NOC - George C. Renz Construction - Project No. 1970-3 3873622 '''', /? . r'o,..... ,.../ .U;r'i ,J .'-. ..-,... ~:';!Jtl 'J oj 7"1 r.- f.-) ,3 >" ri~i:";t t_ iiu CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION PRINCEVALLE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. ]970-3 I, WILLIAM K. HENRY, JR., City Engineer of the City of Gi]roy, Santa Clara County, Ca] ifornia, do hereby certify that the work and improvements hereinafter described, the contract for doing which was entered into by and between the City of Gi]roy and George C. Renz Construction Co., Inc., dated Ju]y 29, ]970 was completed to my satisfaction on September 8, ]970. That said work and improvements consisted of the construction of base, pavement, and catchbasins together with appurtenances to any of the above, a]] as more particularly described in the plans and specifications approved by the City Council of said City on June 30, ]970. Da ted: Septembe r ] 0, ] 970 Subscrjbed and sworn to before me- . this f6th day of September" 1970. City ;-?'"'\. h . / , _ '". ~/ r"j i-':'" " _- ,); f ,'J h';~',"',~.' .' .' ,r.. .. .J '-.l,.... 'l'Ij,L' '., L./.t 'Jon", t) C, i ty C] erkJ City. of 6 i ] roy)/ ._ County of Santa Clara ,.' J . S ta te of Ca 1 i forn i a ' / " //.' - .f ,.' / ,"-~' ..f" ,/.' ," <(t,:{{0'-:fNR/J//~/ ")7f Engineer of the City of Gilr~y ./r . j~ 38-'3622 ,),-- Qn'--( c~..;~~'(~ ~J "...I-J 545 14{"" ;. :~,:u fO;:; HE:CORO ;~ T REQUEST OF O,~'I' Of" 6,... RoO)" SEP Ii 1117 Arl '70 . '.~' ~ l-~ I':; l' c;.:) (./ :'. . ,:.~CDR[}S ,q', I ::., ;;.A coUNty r ," 'I ~ r:. rO\'fLES ,\ :: "1:-:-::) :":n .i).H-. n(lr'" '-J B orlnl, i~"i~ I."~~ j ..~ ,_,_ h '~. uV'.i!\.',J"d! :-;1'.;:. ,)4 j NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION PRINCEVALLE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. ]970-3 NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT I, WILLIAM K. HENRY, JR., City Engineer of the City of Gi]roy, Santa Clara County, California, on the lOth day of September, ]970, did file with the City Clerk of said City my Certificate of Completion of the following described work, the contract for doing which was heretofore awarded to George C. Renz Construction Co., Inc. on Ju]y 20, ]970, and entered into on Ju]y 29, ]970, in accordance with the plans and specifications for said work filed with the City Clerk and approved by the City Council of said City. That said work and improvements were actua]]y completed on the 8th day of September, ]970, and that acceptance of completion of said work was ordered by motion of the City Council of said City adopted on the 10th day of September, ]970, and that the name of the surety on the contractor's bond for labor and materials on said project is GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY. That said work and improvements consisted of the construction of base, pavement, and catchbasins, together with appurtenances to any of the above, a]] as more particularly described in the plans and specifications approved by the City Council of said City on June 30, ]970. Dated: September ]0, ]970 S UbSC~' bed ,and sworn to before me this] th d€lY of .S~ptemb r, ]2.70. /'7) " ),/ )- / /,~ ': . , .. ,': "X I '., U';">11t<- '1"><,72,0"",,,' if ~ity C\lerk, City of Gi]roy/.^'; County of Santa Clara ~ State of Ca] i forn i a ,./1 ,(/(I/?>" /'~ /'/// /~~~7":f \.JILLiAM K. HENRY, JR.//" / City Engineer of the City of GJf'roy