Construct Land Development Improvements - Gilroy Associates, LTD. ~ I 395 ;'AGE 615 ,., Xl UJ ~ (1), ,." >c) ~ "'11 0 :"'",2:'::'" =- ~_ .. ;':;m~'''"; ~ .... r- , ~ <::> ::;"'. -'.- 1""-.' .....rt1.. "I ~;;oo_2 . /.,.0.'" .>Or- 3> "Yl"'l1 ' c,.) ;r,rT1;>r .c::;\~ ?o ~ .:0 ~ :':n :>"J ~- :.1lI c;,.) ,..,.' >!'"1 ~ J~;:V Cl< ;: c.:..:.' . ! r'J1 o ~ C. ;:;;..:::-. 01 :ltJ 2,=._ . 1:: . 0 O;Z :z: C; ~"'. _- ~ m --.;t!',*c:n 0 AGREEMENT Wi molNEK OR illS succtSS'"'{)J{S Hf- INTr~KEST TO CONSTRUCT LANU D1~VELOPMENT IMPIWVEMENTS Nu. NO FEE per GC ~ 27383 j'J51 Rol:ldnnd Street Gilroy, California 95020 ~ CiTY Ot' GILROY ~ ~ ..:;;;.. 84-3 0'\ UJ .s:- \:J :J::;Jo C") 1'1 Project Ident1ficution: Assessor's Parcel #s 835-01-024 and 025 This is an agreement between the City of Gilroy, hereinafter rt:ferred to al:l "City". and GILROY ASSOCIATES, LTD. A Limited Partnership \..ic'J U1 CO hereinafter referred to dS "Owner". WHE.IlliAS, Owner of the property deocrlled in Exhibit A, wishes to defer cOllstruction of permanent improvemcnt6 and City agree6 to I:luch deferment p 'ovided Owner (or Succe6sor in Interel:lt) fJi~rees to conl:ltruct improvements ali herein provided. NllW. THEREl-'ORE, 11' IS AGIiliEU: I. AGKEEMENT tlINDING ON SUCCESSOKS IN INT~KEST ThIs agreement. together with the attached stipulations, io all :Instrument affecting the t1tl~ or pOl:ll:lel:ll;lion of the real pt-operty de8cdbed In 1':xhIbl t A. All the tenus. convenant8 and c:undi..iu:u h~t'c!n imp0'.:red' dl.:.;ll. ac hLldL'6 ,.;"0;. and 1nur,~ t:.) the b~nefit of the SUCCt~otiorti ill interest of Owller. Upon the sale or division of the property described in Exhibit A, the tenllb of thil:l agrt!ement l:lhall apply eeparutely to each parcel dnd the owner of each parcel l:lhall succeed to the obligations imposed on Owner by this ilgn~emenl. I I. STKEET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS A. City and Owner agree that the improvement::> oet forth ill thi6 section ffidY be deferred because: These improvements are inappropriate at this time. NOTE: The City will not accept for dedication or maintenance, any rightS-Of-way or utilities until they are brought up to Clty Standards. B. Owner ugrees to con6truct the following improvementl:l 011 or adjacent to the property del:lcribed on Exhibit A Ul:l well al:l required off tiite impr'ovements in the manner l>et forth in this agreement: Improvements requIred by the City Department of Public Workl:l ati generally d.:8crI bed below. (Croee out ImproveulC ILtl:l that dre not requl red. ) 1. Curb and gut ter. 2. -S-i-ti-eWttl-k-tl, Or! veways. Street grading, baHt: and Ildvtllg. ~!:0!:!'J ,.l!:~.jn;ll:" Lwllttieo. J<:rol;llon cOlLtl'ol planlllLgti alLd facllitieti. Electrolierl:l. Underground conduit with wlrilLg and pull boxes. lluri:"icadt:d and other ImpcuvelllcIILti neeued tor traffic safety. Street trees and other imlnovemelltli betweell the curb and property line. Street signt>. Relocation of exil:lting fellce::>, Siglll:l and utilltieb. Puymt:nt ot a pro rata t>lldre of the COl:lto al:l deterlllllll~d by the Departmt:llt of Public Work,; of a tHorlll draillage or l:ltreet 1mprovellh~lLts whlch has beell, or 18 to t-:\~, providl:d by OWller alld ollwnJ where such f8cl11ty bellefitti the pruperty detiCl-ibed 111 Ex.hibit A. NOTE: Feeti are payable I)-T t1lt~ rate in effect at tIllle of payment. Engineering Hnd inl:lpect 1011 and plan check feeo. San1tary l:lewilge facil1tieb. Water I:lYl:ltelU. '}. 4. <; 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. -1- .. fl.6 5 4 PA GE I 959 1395;l,~GE616 C. When the City Director of Public Works determines that the reasons for the deferment of the improvelllcntl:l ati Sl~t forth in tiection ll.no longer exist, he jjhall notify Owner in writing t,) cOlUmenCe their inotullation and construction. The notice shall be Dlailed to the current owner or owners of the land as 8hown on the latelit adopted c,)unty atlsesslIlent roll. The notlce shall dctlcribe the work to be done by OWllel'tl, tht~ t lllle w1thin which the wOI-k shull comlllence und the tlloo within which the work ohulI be completed. All of any pOI"tion of oaid improvementtl DlaY be required at a specified tillle. Each owner tihall participate on a pro rata basis in the cost of the imjll"OVements to be installed. [f owner is obliglited to pay a pro rutti! t>hare of u i'Utit of a facility provlded by otherti, the notice 8hall include the amount to be paid und the tillle when payment IIIUSt be made. I 11 . PEKFOKHANCE OF THE WORK OWller agreeli to perform the work and make the paYlllento required by Ci ty ,w tlet forth herein or atl modified by the City Council. Owner shall cautle plans alld apecificationt> for the iwprovelUCntt> to be prepared by competent perSOlH, legally qualif ied to do the work and to oubl1li t said impl-ovelllent plarHi ano specifications for approval prior to COlWllenccment of the work describt!d in the notic~ and to pay clty intipection ft!eli. The work shall be done in accordance with city litandarda 1n effect at the time improvement planli are submitted for approval. Owner agrees to cOlllmence and eOlllpl~re the work within the time specified in the notice given by the Directllr of Public Works and to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to atart of work. [n the event Owner fail6 to construct any improvements required under thit:! agreement, City may, at ita option do the work and collect all COtits from Owner. Perml~l::iion tu enter onto the property of Owner is granted to City or itti contractor as m.ay be nece6sary to conatruct tiuch improvelUCnt6. IV JOINT COOPEAATlVE PLAN I}~,mc.r (,lg;:e~tJ to cooperdte upon 11ll!: ice by Ci [y with other property owners, the City and other public agcnciet> to provide the Improvements tiet forth herein under a joint cooperative plan including the format ion of a local improvement district, if thiti method is feaaible to secure the inBtallatioll and cOlltitruction of the improvements. V I{EVll~W OF I{EQUII{EMf~NTS If Owner disagreet> with the requirements oet forth in any notice to commence inatallation of improvements he t>hall, within 30 dayo of the date the notice wao mailed, rt~qlH!t>t a review of the requirementti by the City Council. The decision of the Council sllal! be binding upon both City and Owner. V I MAINTENANCE OF IMPIWVEMENTS City agrees to accept for maintenance thooc improvemcntH specified in Section II which are constructed and completed in accordance with City standardo and requirelllentti and are inlitalled within rights of way or catiClllcnts dedicated alld accepted by relwlulion of the City Council. Owner agreeli to provide any necctisary temporary drainage facilities, access roads or other required improvementti, to at>sume reopOllt1ibil1ty for the proper functioning thereof, to tlubmit planli to the appropriate City agency for review, if required, and to IDa1ntctln auid llUprovementtl und facititieo in a IIldllner which will preclude any ha:.::ard to Ilfe or health or dumage to adjoining property. Vl1 BONOS Prior to approval of improvement plalll; I,y the City, Owller may be required to execute and deliver to the City a faithful pcrforlllClncc bond and H lahol- Hilt! IIwterlalti bnnd 1n un amount tind form acceptable to Lily tn be l'eleal:lcd by the (;1 ty Council in whole or in part upon completion of the wurh n~ql1ired and payment of all persons furnishing labor and mater-iulti in the "eL: dllildllCi.:: of the wOl-k. VUI INSUAANCE , , Owner lihall mu.intaln, or I:lhall require allY contractor en~aged to pertorlll the work to maintain, at all tilUCS during the pcdorllwnct~ of the work called for herein, a t1cparate policy of intlurancc in Ii form ttlld U1UOUllt acceptable to City. IX INDEMNITY The Owner ahall atlfluOlC the defen!:lc and indemnify alld save harmlest:) the City, itH officert>, agents and employees, frolll every expellse, llability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to pcrsontl or daUlage Lu property buffer'ed tllrough any act or '... N 6 5 It PA GE I 960 I 395 ;).~GE 617 I 0u.tlitil0n, including passive n~gllg~nce or'dct of negligence, or both. of the Owner. I.', employees, agents, contractorti, tiub-contru,.tortl. or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. or arltiing in rlny way from the work 'called for by thiti agr~elllcnt, on any part of the premltieti. includIng thotH~ mattert:l aritiing out of the deferaucnt of permanent drainage taciiit ieb or the adequacy. tlately. utie or non-utlc of temporary drainage facilitietl. the performance or non-performdnce of the work. This provitlion ahall not be deemed to require the Owner to lndellllli fy the City againtit the liability for damage aritling from the tiole negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its agents. ljervuntti or irH!ependent cont ractorl:l who are directly r~tlpontlible to the City. IN WITNESS Wm~REOf, Ci ty hal:l executed thLs agreement Uti of March 19, 1984 ATTEST: Jf?t4~ t~ ~ CITY CLERK APPROVED CITY OF GiLROY IN WITNr:SS WHEIlliOl-', Owner hdl:l executed this agreement as of February 27, 1984 ~Cf?~ ~~~, (Thiti document to be acknowledged with tiignatureti UiJ they appear Oil deed of tit le) ) )tlli. ) On this p7ft1 day of _~..br9C:(~__tll tlw year one thousand nint~ l'III'(.lr...d "11) 'fj'1.f '!."., .... . P.. \.1 I r> f'i,.. ('1....1, ,,'!.. ,J '" I '_;j' __... L-, l . . -. ~ _ll, . . ) - ~_.' ~ .-,' . i ", - - . ,.-- i ,"'- .' i;....,. . ......4_ ...,/ '... ~ ....~....L. ,. t' /\ '.. l' Statu of California! d.~lY ~WO-;:-II. pen.iIJllally appeared,vt!{J ti~f1ia~ '1-(!1JtH/flIC{(: known to 100 to be '/{I.(. ~51OY1S __ _dCHC1-i bl~d in and thdt-l paYlt .xecut.d tt,. withto toxtc;;o heh.alt the l-e1.11 nU.'Hled. and acknowledged to me that , ~ffJr!!d the tii.i~ l' ' f /i!drltU-.--:/(ff/?-----.- IN WITNr:SS WHEREOf 1 have IIl~rellnt() set lilY Ih(lId dnd afflxi:!d the official of the City of Giiroy in the County of Santa Clara the day dnd year In c~rtificate firtit above written. STATE Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA tieal thla f City Clerk. City of Gilroy. State of CalLfornia per Civil Code Sec. lll:H; GoverlllUellt Cude Sec. 40814 ::\CT.'\.:~Y PUSLh: _ (';:.J.i.;':. ((;:;:'!TY OF ~.'\; ;':A (:'-,:"]~A Ccr::i:). ri::J, ;1,');-~ol ;']. lS\';'5 -J- .. N 6 5 4 p~ GE I 96 I '. CITY OF GILIWY I 395 i).~GE 619 Ut::VELOI'NENT CllST SCHEUULe; No. 84-3 Uil L e 2 - 6 - 84 1r,i l ialed SD-L Location of Property North side of Leavesley Road between Monterey Road and Forest Street Atitit:titior'a Parcel U 835-01-024 and 025 GILROY ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Limited Partnership P.O. Box 5488 San Jose, CA 951S0 Name of Appltcant Addrel:il:i Type of Ocvclopment Propo&ed Parcel Split 15.915 acres Slonu UL.lin Area Area "C" Street frolltage 60' on N. Forest Street extension and 40' on Leavesley Road Engineering Mop Check 01-100-110U-6UU4-11 $ 99.00 Subdi v18iont> $ +$ (n) Parcel Spl1tlj ~ 87.00 +~ 3.00 (II) na number of lotti 4 lots Engineering Plan Check and Inspection 01-1UO-1100-6004-1~ $ Deferred 5% of the CotH of Public lmprovcmcntti 5% x $ Mil:icellaneou6 Engineering Service 01-100-110U-6U04-13 $ nla hourl:i x ( ) Public Workl:i Microfilming U1-1UU-11UO-6U04-14 $ 5.00 ~5.00 per I:Iheet (mapa and plaluJ) 1 sheet Flee Hydrant Location l~ee U7-7~u-190U-tl001-00 $ Deferred ~ for the fira t 5 hydranlti +$ for each additional hydranlti Ared Wat~r Charge O]--J(JI)-I JU(j-lL03-UU $ n/a Ai:. rel:l @~ 1 acn~ Acn:1:i @~ lacrc Conljtruction WaLer 07-7~O-19UO-tlUU1-UU $ Deferred LF @$ ILl<'+ Acrcti ~ $____1 aere -1- .. N 6 5 4 PA GE I 962 I 395 ~).~GE 620 IAcr~ 02-2l0-13UU-7202-00 ~ Ol-220-~3UU-72U2-Ul $ 02-221-13UU-7,02-00 $ 02-22Z-1)UU-7202-UO $ n/a 02-223-1300-72U2-UO ~ 02-224-13UO-7202-00 $ 02-22)-)]UO-71U2-UO $ 02-22~-13UO-72U2-00 $ IAcrc IAcrc /Acn:. /Acre IAcre IAcre IAen:. IAere IAcn: 02-230-13UO-7204-00 $ O~ferred 11..1' Sewer Lt' @$ ___/LY \ . S~Orlll Ordo Ll' @$ ILl' S~re;et 111lprOVcIllciltli P4'VeUlellt Sf @$ Curb tJ Gutter Lf ~$ S1dew~~j( Sf @$ G~l. role k:lectrol1er Lf ~$ t:l~ct roller COl\dl.l~t Lf @$ - 1"1 r e llydr~ilt Lf @$ 02-230-13Uu- 12U5-UO $ Deferred .. 02-210-1)OU-7207-00 $ Deferred U2-210-1JUU-72U7-uu $ Deferred ISl''''$ Deferred I LF-$ " /Sf-$ n/a /U"-$ Deferred ILI-'-$ " /U'..S II 01-100-1100-6004-00 $ ILII 08-800-1100-&004-02 S S $ (~ n/a Wood role flol.lllted El.cct roUcr Ll" ~~ l'ubUc ~or~lj Waijh "ondd ar~ l.lcpobHu 6.00 o t he r Other TOTAL $ 110.00 NOT~; All dct&:rred tCCij .Ut.: pay~~le <it. the Llle in died til tlluc ot puyull:'Il~. -2- N 6 5 4 PA GE I 963 I 395 ;)~GE 61S / ~~ ~ ~_/--/ --//~- -~- ,~ ~- \0::// " / 'C8 St /\ EXHIBIT A GILROY ASSOCIATES, LTD. 'County of Santa Clara County Recorder County Government Center. East Wing t\.,^" 70 West Hedding Street ~ ,'(f-N -'.-> San Jose, California 9511 0 rjJ.~ / (408) 299-2481 We are returning the enclosed document5 0 unfiled ~rded for the reason(s) checked: I D - ).0 - ? L-( ;:;~,.~ath e+- RE. I 8fJ-o PRI tv, () (\J ONE- - Date REAj....eROPERTY RECORDINGS ~raphic reproduction Iegibil~y is unsatisfactory in portions of the document(s). (Gov". Code 27361.7) 2'fhe portion of the document not photographically reproducible is COp ,Y o-f P c, f( tt5 11 t7 rv r 0 rJ :J Legal description omitted :J Property not in Santa Clara County. e, IL /l d Y 4- SS Q C. I hn.> :J Must have, "MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO:", and show name and address at bottom of first page of deed. (Gov't. Code 27321.5) ::J Address of Trustor omitted (Gov't. Code 27321.5) Name of = Trustor =- Trustee :=J Beneficiary omitted. =' Document should be ::J Verified; u Acknowledged; :J Both verified and acknowledged. ;:::J Name in ----: Caption :::J Acknowledgment does not correspond to signature. = Acknowledgment :::::; Verification not correct; =: County or State not in venue; ~ Signature and/or seal of notary omitted, =:J Notary =:J Seal cannot be legibly reproduced by photographic methods (Gov't. Code 8207); o Not Signed By LJ Show [] Assessor's Parcel Number on Document (County Ord. No. A30-42.5) C Name and return address on document. o Must provide completed "Preliminary Change of Ownership Statement." (R&T Code, Sec. 480.3, Eff. 7-1-85). Failure to file will result in an additional $20.bO recording fee. The form must be signed by a transferee, not an agent acting for a transferee. o Original Document Required 0 Court Certified Document Required. [] Re-recording 0 include reason on document 0 needs to be re-signed and re-acknowledged. C9'6ther ~ ~ t. { N fo 6 W C Lb S{; 17 A S tv .(l() If. f1 A T fo 11.... TRANSFER TAX INFORMATION foIL /30 r 17 C .County Transfer Tax amount not given. - [] "City of: LJ San Jose; [] Mt. View; 0 Palo Alto; 0 Other; Conveyance Tax amount not given. .County Transfer Tax computed on equity or full value of transfer @ .55~ per $500.00. "City Conveyance Tax computed on total selling price @ $1.65 per $500.00. o Explanation for "no tax due" required in Tax Declaration on deed. [J Signature of declarant is required in the tax declaration. (R&T Code 11933) ~ - rv T i ~ J I (2 of ,n ()s ()( ~~ ~r wit)' NO'T S,&-A1V ORICINAL fl(1 fl.tr=.fVl1=. .,...01\.. \0 I- V1~ - ,4J a Ii If. LEAS ES FEES & COSTS (See page 2 for fees) C Recording/Filing D Fee not enclosed. 0 Insufficient fee enclosed. :=; Additional i:J Document! 0 Page; 0 Debtor/Lienee 0 Additional Indexing; ADD $ (Gov't. Code 27361, ET. SEO.). C Correct fee is $ 0 Appropriate Tax. 0 $20. for missing or incomplete preliminary change of ownership statement. [J Survey Monument Preservation Fund Fee of $10.00 Required. (County Ord. No. 300.273) C CheckNoucher 0 Unsigned; [] Should be made payable to Santa Clara County Recorder. ~ Stale dated. C Your remittance of $ by 0 Check, 0 Cash, [J Money Order, [J Voucher, is being returned herewith. [J State- County - Municipal lien releases $11.00 each. [] Document already recorded. No additional fees required. [] See reverse side of this form for additional fee information. [] Other C Returning document per your request. Please return a copy of this transmittal with your document. r:J h ~t< \('(), u., ---,..--- . '-J":-'~ / / Brenda Davis, County Recorder / /'''' ./ <';"'/" '~ ~ 690 REV 2/94 ," .- ~!J...cARMEN GiGLIOTTI ./,/" .' ...... . .r" Page"1 012.... ~ . '",.... By .-/' , Deputy ~ .}v~ 'f'\ ;y"- ( (I) )~ ~ 'f' r ,. . . , SUMMARY OP CBAlfGES ro CALIPORNIA RECORDING LAWS EPPECTIVE JULY 1, 1994 Effective July 1, 1994, significant changes will take effect regarding any document submitted for recordin~ in California. A summary of the new requirements and a brief review of the ones which w1ll not change follows. Please note: The new requirements apply to any document executed on or after July 1, 1994. 5. Any instrument, paper, or notice submitted for recording must be authorized, or required by law to be recorded, meet the requirements of statute, and contain original signatures, except as otherwise provided by law, or be originally certified by a government agency. (Government Code 27201) Any document submitted must indicate the title or titles of the document(s) contained therein. The recorder, however, shall be required to index only those titles which appear on the first page directly below the space reserved for the recorder. (Government Code 27324) .R. ecording fees for documents which contain 0.nl~~/2 - X\.ll i' pages will not change. However, for any document which co t . s a she t O~sheet~ which do not measure a 1/2- x 11-, an additional reoording fee 0 3. for very~~ge f that document will apply. (Government Code 27361 and 27361.5 )', ' ". Example: If you submit a 50 page d cument which contains one sheet which measures other than a 1/2- x 11- (on~ of the small notary acknowledgment forms or one sheet that is a 1/2- x 14-) ~ additional recording fee for that docum~nt will be $150.00 IN ADDITION TO THE CURRENT $7.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND f3.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. Maximum permissible size is a 1/2- x 14-. Any document submitted for recording shall have at least a 1/2- margin on each vertical side. In addition, the top 2 1/2- of the first page shall be reserved for recording information, with the left hand 3 1/2- used by the public to show the name of the person requesting recording and the name and address to which the document is to be returned following recording. The right-hand portion of the space is for use by the recorder only. (Government Code 27361.6) In the event the first page or sheet of a document does not contain the space required by 14 above, a separate page shall be attached br the party requesting recording, to the front of the document. This page shall conta1n the information specified in 14 and shall reflect the title or titles of the document. (Government Code 27361.6) If a document modifies, releases or cancels provisions of a previousl~-recorded document, it must contain the recorder date and identification number of the pr10r document. (Government Code 27361.6) 1. 2. 3. 4. ~ GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF NEW FORMS In addition to compliance with the requirements outlined above, any form developed for recording should also follow these general guidelines: 1. a 1/2- x 11- white paper, preferably 16 lb. bond or heavier. 2. Black print, preferably minimum 10-point type on the first page and a-point on subsequent pages. 3. Wherever possible, names of the parties to the document, signatures, and notary acknowledgments should appear on the first page with the document title, return information and space for the recorder. In addition, deeds must have the tax statement mailing address at the bottom of the first page. 4. Exhibits should appear on separate pages, be properly marked, and be referred to in the body of the main document. 5. All information required by the statute which provides for the creation of the document must be present. In addition, all recording requirements must be met. 6. DO not staple exhibits, notary acknowledgments, etc., to a 1/2- x 11- page. Use transparent tape along the entire top and bottom of the attachment. 7. All pages of a document should be stapled together in the upper left corner. RD:494 4/94