1'1'1- 3,l- ccS 803 50 O::'~/ rtCJq- 3;l -co f 803 50 017 Arturo J. :te11 ano > 6910 }Zo:;n.nna SUeet 107. LiO Hanna R.Coste11o; Larry lZ. & Hanna Wiedeman, 68/+0 Rosa.nna Street 112.50 HariUel 13. & Hay i~ ~~. H:ost't .6821 Church 8treet /)/,.75 803-50-055 8041 OJ 005 James L. & Haze.l Gong, 750 Hes t Sixth Street 89.50 CabifiG C. & Natali.). Contr9aB, 420 :J:,.O.O.F. Avenue 107 .110 and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said assessments shall each be paid with a minimum principal payment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year a:Iong"with interest on the unpaid balance at a rate of interest of ... six per.. cent' (6%) peT-" :o-20::t"!: beginning on 1:1:1e fourth day of December, ] 97.5 > in accordance with the following repayment schedules: REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NO. YEAR 803-01-013 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 803-01-015 1976-1977 803- 01- 0'50 1976-1977 803-01-052 1976-1977 1977-1978 803-03-024 1976-1977 803-03-033 1976-1977 RESOLUTION NO. 75-45 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL ANNUAL PAYMENT $ 10.7~ ~ O. G~ :;r ~4.7S ~ 2.G9 [~U~ S 5.58 ~ ~:i~ --$-44. 75 $ 2.69 $ 22.35 $ 1. 34- -3- $ ~ 11.38 47.44 . L/ r~. ~~ p /JIv-J.-1 L~Hi ~ $ 4 7 . 44 ff/,}--Y $ 23" G9 'fu.J-;i "". ~~"-":'~~'-~Wl'fl'~"':~"'; ";~' "..,--."".. ,..:"..--,,',"....',' ... .-:"',....'"":rl,...."..~ ~. """ :'~,<. '.'".,~-.-,"" ..,--...~'t"i'~->!'I-'~"".".,'......-~....,"~.'''''1Il''':'''''^.,.','....'.'<., ...."'''"''_lIf1":!"' '_........_,~, -,.._.,.....~ ,..",:.,~..~'__"'__.,"'...,.'- ,'<,.'-..'~_....,'..' ~"""_ '0"", .,~,-'<"'- ASSESSOR'S PAH.CEL NO. 803-03-061 803-04--039 803-0.5-006 803-06- 03!i- 803-06-049 803-06-061 803-07-055 803-07-059 803-07-061 803-07-075 'lGlq-~ ~1- C, 11 803 00 027 rJ(.lq-o~--c I:~ 803-08-"066 803-09-047 TAX YEAR 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1976-1977 1977-1978 1976-1977 1976..19T7 1977-1978 1976-1977 1977-1.978 1978-1979 1979-1980- 1980-1981 1976-1977 1.977-1978 1978-1979 1976-1977 197"7-1973 1978-.19/9 1979-1980 1980~1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1976-1977 1976~1977 1977-1978 1.978-1979 1976--1977 1977--1978 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1976-1977 RESOLUTION ~O. 75-45 ( \ C 291 PAGf 3.5' })RINC INTEREST TOTAL ANNUAl., " P A YMEN'J' ',--~-." " - tM'~~~ ! 6.98 \--..... 6 . ~~ ' 1. ~ ,n:~L,~. $ 1. f) .7 I: $ o. a'l ~ 11.38 fcl' wn~ ~ . <. ~? 58.17 u_.~. S 6.98 '~'T~: ~~ ~ ~:~ ~'----1~~'~~ ~ ' 5 1 -"j J- f, ~. '\ 4-i' I ~ t,'f~: ,-.... ~~ l+!~.."/ 5 $ 2. G'J $ 5.37 -~. ~:~.~ t ftWf r~ un~ I <l-) 2 $ 9.31 50.72 50.71 p{' 'I - "'-~. . ~ ., 72 9.55 6 6 . LI8 63.41 60.35 57.23 4.23 $ 23.27 $ 1. 40 $ 24.67 pJ. S 50.00 $ 8.06 $ 58.06 $ 50.00 $ 5.06 $ 55.06 $ 34.25 $ 1. 06 S 36.31 $134-:25" $" "1"5.18 "$- --~-'"'-"~--~ . ]./+9.43 $ 53.70 $ 6.44 ? 60. lLl $ 53.70 $ 3.22 $ 56.92 ~107.40 ~ 9.66 rl17.06 $ 8.59 50.00 $ 43.20 L $ 14.32 $ 0.86 ~ 15 . 18 pJ , -4- C 297 PAGE 37 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. TAX YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAI.ANNUAL PAYMYN'!' 803- 50.< 021. 803 50 055 '7t1j'f- '33 -00 g 19/6-.1977 $ t,!,. '7:, $ 50.00 $ 39.50 ;?'EFJ~-')'cY 841-03-005 1976-1977 1977-1978 t., .... .. $ __~~.: 70 .... , / {o. ~. {+-/ (II pi 1;- "'- \j _/ r' ~ $ 5 37 $ 55. 3"1 S 2 37 S 42 87 "* . ""77/+ (.' "crr '~~/I: :/ 'r' $ 6 . 1+4 '-!' 60. 1/!- $ 56. 97 J . 1976-197"1 1977-1978 and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the [ISSeSSInents set forth c~ ~n~ c hereby conf:Lrmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .3rd day of November, 1975, by t:hE~ following vote: AYES: COUNCIL ~'LEMBERS: CHILDE.RS., DeBELL, DUFFIN, LINK,. . : PATE arid GOODRICH. COUNCIL NEHBER: STOUT COUNCIL HEt,rtBERS: None I I " " I i a 4 "- I ~ . I '" i t I ~ NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: y 4()/' /} 'fi-P'~4('~~'~__ Hayor ATTEST: ~L4wJ~ 0_ // Cit~ ClerK . ! ! I! [ I " t ~ ',- i RESOLUTION ~w. 75- 45 -6- k. I . ~ C 297 PAGr 38 I, SUSANNE E. STEINrtETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 75-45 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of November , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WIT~mSS vHiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 22nd day of July,/ 19 76 . '.::~'i;~:~; ;- City ct~tk(}f; the ;,"'-, .. ~ of Gi1 ,. r\