Construct Land Development Improvements - Renz, Inc. & Mantelli Company --.----- NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 ~f'4~ ~(\,\"I,) ~~-'fj~. t.\),':,\(,)~(_~t.~J;',\ M~-LAA C ~\\-",' ',\ - ~ ~\- , i\~ , ",\,\)\\ \A L '~\~~ \. "tJ... CITY OF GILIWY 7351 Rotianna Street GilroYt California 95020 AGRE~MENT tiY OWNER OR illS SUCCf:SSORS IN INTI~Rt:ST TO CONSTRUCT LANU UEVELOPHENT IHl'lWVEHENTS No. B4-5 Project Identification: Assessor I s Parcel #s 790-l5-0:n and 040 This 18 an agrtleUlent between the City of Gi1roYt hereinafter rf:ferrtld to a8 "City" t and RENZ INC., 1). California Corporation and MANTELLI COMPANY, A California Corporation. htreinafter referred to a8 "Owner". WHEREAS. Owncr of the pr-operty dCl:icribed in Exhibit At wishes to defer conatruction of pennanent lmprovelllcntl:i tilld City ugn~eti lo buch dcfcnll~nt pr-ovided Owner- (or Successur in interel:lt) agn~cl:i to COIll:itruct lluprOvClIlcnts a8 herein pr-ovided. NOW. THEKEfo'ORE t IT IS AGRE~~D: I. AGREEt1ENT IHNlHNG ON SUCCESSORS IN INTI~I\I~ST Thil:l agr-eemcnt, together wilh the attachcd titlpul.ltiollti, is dll instrument affccting the title or POtHiCl:ll:lion of thc n~al property deHcrlbed 111 I':xhlbit A. All the .terrlll:l. convenantB and conditions her-ein imposed l:ihall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the SUCCetitiOrH :n tf1ter~t' t of Ow-lIer. UpOl1 tile tidle or- divil:iion of the pr-operty dtlBcribed in l~xhib1.t A, the terlllo of thio agreement l:lhal1 apply 8eparately to each parccl dnd lhe owner of each parcel ohail tiuccecd to the obligationl:l imposed on Owner by this agreement. I r. STREET ANU DRAINAGE IMPIWVH1ENTS A. City and Owntlr agre~ that thtl improvements set forth in thlo ::;ection may btl deferr~d btlcause: These improvements and fees are inappropriate at this time. B. Owner agrt~eB to construct thc following improvements on or adjacent to thc property dcticribed on Exhibit A Ul:l well ati rcquired off site LlII\ll-OVcmentl:l in the wanner Bct forth in thil:l agreement:: ImprovementB required by the City Ucpartment of Publ Lc Workti ao generally dtlticribed below. (CroB8 out improvcmcntti that arc not required.) 1. GtK+'tiad- 'i:.'tt~ I:-e-n 2. SidewalkB. 1. DrivewaYI:l. 4, Sc-~-t:-~l~-i:ftlfr-btt~-tH-l-tt-~-tl~. 5 . l-t-~-m- Q Pi:t-!-+i.. ~~ -f......H. ,i.1-J...t..t~., . 6. H-row'i:on-eon1:ro-:t--p-ia-rrt"'i:Trg3-ml'd-fa-eH-i:tfes. 7 . 1!;-~'-t-t'.,.1-.hH:1:i . fj . Y-a<hH"?! ~}.Q- Gl:H~4lr 44-t-R- w-l-r-i-+i?! - i~+ki- -t>~,I,-1- -t~-.::r. 9 . ~trM'-! -e tt4tttr -tU1t!- -o-t -h ~ f- -.ktl'tf-l'" - -t.."t~-tl. e& -t ~ d ~ -f,,*, - e Hi-! ~ -+ e --ttttf ~ 1:-)'-. 10. Street tree8 and other i/ ovelllentti between the curb dnd property line. 11. &t-reet-!!-l:gTm. 12. Relocation of exil:lting fenceti, signs and uti1iticH. 13. Payment o( a pro rata shar-e of the COtitti a::; detel-mlned by the Dcpartment of Public Work::; of a olonu drainage or titreet improvement::; which hati been, or il:l to be, pr-ovided by Owner ,U1d other::; wher-e such facility benefits the pr-openy deticribed in l~xhib1.t A. NuTE: l"cel:l arc payable at tllt~ cate Ln effect at tLme of payment. 14. Engineering and inspection and plan check [eeti. 15. 6ant-t-o-ry- ~t1ge- -ht-eH"'i:-t-i-eI1. 1 6 . W trl:'e'r" 15 yzs-t-em. -)- - 1362-f~ti441 C. When the City Director of Public Works determineti that the reation!> for the. deferment of the improvelllents as set forth in section 1 L ,no longer exitlt. Iw shall notify Owner in writing tll COUUlIence their intltalLation and contltruction. The notice ahall be lIkd_Led l0 the current owner 0[" ownct's of the la~d ati shown on the latetlt adopted county dtitWStilllent rolL. The nolice ahal1 deticribe the work to be done by OWllertl t tht! time within which the work till/ill comlllence and the til1lC within which the work tlhull be cOlllpleted. All of any portion of tlaid illlprovementti may be required at a tlpecLfied time. Each owner shall participate on a pro rata batiil:l in the COtit of the lmprovementtl to be ifHltal Ll~d. if owner itl obligated to pay a pro rate tlhare of a cOot of a facLLlty provided hy others. the notice ahall include the amount to be paid and the tillle when payment mutit be madl!. I II. PEIU'OItl1ANCE OF THE WORK Owner agreeti to perform the work and make the paymento requi red by Ci ty ati tiet forth hcrt:in or al:l modified by the Ci ty Council. Owner tihal L cause pIano and specificationtl for the improvt:U\cnto to be prepared by competent pertiOllti legally qualified to do the work and to tiubmit tiaid improvement pLant> and opecificatiofH. for approval prior to COUUllencement of the work described in the notic~ and to pay city int>pect ion feeti. The work shall be done in aL~cordance with city litandardti in effect at the time improvement plans are ouhlllLlted for approval. Owner agri:!es to COIIWlCnce and complete the wock within the time tipecified in the notice given by the Director of Public Works and to notify the City at least 48 hours prior to start of work. Ln the evellt Ownct' fails to contitruct any iluprovewenttl rt:quired ullder thiti agreemcnt. CIty UldY. at its option do the work tind collect till COtittl [rom OWlle['. Perllu::lHion to cnti:!C onto the property of Owner il:l granted to City or ittl contractor as llIay be necessary to cOlltitruct I:weh iwprovelllentti. IV JOINT COOPEI{ATlVE PLAN Owner agrt~ea to cooperate upon notice by City with other pcoperty owners. tilt:! City and other public agencict> to provide the Improvi:!lIIentt:l tiet furth herein under d joInt cooperatlve plan including the fOclIlatloll of H local impcOVellll!lIt dltitt'ict. if tllLG method il:l featiible to secure the intitallatLoll dnd contitruction of tile improvelllt::nto. V REVIEW Of REQUIREMENTS If Owner disagri:!cs with the requirements tiet forth 1 n clny not Lce to commence intitallatlon of improvementl:l he shall. within 30 days of the date the notice wao Il\di1ed. request a review of the requiremento by the City Counci 1. The decision of the COIl/IC 1 L shall be binding upon both City and Owncc. V I MAINTENANCE Of IMPIWVEMENTS City agreel:i to accept for lIlaintenance thooc improvements tipecified in Section 11 which are conl:ltructed and cOll\pleted In accocdallct: with CLty otulldardti ilnd requin.!1l1elltti and arc intltalled within rightli of way or eatiements dedicated alld ilccepted by rel:iolutioll of the City Council. Owner agrt:el:l to provide any neCl~tlBdry tClilpOri.ll'Y duilllllge filciLlties. acceoti rOdl.b or other ri:!qulri:!d 1mproveUlClltl:lt to atil:lUll\e respolll:libilily [01- the proper functioning thereof. to liubmit planli to the appropl'iat;; City dgency for review. if required. dnd to maintain l:laid improvewellte and facUities l,n a lUdllller whicll will preclude any hazard to life or h~alth or damage to adjoining property. VI i MONOS Prior to approval of improvement p1autl by the City. Owner lIlay be required to execute tlnd du11vcr to the City a ftdth!'ul !HH-tonuall<.:c bUild dlld iJ L:Ahor dlld IIldtel"lull:j bond in an amount and form acceptable to City to be reLeaHed by the City CounciL Ln whole or in part upon completiol\ of the work required and paymellt of all pertiol\s furnishing labor and Platerials in the pt:!rfOCIJIdIlCe of the work. VIII INSUI{ANCE f, _ Owner I:ihal1 maintaint or tlhal1 rt!quire any COlltractor engaged to pcctorm the wOl'k to ma1ntaint at all t1111et> during the performance of the work calLed for hereil\t a eeparate policy of intiurance in a form and dmOlll\t acceptable to City. IX INUUtNITY Tbe Owner ehal1 atil:lume the deft!1\6t:! dnd indelUllify aud bave harmletib the CitYt its officerl:it agentti and employei:!tit from every expellbe. liability or payment by reason of injury "including death" to perl:lOIW or dUllwge to properly tlld'fered through any act or I 362t~:G:t 442 oml::ltdon, including pastdve negligence or dct of ne~ligenc.~, or both, of the t... Icr, Id~ elllp10yee6, agent:6 t contractor6, aub-cont raclora, or dllY Olle dire,ct 1 y or Illd J reI.: r 1'1 employed by either of thelu, 0[' dritling ill ,lilY WdY frulU the wOI-k cdl,!.ed for by tidlj agreelucnt, on any pdrt of the prelUitle6, tncludillg thube IIldttel-j-j aritill1g out of thl~ deferment of perUldnent drainage facilitich or the adelpldcy, bafely, lItit~ or 1I01l-UtlC 01' tCIllPOl'dCY drainage f<tcilitiea, the pcrforlllilllce or Ilull-perfounallc,' of the work. '1'IIi6 provitdon tjhall not be dccmed to ['cqulre the OWllel' to Imlelllldfy the City again6t thc liability for dalllage udaing from the sole ncgl1genl~e or willful mlaconduct of the Clty or ita ugentli, 6crvunta or indcpcndcllt cont ntctol'a who dre directly rC6ponaible to the City. IN WITNI'.:SS Wm:REOf t City hdl:i executed this agreemcllt ita of March 5, 1984 ATTEST: CITY OF GILIWY A... ~ ......~.... '/ (. ',. ~.'(;ITY CLERK / , ..,,' ,,' / ," <"- r ) //c/~~~~ MAYOR lh~{L,,- A~PROVEO AS TO fORM /~ ' ./') ;:'~/ If>" I 1I,/~>'t/A .,.,.{. j i ~ (Ltl pb"-1T/L- , CITY ATTORNEY I I I / IN WITNESS WHEREOr't Owncr ht.l6 executed t1da . " (This documcnt to bc acknowledged w1th signaturetl wi agreement as of ,;) - :) 0 '1;7 '~:J \\ ;~' ~t. :~; ,~/ ~<. ,'H~;:' ......,. .. ~.,.....<;_~ t'" : ',...J .~ ~ ,...... , ,. (' 7g#..A';-t"<< .&;~~~,};'" . -? -0"'~:Y;17c~~\",~",i::.':'~,.~?-- ;/ ~ / ,'-', -- ,~~~ '" ~ ___ . _~" _' \\ c~. <:, '.0 " r~ "-:'-/'?:F- ~_/,p'(,- : !":':':':" , _.... n ' ZJ~/ ~:",.I~.: "'~ ~~~///~~!. ,.'; f~ -- ~_ ," e' ,- /' C ;-',z ~ "';- ,- ab thcy appedr' Oil dl~ed'o .-t'it'ieP' ..' '" 'I ~ It ~ 'l< ~ .. >l 'Ii (> t"~', .: io,. ...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )tHl. ) CRYSTAL RAFFERTY ,/ NOTARY PUBLIC. CAliFORNIA S;\NTA CLARA COUNTY Commission Expires Aug. 23, 1985 "'';> ,; COUNTY Or' SANTA CLARA On thia, -;)c/~,/-I day of ~P:11.1L.!/i. )11 the year une thousand ntne hundrcd and,-1.i~'~ '=;it{-u A: t Notary Pubyt-c-, CH~' l:.:~ol(k ~ {'i r.;~' ",I' ('~rwy-, State of Cal1f(trni(a) ,',' ly Bworn, perBonally t1ppCdrcJ LX) /) ti). It C7)Z known to lau to btl 1.R.t:$/cIL-.}J 7' _ .dllHC1'1bud III 1111<.1 LlIC.\l L'~_ C exccuted the within iflt.tru~nt on--C-,{( <.L behalf therein ndllll:'d, and acknowledged to me tht.lt LI!.~~ executed the 1i,lIne. IN WITNESS WIIEI<.E.W I have hereunto bCt lilY hand and affixed the offieidl seal of the City of Gilroy in the County of Sallta Clara the day dlld year in thia certificate firat ubovc written. .- '5z'; / -I " ,1 ") ""-c't(, ~/l, ~-t-- J, 7 .,.....,' )tl /.j~ C " ,J City Clerk, City of cTIr~Stute of(~al Ci-;-mi a per Civil Code Sec. 1 LSl i Goverlllllellt Codt~ Sec. 4UH14 -]- l I , .. ,,',-'" -':~"'-;~'''-'''":,,,',''7.'''' STATE OF CALIFO}lNIA L.' ~/i .-- , , ' , &'- COUNTY OF ..- ~~ .Z(f./ ~u-' On this .~ .<j '!:!! day of V <..J.-i.< LJt - i.' \ in the year /~V u ~~ {!;;;-"rA'/ ,<"FE"'" -7/ ,a Notary Pob);" State of California, / } . du1 commissioned and sworn, personally appeared 1:;1::."-,1;>./ /lJ/i/7,Te//' personally )mown If m~,<orp!".v.,d ~~ me on the baa;" of "ti,m,etory evlden~J to be the 'R c.. _.:. I c/ e:; 7' I of the corporatIOn that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corpora- tion therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same I 362 t)~.GE 443 ~ lllis document is only a general form which may be _ for use in simple transactiOOS and in no way acts. or is intended to act. as a substitute foe' the _ of an 8I1Om8Y. The publisher does not make any warrantY - express or implied as to the legal vaIidiIy of any provision or the suitability of these forms in any specific transaction. Cowdery's Form No. 28 - Acknowledgement to Notary Public - Corporation (C_ C. Sees. 1190-1190.1) My commission expires ClLl1-;;t /7 ?:i 4 '- 3(P-z -/-- ~.~- \ \ 4 1" 3? .:::. , -~- I' , -~J ' 2 3 2 3 <:1",..C"~ --------- -'------------ ~ .... ,J '"'\ -'Park ....._ . I~r , t _ ".... . '_1)- 'I<;I ...,. \)'C', if:" ':P . ~l ~l" ) } \'"~''' - .; -( ,.,~ .~,~, -- \ ~ ~,;:/..... - ,:H tr ~.. ' ,_"' , ~:t-as ~Animas Parls---,~_:> :,f.. .J T~") .,..:1'; ~. \,,- ~V'v./;;::- '" '> \, ;ft ',Ill ~~ :. ~,; -~~~ ,~II.',- v.~"\!, . I ','~~ ,. '<;'l, _."'l. _ ~ _ ..-7,,;J~ ''1 .~ &: \~. .~~~' I "" ,.:.... ~- -" "" ~~) 11 'iIIi i ',~~' ~ .~ ~. :,;:~v.. . _::""=~ l' eN J.. ~''--_ ~ J ,.:" lift' ~ -c",~ J'~ \6 ) '"J" (. -14~. ,~,~ ~ .. _"j'" ~ ~, \ D~ ,/ ~ <> EXHIBIT A RENZ INC. and ~~TELLI co. AGREEMENT ~" ~~(t;z. ~ Yl{~~ CITY OF ClLlWY IJEVEl.Opm:NT CUST SCHEl)ULl~ . No. 84-5 Ua l e 2 - 2 4 - 8 4 lnll luled SD- L Location of Property West side of Lilly Avenue between Honan Avenue and Liman Avenue. Atitietitior's Parcel U 790-15-037 and 040 Nallle of Applicant RENZ INC. and MANTELLI COMPANY AddretiB Type of Development Proposed Parcel Split Area 1. 257 Acres Stunu Drain Area "B" Street Frontage 380 feet on Lilly, 227 feet on Ronan__an~_ 76 feet on Liman Avenue. Engineering Map Check 01-100-1100-6004-11 $ 96.00 Subdivhions $ +$ (n) Parcel Splits $ ~7. 00 +$ 3.00 (n) ll~ number of lota = 3 lots Engineering Plan Check and Inspection 01-100-1100-6004-12 $ Deferred 5% of t:he COl:lt of Public IUlprovementti 5% x $ Mil:lcelianeous Engineering Service 01-100-1100-6004-13 $ n/a hourI) x ( ) Public Works Microfilming 01-1UO-I100-6U04-14 $ 10.00 $5.00 per I)heet (mapa and plal1tl) x 2 sheets Fire Hydrant Location fee 07-720-1900-eOUI-0U $ n/a $ for the firl:l t 5 hydrantti +$ for each additional hydrantti Area Water Charge OJ- JlJO-lJuO-72Uj-uu "A" " Deferred Y_. Acrel:l @$ "B"&"C" Paid jacre Acreti @$ /acn~ COlltitructlon Water 07-720-1900-eUOI-00 $ n/a LF @$ /Lf+ ____ Acn.:ti @ $______/dcl-e -1- .. 1362:~rrr 441 tWIt:; All deterred It:t:1;j <afc P41YUP!C <.it tile r,tl.e ill cttc~:t ul tllllC uf PUYUll~II~. -2-