Certificate of Compliance - Santacroce, Nello E.P. - No. 98-07 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF, AND WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: DOCUMENT: 14392764 II IIIlI 1II11111U ~0014392764~ Titles: 1 / Pages. 5 Fees + No Fees Taxes Copies AMT PAID Rhonda Pellin. City Clerk 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ** 001 9/15/1998 3:49 PM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF GILROY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 98-07 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF OR HAVE SOME RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE; THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENTS ARE NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR TITLE TO SAID REAL PROPERTY; THAT WE HEREBY CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND RECORDATION OF THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. OWNER: NELLO E. P. SANTACROCE AND PAMELA SANTACROCE, TRUSTEES OF THE NELLO E. P. SANTACROCE AND PAMELA SANTACROCE~AMfL~IVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 6, 1992 ~ ~NDED AUGUST 21,"~~ ). P _______ BY: ~LZ?~~~ (~uL_~~~ Nella E. P. Santacroce Pamela Santacrbce BY SA~E~;:Z~;:_____ Nella E. P. Santacroce ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 1Wo/lW~) ss. Santa Cruz ON .August12,...~, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED ". Nello.R.-.E_Si'lnri'lr.roce and Pamela Santacroce ,PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/ THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY (CAPACITIES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND. ~ / NOTARY'S SIGNATURE.__.. .\1... I // __.__ PRINTED NOTARY'S NAME . . ~..A.~ NOTARY'S PRI NCI PAL PLACE OF B SI ES,' .._...__.....--~L. MARY WilLIS ., ,..-- ...-- C #1070042 EXPIRATION OF NOTARY'S COMMISSIO .' _.__.._._... .: NOTAR~~~BLlC'CALlFORNIAG)O ~ SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Comm. Exp. Sept. 8.1999 · Notice is hereby given that the oarcels described in the attached Exhibit A result from the lot line change between two (2) parcels owned by Gilroy Associates, Ltd. The lines being changed and the new lot areas are shown on Exhibit B, attached. The parcel configurations are in compliance with Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivision Map Act. and all local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Further, as a result of this Certificate of Compliance, the sale, lease or financing of these parcels of land shall not constitute a violation of the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance. CITY ENGINEER: $~jJ~- NORMAN S. ALLEN RCE 26092 EXP 3/31/02 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) ss. ON_________, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, IN AND FOR SAID STATE, PERSONALLY APPEARED ., PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/ THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY (CAPACITIES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. WITNESS MY HAND. NOTARY'S SIGNATURE.__..___________________ PRINTED NOTARY'S NAME NOTARY'S PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS EXPIRATION OF NOTARY'S COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 98-07 PAGE 2 OF 4 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT County of Santa Clara } 55 .J .J I .J .J State of California On August 26, 1998 , before me, Roberta Kyle, Notary Public Date Name and Title of Officer (e,g" "Jane Doe. Notary Public") 1 .1 personally appeared Norman S. Allen Name(s) of Signer(s) ex personally known to me D proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence j (j- :~~:A~"ii: " I ~. -Notary Public - Colifornia J; J Santa Claro County f M,Camm. Expres 1k1v3.ZXl2 ~_____~_~_4_ to be the person~ whose name~ is/!l'l'e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/oRe/tREY executed the same in his/~r/tReif authorized capacity(~, and that by hislllel/t1It:ir signature~on the instrument the perso~ or the entity upon behalf of which the personke') acted, executed the instrument. Place Notary Seal Above WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~re~ OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Certificate of Compliance Document Date: ~ Number of Pages: 4 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Norman S. Allen D Individual D Corporate Officer - Title(s): D Partner - D Limited D General D Attorney in Fact D Trustee ~~~h:~ia~~J;{~' ~~ S'9ne, Is Repcesentln9' Z1:ty t?J ~ RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here i:,.,J I .1 1 .1 @ 1997 National Notary Association' 9350 De Soto Ave,. P,O. Box 2402' Chatsworth. CA 91313-2402 Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 EXHIBIT A Parcel 1 A portion of Parcel 3 as shown on a parcel map recorded April 20, 1984 in Book 527 of Maps, page 42, records of Santa Clara County, California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Parcel 3 on the centerline of a private ingress and egress easement and on the westerly right of way of Forest Street (40 feet wide) as shown on said map; thence along the centerline of said private easement, S 67 37' W, 246.39 feet; thence along the centerline of a proposed private ingress and egress easement, along a curve to the left with a radius of 140 feet, through a central angle of 27 degrees, an arc length of 65.97 feet; thence S 40 37' W, 215.17 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Parcel 3 and along the easterly line of a proposed access easement, S 22 20 E, 495.06 feet and S 05 59 44" E, 99.l1 feet; thence along the southerly and easterly lines of said Parcel 3, N 67 40' E 289.94, N 22 20' W, 673.34 feet, N 67 37' E, 239.51 feet, and N 22 20' W, 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 4.137 acres more or less. Parcel 2 All of Parcel 4 and a portion of Parcel 3 as shown on a parcel map recorded April 20, 1984 in Book 527 of Maps, page 42, records of Santa Clara County, California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Parcel 4 on the westerly right of way of Forest Street (40 feet wide) as shown on said map; thence along the northerly line of said Parcel 4, S 67 37' W, 826.57 feet; thence along the westerly and southerly lines of said Parcel 4, S 22 20' E, 1161.35 feet and N 64 40'E, 277.50 feet: thence along the easterly line of said Parcel 4, N 22 20' W, 414.00, N 67 40' E, 20.00 feet; N 05 59'44" W, 99.11 feet; and N 22 20' W 495.06 feet; thence along the centerline of a proposed access easement, N 40 37' E, 215.17 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of l40.00 feet, through a central angle of 27 degrees, an arc length of 65.97 feet; thence N 67 37' E 246.39 feet to a point on the westerly right of way of Forest Street; thence along said right of way N 22 20' W, 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 8.753 acres more or less. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 98-07 PAGE 3 OF 4 ..--~ rz:l ..:l !Xl ~ < ,. ~ ~'.; rz:l .. > c:: ~ 0 !:l 2; < rz:l 2; ~ .---- -~-----_.----., Q) : ~ ~ ~;,.;,. ~ ~ ;.. ~ ~~ ~I C'?CO.....O~Q)CI"l lOOlOCI"llOOO ..... ....... CO IllOlOQ)Q)CI"l Q)OCO.....r:-.~O I ~ .....Q)Q)~r:-. CI"lCl"lC\lCCr:-...-lC\l1 C\l..:lC\l~ C\lCO C\l ~..-lC\l~ . ..-l . . = I ,~ ~ ~ rz:l rz:l rz:l ~ ~ ~ ~ rz:l rz:l ~.~ : : II::::: :::::::. O<J 0 0 ~ 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 I o OOoo:!'OO 0000000 .......... ;"~;"~~~~I CI"lC\lCl"lC\loo:!'C\loo:!' r:-.C\lr:-.C\l~C\lr:-. CC C\l CC C\l CC C\l CO ' ZZOOOOZZZI O..-lC\lCl"loo:!'; ..... ~_::_:::_.::=:: :J to C1J 't:l l 641 :( fo. -. . q - ... cd I . - - - r:-. r:-.OQ)OO CI"l.. C'? C\l lO ~ C\l o r:-.~OC\llOr:-.N CC.....~NOCCN II OOC::Cf.lOOCf.lZZ - ~ I- ~ """ I-i I:C (J) ..... I ~ l1J f~ t3~ a: ~ ~ . ~O) . ..... . i~ OE a "'Iv... -:i ..~ ~':' I tI'l ra.= 3 C""l t: .... ~< , . 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