NOC - Granite Construction Company FORM 25A GENERAL CONTRACTOR Boor 5552 PAGE 168 Application No ............ ..... 218.1804 r: L~.) J!otice of €ompletion .................CIT.y....Qr....GlliROy........................................................... . J.... ...., "' LiT ;{..L~ c~ C: / J- (\. 'i , '". c' ,-. .if... ') t,! l..,' 1 t'., t\ ~_..:' ~~; t:.J 1 t 1 ";,::_::.. NOTICE is hereby given that........................................ .......... ...................... CF: C;II'1o ....J...t.'. ,. :'.}i~'JS . .,jlJ NTY Uj the undersigned. as owner.... of the property hereinafter described. caused public works to be constructed and installed m__lO}bK~ upon tlprgpjwJgeinafter described. That the work on said ~MiKg{ was actually completed on the (. 16th April 62 ................................day of........................................ ................... ...... 19......... Above space for Recorder: 0. That the name of the contractor for said owner.... is............................ ....Granite....Constru.c.tion....Co.......a....co.r.po.r.at.ion That the nature of title of said owner.... to said property is that of of easement owner....~Jl{, and the names and addresses 0f all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OF GILROY CITY HALL, GILROY, CALIFORNIA That the property herein referred to and on which said building is located is situatedXihfiK...Par.t.ly.....w.it.hin...the.....cJ..t.y.....Q.f....... Gilroy and partly without said city in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, aqd described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of the Las Animas Rancho with the northerly line of the Pacheco Pass Road and running thence northerly along the easterly line of said Rancho to the most easterly corner of Ranchlot 38 of said Rancho~ thence westerly to the most southerly corner of said Ranchlot 38~ Thence northerly along the westerly line of Ranchlot 38 and of Sub Lot X in the City of Gilroy to the northwesterly corner of Sub Lot X in the southerly line of Leavesley Road~ thence westerly along Leavesley Road to Monterey Street in the City of Gilroy~ ~hence westerly along Welburn Avenue to the westerly line of Wayland Lane in the City of Gilroy and end of project~ said project consisting of the construction of an underground sanitary sewer pipe line varying in size from 21 inch to 10 inch vitrified Clay pipe. and having the following address: ....... .CJj:.Y....9.:E....G~.l.X9Y.LG:iJ:y...~11L 10 S. Rosaz::tJ:1.Cl....o?t;:~~t::.'...(;.~~~.C?y.'. .cCl.~.~.:E.ornia Dated: ........................~P~.~.~...?}........................... 19...~2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 ..................~.~.~.y.:,"'9.g:.:?-~.~,79Y............................................ ........... COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA (55. ,ir',.~/J (f . L.- '1 ..........BY........eity:.~A-dmfn.i.~f::r8:tor................................. . Graydon B. Carr, Being first dyly sworn says: That he is the administrator of....th.e...City...o-f...G:i:lroy;....a...1t\unic.ipa.l...corporatio-n.:.....that...'Sa.i'd...City....Of...G11.r<::iy.;........ ~Jd:~~}QJ:K is the owner.... of the property described in the foregoing notice; thar he has ~.; 'ad the foregoing notice. and know the contents thereof. and the facts therein stated are true of his own knowledge. " " .........K:..<u/".:J...(.~~:.!-:.!:-::..... ........... ... ................ ........---.--..................... ~feEE6vER FOR ITLE COMPANY REQUIREMEN.i S AS TO NOTICE OF COMPL.ETlON)