Certificate of Compliance - Country Estates Venture - No. 91-26 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLJANC~ CITY OF GILROY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: SUSJ'..NNE E. STEINMETZ.. CITY c::'LERK CITY OF GILROY 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA. 95020 /) j'-^-/ .I . 11241367 ~liED FOFt f<c.COfW AT REQUEST OF :z: o U'I N ""0 :::a C"') 1"'1 - ~"~iCRO RiGF 'l E::J .- ----. " /.~ -/. /..---. / C . ( ,y ~t (::, l f /C) FEB 19 II 14 AM t9Z OFFiC/', r;'{ SANT ;'::00 Ii LAURfE K..\W:; ~~ F C (j f:: r'l t:. (J1 -&",:, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the parcels described in the attached "Exhibit A" resulting in the lot line change between two (2) lots as shown upon "Tract No. 8136, Gilroy Country Club Estates" filed in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 through 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records. are owned by Country Estates Venture, a California general partnership. The lines being changed and the new lots are shown on "Exhibit B". attached. The new parcel cc,nfigurations resulting therefrom are in compli;3.nce with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all locaJ ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Fm"they. that as a result of this Certific'<:ite of Compliance. the sale, lease or fin.:mcing of these parcels of land shall not constitute <3. violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local orc11nance. Said pm'cels are described as follow:3: ::~ee "Exhibit A". attached hereto and mi3.de a part of. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. Approved by the City of Gilroy. STATE OF CALIFORNIA: COUNTY OF ;:::;ANTA CLARA: S.S. 91 - 26 fu:':_________ Norman :3. Allen, City Engineer R.C.E. 26092, Exp. date 3/31/94 On _____January_~992 __________ ' before me, Susanne E. Steinmetz. ;). Notary Public, in and for said :3tate. personally appeared Norman S. Allen. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument.. and acknowledged to me t.hat he executed the same on beha.lf of the City of (hlroy. .' ~ E. StttmM~. Cl1y Ct&* City of Qiko.y. Otfl,mty 131 SIIlta CIIII hdiltI ~ ~ Cifi eoa-- 19 ....a I or ~ 1.".041 ~-ec. .1l ,., ,.., . " H 0 5 2 paGE I I 5 5 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Lot Line Adjustment Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only persons whose consents are necessary to pass clear title to said real property; that we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Lot Line Adjustment Certificate of Compliance. j ~ OWNER: COUNTRY ESTATES VENTURE, a California general partnership. 1 J BY: South County Venture, a California general partnership, as general partner. BY: Pyramid Associates, a general partnership, as general partner. BY: partner. " BY: BY: Gilroy Partners, a California general partnership, as general partner. BY: / 1 y~/ht7- /2pr;/~ I , . BY; Gilroy Properties, Inc. a Nevada corporation, as general partner. B~Q::",^. \~\~. 1~~~'c:\-'-\1- \~/\8~' Robert M. Hosfel t, PresIdent (Signatures must be notorized) On December .9. 1991 . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared Hi ~hRrd E. CLark . known to me to be the President. ~~XXXXXXXXXx..'{J{XXXXXXXXXXXX~~)X~~ M~ 01 Glenmoor Development Co. Inc. . . the corporation that executed the within instrument and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of said corporation, said corporation being known to me to be one of the partners of South County VenturE' and Pyramid Associates the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. ,WITNESS ~;CCr:t'~ Signature / (Co-poratIO!' as a Partner vi a PartnershlPI STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara } ;3. GS133 IC~rpO(iJtlon as a Partner vI a Partnershlpl KOS! PAGE ,\56 (Thll area for official notarial leal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On ~L.e:-e4J~ / ~ /7 9 I said State. personally appeared Robert M. HosfE'lot . known to me to be the ',- President, ~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~)X~~XX M~ 01 -d^-Y~ rP~r.z::tU-<l ,..L..-: '. the corporation that execut d the within instrument and known to me. to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of said corporation, said c~:p,~t~~ be~_known to me to be one of the partners of A~ ~~, -' } ;3. . before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for COUNTY OF Santa Clara On t2~L~~ / ~I 19 f /. before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Lewis A. s~ hll1 t P . known to me to be the President. ~~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~)X~~XX M~ 01 Forest Oak Enterpri Sf'S. Tn,.. . the corporation that executed the within instrument and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of said corporation. said corporation being known to me to be one of the partners of Gilroy Partners the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~,,,."'~ o;/~.;(tvT ~~<4<<------- GS133 I L_. ~_ .00'_' . .... ~...... ..." QI I al lll~1 ;)11''''' STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ;3. the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknow- ledged to me that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~g"..";;~AU -t6.7 /4,w'tu<V GS133 r'.........:::::::~--- .;..r~L '?!' "f-.... """"'~~"'.'\. ( l~;~:.~' . r' .t;:;:'\,\ I , 1" _ . . ,':;;~:,"''!.'1'.:~:l';;;.,~,,\ -,.U~I., d KAY ANDREWS (::~;'0' ~'~~9'{gl}');.J rJu~~~;i f;)~{~lf~Ct~:f~T~N'A \ '-\'t~ :~:;i/l r~y Co'nr;!I~siofl Expires iuly 311992 ~;~~/ ' (Thll area for official notarial seal) (Thll area for official notarial leal) H 05 2 PA GE I I 51 "EXHIBIT A" PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the southern most corner common to Lots 39 and 40, on the northern right-of-way line of Mantelli Drive, as said Lots and Drive are shown upon that Map entitled "Tract No. 8136, Country Club Estates", filed in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 through 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records and running thence North 05043'58" West, 151.54 feet to a point in the northern boundary line of said Lot 40: thence along said northern boundary line. South 86014'17" East, 25.00 feet to the northern most corner common to said Lots 39 and 40: thence along the northern boundary of said Lot 39. South 86014'17" East. 390.00 feet to the eastern most corner of said Lot 39 on the said right-of-way line of Mantelli Drive; thence following said right-of--way line, along a curve to the left whose tangent bears South 80047'27" West.. with a radius of 2035.00 feet, through a central angle of 00019'54" and an arc length of 11.78 feet; thence South 80"27'33" West, 51.04 feet: thence along a tangent curve to the left WIth a radius of 635.00 feet. through a central angle of 11048'14" and an arc length of 130.82 feet; thence South 68039'20" West, 159.55 feet; thence along a. ta.ngent curve to the right with a radius of 565.00 feet. through a central angle of 06040'18" and an arc length of 65.79 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 0.644 Acres and being all of said Lot 39 and a portion of said Lot 40. PARCEL TWO: BEGINNING at the southern most corner common to Lots 39 and 40, on the northern right--of-way line of Mantelli Drive, as said Lots and Drive are shown upon that Map entitled "Tract No. 8136. Country Club Estatesll, filed in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 through 16 inclusIve, Santa Clara County Records and running thence North 05043'58" West. 151.54 feet to a point in the northern boundary line of said Lot 40; thence along said northern boundary line. North 06014'17" West. 280.00 feet to the western most corner of said Lot 40; thence c3.long the western boundary thereof, South 11003'19" East, 223.59 feet to the southe:rn most co:cner of said Lot 40. on the said northern right-of-way line of Mantelli Drive; thence along said right-of-way line, North 78057'04" East. 220.92 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 565.00 feet, through a central angle of OT37'26" and an arc length of 35.74 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 1.142 Acres c3.nd being a portion of said Lot 40. CERTIFICA TE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91 - 26 CITY OF GILROY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -- \ --~ - - - - - - ........ "L ~ ........ \ \ ~ 1 \ 0) I \ 1 \ I \ I \ 1 \ I \ 1 \\1 "":~ M ,,6~'~O.~~ N i " ~ // Ul / / / / / / / / / / / / 6~;'~ZZ , z ~ (X) U1 ~ c:3 ~ \ \ \ \ \ \1'\ X \vi \~ \'0 \-;~ 1'\ \'~\ \ ~ \(:\ ~ \~\ ~. \% r--(> ~ \~ ~ '-. ~ \';;~. 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