Construct Land Development Improvements - Anagnoston, Taki NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 73QO Rosanna Street, P. Gilroy, California 95020 p -.- 6921663 V' -1 I I ~~I~f233 l' '. I 17 PA~f233 t. A.. . O. Ro. 66 @11~ ~~ CITY Of GILROY AGRHr1ftH BY OU"ER OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO CDrISTRUCT lAND DEVElOPf1nlT H1PROVn1nlTS Project Identification: Assessors Parcel #799-26-033, 034, 035 This is an aqreen~nt between the CITY OF GILROY. hereinafter referre~. to ~s "C1 ty" t anri Tak iN. Anagnos ton, et a 1 hereinafter referred to IS t.'\,'!'ll!r", WIEREAS, O\'mer desires to subdivide or develop the property d~scribed in Exhibit ^ and wishel to defer construction of permanent improvements and City agrees to such defenmP.nt provided Owner .~rees to construct improvements .s heretn provided. UOII, TIIEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: 1. AGRHtlENT 8rrJnI~IG Of! SUCCESSORS HI INTEREST This agreement. toqether with the attached stipulations, is an instrument affectinq the title or pO$session of the real property described in Exhibit A. All the tenms. convenants and conditions hp.rein imposed shall he binding ugon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest of ~mer. Upon the sale or division of the property descri~ed in Exhibit A. the te~s of thil agreement shall apply separately to p.dch p4rcel and the owner of each parcpl shill succeed to the obl1~ldtions iq>osed on o,'/n~r by thh agreernf'nt. 11. STREET ArlO ORA BIAGE If-tPROVH1ENTS A. City and ~~ner aqree that the improvements let forth in this section ffidy be deferred hecause: The improvements are inappropriate at th i s time. The unimproved portion of land (that I'm dedicating /' to the city for the completion of Georgetown Place Street) will be /J/ improved when Parcel D (Exhibit A) medical buildings are constructe~:/. tY R. O\"n(~" dqrCt:', L.l Cdnstruct th~ fol !cMin'l ImOr()vemt'nts On the r)r()p~~rty descrloec1 in E.xr'lhit A as well ClS rpl1uirt~(j off sitt> imnrovements In the mdnner set forth In this dl1reement: Improvements required qenerally described bela.". requ I red. ) by the City Denartment of PlIh I I c \forks as (Cross out Irlproverlt~nts th.lt .l~ not l,' ~7"" It: I / ptGf234 I. Curb and qutter 2. SIdewalks 3. Or I veways I,. Street qradino, base and pavlnq S. Storm drcllnal')e facl I Itles A. Erosion control olantlnos and facilities 7. Electrollers 8. Underground conduit with wirlno and pull hoxes 9. Barricades and other imnrovements needec1 for traffic safety 10. Street trees and other improvements hetween the curh and property line. 1 I. Street slqns 12. Relocation of ex/stinq fences, siems ",nd utilities 13. Payment of a pro rata share of the cnsts as determined hy the Department of Publ Ie Harks of a storm rlrainarre or street ImprovemcnL which has heen, or is to be, provided hy nwner and others where such facl I Ity benefits the property descrlhed in Exhibit A 14. Enqlneerlnq and Inspection and plan check fees 15. Sanitary sewage facilities 16. Water system C. When the City Director of Public Wocks determines that the reasons for the deferment of the Imnrovement5 as set forth in s~ctjon I I no 10nqpr exist, he shall notify Owner In writlnq to commence their Installation anrl construction. The notice shal I he mal led to the current owner or owners of the land as shown on the latest adoot~d county assessmt>nt roll. The notlcp shall descrihe the work to be done by owners, the time within which the work shal I commence and the time within which the work shal I be completed. Allor any portion of said Im- provements may be requl red at a specified time. Each owner shall partlcinate on a rro rata basis In the cost of the Imorovements to he installed. If ()wner Is ohllgated to pay a pro rata share of a cost of a facl! Ity orov/ded by others, the notice shal I Include the amount to be palrl and the time when payment must he mad~. III. PF.RFORMA/lCE OF THE \.IORK Owner aqrees to perforM the work anrl make the payments required by City as set forth herein or as Modified by the City Council. Owner shall cause olans and specifications for the Improvements to h~ prepared hy comp~tent persons leQally qual jfled to do the work and to suhmlt said imorovement plans anrl specifications for anprov~1 prior to commencement of the work descrlhed In the notice and to pay city Insrectlon fees. The work shal I he done In accordance with city standards In effect at t~e tIme Improvement nlans are submItted for approval. Owner aqrpes to commence and COMplete the work within the time specified In the notice qiven hy the Director of Puhllc 1I0rks And to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to start of work. In the event Owner falls to construct any Improvements required under this aqreem~nt, City may, at Its option, do the work and collect all th~ costs from Owner. Permission to enter onto the -')- property of Owner is qranted to City or It~ contractnr ~s m~y hp nee~s5ary to construct such jmprovempnt~. F 777 PA~f235 IV. JOINT rOOPERATII/r PLAN Owner aqrees to cooperate upon notice by City with other rr'Tt'rty rwners, the City and other publ Ie aoencles to provide thp lMprovempnts s~t forth herein under a joInt Cooperative plan ineludlnq the formation of a local improvement district, If this method Is feAslhle to secure the Installation and construction of the Improvements. V. REVlfW OF RE!llJIREHENTS If Owner dlsaorees with the requirements set forth In any notice to commence Installation of Improvements he shall, within 30 days of the date the notice was mal led, reouest a review of the requirements hy the City Council. The decisIon of the Council shall be binding llpon both (Ity and Owner. V I. MA I ~ITENANCE OF I ~1PROVH1F:rJTS City agrees to accept for maintenance those Improvements specified in Section I I which are constructed and completed in accordance wIth City standards and requl rements and are Installed within rlQhts of way or easements dedicated and accepted by resolution of the City [ounci 1. Owner aqrees to provIde ony necessary temporary dralnaqe facilitIes, ascess road or other required Improvements, to assume resron<;lbl lity for the prooer functioning thereof, to suhmlt plan!> to the arpropriate City aqency for rp.vlew, If requl red, and to maintain said improvements and facilities in a manner which wi I I preclude any hazard to life or health or damaoe to adJolnlnq prooerty. \I' ,. omlOs Prior to ~pproval of improvement plans hy tho City, Owner may be required to eXecute and deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and" labor and materials hond In an amount and form accertahle to City to he r, lensed by the City Council In whole or in part upon completIon of the work required and payment of al I persons furnishIng labor and m~terlals In the performance of the work. VIII. INSURMICE Owner shall maintain, or ~hall requlrp. any contractor enqaqed to perform the work to maIntain, at all tImes during the performance of the work called for herein, a Separate pol Icy of Insurance In a form and amount acceptahle to City. I X . I N r E MN IT Y The Owner shall assume the defense and Indemnify and save harmless the City, Its officers, agents and employees, from every expense, llabl I fty or payment by reason of injury "Including death" to rersons or damaQt" to oroperty suffered through any act or onlsslon, Includlnq passive neol iQence or rtct of negligence, or both, of the Owner, hIs employees, BQents, contractors, suh- -3- F 777 PA~f236 contractors. or anyone dIrectly or IndIrectly employed hy either of them, or arising In any way from the work called for hy thl~ aqreem~nt, on any part of the premises, Including tho~e matters arising out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilities or the ad~quacy, safety, use or non-use of temporary dralnaqe facIlIties, the performance or non-performance of the work. This provisIon shall not be deemed to require the Owner to Indemnify the City against the liability for damage arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the CIty or Its agents, servants or Independent contractors who are directly responsible to the CIty. IN WITNESS \/HEREOF I City has executed th I s agreement as of December 1, 1980 ATTEST: CITY OF GilROY /~~wq TO FORM IN WITNESS has executed this agreement as of ~--~ / <_/~ jJ I / -----/ { (~~-'-~~~ y (ThiB document to be acknow!edged with signatures as they appear on deed of title) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )55. County of Santa Clara ) On this nine hundred and day of In the year one thousand . before me, Clerk. City of Gilroy, State of . a Notary Public. City CalifornIa, duly sworn. personally appeared known to me to be executed the within Instrument on ledged to me that described In and that behalf therein named. and acknow- executed the same. IN WITNESS \IHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy In the County of Santa Clara the day and year In this certificate first above written. City Clerk, CIty of GIlroy, State of California per CIvil Code Sec. 1181; Government Code Sec. 40b14. -4- r - -~>,....., -...-'-..........~ TO 1944 CA 18.741 (Individual) ,.....,..._-~ (61 TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST }~, 777 PI;f237 A neaR COMPANY i STATE OF CALIfORNIA COUNTY OF SantaC1ara 0n- Nove~be-r 21, 1980 State. personal1y appeared _ T ak i N. Anag undersigned. a Notary _ ~~~t;;,<h' Mlk in ,n" 10' "id Iol II: Iol :t Iol ..J II. <( r- III to be the person .h . l" . known to me . W ose name S to the within instrument ad' . ' subscribed ""0"" ,ho ~mo. n "knnw',",'" .h,' he WITNESS m h' y and and official seal. ~ Sign,;d)~[~t~~~<p-{Gt)X 1f-. Scag~tti U) ~~0~' r'/'--:-'~~~ \ " . ' I II '_ r' r . ~ ~~T' I 110 [.O'i': ~ - C .'~2i:N\A \ ! ~.. f, c.' ",... -, · 'i " I., ~___.! ;'_: '__ ,'31'" \ (This area for othcial notarial scall \ I , I .' .:.'. .1' ,,' . . I -4 ~~~_(_.. , I .. . . . i . J ~ ,..' ,al '-..1 'I , ~ f }~ ,. '. t.... ~ " 9 ~ ~ . .. I , " ~ . " ' f ,~. "I . .,' ' I "./ ~. ,1' ':.Ld. . "J ;, " -. .1 I. ~.' . , r:... ""i,1 I :: . .~. I:~ ' I '(I' .' JA ,a If' ,., , '.' I ;,. :,~:',..I .' ~ . i " ~ ~ ~ I ! I F 777 PA~E238 / f t. l ~~rr, . 1('/')) , , ......... " .-h -' .<('~'\o .,.I;': ',.". r ~"f:.'f:'...",) . ,",_--<,_/'\i~lJ co~.'" ..',<' ,Ie,? ~<O!. . ~~G) ~ "'\:,.... r. .~~ ,.\\\' co o~.... "I'~\.., ~c r p..\\'\-- "j,":' ?'(\\C ?- C f'\l. -' G\"p.. o?- . \,,\,10\ 0 T'OO?- %"166"" (96 /Y';i~i~T - ---....- _. (', I'" , I ' C' 'T.' ., I 1- --0 R EF f~--.-- ('cluO' " ( ~ , , vl2 ... 10" 14 I'-- v. ~ LJ! :... ~ --- '- - -..' 110 i 0:: CO> u 31 I~ i~ - ~. , <:> ,. N '" I to ~___'1O '11 fl-~',~ ,., .. ' .. '" .. II) t ~ ,) 30 C) fl? .. Q: .1- .. 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