Construct Land Development Improvements - Beno, John and Jean 1I~' '. t'. 4; ~ ~ .. NQ FEE per GC Sec. 6103 F 667 P!~: 173 FnE!.) FOH. f<F rY'f>O ~r Hff.JiJES'r"OF' ~?.. ... F 667 m,1.73 G(;T II lj ~ Ofncu:.' Pf:'(' ~" S ./~, ,"'- ~ T",~ ~..._ 1 l.~ ;.." j - ~~, ::..: G f.' C.' / ~~' - :.;' '~.i-,J. p~- J.1 C ~J ~j r-; T Y! AGRHr1ENT OY OUtlER OR HIS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST TO f"~:Gic;T~~I~.P ,~I~.;4_"",", ' COrlS TRueT tANn OEVELOPflErJT H1PROV[r1ErlTS " "~.'- L'!;;_'t.R, -___......~__.______ _ <r -'- . ...... I .\. ..______ ~".1 6874167' P<~<:;- CITV Of GILROV A 13QO ROSdnna Street, P. O. Rox 66 Gilroy. Cd11forn1d 95020 Pro1e(;t Ident1f1c"tion: SuuthWLlSl corner of LdS Animas 1l.IL AVt'~l'lt; and 'lIIun cl.y Avenue (AS~t;'sso.r:' s Pel:' #835-002-010) N;r ,This il ^n 4qre~l~nt between the CITY OF GILROY. hereinafter referrt:~ to l:\S "e1 tt'. an'1 JOIIII I.". f:\ello dlld .Jeall W, HellO ~t>. -r . .. J L J.l here1n4fter referred to ., """!1~rll. HtlEREAS. O\'mer dcs1re$ to $ubdivtde or dQvelop t.he property d-:scr1bed in Exhibit ^ bnd whhe$ to defer construction 0' penMuent 1mprov~nenu 4nd C1 ty l.'llJrce, t.o liuch defe~nt provided Own.,... itlree~ to construct improvement:) f.1~ ~erein PJ"Ovtded. UOII. TIIERf.FORf. Il IS AGI~EEn; 1. AGRHtlfNT AfllfH~IG or! SUCCESSORS HI INTEREST _, r T~ ...~ ... ......______... ,...."" I r .......J Ild. . .... Thi' 4grcenent. toqether with the 4tt4ched stipulations. t. an 1n$trulI~nt 4ffec~h'l<3 the t t~e or poue$~1on of the f"t)ol pr'opert.v desc ri bed 1 n [x h! b {t A. ;u che tenn:s. (;onvenftnts and cond 1 t fons tu~re1n ir"po:.e...! 5tM~) "Ie b ndin9 uQOn Gnd inure to tho benefit Of t.he ~lJcceUon ~n int;.~~'~:H. of '~'''er. Upon thf't $41e or dhh10u of the property de~(r ',n h.hHdt l\. thQ ten":) of th~:i 4f~n;Cflk:nt 5httll 4pply i6lMr6t~.~~j to ~dOI ,Mr-cel and the OHner of '"~tu;h p4rct>1 itwH succ:e.:edtr;, LH:': obli(l",tion~ llll>oied on Q\'Ifl(~r by th~S 49n:etl'\t"ut. 11. $TQf r T ,I'If!!) ORA WAGE: tHPROVfJ1HfTS ",~.....- ........._...._ .,....~~__-.._ ~""'" ~'i _.. ....,......,.,.. "'-...04......",.-- A. C1 t.v and ()uf\l~r I(Jrec thAt the improvement$ .ot forth in th i $ ":<.:t 1 UH m~jl tie deferred tlec,u$e: Tht:.:ti.; lll\i,rUVdlntlllt~ dte ir1dvpn)I'J.ldLe at Lllltl ti.Ill<.:. RECORDER'S MEfwiO FA;'NT WRITING OR TYPING OR CARBON COPfES MAKES POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORO , . .' . B. OWfler c1grcctl to con~truct the followlnq Imorov~ments on th~ prop~rty dl"~cr!bed In Exhibit A ciS well dS required off site imorovements In the lIldnnCr set forth In this aqrcemcnt: F 667 .'!~: 174 Improvemcnts rt:Qullt~d by the City Department of PublIc lIorks a5 genercllly d~,crlbed oolmi' (Crus) uut Il1IlJrov~lllt.:nts thdt ar~ not requ I rt~J,) I. Curb and C)lltter Sld(lwol"s Or'VelrJdYs ~;treC't qnll\jJnq, base dnd pcwlnq ',torm dldlndqe facilities [ I'U~ Ion con t ro' pI dn t I nQ5 and f ae; II , ties t: Ie c :: ft..d I c n. UIlJ($I-9 rollnd c.ondu I t w llh wi r I nn and pu 11 boxes iJdr r I ,..HieS and odlt~r I rnprovemenU needed for troff I C lefety :>U"ct trees 4nJ other l/I1prollcment$ betwt'lcn the curh and prO)fJcr"ty line. StrtCcl ~ I"n$ Mclucdtlon of exlstlnq fences. 51"n5 and utilities t'dY'IIC;~nt of 4 pro rdta 5hare of the casU a, determined hy the Oepdrtr~lll ot Public \/orklJ of a storm dralnd(}e or ,treet Improvement.; ~oJh kh hd5 bet:n. or I s to be, prov I ded hV Owne rand othe r, whe re such fdCl!lty beneflt~ llu~ property deHrlb~d In ExhIbit A lnqlnccrlnq dnd In~pec(lon and plctn check fee) S~nlldry ~cwdqe facIlities 1./.:. tt:r :sy) tem " #.. . .~ . . Jj . " , - h. 7. H. 'I, I (J . II. p 'J, 14. 15. 16. C. When the City Director of Public Wotkl determine. thlt the rea50ns for the deferment uf the lm(lrovell~nts as set forth In ~ec.tlon " no Jonqer exIst. he ~hdll notify Owner In wrltlnq to c.Olllrnellce theIr Installation and con!:.truc::tlon. The fll)(ice -:.hall he Indl'ed to the current own,~r or owner!; or the land .,5 bhown on the latest adorHed county .i~'!)dllSll1t.HIt 1'011. The notler. shalt de$c.r1ne the work to be dune by O\.'mcrs. the t IlOe wIth i n wn I c;h the \-Iork 5ha 11 commence dnd the tIme within whiCh the wor',," :011,111 bi;: c()IIIplnted. Allor dny portion of ~dld Im- plOVClllcnt~ illeS)' be required dt d specIfied tl"It;:, l~ch owner' ~ha11 oanlclr\ate on b pro r"to bd~l~ In ttH~ C('~>l of the Imllro"t.Wlellt:>i to he lo!)t.llhd. If lhvuer Is oht'9dt~;d to PdY d pro rdtd "!"Jr"t,' of it co~t of., facility fHovld~d by o\hel"f>. the notic~ ~hal' Inetude thu dmounl to be: Pdld Ltnd thti tlo16 wlHm Jh1yrnent mu~d he ITldde, III . PF RFOf{MAtlCE OF THE W)RK Owner aqree~ to perfortll the work and make the p.y~ntl roqul red by rt ty as set forth herein 0(" a:) fIloJlflt:d by the City Council. Owner ~h.dl causu otdn5 and speclflcations for the Impro"eOlt~nt5 to h~ fH~Pdred hy coo'petent persoflS legally qUdllfied to do the work dnd to !.uhrnlt said ImprOVement pl4n$ and ~peclflcdt.i()lI:' f(,r dOIHoval prior to CO/l1mc:!n,cmellt of the work descrlhed fn the notice and to P"Y elt,y' In~pc(.tl(lIl fc;cs. The wo,1,. Shdlt he done In (lCCOrdoilnCe with city ~((Jnddrdj In t~tfect .H the (1IIlt: Impro"<'llleflt Illdn~ are bubmltted for appru'J<.l1. Owner /:I<J"c'CS to .:;n'''llIt::nCc'l ~,," CO"lpl,~tt'l th~ ~J,-,rk within the time :>pe..:ihed In lh,~ notIce qiv~-:n 'IY the f)lr(~ctor' of Puhlle \for"'~ <inti to nlltlfy the CIty d? led">t 1i/1 houl':> p'lur lu Sldrt of ~,ork, 11\ dll' evel\t Owner fal h. to (.un..,t,uc\, <lilY illlP"')VC"len~~. H~quire.1 under thIs do,rt;!em,"nt, City IlIdY, at It~ option. do (h,~ Hurk dnt! col !net ,Jl' tIll' t::ost~ 1ro," O~Jfle!. P~"l11~S'OIl to t:ntet' ('ntQ tht,l P~~CORDER'$) MFMO FAINT WRITING OR TYPING OR CAR80N CO?IES MAKES -/- P.....,n,' ,"/) rOGRAPHIC ",EC ')~D , . property of OWlle,r Is qranted to City or Its contractor as may be nece:>sary to con:.truct such t',nprovl:nt~nts. -- ------..-...- ---..-....,,---.. ..-. F 667 ~!:: 175 IV. JOINT COOPER^TIVE PLAN Owner d9rcl:':~ to coopcralt: upon notice:: by City with othflr ~rcr,erty (.wlIcrs, the CI ty .md other public dQencl~s to provide the Improvements set forth herein under d Jolot Cooperative pldn Including the formation of a local Improvement dl~drll-t, It this ro.:ttlod I::" fCd:.lbl~ to secure the Instdl1~tlon dnd \.;ont.tructlon of tht~ I mprovt:lIIcnt5 . V. REVIEW OF REOUIREHlNTS ---..-------------...,---... If Owner dllidqrues with the requIrements tet forth In any notice to commence In~tal !<.ttlor) of Improvements he shal I. within )0 day, of the date the notice WdS "'ulled, request" review of ,the rt:lqulrt:lmenU by the City Council. The JCl..hilon of the (oullcll shall be bInding upon both City and Ownll::r. V, . "'A I t1HNANCE OF 'HPROVfMErlTS City a~Jree5 to aCCept for malntenanco those ImprovemenU specified In Sc;:<:;tlon !, which tHe conHructed dnd completed In acear.dance with City standards 4lnd rc:qul remcnl) dnd Me Inlit<l.illcd wi thin rl<lhh of way' or "I$emonh dedicated (Jnd dcccvtcd by re~olutlo" of the City CouncIl. Own~r 6qrucs to provld~ any neces,ary temporary dr.lnage f.cllftles, a5ce5S rOdd Or' other required 100J.)rovt:ments. to;) at'a5U~ nUJ)()nslblllty for the prOPer functlofllng thereor, to $uhmlt rldn~ to the appropriate City aqency for revIew. If rt::qulrcd, bud to IOdlnt..;In ~ald Impr'}Vemenls dnd facilitieS In lit manner which will pre;:clude ~ny hazard [0 lff~ or he~lth or d~"d"~ to ddJolnlnq property. VI I. eo~,os Prlo,. to approval of Improvumant plan. by the CIty. Owner melY b., requlrnd to execute: and deliver to the Clty.t!l faithful pcrformdncc bond and... labor and materldl~ bond In dn 4mount dnd form It<:ctlrtaldc to City to be rtlfllucdhy th~ City Coulle II I n who Ie or I n par t upon comj) Ie t Ion of the work rcqu I red Clnd payment of all per~on5 furnlshlnq labor ..Hld m.;sterlals In the;: performance of the work. VIII. INSURMICE Owner )h411 ma I nta In, or ~ha 11 requl re any cont rae tor eng.ogCld to perform the work to ITlc,lInt'Jln. at all tlrne~ durin9 the perfortndnce of the work catted for herein, ~ ~o.:parcHt:l policy of Insur.lncC In a (orrft and amoun.t CtCCt:lptdh'~ to City. I X . I NO I:: MN IT V lh~ Ownljr 5hal1 assume the:! dt:fcnse and Indemnify and 5.ve hannle$s the City, It$ officers, agents dnd employet:$. from every expen~e. liability or pdyment by rCd,on of Injury "Including dt:dth" to f>en..ons or damaqe to a.>roperty '3lJftcrl~d through dOY dCt. or I.W h~lon, lncludlnq rd~'.lVr: neqllgenCe Of del of ncqll'Jcncc. or both, of the Owne", his e,"ployee,~. iJqe::ntli. c()ntra<;.tor~. sub- Rl:CORDER'S ME:MO FAitH WFITlNG OR TYPING OR CARBON COPIES MAKES POO'" Pf-,....T0r:Rt'ol-nc R[':('ORD - ~- '. ,~ F 667 r!S: 176 contractors, or anyone directly or Indlr~ctly employed by either of them, or arising In any way from the work called for by this agreement, on any part of the premises, Including those matters arIsing out of the deferment of permanent drainage facilities or the adequacy, safety, use or non-use of temporary drainage facIlities, the performance or non-performance of the work. This provision shall not be deemed to require the Owner to Indemnify the City against the liabIlity for damage arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City or Its agents, servants or Independent contractors who are directly responsible to the City. IN WITNESS \JHEREOF, City has executed this agreement as of Orlob ,,.. ID. /990 . CITY OF GilROY ("'" V o \ "5~ It t .~ , A~~~OV.~?,~~., ~/'FORti ... " \ J(./ IN WITNESS EREOF. Owner has executed thIs Igreement as of 29th day of September, 1980 rf~ ! 0/1 \/-?a~v l A;~-ZJ . 1-0 :&~~r- (This document to be acknowledged with signatures as they appear on deed of title) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. County of Santa Clara ) On this 29th day of September In the year one thousand nine hundred and eiqhty , before me, Susanne E. Steinmetz , a Notary Public, City Clerk, City of Gilroy, State of California, duly sworn, personally appeared John Francis & Jean W. Beno known to me to be the persons described In and that they executed the within In5trument on tnelr behalf therein named, and acknow- 'edged to me that . they executed the same. ... , 1 {Nc\.Ht~~-S.:~ U~ERE6y' I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the' tit v' of Gilroy In the County of Santa Clara the day and year In ,.>t9ol~,.>F~rlt~:lf,,~:~".. f f r,t above wr I tten. (1 f :\': . ' ,. l ~ ornla Sec. 40l114. -4- STIPULATIONS F 667 P~s: 177 , . BENO AGREEMENT 1) Locate and properly dispose of any wells, septic tanks and underground fuel fac- i lities, as each parcel developes. Note: The capping of any well wi 11 require inspection by the Santa Clara Valley Wa te r D i s t r i ct. 2) Schedule the construction of improvements along existing public roads so that the work affecting vehicular traffic is completed with a minimum interruption to traffic. 3) All work within the public right of way shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4) Install curb, gutter to City Standards along the entire property frontage. 5) Deferred fees will be paid at such time that any improvement occurs which would increase storm water runoff or water consumption. At the time of Development of Parcel A. B. or C. fees will be paid for all three Parcels. At the time of Development of Parcel D. only Ithose fees wi 1 1 be due. 6) All fees shall be paid at the rates in effect at that time. 7) Before construction util izing combustible materials may proceed, an all weather access must be provided to within 150 feet of the building site; and at least one in service fire hydrant must be available within 500 feet of each portion of the site wherein this construction is to take place. Locations of Fire Hydrants wi 11 be determined by the Fire Chief. 8) This agreement shall run with the land and be binding upon ~ny successors in interest. 9) The assignment of this agreement by the developer to another party shall rep quire prior approval of the City Counci 1. 10) Instal I 4 electrol iers along the Murray Avenue frontage and 1 electrolier along the Las Animas Avenue frontage. Locations to be determined by the City Engineer. (See Stipulation #12) 11) Install water and sewer mains along the entire property frontage of both Murray Avenue and Las Animas Avenue. Sizes to be determined by the City Engineer. ~See stipulation #12) 12' Improve To City Standards the property frontage on Murray Avenueat the time of Deve 1 opment of Parce 1 D. I mprove to City .Standfrd~e ent ire frontage of Las Animas Avenue from Murray Avenue to the ~~~~~)yO~~perty line of Parcel C. and Murray Avenue along the property frontage of Parcel A. at the time of development of either parcel A. B. or C. These improvements to include but are not limited to curb and gutter, driveways, street grading base and paving, storm drainage facilities/water and sewer facilities, electro] iers, and fire hydrants. ... 13) An encroachment permit must be obtained from the county prior to improving Las Animas Avenue. A~~~ ,~Zt)id:.~ ( /. . , , " . ; I I . \:' ,I " ...."""'~ ~. I o~ \ \ . /. \ \ '\ ',' \ F 667 P!s: 178 \1' \ ./"'", ,~\),,</ : '. ~ ~~ , ",_." ..' /' ...r' -:...._ . . 0(1 flOI' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , -(J;;xldbit A.) l'rol'er ly Hellu . 't 1'1ct" '=" VicltlJ Y '. ~ .-' ..: F 667 P!Sf 179 C I I Y Of G I U{QY lHVlL()I'I"1L1JT COST SCIILOULE No. O<.lle Initialed ~-16-80 S. L. LOCdllon uf f.>ropcrly_, SO':!..Ul__~,:_:>~~~_of Murray Avenue and Las }~r!~s Avenue ----.---.------.- --..----.-.-- ~._____~~ -4 A~sessor IS Pd rCe 1 /1 835-002-010 N.:lllle of App I I cdnl John F. Beno and Jedn W. Beno Address Type of [)"vc lopllll~nl Proposed M-l Area Ie. ---1.j.L~.~JJLAu:.e~___ ~. Storm Drain He-II "S75<;l IA"r~ SUl.:el flonldge_ on Murray Avenue, on Las Animas Avenue . EII~inecrin9 Map C1ICLks SubJivi:>ions $167.0O-t-$2.50 (n) Parcel t-1d[) 70.00" 2.50 (N) N :0.; Nl/IlIIJer of Lot::> 01-100-1 100-60o~-1 I $...ao....oo Engineer Plan Check and Inspection 01-100-1l00-60011-12 JI % x $ X X ;...-C~)st-~~LTi-c illlpruvelllcnls $ Defer r~d Miscellaneuus Engineer Service No of hours xL .:!5.00) 01-100-1 IOO-600~-13 $ 59 uo $ 5.00 S -u- S 25.0U Publ ic Works Microfi IIIling 01-IOO-1100-6001j-IJI $5/5hl:t:: l (llldP:'; dill' pi <.lIlS) x 1 ~h~t;;t En~rgency Services No. of hours x 01-IOO-lI00-600Jj-15 . ) IB.UU Fire Hydrilllt Location Fee 01-100-1100-6002-01 $25.00 fur lht~ fir~l 5 hydrant::. + 2.50 for edcl. dddi tiOll",1 hydrant Area Wa le r Chd f91.: 03- 300- 1300-]203-00 $22,383 JJ2..:.lJ..L.__ Ac rc S l~.D.LL-_--l Ac re $ Deferred Con5lructlon Wdlcr _ -o-__lF ~ SO.30ILF..l.L.]14 07-]20-1900-8001-00 $184 AcreS ~$I I .3D/Acre $ Defer red '.. ..... \..1 Uev\'I\lI'"'t'll( (ll'.l ~LItL:"ld,: otl - Sill' ~>I'''"1 UI,ti'l 01- no two -. //0:' llll 01 no IWu- ;JO? 0 I 0)- n 1-' I :wo-- //0)-00 OJ- /2/- I :WO- !lO/--UtI 0/-i/J'-130u-j;!U/-OU 0I-nJ,-I)OU-)!02-(JO OJ-)!~-IJOO-/!O)-OU !(,.JJ4 A(re~ ~$ Frollt rUlll Clldl ge~ W...llc,- Se~-Jc r S I 0 JIll [) I <.l i II Street IlllprUVL:IIIL:llt~ Pdvelll~111 Curb & Gulter S i dl'~'/d I k Cd I . Po I e [lcClfO! icr [Icctlulier CUlldu i I f i, e Hyd/dl\l l f (<u$ If ~ l F ~I$ -2-- [) j S lr i C I ' 'A" $ () C e / /\ C Dislricl "A_I" $3UOO/Ac [)i~t1icl "IJ" (,L/,/AC I) i ~ t. r i C I I I C I I / I.) ~ I A L DistricL "l)" /lOI/\c o i s I. r iLl. " l:1' 1.)1,/ I j\C Oi~ll'jCL "t." tlflHI/\c __7:_'). _ _ __ ____________! I\c rl~ -, $ J~ ,HJ2 02-2]0-1300-]204-00 It F 02-2jO-1300-710~-OU II.F 02-230-1300-/2U]-OU III 02-230-IJOO-}/uG-oO Sf ~$ /SI I f ~,) S -----.- -....-- --/I. I- ',F I" $~-==~=--=-~~~=-=~/ S I' - $ . $ S I f 1,1 ~ I L f . .. - ~ -- ------ I I I" $ I L l- I. I l') $--------------/ L I: (- - -i .. - " Wood Polc.: /1')(ll\leJ Elecl/tllier ___________ ____L F I,J $ O!-lOO-IIOO-LOOlj20 ILF Pub! i C \Jurk~ Cdsh Uomh dlllJ l)l'l'u:, i t ~ OH-BOO- 1100-600/1-02 Other 101 AI RECORDER'S MEMO FAt-NT WRITING OR TYPING OR CARBON COPIES MAKES ~OR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD F 667 P~"S: 180 $ $ $ ---.-- - '-'.---'----.- -.--,--- ~ IJI.: tt~ rr~d ..______ ~ --------.- ---- ----- .. ,).- -- ------------- ( ,;> ----,~ -...-----. ~----_..- $ -0- $ -0- -- ---.-.-------.. $ ----_.:.~.:_----------- $ -0- se-e--s-u 13"~-ffT 1---------- $ -0- $___ $ $ IbO