NOC - Piazza Construction - Project No. 1979-6 " NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 F 158 ~~~: 6G9 "?fr' - ~ .if #1:1 CITY OF GILROY r-k-l':::: 4 ~"h:> !,'OTICE OF Ca.1PLETlOO ,-- .. -~ F 158 r~S: 6ti9 OFfICIAL RECmU)$l N<?T1CE is herebr given.that I, David.W. Hans~n, Dirtf~~!~~U:RA~OUN1",tJ of Pub11c Works and CIty Engmeer of the C1ty of G11roy R' E.GO;" 1:...:., A. r"~At,,N -__ California do subscribe to the following: ' ,.c, h/lt~ ;'='EGORDERi 6657964 / 7 i-.- FiLED FORHE(;ORD ~ T REQUEST.Ofj ~'t~ fES 26 9 47 AM '80 THAT the City of Gilroy, as owner of the project herein referred to as Mainten~ce Resurfacing Proiect 19I~-6 did on the 8~h y of June , ...J.3.., enter into a contract w1th /51f Piazza Construction Co. P. O. Box 23550 San JQse, California gSlS~ for the canpletion of the work and improvements described in the plans and specifications titled Maintenance ResurfacinQ Project 1979-6 . THAT said work and improvements were completed and accepted by the City Council of the City of Gilroy on the 4th day of 9 '. F eb rua ry , 1 ..8.Q.... ' t\-~~ ~-- l:)irector of Public Works and City Engineer, City of Gilroy State of California ) ) County of Santa Clara ) I David W. Hansen, Director of Public Works and City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, California, being duly sworn, hereby state that I have read the foregoing Notice of Completion and that the infonnation cont<4:ned therein is true of my own knowledge.' \ J--~ ~----_.. 1> '. i \ ..'"f,j .~ aV1d W. Hansen .< .:'F')':" Director of Public WOr~fCtty Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me the 19 80 . day of February ~~fk. ~~.p---: / otary _n,ci!L~ ..01'/ . County of Santa Clara, State of California City Clerk, City of Gilroy per CC 1181; GC Sec. 40814. 19th