NOC - Collishaw Construction - Project No. 95-PR-421 ,/I \/' / , ! P 3 5 8 p.rt GE 0 1 3 8 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Gilroy DOC U MEN T : 1 331 5225 Tit I es: I 1 Pages: 7 7!f? , III 111111 II 11111111111 ~0013315225~ Fees... + No Fees Taxes. Copies AMT PAID WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Susanne E. Steinmetz City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City ROE ** 008 6/03/1996 I: 21 PM (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) UVAS CREEK PRESERVE - CHANNEL RESTORATION 95-PR-421 Notice of Acceptance of Completion DOCUMENT TITLE SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT, CODE 27361.6 RECORDING ~QUESTED BY: City of Gilroy WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 P 3 5 8 fA GE 0 13 9 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work agreed to be performed under the property agreement between the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, whose address IS 7351 Rosanna Street? Gilroy, CA 95020;... and the Developer mentioned below who developed said project, was accepted as completed by the City of uilroy on the ~ Day of May. 1996 . Project No,: 95-PR-421 Developer Name: Collishaw Construction Inc, Developer Address: 1125 Mabury Rd, San Jose. CA 95133 Surety on Contract: Firemans Fund Insurance Location ofPr()ject: Uvas Creek Park Preserve 7059 Miller Ave, Gilroy. CA 95020 Description of Work: Uvas Creek Park Preserve Channel Restoration Interest of City: x Owner in Fee: _ Vendee under A.,greement to Purchase; Lessee; Owner of Easements; _ Holder of License; -1L-Owner of Streets; x Owner of Utilities, Water, Sewer, Storm Systems Owner's Name: City of Gilroy. 7351 Rosanna Street. Gilroy. CA 95020 Work Done: Construct all work as required by Improvement Agreement and Improvement Plans, This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 1192.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Section 3093 ofthe Civil Code of the State of California, The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and say: That he is an officer of the City of Gilroy, that he has read the foregoing Notice of Acceptance of Completion and knows the contents thereot; and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters that he believes it to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the~r_e1A9,ilJg is true and correct. of Santa Clara, State of CalifornIa, on S ~~~ . / CITY G STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA BY Rick TITLE City Engineer /3tiu _day of /77a.;;_ /99"l ~ --#-- PATRlClAIC.1ENTSON ~~~ i .."1'0! ~.\ COMM.#1Cl69D71 I I . r. -, N~~~ g= ... Notary Public in and for the County J -.... ~ ~ ~ ~ C~:,' ~.. .:'u~ 9~1~ 1 of Santa Clara, State of California This document is for the benefit of the City of Gilroy. Reguest for Recordation without fee is made in accordance with Section 27383 of the Government Code of the State of California. G)(J) rr nl q ..... ..... "00' s: III iil 0 ce III ~ CD o III ~ -:>- -.J o o o r m (J) (J) "'0 ::0 m ~ o c (J) "'0 )> -< s: m z ~ (J) s CJ1 Ol 5JJ (Xl (Xl :'l o o (J) o 3 (J)o ffi III ~ 3 o III ~ce )> CD r::O CD -c III ..... Efl -' CJ1 ~ (XlN-' _CJ1 -' N w-:>-o CJ1-.J0 -.J06 5200 Efl -' CJ1 Ol _WN-' (Xl-'N (Xl-:>-O :'l-.JP oPo 000 Efl ~~ -:>--:>- -.J-.J Pp g 0 -' CJ1N-, (Xl -'_ _CJ1 -:>- N w-.Jo ~P6 000 - g ('") ('") ('") ('") ('")1('") ('") 01('")1'('") ('") ('") ('") )>1 o 0('") ('")0 0('") 0('") ('") ('") ('") ('") 0 0 ('") ('") ('") r+1!O ,.... -' 000000000-," ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i -:>- W N -' 0 <0 (Xl Ol -.J CJ11-t. W N -,-' ~~:!1gg ~('")Io CD'" 'v CD -..... 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Signe : Copies To: Transmittal & Attachments: HA Project Files: File Index: 95PR421 . TRAN . HA . CITY. 00006 Issue File: iJ -0::1' 02- 000 ",,""(0 -. 0.""" <e. c tu ::J(1)"O tu ;:r --- 0.00 o 0 _0 003 C::JlD 3 9:<g CD:::!: ::Jo3 ~::JOJ 0'< -a $' ~~Q \-.Q~~ tv~~ ~~'S2 ~ ~ "'n~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P 3 5 8 P t\ GE 0 7 4 4 ~ ~ "' '\, ' ~ ~ Q ~ ~~ ~ "s ~ ii"' ~ S ~ 'ct. .;; \; ~ J ~. J ~. t 't ~ ~ ~~ ~ T~ ~ // , / 1 ;/ ';? /;1 ! /1 ~ ~ ,;. "" '" ~ " ~ ~ 9- ~.a 8~ .~~ ~i?, 1';;"'< ~~ ;S';:. ;::~ ~.: i I :-i:- ~ ;.:' ~.. .' I