Certificate of Compliance - Ramirez, Louis & Linda - No. 99-02 DOC U MEN T : 1 5295490 Tit I es : 1 1 Pages: 7 Recording requested by: II ~ ~I ~ IIIIII11111 ~ ~ _0015295490- Fees. No Fees Taxes. . Copies AMT PAID CITY OF GILROY Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA. 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title RDE *I 011 6/29/2000 8:00 AM When recorded return to: CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99-02 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment); That we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property: That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) CITY ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATE: Notice is hereby given that the property described in Exhibits "A" and "B" and shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, do not create new parcels but only adjust the line between Lots 11 and 12 as shown on the Map of Tract No. 8136 filed for record on September 6, 1989 in Book 605 of Maps at pages 8 through 16 inclusive, Records of Santa Clara County, California. This Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) complies with the provisions of Division 2 of 7 of the Government Code of the State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act, and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, that as a result of this Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment), the sale, lease or financing of any parcel of land described herein shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or of local ordinance. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. C) ~ -OL DATE: ~ ~~. APPROVED: Norman S. Allen City Engineer, City of Gilroy R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/02 Certificate of Compliance No. 99-02 STATE OF CALIFORNIA S.S. COUNTY OF SA_NT A CLARA On~,q State, personally appeared, . 199~. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said . -/' /nUJ proved to me Oll the basis of satisfactory evidellce to be th perso ~ ~b" aa~~~~SCribed co the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~/ executed the same i' thei authorized capacity(ies), and that by ~gnature(s) on L~e instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persan(s) acted, executed the instLllment. WITN~SSMY~_>ID OFFI~ Notary s Signa 'i1Mt Printed Notary's Nam0L1 ::;; /J-A/ ~C)S' eiJe-e Notary's principle place of business ~; lR.oy Expiration of Notary's Conunission 'tnUJ1 ry r.' _.... SUSAN SOSEBEE ~ ... Comm. # 1169922 (f). .. . NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA ~ \\ .' Santa Clara County .- . '. My Comm. Expires Jan. 16, 2002 1&1 Jt?t1J - STATE OF CALIFOR.."iIA S.S. COUNTY OF SA.:"U A CLARA On a~ Cj ,199ft, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in ami for said State, personally appeared, 1/174'a.: 0/- ~ Pam:! re2.. . . .. LAitm-lee 7_ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)-i':l/~s~bscribed to tlle within instrument and acknowledged to me clJ.a{ hdghd~executed the same in hi'si'tm'1~uthorized capacity(ies), and that by ~r~gnature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persan(s) acted, executed the instrument. \V1TNESS MY RA_Jl'/D A...ND OFFICIAL SEAL. Norary's Signarure ~ f/ro-e;:ILCC Printed Notary's Name\....\l.{ <;c'(' /1 S C~; :;2 jl'/:" '-\.:.: -' Notary's principle place of business (-::!7/ / r'[~ ''l/ I , / / ,.;J/J.L J. Expiration of Notary's Commission..-/l-l)>;' 1// ([ c~/ u. . ({.':~ ,<I ,/ X.A . . SUSA~ SO~EBEE. -~ -. Comm.#1169922 , U) NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA fA \ Santa Clara County - My Comm. Expires Jan, 16, 2CD] / Certificate Compliance No. 99-02 O\VNER'S C}':RTIFICA TE \Ve hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title, or interest in and to the real property describ~d in this Certificate of Compliance. That we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property. That we hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this Certificate of Compliance. OWNERS: r' .... ..... . .....f a SUSAN SOSEBEE <: - Comm. # 1169922 (/) .... NOT ARY PUBLIC, CALIFORNIA ~ ~ Santa Clara County ... L , My. Comm: Expires Jan. 16, 2002 t '\ L 1 (vDIt (Zit fv\ i ,'1..:- (: . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99-02 EXHIBIT I AI LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 11 Being all of Lot 11, as said Lot is shown upon that certain tract map entitled, "Tract No. 8136 - Gilroy County Club Estates", filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at pages 8 through 16, Santa Clara County Records, EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of said Lot 11 more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northern corner common to Lots 11 and 12, as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map, and running thence along the common lot line thereof, South 07055'24" West, 169.07 feet to the southern corner common to said Lots 11 and 12 at a point lying on the northerly right-of-way line of Hollyhock Lane, as said Lane is shown upon the aforementioned Map; thence leaving said southern common corner and said right-of-way line, North 01030'45" East, 170.13 feet to a point lying on the northerly line of said Lot 11; thence along said northerly line South 82004'36" East, 19,00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1,606 square feet therein more or less, Lori\docs\99084cc.leg May 12, 2000 CERTIFICA TE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99-02 EXHIBIT 'B' LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 12 Being all of Lot 12, as said Lot is shown upon that certain tract map entitled, "Tract No. 8136 - Gilroy County Club Estates", filed for record in Book 605 of Maps at pages 8 through 16, Santa Clara County Records. TOGETHER WITH a portion of Lot 11, as said Lot is shown upon the aforementioned Map and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northern corner common to Lots 11 and 12, as said Lots are shown upon that aforementioned Map, and running thence along the common lot line thereof, South 07055'24" West, 169.07 feet to the southern corner common to said Lots 11 and 12 at a point lying on the northerly right-of-way line of Hollyhock Lane, as said Lane is shown upon the aforementioned Map; thence leaving said southern common corner and said right-of-way line, North 01030'45" East, 170.13 feet to a point lying on the northerly line of said Lot 11; thence along said northerly line South 82004'36" East, 19.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1,606 square feet therein more or less. Lori\docs\990 84cc, leg May 12, 2000 ~ 81 ~ ~~ -C~I 1~ ~ )1 ~ =~ I ill ~ cI ~ ~ ......... S 05"49'41' E ...... . C) ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1-- ~ ~ ~ \ ~~ ~~ "" li.:l R! (Q:::i '\ ~ ~ ~ J ---~~i>'!!-L4!.:~~€..__ " '<:l N I ~ ll:: '-l "'" M .91'.lJCJO S ~ ~ ~ ,[}.rJLj ,,~ ~ h~ 4) () ~ ~ ~~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ II II <1"-J ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ...... C) '" ......... ......... I H '~ I ~~ ~ ~ V:> ~ -a?S4 ~ .3 ..p.~$..tO N ~ '"""",,,,<<'I.%V"ID ',1;(} a::IyqVQO , 10$1. a7~ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 State of County of California Santa Clara On May 24, 2000 before me, Patricia K. Bentson, Notary Public DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared Norman S. Allen NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) €I personally known to me - OR - D proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. J6)~~ - - ~~~:=1-1 j' Notay Pubfic - eartfanla ~ j Santa Clara County t _ _ _ ~~~~r:J:~~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~e~2:t:;t~!4L OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form, CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER D INDIVIDUAL D CORPORATE OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 99-02 TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT TITLE(S) D PARTNER(S) D LIMITED D GENERAL 7 total, incl~ding this acMnowledgerne certificate D ATTORNEY-IN-FACT D TRUSTEE(S) D GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ~ OTHER: City Engineer NUMBER OF PAGES May 24, 2000 DATE OF DOCUMENT Louis Ramirez, 'Linda Ramirez, Susan Sosebee SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) City of GiLroy SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE @1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION. 8236 Remmel Ave., P.O, Box 7184. Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184