Construct Land Development Improvements - Barberi, Frank CI'n 01" GiLROY .-)..) '-j NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 ~ 8844";9 'I (M)S:-tGEG71' 7j51 Roeunnu Strtlct GilroYt California 95020 AGliliEMENT ifi OWNER OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO CONSTlWC'l' LAND DEVELOPt1ENT IMPROVEMENTS No.~3-4L Project Identification: Assessor's Parcel #s 841-14-042, 043, 046 & 049 This is an agreement between the City uf GilroYt hereinafter n:ferred to 8S "City") &nd FRANK BARBERI I et al hereil1after rderred to 8S "Owner". WHEREAS, Owner of the property described in Exhibit At wishes tu defer construction of permanent improvemcnts and City agrees to bll(~h deferment provided Owner (or Successor in interest) agrees to construct impr'ovementl:i a8 herein provided. NOW t T1iEREfORE t IT IS AGRE!':!): I. AGREEMENT HINDING ON SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST This agreelUcntt together with the attached stipulations, is an instrument affecting the title or pOtHletitiio!l of the real property deticribt~d in Exhihit A. All the terllll> , convenantti and conditiona herein ilUlJosed tihall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Successors in interest of Owner. IJpon the Hale or diviaion of the property detlcribed In Exhibit A, the terlllti of tldo agreement tl hall apply aeparattlly to each par.cel and the owne r of each parcel ohaII l:iucceed to the obligations imposed on Owner by this agreement. II. STREET AN)) DI{AINA(;~~ IMPROVEMENTS A. City and Owner agree that the improvements set forth in thil:i section may be deferred becautle: these fees and improvements are inappropriate at this time. B. Owner agn~es to construct the fo110\<Jing improvementa 011 or adjacent to the property detlcribed on Exhibit A as welL ati requirt::d uff aite illlprovementti in the manner aet forth in thiti agreement; Improve~nts required by the City Uepartmcnt of Public Worka al:i generally deucribed below. (Crotla out improvelllCnts that are not required.) f 1. Curb and gutter. ~--s.~~.~ . 1- 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1). Driveways. Street grading, base and paving. Storm drainage faciLitieti. Erodlon control planting8 and facilltictl. Elect rolierl:l. IJndeq~roufld conduit \<Jith \~iring and pull boxes. Barricadea and othcr irnpclvementti needed lu. traffic tiafety. Street treea and other il\llJrovemcntti bet\<Jecn the clIrb and property line. Street digntl. Relocation of c)(ititing fences, I:ligns and uti1itleti. Payment of a pro rata share of the costti ati detclllllned by the Department of Public Works of a storm drainage or titreet impruvcmelltti \<Jhich hat) been, or il;l tu bt.~, provided by O\<Jllcr dllll othenj \<Jhere tluch facility benefitB the property deticribed in Exhibit A. NOT~: Fees are payable at tlw rate in effect at time of payment. Engineering and intlpection alld plan check fecti. Sanitary tlewage facilitieo. Water ayatelU. 14. 15. 16. RECORDER'S MEMO f'I\INT WRITINCJ OR lYPlNrJ em CARSO,,! GOPI~ M,6;KES "'OOR PHOTPO"'APHIC Rl'"r0Rf"' -1- ,. '" 065" , 672" ., ,:" f:t ' . I 1.1.,j-~ C. When the City Director of Public Workl:i determlneti that the real:ionti for the deferment of the improvellu~nts al:l s~t forth in section 11 .no longl~r exltit. he tihull notify Owncr in writing tu, COlIllllcnce thelr .11lt;tallatioll ulld COIHltruction. The notice shall be mailed III the current owner or uwnen:l of the land atl tihown on the latetlt adopted county atHH~l:ll:lll\ent roll. The notice tihall deucribe the work to be done by OWntHti. thL! t Ime within which the work l:lhal L commellce and the time within which the work tJhull be completed. All of allY portion of said improvements may be required at a spec1fied time. gach owner shall participate on a pro rata batiis in the cost of the improvements to be inl:ltalled. If owner i8 obligated to pay a pro rate share of a cost of a facility provided by otherl:lt the notice shall include the amount to be paid and the time when payment mutJt be made. I II . PEKFOK11ANCg OF TilE WOKK Owner agrees to perform the work and make the payments requi n~d by Ci ty ati tiet forth herein or ati modified by the City Council. OWller I:lhal1 CdUlle plans and tlpecificutiolltl for the improvcmenttJ to be prepared by CUlllpetellt persons legally qualified to do the work and to submit I:laid improvement plans alld tipecificationa for approval prior to COIIUllencement of the work dl~ticclbed In the notic~ and to pay city illtlpection fecl:l. The work I:lhal1 be done ill accordance with city litundardtl in efft!ct at the time improvement planl:l are tluhmllted for approval. Owncr agrceti to comlllCnce and comple te the wurk wi Lhi n thc t Imc l:ipecified in the notice given by the Director of Public Wot-ks and to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to titart of 'work. In the evcnt OWlwr fuils to cont/truct any ilUprovementa required under thitl agreement, City IlIay. at iltl option do the work aod collect all costt; from Owner. I'erlllitision to enter onto the property of Owner il:l granted to City or itl:l contractor ati may be neCl~tiSary to contltruct auch improvelllentti. tl (9VJa. o ~ ~ 8 :::E [l 4( w w i: ~a. :::E cr. CD Q , UJ :r VlOa::[l - Cl 0 <l: O::z(jll:: C E z 8 Oo::~gb (t:r Uf--<J:[l IoU Z U O::~Il::a: 10.02 IV JOINT COOPERATIVE PLAN Owncr agrecti to cooperate upon notlce by City with uther properly OWllertit the City and other public agencietl to provide the Improvclllenttl /:let forLh herein under a joint cooperative plan including the formation of a locai improvl~lIwnt districtt if tlliti method itl feaaible to aecurc the intitullation and con/:ltruction of Lhe improvcmenll:l. V KEVIEW Of KEQUIKEMENTS If Owner disagrees with the requirementl:l oct forth in <:lny not lee to comlIlence intltallatlon of improvements he tihalL, within )0 days of the date the not lee WUti ma! Led, request a review of the requirementl:i by the CiLy Council. The decitiion of the COUIICtl shall be binding upon both City and Owner. VI MAINTENANCE OF IMP1WVEl1ENTS City agn~es to accept for maintenance thotie improvcmcntl:l specified in Section Tl which are contltructed and completed in accordance with Clty stundardl:l and requirementb and are installed within rightti of way or ea/:lements dedicated and accepted by ('esolut ion of the City Council. Owner agrees to provide any neceol:iary temporary drainage facill[iest accel:ls roadti or other required improvements. to assume rel:lpolll:libi1ity for the proper functioning thereof, to tlublOit plantl to the appropt-lal:! City agency fOt- review, if required, and to maintain tiaid improvementB and facilitietl ~n a manner which will preclude any hazard to life or health or dal~ge to adjoining property. VI{ ~ONOS Prior to approval of improveml;nt plant:l by the City t Owner lUay be rl;quired to execute and deliver to the City a faithful pcrfun~ncl; bond and u labor alld materials bond in an amount and form licceptable to Clty to be releal:led by the City Council 1n whole or in part upon completion of the work required and payment of all perlions furnishing labor and waterialti 1n the performance of the wOl'k. VIII INSURANCE , Owner tihall maintain, or I:lhall require any contructor engaged to perform the work to maintain, at all timeti during the performance of the work callt~d for herein, a aeparate policy of inl:lurance (1) a form alld amount acceptable to City. IX INDEMNITY The Owner tlhall asaume the rtcfentic and Indemnl fy und have harmletil:i the Ci ty, ! [s officers, agentli and employeelit from every expentict liability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to pertlOllti or damage to property l:iuffered through any act or ." I 065:'~G:673 om1~l:liont including paBt;ive negligence or uct ot ut!)(li)(ence, or both, of the Ownert hl:> ewployeet:lt agentt;t contractor6t 6ub-contractorli, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or arisiog in uny wuy frolll the work 'crllled for by thil:l agreement, on /lilY part of the premisel:l, including thOI:le matter'ti iirltilllg out of tlte deferment of permanent drainuge facilitiet:J or the ade'lllacy>> tiafeLy, utie 0[' 1I0n-utie of temporary drainage facilitie6, the performance or non-performance of the work. This provil:iion 6hall not be deemed to requlre the Owner to Indemnify the City agaio6t the liability for damage arising from the I:lolc negligence or willful mlsctHHluct of the City or its agent6, servantti or independent contractorti who drto directly rel:lponsib1e to the City. IN WITNI!SS WllEltI!OF, City hal:l executed this agreement ati of November 7, 1983 ATTEST: CITY OF G{L1WY ~~J~ ~ "" .:; ,,;'::. ",,* k.-~ \, " C. \ './....\"'<. "',I,. -... "" ":~J~~~OVED'~A~,<:!rO FORM r;;/,' · - ; ~"\:,~":" . > , /~/ - '- //3/(///, i/2vU-e' ((' {/ ,>iI/l/fi---- , C I T'i ATTOltNI!Y! IN WITNESS WH1~REOF, Owner hal:! executed this agreement ati of 1//7/23 ( , ~4~ ment to be acknowledged with ~~' ~..P~ ~~~~ tiignclturesti' _ ,hey appear un deed of title) Witness (This x STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )68. ) Leo A. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On thi8 hundred and Stat~ of Californiat known to me to be executed the within inlitrulIlCnt on acknowledged to ~ that day of in the year UIIC thoutidnd nine , Notary Public, City Clcrk, City of CilroYt duly 6worllt per~onally appeared described in ilnd Lhal behi.llf tllel-eiLl IIdlllCd, dud executed tlIe Hilllle. IN WITNESS WHEKEOF I have hereunto tiet lilY IIdnd dnd affixed the officiaL 8eal of the City of Gilroy in the Couuty of Santa Clara thc day and year in thi6 certificate firlit above written. f RECORDER'S MEMO IIIDfI .RmNII 0" TYPING OR ~'RI!ION COPt~ MAKE'", eooR PHOTOGRAPHIC REe,) City Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of Cal1fofllIa per Civil Code Sec. lltili GoverlllUent Code Sec. 40B14 _'1_ -..._ ";':'--"c,,__' CAT. NO. NN00634 TO 1950 CA (7-82) (Witness- Individual) ,. TITLE INSURANCE ~ ANDTRUST ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara November 7, 1983 1.~5' ;..1";~.4. ,"\IV I ..0,. U '4---f } ss. A nCOR COMPANY On said State, personally appeared personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, or proved to be such by the oath of a credible witness who is personally known to me, as being the subscribing Witness thereto, said subscribing Witness being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: That this witness resides in Santa Clara County and that said witness was present and saw F r a nL Barberit John Barberi, Mary Baroeri personally known to said witness to be the same person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within and annexed Instrument as a party thereto, execute and deliver the same, and that affiant subscribed his/her name to the within Instrument as a Witness. WITNESS my h~nd ,nd nffi,," ,,,I. ~ A Sign'" ~~ )'-(. ~^- / Leo . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for llrado t On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Leo T i r;] c1 0 personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, or proved to be such by the oath of a credible witness who is personally known to me, as being the subscribing Witness thereto, said subscribing Witness being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: That this witness resides in Santa Clara County and that said witness was present and saw J 0 s e ph Pi~b~rd B~rbori , ]Q~R T3~~~R personally known to said witness to be the same person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within and annexed Instrument as a party thereto, execute and deliver the same, and that affiant subscribed his/her name to the within Instrument as a Witness. WITNESS my hand and official seal. III It: III :I: III ... L 0( I- III ! CAT. NO, NN00634 TO 1950 CA (7-82) (Witness-Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara November 7, 1983 } ss. t III It: III :I: III ... L 0( I- III 1 Signed ~'K! ..--;-. d ~_o_JI/A __ r~,,",,"-~-'"'"';-:"O' ...,..-.._~--,-.,~---~-.~~ .^ ~.~~-~ > "\( II, ,',' 11 a, "'~-,,'?",' '"f".'.'~',' '.'k ~{,~'11~,1 ~ "','t, '" ~ /.-.)~-> ".".~'(~ .\Jr~;~ C1(~. b~(;;~~.~:,<~".}'i \ I,/,'i_.__,! ,''t~",',;,\ I"(y,' ~'"v :"J'Pl' j:. '\',',,11 !:'(Wi',li\ i, I 0" -' "1 "". '. ,_' "I ,\ ~ .." ." ,. I' i!M~",,z";.ti:':;J PRINCWAL ,OFII,('[ ii'l ,'I' 1 ~' Ill/I) r R, cr,-' I" '~, l (',11 :',1 TY f , r ({,/ . I cLd '1\) I,,' '.- ',. ' t I ~P" My Gomm!:;Si~1 bl~:e~~eb .:.1 1~86J~ ~~::;~~...--.........,........--..-:<-~ (This area for official notarial seal) :t .J ,. TITLE INSURANCe ~ ANDTRUST A nCOR COMPANY B 1T~P,~J:!:~-_c,.,,,,~,,..,,,,,,.,.,,,,.',,..-,,,,,.,,.,..,..: 1i ji ,! ~! ~: j! L.;;'~'c'.;:~;T ~"'. ;\<)' (This area for official notarial seal) ;./ ~ 7884479 flLH'l Fon GURI) A." R!:PU'..CT~\ n; '""~ v . ~ ~i'~' r,' 1,',J l8'".l 11UV-, ,j' f'" 'J ~~ , ,j.:} I:', '1 " ~lf A h' -r ;'>', I C -)' I r7 J _..1-- G' \:.) J (./ k\ III j -\l I.. ~ ~ C/l , ... ~~- ~ITE -~/~~ ------ ~ .. -------------/-------\ _.------- \ ---.- ---- - / I .___----_..i ~~ / \..--------- ------------------ FRANK EXHIBIT A BARBE RI ,et 1 a AGREEMENT -- Of CITY Of GILJWY I 065 fl!GE G76 UEVELOPMENT CUST SCIlEUULE No. 83-41 Uu t ~ 1 0 - 2 8 - 8 3 InItialed SD-L Location of Property East side of Monterey Road just sou~of the South Valley Freeway boardering on the east by the Southern Pacific Railroad 841-14-042, 043, __9,46 and 049 AtHil;llSOr 16 Parcel (J Nam;; of Applicant FRANK BERBERI, et al Aqdl'elJB 1742 Mulberry Lane, San Jose, CA 95125 , Type of Development Proposed Parcel Map Area 32.75 Acres Storm Drain Area "0" Street Frontage n/a Engineering Map Check 01-100-110U-6004-11 $ 93.00 Subdivi8ion6 $ +$ (n) Parcel SplitlJ $ 87.00 +$ 3.00 (0) n- number of lots Engineering Plan Check and Inspection 01-100-1100-6004-12 $ Deferred 5:t of the Cost of Public Improvements 5:t x $ MiscellaneouB Engineering Service 01-100-1100-6U04-13 $ n/a houni x ( ) Public Wor~8 Microfilming 01-100-1100-6004-14 $ 5.00 $5.00 per sheet (maps and planti) x 1 sheet Fire Hydrant Locatioll Fee 07-720-1900-8001-00 $ Deferred $ for the firet 5 hydrantl:l +$ for each additional hydrants Area Water Charge 03-300-1300-7203-0U $ Deferred Acrctl @$ lacr~ Acres @$ lucrc Contitruction Water 07-120-1~00-8UUI-UO $ Deferred U' @$ ILF+ Acrcl:l @ $ lacre ---..-- RECORDER'S MEMO IIIlN1 BRmNCI opt TYPING ~ aA'RI!ION COPlE'S M)I. K Ff- !POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PEer'D, -1- '. Off-Site Storm Drain Fe\:! I 065:I~Gt67? Arc.. "A'. $ /Acre 02-2l0-1300-7202-00 $ Area "A-l"$ /Acre 02-220-1300-7202-01 $ Area ".6 .. $ /Acre 02-221-1300-7202-00 $ Area t.C" $ /Acre 02-222-1300-7202-00 $ Area UO" $ /Acre 02-223-1300-7202-00 $ Deferred Area UE" $ /Acre 02-224-1300-7202-00 $ Area "1" .. $ /Acre 02-225-)300-7202-00 $ Area .'Qu $ /Acre 02-226-1300-7202-00 $ Acres @$ /Acre Acres @$ /Acre Front F'oot Chargee Water 02-230-1300-7204-00 $ By Developer LF @$ /LF , Sewer 02-230-1300-7205-00 $ By Developer LF @$ /LF , , StorlU Dr;atn 02-230-1300-7207-00 $ By Developer LF @$ /LF Street Improvements 02-230-l300-7207-00 $ Bi Developer Pavement SF @$ /SF"$ Curb & Gutter LF @$ /LF"'$ S:l.dewalk SF @$ /S}!'a$ Gal. Pole Electrolier LF @$ /LF-$ Electrol1er Conduit LF @$ /Lf-$ Fire Hydrant LF @$ /LF-$ Wood Pole Haunted Electrolier 01-100-1100-6004-00 $ n/a LF @$ /LF Public Works Caah Bonda and Deposits 08-800-1100-6004-02 $ Other $ Other . $ RECORDER~ MEMO IfAlm VlRmNCI Oft 'tYPING (I,. OR QI\'Rl'JOH COPl'E."B MAKES e:JOR EHaTOQRAPHIC RECORD TOTAL $ 98.00 NOTB; All deferred feea are payable at the rate in effect at t1111A~ of payment. -2-