Certificate of Compliance - Lands of Machado, Denice and Filice - No. 2001-09 e;{tata -r:-1i e &IJ/~Y gS-/ ;<5: 6/fS"'lJ-fSQ Recording requested by: I"~ r ,r 1-- CITY OF GILROY DOCUMENT: 15905717 Tit I es: 1 1 Pages: 8 1111 ~11111I ~IIIIIIIU Fees, , , 28,00 Taxes, , -0015905717_ Cop i es, . AMT PAID 28,00 BRENDA DAVIS RDE 14 004 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of 10/1112001 Chicago Title 8:00 AM When recorded return to: Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2001-09 Lot Line Adjustment for Lands of Machado and Lands of Denice & Filice (APN's 841-18-042 and 841-18-043) CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE: Notice is hereby given that the property described herein and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, does not create new parcels, but only adjusts the line between existing parcels. This Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) complies with the provisions of Division 2 of Chapter 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result ofthis Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment), the sale, lease or financing of any parcel of land described herein shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or of local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2001-09 DATE~ SC=:P77;Zg 2CX::;/ APPROVED: ~~~ Norman S. Allen Director of Community Development, City of Gilroy R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/02 PROPERTY OWNERS FOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 2001-09 APN 841-18-042: Kenneth Machado, An Undivided 6/54 interest; Jeannette Machado, An Undividied 6/54 interest; Kenneth John Machiado II, An Undivided 7/54 interest; Robert Alan Machado, An Undivided 7/54 interest; John Bryan Machado, an undivided 7/54 interest; Terri Lynn Machado, An Undivided 7/54 interest; Cheryl Ann Machado, An Undivided 7/54 interest and James Donald Machado, An Undivided 7/54 interest APN 841-18-043: Mary K. Filice, Trustee of the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust Under Declaration of Trust dated December 17, 1985i Albert B. Denice, Trustee of the 1995 Albert B. Denice Revocable Trust Under Declaration of Trust dated October 5, 1995i Ben Denice and Eleanor Denice, Trustees of the 1995 Ben and Eleanor Denice Revocable Trust under Declaration of Trust dated December 18, 1995i Mitchell W. Wright and Linda Ann Wright, Trustees of the Wright Family Trust under Declaration of Trust dated September 9, 1994. Mary Kay Filice, Sole Trustee of the Survivor's Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust under Declaration of Trust dated December 17, 1985, as amended October 25, 1995, July 6, 1998 and July 28, 1998 Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue, Co-Trustees of the Exemption Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust Under Declaration of Trust dated December 17, 1985, as amended October 25, 1995, July 6, 1998 and July 28, 1998 and Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue, Co-Trustees of the Marital Deduction Trust under the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust Under Declaration of Trust dated December 17, 1985, as amended October 25, 1995, July 6, 1998 and July 28, 1998, all as their interests may appear of record IMI HMH, Incorporated Civil Engineers. Planners. Surveyors James T. Harper William J. Wagner Thomas A. Armstrong Michael L. Marsilli David M. Wilson July 18, 2001 HMH 5001-01-000 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PARCEL 1 (APN: 841-18-043) Real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: All that parcel of land described in the deed by Mary Kay Filice, Sole Trustee of the 1985 Filice Revocable Trust, to Mary Kay Filice and John McTigue recorded October 29, 1999 under Document No. 15037974 of Official Records, Santa Clara County. In addition thereto, the following area: Beginning at the westerly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to Kenneth John Machado II, et aI., recorded July 31, 1979 in Book E681, Page 232 of Official Records, Santa Clara County; Thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel, North 58033'07" East, 384.91 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangential curve; Thence southeasterly along said curve to the right, having a radius of 1072.00 feet, whose center bears South 76013'05" West, through an central angle of 13008'11" for an arc length of 245.78 feet, to the southwesterly line of said parcel; Thence along the said southwesterly line the following two courses: North 80048'43" West, 148.41 feet; Thence North 84057'04" West, 213.49 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 43,046 square feet, more or less. Excepting therefrom, the following area: Commencing at the westerly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to Kenneth John Machado II, et aI., recorded July 31, 1979 in Book E681, Page 232 of Official Records, Santa Clara County; Thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel, North 58033'07" East, 384.91 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Page 2 of 3 1570 Oakland Road, Suite 200. P.O. Box 611510. San Jose, CA 95161.1510. Tel: (408) 487-2200. Fax: (408) 487-2222 5001LDo1WPg673 West Las Positas Boulevard, Suite 209. Pleasanton, CA 94588-4077 . Tel: (925) 847-7335. Fax: (925) 847-8895 7951 Wren Avenue, Suite D . Gilroy, CA 95020-4903. Tel: (408) 846-0707. Fax: (408) 846-0676 July 18, 2001 HMH 5001-01-000 Thence continuing along said northwesterly line, North 58033'07" East, 368.27 feet; Thence North 84040'38" West, 400.88 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve; Thence southeasterly along said curve to the right, having a radius of 1072.00 feet, whose center bears South 63007'05" West, through a central angle of 13005'59" for an arc length of 245.10 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 43,046 square feet, more or less. PARCEL 2 (APN: 841-18-042) Real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: All that parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to Kenneth John Machado II, et aI., recorded July 31, 1979 in Book E681, Page 232 of Official Records, Santa Clara County. Excepting therefrom, the following area: All that 0.978 acre parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to the Santa Clara Valley Water District recorded August 8, 1985 in Book J422, Page 737 of Official Records, Santa Clara County. And, excepting therefrom, the following area: Beginning at the westerly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to Kenneth John Machado II, et aI., recorded July 31, 1979 in Book E681, Page 232 of Official Records, Santa Clara County; Thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel, North 58033'07" East, 384.91 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangential curve; Thence southeasterly along said curve to the right, having a radius of 1072.00 feet, whose center bears South 76013'05" West through an central angle of 13008'11" for an arc length of 245.78 feet, to the southwesterly line of said parcel; Thence along the said southwesterly line the following two courses: North 80048'43" West, 148.41 feet; Thence North 84057'04" West, 213.49 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 43,046 square feet, more or less. Page 3 of 3 And, in addition thereto, the following area: 5001 LD01WPD July 18, 2001 HMH 5001-01-000 Commencing at the westerly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado to Kenneth John Machado II, et aI., recorded July 31, 1979 in Book E681, Page 232 of Official Records, Santa Clara County; Thence along the northwesterly line of said parcel, North 58033'07" East, 384.91 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing along said northwesterly line, North 58033'07" East, 368.27 feet; Thence North 84040'38" West, 400.88 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve; Thence southeasterly along said curve to the right, having a radius of 1072.00 feet, whose center bears South 63007'05" West, through a central angle of 13005'59" for an arc length of 245.10 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 43,046 square feet, more or less. 5001 LD01WPD o 250 500 I.--ll GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 500 FT. Dote: Scale: 1 Designed: Dr.,...,: JM Checked: SO Pro f Em1.: o Name:5001 PLOl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SEE OETAIL ~ SHEET 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1'~ PG&E EASEMENT ~ ~ L703 OR 1960 ..6~ ~~ ~ %~ :r~ ~ '?'r ~ ~ / // // // // // // // // ~G8E EASEMENT / -'/ L313 OR 664 // / (.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PARCEL 2 APN: 841-18-042 E681 OR 232 EASEMENT F867 OR 519 SHEET 1 OF 2 HMH, Incorporated Civil Engineers . Planners . Surveyors 1570 OAKLAND ROAD. SUITE 200 P.O. BOX 611510 SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95161-1510 (408) 487-2200 FAX (408) 4B7-2222 EXHIBIT A LOT LI NE ADJUSTMENT GILROY, SANTA ClARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ~ <~~~ 0'0> ~ 0-)) S'~~ 0.;: ~-'V 6'.f /' PARCEL 1 APN: 841-1 8-043 15037974 OR -si~DIAL.~ Oi'as..w ot6 ~0 ~ C6 ot6 ~~ u> ~ ~ ~ :A PARCEL 2 ,APN: 841-1 8-042 EB81 OR 232 o 75 150 ~, GRAPHIC SCALE 1 INCH = 150 FT_ SHEET 2 OF 2 Dote: ~e: T Designed: Ora...: JM Checked: SD Pro~ Eng- ~ o Name:5001 PLOT HMH. Incorporated Civil Engineers . Planners . Surveyors 1570 OAKLAND ROAD. SUITE 200 P.O. BOX 611510 SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95161-1510 (408) 487-2200 FAX (408) 487-2222 EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT GILROY, SANTA ClARA COUNTY. CALIFORNIA f, f (., I ~l(CO {)C ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Lc>V+ I S~ ca.~L c~7 v~-fr~ ! Cete l1c c. . / I, 7 L) (STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) / I 5 /! ? On . (';7+ c/jlv<..1o cf.( ,;;.0 ,200 -L-, before me, (C---&{J) t{ d c-, ii (! I, /.- "- ' Notary Public, person~lly appeared, JUQ V IH (L/h 5. 4-11 e,'}r\ , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which he acted, executed the instrument. WllNESS MY HAND AN1;ClAL SEA;') Notary's signature~f/n.d.Jl~L~L'~ Printed Notary's Name: . iZI-t D fo..J C).A. (?GUI J Notary's principle place of business: Expiration of Notary's Commission: G../ 1.-(2.0'-1, cj4, ( I FD IZlti I ,/-{ 'i U~'lf /9', {DO y- I PBJ.It .t..t. PubIIc- ~... CIlIa CaunIr ~_1"2D05 l;e" - .. - .:.;;.;~- - J .. Cammission. 1305815 Nobuy Public. CaIfunda f Santa Ciani County - IIyCormn. Expns..., 19,2005