Certificate of Compliance - Camino Enterprises/Rancho Meadows - No. 2004-14 ~ REC~RDING REQUESTED BY CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO ~ity of Gilroy ~ 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 DOCUMENT: 18176262 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L Escrow No. 128532 - MAW Order No, 128532- APN 783-20-015; 783-62-014 Certificate of Compliance ~ BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title Fees Taxes. Copies. AMT PAID ,~' C' ! ~ ...<~ Pages: 10 64 00 64 00 ROE ** 005 1/05/2005 11: 43 AM No. 2004-14 (Lot Line Adjustment) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION (Additional recording fee applies) CPFR4 '-11/13/96bk o RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF GILROY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: CITY OF GILROY 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 CTC IZ8.5-3Z OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2004 -14 (LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT) WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF OR HAVE SOME RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (LOT LINE ADJUS1MENT) THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENT IS NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY; THAT WE HEREBY CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT) ~ () .~ \0 I ~ ~ ~\ "- \) \ ~ \ ~ '" ~ (\ '...... OWNER: C~INO ENTERPRISES CORPORATION, a California Corporation , ,fr /:>ve <),cUw'- OWNER: RANCHO MEADOWS, INC., a California Corporation /.~ ( ~ By: Cheng ,Kao --2 /(Jl ,,- // .-, Its: Treasurer .- t 2A'\..- U "---- OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA . oNDr;;;ca,,-lE.t-:P--.~~l'~~RE ME M lli~ J,l/J I ~l.-L.) NOTARY PUBLIC PERSONALLY APifEARED () 4~ ~ b (i/~ \ !LA () AND S'i eP 4- e.J \LA 0 .EERS.ClliALLY KNOWN "fO-ME TO BE THE PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITIES, AND THAT BY THEIR SIGNATURES ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSONS OR ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSONS ACTED EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT, ~ WITNESS MY HAND NOTARY'S SIGNATlJRE~ -...~ , NOTARY'S PRINTED NAME ~t tILE ~uJ I t:.L~L \ PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS ~tA...~ :506<2 (,rA \ ~............................................................. , MIKE NOVIELLI _ "~'" Commission # 1441943 . ~ ~ ' M6 Notary Public - California f Santa Clara County - My Comm. expires Sep 26, 2007 COMMISSION EXPIRATION '=:LP-7 2-<?>. 20F)1 t CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN THAT THE PROPERTIES DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS "B" AND "D" AND SHOWN ON EXHIBITS "A" AND "c" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, ONLY ADJUSTS THE LINE BETWEEN ADJOINING PARCELS. THE NEW PARCEL CONFIGURATION RESULTING THEREFROM COMPLIES WITH THE PROVISIONS OF DIVISION 2 OF TITLE 7 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITED AS THE SUBDNISION MAP ACT AND ALL LOCAL ORDINANCES ENACTED THERETO. FURTHER, THAT AS A RESULT OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT), THE SALE, LEASE OR FINANCING OF ANY PARCEL AFFECTED BY THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE SUBDNISION MAP ACT OR OF LOCAL ORDINANCE. DATE: \ ~- ~/- 0'1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2004 -14 APPROVEDBy:~L ~ KRISTI ANN ABRAMS ACTING CITY ENGINEER CITY OF GILROY R.C,E. 58334, REG, EXP, 6/30/06 CITY ENGINEER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ON DeCe'1'~I"--?-f I 'LOa (I BEFORE ME k? ~DU OA {JeLL! Iv NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED -K r\ "> i" A n r\ /\ h ,...-,,1. YV1 s PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME ~~cfs~O.~~~~ ~~~~~;.gF~~i~~~=E1Jg :~;:~~:g: TO MEclHAT ~XECUTED THE SAME IN ;';7AUTHORIZED CAPACI~, AND THAT BY TItlffi~ZSIGNATURE,.g ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON% OR ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERsom ACTED EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND . '. ,)1- .,'--') NOTARY'S SIGNATURE ~,:'-llflL~~ ~_e.A..A' A '\ NOTARY'S PRINTED NAME-.J< 1-\ 0 "--" U l\. {('JeL.L I A...) PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS G, {/~)-l...-j r A I I COMMISSION EXPIRATION :11 A VI -e I 0" ;2 0 n r- 1 J--- -- - - - -',c..-- -- -- ... ...., RHONOA PEWN ... ,,' ~~{ Cclmnwuion . 1305a151 ~e" NoIary Public - Califomls I Santa Clara CclJrrty '.JnN:1 ..,~ r::'i}ira../un 19~~ P,O.B. 10.23' 248.57' '_ 258.80' -' N89'46'45"W DETAIL 'A' NTS SPRIG WAY o <0 o o ... o 2 3 4 N- ..0 . "'l ;2...: ....... 0- z 899.27' -. 5 R-30.00 L-32.98 0-62"58'56" N89'46'45"W 98.25' CHEYENNE DRIVE N89'46'45"W 121.42' TRACT NO, 9 34 7 8 10 9 Rt..ci Ruth and Land Surveyors 2216 The Alameda Tel. (408) 234-2400 Dept.: Job #17783F Scale: 1" = 100' 1 1 Going" Inc. Civil Engineers Santa Clara, Ca. 95050 Fax (408) 234-2410 Drwn.: BF Chkd.: WHS 589'45'25"E 590.22' LJrowing tile: U: \civil\l IItsjf \dwg\ Lotline-odj-LOllj.dwg Dee 17 2004 - 4: 28 m .- 589'45'25"E 590.22' 588.27 -' -. '- DETAIL 'B' NTS 1.95' EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE ADJUSTED SEE DETAIL ABOVE LOT 13 TRACT NO, 9034 717 M 37 3,32 AC 12 ADJ-PRCLRANCHO-MEADOWS 144,556.93 sq. It. 3.32 acres .... .n- ~~ _CD , .n 8- z P.O.B. N89'46'45"W 258.80' TRACT NO. 8851 680 M 1 6 r- .. cD ..... CIl PARCEL 1 R/S 425M7 SEE DETAIL 'A' ABOVE EXHIBIT A RANCHO MEADOWS AFTER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Gilroy California 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT 'B' RANCHO MEADOWS LOT 13, TRACT NO, 9034 AFTER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT GILROY, CALIFORNIA All that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Lot 13, as said Lot is shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract 9034, Rancho Meadows", filed for record on July 2, 1999 in Book 717 of Maps at Pages 36 and 37, Santa Clara County Records, together with a portion of Parcel 1 as shown on that certain Record of Survey recorded on August 18, 1978 in Book 425 of Maps at Page 7, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 13, said point being the most southerly common corner of Lot 12 and Lot 13 as lots are shown on said Tract Map; Thence leaving said southerly line north along the common line between said lots and the prolongation of said common line North 000 13' 15" East 156,00 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of Cheyenne Drive as shown on said Tract; Thence along said right of way North 890 46'45" West 121.42 feet; Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 30.00 feet through a central angle of 620 58' 56", an arc length of 32,98 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of 8.00 feet through a central angle of260 58' 27", an arc length of3,77 feet; Thence North 890 46' 45" West 52,00 feet; Thence in a southerly direction along a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 8.00 feet, concave to the west, whose radius point bears North 890 44' 08" West through a central angle of260 58' 27", an arc length of3.77 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence continuing along a curve to the right having a radius of 30.00 feet through a central angle of 620 58' 56", an arc length of32,98 feet; Thence North 890 46' 45" West 98.25 feet to the southeasterly corner of Lot 5 as shown on said Tract 9034; Thence leaving said northerly right of way along the easterly boundary of said Lot 5 and the westerly line of said Lot 13 North 040 55' 42" East 177.30 feet; Page 1 of2 Thence leaving said westerly line easterly along a line parallel with and 104,00 feet southerly of the southerly right of way line of Sprig Way as said right of way is described in the dedication to the City of Gilroy granted by Rancho Meadows, Inc" filed for record July 3,2003 as Document Number 17158149, Santa Clara County Records, South 89045' 25" East 590,22 feet; Thence South 000 14' 35" West 176.47 feet to the prolongation ofthe northerly right of way line of Cheyenne Drive; Thence westerly along said prolongation of the northerly right of way for Cheyenne Drive North 89046' 45" West 19,03 feet; Thence South 00013' 15" West 156,00 feet to the southerly line of Parcel 1 of said Record of Survey; Thence along said southerly lines of said Parcell and said Lot 13 North 890 46' 45" West 258,80 feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 3,32 acres more or less. Michael C. Sheehy RCE No C029693 Ruth and Going, Inc. 2216 The Alameda Santa Clara, CA 95050 Prepared by: Page 2 of2 17-783-F Rancho Meadows Description.2.Doc i \ ~'" ~ co UI CD ...:!>> ill O!.~ ~ ls: ' 0 ,.{ .I ~ o\. z('TI -1-1 Vl)> r \ CD~ ;g~ "'01 't...... UI . 1'1 lJ 9 !Il .I (DlIl ('TI('TI r('TI o :Eo ('TI -I )> r -I :::a 0))> coO 0-1 ~z o ~ 0) co co U1 ~ -.I Q ~ CD~ co"! co'" . 01 '" ' ....... ,UI . 1'1 z lB ...: 01 ...... 156.00' S0013'15"W - . !O ~ o I"! {F~~~~:E~~~R~~U}~i)RD R+(i RUTH AND GOING, INC, Civil Engineering Land Surveying 2216 THE ALAMEDA SANTA CLARA, CA. 95050 (408) 236-2400 Dept.: Job #17783F Drwn.: Scale: 1" = 100" Chkd.: Drawing file: Q: \Civil\17783F\dwg\ Latline-adj-pareeI1.dwg Dee 17 2004 - 4: 30 m (.Jl ...p:,. LN N U'J -U ::::0 C) ~ )> -< 0 I III -< III Z ~ Z ::::0 III )> 0 0 ~r ::::0 0 < Z~ 0 III ~ lOlN 0 IN ~ S04 5'42"W 104.35' z lB - ...: oUl !ON ~u: , ~ 104.00' NOO'14'35"E 42.00' . ~ 176.47' -Irrl O~ CDVl rrl~ Z >C'> o c..... CO Vl-l Me Oz rrl ::::0 "-...-U ~ U'J)> ~ '-I ::::0 c..o ~O z )> NIIl colB CJlr 15"': () . UI ... . ....'" ,UI ~ i ~ '-.J N04'55'42"E 479.73' ~ \. EXHIBIT C CAMINO ENTERPRISE CORP AFTER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT GILROY California z~ '" q '" q S,HE7 OF /1 EXHIBIT 'D' CAMINO ENTERPRISES CORPORA nON PARCEL 1, RECORD OF SURVEY 425 M 7 AFTER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT GILROY, CALIFORNIA All that certain real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of Parcel 1 as shown on that certain Record of Survey recorded on August18, 1978 in Book 425 of Maps, Page 7, Santa Clara County Records, together with a portion of Lot 13 as shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No, 9034, Rancho Meadows" filed for record on July 2, 1999 in Book 717 of Maps at Pages 36 and 37, Official Records of Santa Clara County and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the centerline of Santa Teresa Boulevard, formerly Morey Avenue, at the southeastly comer of said Parcell; Thence along said centerline of Santa Teresa Boulevard North 4055' 42" East 479.73 feet to the northeast comer of said Parcell; Thence along the northerly line of said Parcell North 890 45' 25" West 909.47 feet to the northwesterly comer of said Parcell; Thence continuing along the westerly prolongation of said northerly line, said line being the northerly line of said Lot 13 North 890 45' 25" West 482,17 feet to the northeasterly comer of the dedication for a public street to the City of Gilroy granted by Rancho Meadows, Inc., filed for record July 3,2003 as Document Number 17158149, Santa Clara County Records; Thence along the easterly line of said dedication South 000 14' 35" West 42,00 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Sprig Way as described in said dedication; Thence along said southerly right of way line North 890 45' 25" West 109.54 feet to the northeasterly comer of Lot 1 as shown on said Tract No, 9034, said comer being on the westerly Line of said Lot 13; Thence along the westerly line of said Lot 13 South 4055' 42" West 104.35 feet; Thence leaving said westerly line easterly along a line parallel with and 104,00 feet southerly of the southerly right of way line of Sprig Way South 890 45' 25" East 590.22 feet; Thence South 000 14' 35" West 176.47 feet to the prolongation of the northerly right of way line of Cheyenne Drive; Page 1 of2 Thence westerly along said prolongation of the northerly right of way for Cheyenne Drive North 89046' 45" West 19.03 feet; Thence South 000 13' 15" West 156,00 feet to a point on the southerly line of said Parcell, the southwest corner of which bears North 890 46' 45" West 10.23; Thence easterly along said southerly line South 890 46' 45" East 899.27 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 1 and the Point of Beginning, Containing 11,80 acres more or less. Prepared by: Michael C, Sheehy RCE No C029693 Ruth and Going, Inc. 2216 The Alameda Santa Clara, CA 95050 12.. 17 .o~ Page 2 of2 17-783-F Rancho & Camino Gi1roy\Lot Line Adjustment\Camino After Lot Line Adjust.2.Doc Parcell MINOR. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION 112004-14 APN 783-20-015 Tr~ct ROS 425 M 7 Paicel Address Santa Teresa Blvd., Gilrov 95020 Owner Camino Enterprise Corp. 4962 El Camino Real, 11220 Los Altos, CA 94022 Parcel 2 ~ 783-62-014 Tract 9034 Lot 13 Parcel Address Owner Rancho Meadows, Inc. 4962 El Camino Real, 11119 Los Altos, CA 94022 ~llbmittal 8 Y:I X 11 Exhibit Map showing: Existing parcels All access All easements Location of Power, Telephone and Cable Lines New Parcels Sanitary Sewer Service Water Service New Poles Legal description of new parcels Calculations Preliminary Title Reports Fee $295.00 City to provide format and verbiage Signature Lines: y;/;;:w~vo Owner - Parcell ~a;i~/~~terprise Corp. Print/type name:S+-epl~ kac I fu:S(ll ., / ( -/0-~' (-. /:~-;;:- Owner _ Parcel 2 Rancho Mtadows, Inc. Print/type name: ~e..,..::> G K~o,/ rre~~"'e..r- .. A lot line adjustment is considered minor when the number of parcels remains unchanged and has no impact on utilities or easements serving each lot. Reviled 7/1612001