Certificate of Compliance - Jones/Malanczuk - No. 00-01 (2) When recorded return to: DOCUMENT: 15253581 Titles:1 1 Pages: 9 II I III ~IIIIIIIII III ~ Fees. 31.00 Taxes. Cop i es. . -0015253581- AMT PAID 31.00 BRENDA DAVIS RDE # 01 1 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 5/19/2000 Recorded at the request of 8:00 AM Landsafe Title Company Recording requested by: Landsafe Title Co 34000990-CM CITY OF GILROY Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA. 95020 CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 00-01 (Lot Line Adjustment) OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment); That we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property: That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation ofthis Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment). by: CITY ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATE: Notice is hereby given that the property described in Exhibits "A" and "B" and shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, do not create new parcels but only adjust the line between Lots 11 and 12 as shown on the Map of Tract No. 8136 filed for record on September 6,1989 in Book 605 of Maps at pages 8 through 16 inclusive, Records of Santa Clara County, California. This Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) complies with the provisions of Division 2 of 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment), the sale, lease or financing of any parcel of land described herein shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or of local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. i/O-D/ DATE: ~ /kO ~ APPROV D: ~ ~v:d. ~ orm n . A en City Engineer, City of Gilroy R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/02 a:\document\99109.coc CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT .'~ -,~~..&~~~~~~~~~ml } 55 I I I I, State of California ~~ County of I ~ ' ~.... ~ I ~ I': On ~/~.lt(D , before me, Date . "---'111 /,. . _ . _ \ ~ame and T~ane Doe, personally appeared f UJ..I'VYJ/~ ~. 11 Name(s) of Signer(s) .xlpersonally known to me D proved to me on the basis evidence ~ of satisfactory I' I I 1~---~~~:73-1 I ~ Notay PubrlC- California I (., SadQCklra CaPf I ,.. - - ~~..:.~~:~ to be the person~ whose nameif) isla+&- subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/Gl:lo/tl"i5Y executed the same in his/R.€lr/thoir authorized capacity~ and that by his/hel;4.Reir signature~ on the instrument the personV"', or the entity upon behalf of which the person(rr acted, executed the instrument. ~ I~I.....'.' I, [ I , ~.: ~ I:.'. I, I, \@..' ~ [, I, I' I' S my hand and official seal. IL Place Notary Seal Above OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. ~escription of Attached D~Jlle-9l~/~..d A 1)./ (lLl-.AA /)~ A ~.A ~'-11A. M_lJV Title or Type of Document: ~ U~/PJ (,L./ . Document Date: ~ IJ" 2l:JrJO Number of Pages: I Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by S!9P~r. _ '\ ~ ~ I ~ ) Signer's Name: '-T ~ ~. ~ o Individual I 0 Corporate Officer - Title(s): I~: I DO Partner - 0 Limited D General Attorney in Fact o Trustee o Guardian or Conservator ~ D Other: ~ Slgne' Is Repcesentlng' ~ ~ ~ L~~'(~:~;;~'g(,~.~,"'g(,~'g(,~~'g(,~~~~~'g(,'Q<;' @ 1997 National Notary Association' 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 . Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 - Top of thumb here Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 Prod. No. 5907 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA a S.S. On undersig . +0/ dlJO () Pub 'c in and for said State, personally appeared , I.' TAA-k-- proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(J1 vv.hose name(~ is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged ~o me tha~/she/t~executed the same inJ;i'S/her/~ir authorized capacity~, and that by }{S/her/their signaturey.6 on the instrument the persons.05, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted. executed the instrument. .before me, the Printed Notary"s nam ; ,~~ DEBORAH Y SIERRA .: :':..*,. '" COIlYniss!on # 1113174 , ~. . Notory Pub"" C Iff l 1 \. ..'-c' .~ - a amIo ~ , .. Santa C/;';10 County - .-.J. My Comm, Expires Oct 6. am 1 --------- ----- Expiration of}.iotary's Commission Certificate of Compliance No. 00-01 STATE OF CALIFORNIA S.S. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On undersigned, a N ..J>} ;2000 , aid State, personally appeared ev~ {, C proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be t e perso~ \vhose nameks1 is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and ackno\vledged to me that he,:sKe/~: executed the same in hisjR6~ authorized capacity(~, and that by his,J;x1/t,k6r signaturw) on the instrument the persons0, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~ acted. executed the instrument. ,before me, the Notary's Signature _ , DEBORAH Y. SIERRA 1 ~'MI.r; Commission # 1113174 -7 A. 1/1 L..~ , \,j;~ Notary Public - CaJJtom/Q ~ {/1YU:'/ l ..,. , ,. Santo Claro County ~ _ _ _ _My_~ Expires Oct 6,:m> 1 Printed Notary's name /h fl.it.. . / I{t\. - - - - ~ Notary's principle place of busines6Ij]AY~~J ~~I Ut ' Expiration of Notary's Commission (1j (j ) DiJO . W1TNESS MY HAN AND OFFICIAL SEAL. Certificate of Compliance No. 00-01 STATE OF CALIFORNIA S.S. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA C\ ' 0 L '1 D On ~<^--::J ,..t9" d 0 J .before me. tbe undersigne~ N. tary PublIc III for said State, personally appeared .~/ C~~ proved to me on the ba s of satisfac ory evidence to be the person(/) whose name(y1 is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged ~o me that~!she~y executed the same in ~/her/~ authorized capacit:ye5), and that by WS;rher!t~ signatureWon the instrument the person;0, or the entity upon behalf of which the person0b acted, executed the instrument. Notary's Signature J-.....................~.....-..-.......-....... ., DEBORAH Y. SERRA , - . CommIsslon' 1113174 ~ . ~ ~ ; -.. NotayPublc-CaIfoIr*J. 1 - Sma COo Coul1y 1 . _ _ ~ _My~_~~6.~ Printed Notary's name :twi~~L J;1~(rG,. Notary's principle place of business Expiration of Notary's Commission Certificate of Compliance . No. 00-01 STATE OF CALIFORNIA S.S. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA On A?\Z. \ L q) , W-:O .before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared VC\\J' n A . ,':c.Yle \~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~' whose name(~ is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he!she/th~y executed the same in his/herfthe1r authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hefftheir signature(.s) on the instrument the persons(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. \vlTNESS MY HAND J7,ND OFFICIAL SEAL. 'f Ql.' / ./ ' I /' \. /1'.. i"/ J . . . (' ;". . :'---. .! . Ill, Notary's Signature r!;CC '(Ie" .. (j"! j/ C .. v' ___ L \/ Printed Notary's name II (\.)\..; ()., \" V:\'lJ 'V YV1 Y-\\U C:~(\ Vel I CPr Jp - - ;~;,.;~- - f ~ COmmission # 1217086 i Notay Public - Carlfomia I j Santo Ciao Couniy I MfComm, ExpiresA;x25. 2m --------------..-..---- Notar:/s principle place of business 1](.1' C4'11'\ ./ \ . \ , ' , Expiration of Notary's Commission 0/'\)y/"\ \ ....., /' 1(( \n~ L ~ v\J _--1 , Certificate of Compliance . No. 00-01 EXHIBIT" A" DESCRIPTIONS TO ACCOMPANY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 00-01 ADJUSTED LOT 83 BEING all of Lot 83, as said Lot 83 is shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8136, Gilroy Country Club Estates", which Map was filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 thru 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records. TOGETHER WITH: a portion of Lot 106, as said Lot 106 is shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8136, Gilroy Country Club Estates", which Map was filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 thru 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the westerly comer common to Lot 83 and Lot 106, as said Lots are shown upon that above referred to "Tract No. 8136", and running thence along the lot line common thereto, South 83041 '54" East, 161.66 feet to the easterly comer common to said Lots on the westerly right-of-way line of Sunflower Circle, as said right-of-way is shown upon said "Tract No. 8136"; thence leaving said common lot comer and running along said westerly right-of-way line, South 27027'58" West, 20.88 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line, North 76029'52" West, 155.35 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 1,574 square feet more or less. SUBJECT TO: an easement more particularly described as the extension ofthat existing 10.00 wide easement as shown and delineated on that aforementioned "Tract No. 8136" as 'P.S.S.E. and P.S.D.E.' (private storm drainage easement and private sanitary sewer easement) that lies easterly of and contiguous to the westerly line said Lot 83. The easterly right-of-way line of said existing easement shall be lengthened to meet at an angle point at the lot line common to the herein described "Adjusted Lot 83" and "Adjusted Lot 106". ADJUSTED LOT 106 BEING all of Lot 106, as said Lot 106 is shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8136, Gilroy Country Club Estates", which Map was filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 thru 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: a portion of Lot 106, as said Lot 106 is shown upon that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 8136, Gilroy Country Club Estates", which Map was filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at Pages 8 thru 16 inclusive, Santa Clara County Records and being more particularly described as follows: ( 1 of 2 ) EXHIBIT" A" (continued) BEGINNING at the westerly comer common to Lot 83 and Lot 106, as said Lots are shown upon that above referred to "Tract No. 8136", and running thence along the lot line common thereto, South 83041' 54" East, 161.66 feet to the easterly comer common to said Lots on the westerly right-of-way line of Sunflower Circle, as said right-of-way is shown upon said "Tract No. 8136"; thence leaving said common lot comer and running along said westerly right-of-way line, South 27027'58" West, 20.88 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line, North 76029'52" West, 155.35 feet to the point of beginning and containing therein 1,574 square feet more or less. TOGETHER WITH: an easement more particularly described as the extension of that existing 10.00 wide easement as shown and delineated on that aforementioned "Tract No. 8136" as 'P.S.S.E. and P.S.D.E.' (private storm drainage easement and private sanitary sewer easement) that lies easterly of and contiguous to the westerly line said Lot 83. The easterly right-of-way line of said existing easement shall be lengthened to meet at an angle point at the lot line common to the herein described "Adjusted Lot 83" and "Adjusted Lot 106". EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 00 - 01 Lw\docs\99109cc ( 2 of 2 ) fj, = 00~7:5711 I ~ R = 43ar;O' / .. L = 4.75 '53. '7' - S 86-45'5'. E fj, = 114"51'46" _!!1ST. !!'P.:!__ _ _---- ---, R = 3o.pO: to) 1<-1 t 'I Iv a ~ "i 1 EXIST. HOUSE I 1 \ ..)'0" ~ I~, ~ ~ \ I~ ~ .J 1 ",. ~ l?i POINT OF 1.-------------- 1 ^\ '! I ~ BEGINNING E>>Sr. 6" 1 ~ fINE " I OLD LOT LINE) ~I S 83"41'54. E 161.66' .f ~ ~ -. s'~ ,,~~-.., "'O'J. ~ N ?;; '" "-.1,5743: s.F. "-... "-.~" "!., .l1 '6'~9's2'" II' " lV' N ~ EXIST. REDWOOD ~I 155.35'1 ~ j _ FENcE; 1J7IEW. - - - ...,/.. - - - _ -4 1 ~ "> ~ 4- ~ LOT LINE NI3~0'08T I ~. I 'J~ 1.1) ~ : f9.06rllE) I /" I ./ ti, ~ ~ ;,. I EXIST: HOUSE : /. ~~ I I I V) ~ : LOT 106 I / ,.., ~ ~ L__________ : I . ~ ~ ----~!~, j EXIST. 24' /NCR.~;; - - -!tf~ / t & p.5.E. EASE. / ~ fj, = 01-.24'0011 .I R = ~o. 00' -- S 81"55'2711 E 120.38' I( L =/14.91' ~ LOT /04 ~ J EXHIBIT '8" I I I I I -- ~ ..... ~ "I' ~ ~ ~ COUNTRY ~ DRfVE ~- -- I ...... i ..)'0" I~ ~'1 I I SCALE f "= 40' TO ACCOMPANY CERllFlCAlF OF COMPliANCE 00 - 01 , LOT liNE AOJ./SlMENT OF LOTS 83 AND 106, TRACT NO. 81.16 "GlLROY COUNTRY ClUB ESTA lFS" IN THE' CITY OF G1LROl': CAUFORNIA FEBRUARY, 2000 SCALE ," = <10' ~MH~"~~Oo. ~ -....- .--.... ........ - --- - 99109