NOC - Endicott, Robert E. - Wheeler Auditorium FORM 125 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Application No......,... J ~ n r:;J\ ~,...}\)IJ\. nr...S. . \, ~~J ~~tS '_) J 1 ~.;j " 1 fl.'t. ~ 'L~ :tJ.. . ~ jlotice of ((ompletion CORPORA nON NOTICE is hereby given that.....THE....cIT.Y...OF....GILROY.,.....a F! ~_ ::: D ~: ;:j:~ :"'. ',": c ('0 1:~. D j' .' I' f ..:: (~. u C~ ;~~ ..'{. G 1: _~ &~ ct./Y-L:Llr)l-- J.~H 23 i J 10 ni'l ~Sj I MUN.IC.I.PAL...C..QR~.QM..T.J;.QN.,.....,i.n.....t.h~....G.Qy..NrX. ....9~....?~~~...~.~~.!.....~~~~.~....9.E.'....~..~.~9..~~.~. S '~~~'I~ Try ,.' , the undersigned, as owner.... of the property hereinafter described. caused a building to be erected upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said building was actually completed on the )!) -I{, .p.tt r" """"", 17th January 61 .. ................. .............day of........... ........ ...... ........ ....... ........................... 19......... That the name of the contractor for said owner.... is............................ ROBERT E. ENDICOTT That the nature of title of said owner.... to said property is that of owner.... in fee simple. and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: . NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GILROY City Hall, Gilroy, California .. . City of Gilroy That the property herein referred to and on which said building is located IS situated In the..............................................................................................., County of Sant~ Clara, State of California, aQd described as follows. WHEELER MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM, 6th and Rosana streets, Gilroy, Calif. and having Ihe following address: _ ...._____6thuand uRosana.._Str_eets_, u__Gi_lroY,_nCaliforniau_ Dated:.u. u.u.4".~('~_.~:_"'-_-::.~_y___!ut-luuuuu_u__u. 19ut;u~u. CITY OF GILROY u.....------u.-;---------J/----;-.-----------..---mum-u-.......--._.........._ooo.._._...._._u____u__ooo. .' t ,,/{ '.' "7 I' By......~,{;i...{;J_.c.L..J:L.t.,-J..:0.......(ooo:~~LV..-~-~-~~-~!:':..~.~.~!4U / uooobeing duly sworn, says: That he is thL...G~V'_oooooo..~~:..~..:.':--.~.J::r:<::--!!.-:{~~];~'-.....-.m..oooooou ('. T ' .I.e; . ..... .' (, r, /..Lr.(/-C;.f . of _u..._..._............ _.,....._~,(-..ooo'._i/m..._..mm...._.._..:_ ..,...-s-.-:-'..:'1.-.--ooo...--.-....-----.-...-..-... ........._.........._..._mmmn....oooooo..._.....mm.......__......ooo._.mmm...., a corporatIon. the 9wner of the property described in the foregoing nttice; that he has read the foregoing notice. and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts the~bn stated are true of his own knowledge, and that he makes this verification on behalf of the owner, ! . ---u.............-..m.....-,.;,?:;!-3.--.(<#(-.':i,':~-.-.--..-.-..._......m..... SubS~;e_~?~..s::r~__:O.!_f.;:f,; r: fm_e.-t.~~su'-:':_~...,f~..t.. .. ;......_.u, I/tL(, ( '~ t~"4."'1,,,. I~,..:, J" ,A <1" '.' , .. ,', \ _~', "~~'.b....L ,-' (:r '......~'-..,.."V -- ------- --'''e ..-...y~-..-,-,...-. -::-).--,.,...-'-...:.'....... ..'::j."..,;....._.h.ooo_ _ _ _.. _ u.... - -...__ Notary ~~~lic'in.,and f~r said County of saiJa Clara, State. of :C~lifotnia, STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. ~ .).~ ...........,__....:>_._...'/::!...[____~.4::..~/_~.............. , ~ I . '.,