Certificate of Compliance - Wheeler Housing Corp - No. 91-23 . . ,/~., . NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 1 0963847 FILED FOR RECORD AT HEQUEST OF , .CITV. Of GJLROYj JUt 9 8 41 ~y '91 ~ ~COn.oIWJ ,REQUESTED DY: 6 .W W U- o % Ofr;':'~AI.. rECORDS SANTA C :\,RA GOUNTY LMIFi( KANE RfCOf<OER 1ETUlUl 'IO: Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk Ci ty of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 L 777PAGE0149 CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91- 23 LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE SEC. 21.109 OWNERSJS CERTIFICATE: We hereby certify thaty we are the owners of or have some right. title or interest in and to the real property described in this Certificate of Compliance; that we are the only person whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said real property: that we hereby consent to the recordation of this Certificate of Comnpliance. ' ~O--~ bc(~. BY: W~ f:J--L~J ~9J.-rtk WLEDGEHENT: OWNERS: ,1991, iJjotary ~r Iif!,. F ~ before m~APaf K uJlJ./ /~... {fJ.U7a}J~,f;;- for said state, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satsifactory )ifidence to b9.,.. the person who execut. ed the wi thin instrument as 7li4~~Ld'O/d2-- ~n L I<.t...~ pPCEJielcnrt. and --.--.- @{)0FetalY of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. ~,--.y."._~--~ \ ~~~~:_~~;:}~ ;;"~it;~"';;:'~\ 1'1.... ..' lA")::'" 'I \IJ'p' j rc!:.-. 1 ., __ \ 1) \, Jkl I'.. ,. - 0\,-........... _ ~ WoN' .." ,1 NOTARY ?U3Ll~~CA~;~:.9.0,~\\iA S ~ 4 SMHA CLAn... C\)UI~ i / i v '/ My Commission Expire-:> July 11.'3, 1993 ! ,~ --..s Notice 1e hel'euy Ii2 i vell tha tithe l'nt'co 1 of 1ullu uosc r ibeu ill tho attached Exhibit "1\" ie ill Compliallce willa lJ!VlBloll 2 of Title '7 of the GoverUlellt Code, State of California, cited as the Subdivisioll Hap Act, and all local ordinances ellacted thereto. Further, that as a I'eaul b of thia Cer lil! lea l~e of COlllpliance, l,hu sille, lease of financins of this 'parcel of. laud ahall Hot cOllstiLute a violation of the Subivieion Hap Act or~local ordinance. CERTIFIC/lTE 01' COI1PLI/lNCE NO. 9t-, 23 ~ ~ Date: JULY 3, . 1991 Approved By: ' NOl'lllUII S. 1\11ell City J~lIgilleer, City of Gilroj'. R.C.E. 26092, Expires 3/31/94 y . " L 777 PAGE 0 15 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: On JULY 3, , 1991, before me , ---JS.uaanne .E--.S.t.e.inmetz ,a. Notary Public, State of Califorfnia , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Norman S. Alle~........ personally known to me or p;roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. , ..' C. I l,."'.~ WI T.N.5~~.!'U. 1~.'.".;..'.U,<1. ......' .' ~~d~ A off i ~ i}l sed A' ~ ..,,,.. Ubi. ..c. ">; c"'" SigNature ~~ (j::7~ - CjtyofGilrtly.C>'~'i~Y,,!S:mmClJra {J i': --:'.;6usanne E. Steinmet. StallefC2tifcmL~pcrC11JllCol:!o5ec.Ua , · .' " 10........ Cl'X.il s~ .wiU4, My ~~O~~i,~~~f~~~;~x;l;~es ~/ If- , 199_ Pri;tWipa;l:'.R1:.a:ce~of Business is County of Santa Clara ....,\. .<0 ., Q\ '. (?" .f '? "'It CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91-23 LOT MERGER PER GILROY CITY CODE SEC. 21.109 EXHIBIT "A" BEING all of Block 1 North. Range 7 West in the City of Gilroy and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Sixth Street with the northeasterly line of Princevalle Street and running thence along the northwesterly line of Princevalle Street N.20000JW. 543.30 feet to the intersection thereof with the southeasterly line of Fifth Street; thence along said southeasterly line N.69057'E. 286.08 feet to the intersection thereof with the southwesterly line of Carmel Street; thence along said southwesterly line S.20000JE. 543.30 feet to the intersection thereof with the northwesterly line of Sixth Street; thence along said southwesterly line S.69057JW. 286.08 feet to the point of beginning. Said Block 1 North, Range 1 West is shown on "Map of Jas. A. Clayton & Co's Addition to the City of Gilroy" recorded in Book "V" of Maps at page 22, Records of Santa Clara COlmty, California. Lots 1 through 24 as shown in said Block on said Map are hereby merged as a result of this Certificate of Compliance. EXHIBIT "A" CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91 _23 SEE MAP EXHIBIT"B" .. . . ,- L 7 7 (' PAGE 0 15,1 ... FIFTH STREET s c:;;?d 57' IV 2.8r;;.o8 ~ I 24t..P,oe' PA'/i'CcL. T",'(1 p,<;'~ce:t.,. ONC" .R = .e~~ _ ~ _--R:: 2C~f-b:.~ is ~;,; 89" 57' Z4u"OB d:: 9(1- 03' "\~. ~~~/,'?'d ~=-.3/.<;t3 1 ~ L " ~ f "'- lu lij ~ ~ I ~ '",,- i I~ 'II " flj 0 ~~jj' IIi l1) ~ ~ b ~ Ot2' 01 \J- ..) , ~ ~} ti' ~, ~ ~J~ ~~I \! Q ~ , , \(1 l{I 'l (jl &' llJ vr- C1~ ~L () If ~ tJ~O ~ ~ -.- '-J (vQ · l ~ (l ~G ~ ~~ I LJ , ~ ~<v . \;) lij . ::> , UJ ..'" . ~) . 0.. , tJ ~ :> ~'V ~ . I ~ 0.. -<..X'~ 0 ".J \I - ~ "- ~ 0 , ~ - ~e:, I Q.. ~ ",,0 I I I ) I ~; . \' "1 , -"'$ p,4RCez, TIr'Rcc 2 ~<.:f -<' .-",,' 2.4Ic.O": a=;;-~0"(1::1'- ~- ~ ::- :91.4::3- 24(.c,oe - -5 (;'j'. 6'T' IV \ \ \ PA'RC6Z r~v.!; ~1 ' , , ,"y I o"? ==20 ' P"/ / I '----= dO;" ;;~7-~.""""" / / ~J, : <<:1 - 1<7" =' ;/ / \~ L~ ~/,~.: ~y .2 6'';;. c:'8 S / X Tit STRL3:er PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF GILROY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 91--12 LOT MERGER h.. ltJ 4J ~ /" V) -J llJ ~ ~ \t U ALL OF BLOCK 1 NORTH. RANGE 7 WEST "MAP OF JAS. A. CLAYTONS & CO'S. ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY" Book "V" of Maps, page 22. Santa Clara County Records June 1991 Not to Scale ALL OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 24 IN SAID BTJOCK ARE MERGED AS A RESULT OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE EXHIBIT "B"