NOC - North Point Court LLC - PIA No. 2006-22 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: DOCUMENT: 20041684 Pages: 6 City of Gilroy ~ I ~I I II m IIIIIIU Fees, , , ' '" No Fees Taxes, Cop i es , ' WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: AMT PAID Shawna Freels ROE ** 002 City of Gilroy REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 11 1 1 0/2008 7351 Rosanna Street Recorded at the request of 3: 11 PM Gilroy, CA 95020 City (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 27383 GOVERNMENT CODE OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Acceptance of Completion Property Improvement Agreement No: 2006-22 Tract 9852 - North Point APN: 790-01-060 North Point Court LLC SEPARATE PAGE PURSUANT TO GOVT. CODE 27361.6 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, as of the 15th day of October, 2008, the City of Gilroy, California ("City") has accepted as completed the work required to be performed under the following agreement ("Agreement") by and between North Point Court LLC, ("Developer") and City: Property Improvement Agreement No: 2006-22 Tract 9852 - North Point APN: 790-01-060 North Point Court LLC which Agreement is dated January 22. 2007 and recorded January 29.2007 in the Official Records of the County of Santa Clara, California, Document No. 19282462. Project No.: Developer Name: Developer Address: Surety on Contract: Location of Project: Tract 9852 North Point Court LLC P.O. Box 25. San Martin. CA 95046 American Contractors Indemnity Co. Gilroy. California Description of Work: Construction of water distribution systems. improvement of streets. installation of sewers. storm drains and other public works facilities as required by the Property Improvement Agreement. Interest of City: Owner in Fee _ Vendee under Agreement to Purchase Lessee Owner of Easements Holder of License ~ Owner of Streets X Owner of Utilities, Water, Sewer, Storm Systems Owner's Name/Address: City of Gilroy. 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy. CA 95020 Work Done: See above. Description of Work This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 3093 of the Civil Code of the State of California. The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and say: That I am an officer of the City of Gilroy, that I have read the foregoing Notice of Acceptance of Completion and know the contents thereof; and that the same is true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters that I believe to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, on 0 ~ ;t) , ~ TITLE: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) ;ztL Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on thi/7 day of &~kv, 2008, by RICK SMELSER, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me. Signature of Notary Public ~ (Notary Seal) . :JRICIA K, BENTSON Commission # 1746362 j .NotoJy Public . California I I. . lanta Clara County ~ ~ ij - - - -~~_~~~~ :O~l J ~; ~...--t . ~ ~L- -~--~ I~~~- --/\'55..,}'- .-- ---r:- J- ~.'. ~I~ " ~ , . ! . ~ .~ ~ s~ ~ r- I -t ~ I ~ ""rol'OO"':' 10' !,,,..j ili~ I ~; :;J~ ~~ il; ;~ ~,l;! l ~il~8 .: ~I~ >~~ . ~I ..;, 7 1'.'0 ":b~ ' ~1 ~':I~ .110' SC:Cl:~"OO 'l9'.' ;o~_ _ >~! I~! .~. ~ " ",'en"," w. ",0<' ~ _ 0 I ~ - 41.14'.../ ...eO.:" ....2CO-1j c..;.. ~ . CI ; l ~ r- - ;~ I ~ ~ 'I ~ . f ~ ~,~i:i . .,' 8j,... I'~I ~.' 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VICINITY SITE MAP Tract 9852, North Point - Gilroy APN: 790-01-060 North Point Court LLC >- "i ~, ~" ~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ :2: rt ~ \ :!-t - ~- uJ,,;'(,,~,,;;,)o1--:'~ ~~ 0" :; ~ ~ ~ \. ~\, 0' :), \ 0\ ~ S i:il ..J -<<: r; 'I) 'E :Hl ~~~ 8 ... ~ ~ ~ c' ~ ~~ ,,~ ~~ e~ Exhibit A ..... .t o l.O o -'- :> uJ uJ :J: en I d.1 51 :t: _J c:; I (/) c.: o >- ... > "" :;:) J'J '" Z <( ---' .:e oj (/), .J::: ... uJ z: ~ w ;; () i="= ~I " ~I .:el <( z z <( :!: ENCOMPASS NO: DATE: NUMBER: PROJECT LOCATION: PARCEL NUMBER: OWNER/DEVELOPER: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO: PREPARED BY: Account No, Key Code 7/25/2008 2:07 PM CITY OF GILROY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION FINAL ENG PLAN CHECK COST ESTIMATE I Revised: Revision Number: Revision By: E1 ~ 24-Jul-OS TRACT 9852 NORTH POINT FINAL RANDY KIRK Jim Maestri 40/-846-0244 Fee: Credits: Amount Due: Account Description: $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Special Public Works SeN $39,018.48 $0,00 $39,018.48 Engring Plan Check & Insp $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Storm Oevelopment Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Str Tree Development Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Traffic Impact Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Sewer Development Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Water Development Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Public Facility Impact Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Const Water Use Fee $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 Reimbursements $0;00 $0.00 $0,00 Other Reimbursements Total $41,703,52 ESTIMATE $39.018.48 ACTUAL $446,294 $446,294 ($2,685,04) TO DEVELOPER 100-2601-0000-3625 100-2601-0000-3605 420-2600-0000-3660 432-2600-0000-3660 433-2600-0000-3660 435-2600-0000-3660 436-2600-0000-3660 440-2600-0000-3660 720-0433-0000-3620 801-2601-PWDO-3899 801-2601-PWDO-3899 Payment Bond Performance Bond COST SCHEDULE Fees Last Revised July 2, 2007 4904 4702 4501 3301 4905 4509 4510 4515 2202 4703 4703 (1 ) G:\COMDEV\ENG\FEES\Project Cost Schedules\TRACT 9852 NORTH POINT FINAL Miscellaneous Engineering Services: (Cost Schedules, Agreements, RNV Reviews and Other Mise, Services) o hr Misc Services $178,56 / hr. ENGRING PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION (Based on total cost at public right-at-way improvements) ~ hr Site grading and reinspectiDn charges Estimated CDSt Dt Public ImprDvements 12% $0 tD 10% $100,000 8% Dver Payment BDnd AmDunt tor Offsite Improvements PerfDrmance BDnd AmDunt tDr Offsite ImprDvements IMPACT FEES Storm Drain Impact Fee. a, Residential-Low b, Residential-High c,Commercial d,lndustrial e,Assembly Hall $178,56 / hr. $100,000 y 100-2601-0000-3605 COST ESTIMATE $446,294 $12,000,00 Y $10,000,00 Y $19,703,52 Y $446,294 $446,294 420-2600-0000-3660 7/25/2008 2:07 PM Y $0,00 Fee ID N-MISC tD $200,000 Y COST ESTIMATE FINAL ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK Y $0,00 Fee ID NO-GRAOINS FINAL ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK $412,731 $12,000,00 DIFFERENCE Fee ID NO-PCKINSP $10,000,00 $17,018.48 y $0,00 Fee ID NO-SD-LD $200,000 y y $0,00 Fee ID NO-SD-HD $688,00 / acre $1,080,00 / acre $1,864,00 / acre $1,375,00 / acre $688,00 / acre y $0,00 Fee ID NO-SD-C y $0,00 Fee ID NO-SD-I y $0,00 Fee ID NO-SD-AH Obata Industrial Park Credits Obata Fee Credit (Based on reimbursements due trom Dversized stDrm facilities) $1,170,00 / acre Y $0,00 Fee ID N-SD-OBATA Street Tree Fee a,City Planting and Replacement $3,06 / t,t, x b,lnspection and Replacement $0.41 I f.f. x Traffic Impact Fee a, Residential-LDw b,Residential-High c,CDmmercial-LDw Traffic (<10,75 trips/1000 sf) d,CDmmercial-High Traffic (>= 10,75 trips/1000 sf) e,lndustrial-General t,lndustrial-WarehDuse COST SCHEDULE Fees Last Revised July 2, 2007 N Y $11,809,00 / unit $9,572,00 / unit $13,065,00 / k,s,f. $26,390,00 / k,s,t, $5,178,00 / k,s,f. $3,753,00 / k,s,t, 432-2600-0000-3660 433-2600-0000-3660 (3) 0,0 $0,00 Fee ID NO-TREEPLT 0,0 $0,00 Fee ID NO-TREEINS Y $0,00 Fee ID N1-TRAF-LO $0,00 Fee ID N2-TRAF-HD $0,00 Fee ID N3-TRAF-CL $0,00 Fee ID N3-TRAF-CH $0,00 Fee 10 N4-TRAF-IG $0,00 Fee ID N4-TRAF-IW Y Y Y Y Y G:\COMDEV\ENG\FEES\PrDject CDSt Schedules\TRACT 9852 NORTHPOINT FINAL