Civic Rancho Meadows - Landscape Installation and Maintenance AgreementRECEIVED Recording Requested By: APR 1 1 RIN CITY OF GILROY When recorded mail tcE N G I N E L City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Rick Smelser Space above this line for recorder's use only. DOCUMENT: 21482967 Pages: 20 Fees.... 72.00 Taxes.. Copies. AMT PAID 72.00 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS RDE # 001 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 1/03/2012 Recorded at the request of 11 02 AM City LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Approximately 7.7 acres located between Santa Teresa Boulevard and Rodeo Drive at the dead end of the current Sprig Way roadway and south of the future Sprig Way extension, Assessor's Parcel No(s). 783 -20 -061) By and Between The City of Gilroy ,Il Civic Rancho Meadows, LLC 856251u2 t � LANDSCAPING INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Approximately 7.7 acres located between Santa Teresa Boulevard and Rodeo at the dead end of the current Sprig Way roadway and south of the future Sprig Way extension, Assessor's Parcel No(s). 783 -20 -061) This Landscaping Installation and Maintenance Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made as of December 5, 2011 between Civic Rancho Meadows, LLC, a California limited liability company ( "Owner ") and the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation ( "City ") with reference to the following facts: WHEREAS, Civic Rancho Meadows, LLC, a California limited liability company is the owner of that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, commonly known as and called: Rancho Meadows IV, Tract 10076, APN: 783 -20 -061, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property") and as described in the project improvement plans entitled Rancho Meadows IV, Tract 10076; and WHEREAS, Owner is the developer of the Project described below; and WHEREAS, City adopted Resolution No. 2011 -12 (the "TM Approval "), approving TM 10-04, a Tentative Map to create forty one (41) single family residential lots on the Property, subject to the Tentative Map Conditions (the "TM Conditions ") and other requirements described therein; and WHEREAS, City adopted Resolution No. 2011 -13 (the "A/S Approval "), approving A/S 10 -19, an application for architectural and site approval of a planned unit development for the 41 lot single family subdivision which is the subject of the TM Approval, subject to conditions of approval and other requirements described therein (the subdivision and project to be built thereon being the "Project "); and WHEREAS, Number 45 of the TM Conditions ( "TM Condition 45 ") requires that before recordation of the first final map for the Property, Owner must enter into an agreement with City to address Owner's obligations with respect to the installation and perpetual maintenance of Iandscaping, and the funding therefor, for the area of land delineated from and including the proposed sound wall to the proposed back of curb along Santa Teresa Boulevard for the length of the project limits, as shown in the Rancho Meadows IV Tentative Map (the "Landscape Area "), to establish Owner's funding for the construction and maintenance of the Landscape Area during the establishment period, to establish the length of time for the plant establishment period during which Owner will maintain the improvements within the Landscape Area, and to establish the period of time during which Owner must maintain the Landscape Area; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into to address Owner's obligations with respect to the Landscape Area, as contemplated and required by TM Condition 45. 856251v2 2 1 , ' NOW, THEREFORE, FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to insure the timely and proper construction and installation of the Landscape Improvements (defined in Section 2 below) on the Landscape Area in accordance with the Approved Landscape Plans (defined in Section 2 below), the proper and diligent maintenance of the Landscape Improvements during the Maintenance Period (defined in Section 4 below), and the funding by Owner of the anticipated cost of future maintenance of the Landscape Improvements for the period following the Maintenance Period. 2. Landscape Improvements and Approved Landscape Plans. The Landscape Improvements consist of those described in the landscaping plans and specifications identified on Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Approved Landscape Plans "). Copies of the Approved Landscape Plans are on file with the City in the office of Community Development Department, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California 95020. 3. Duty to Construct and Install Landscape Improvements. Owner shall cause all Landscape Improvements to be constructed and installed in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the Approved Landscape Plans, the TM Approval, the A/S Approval and all other City and other governmental approvals, laws, policies and regulations applicable to the Project, at Owner's sole cost and expense. Construction and installation of the Landscape Improvements shall be completed no later than twelve (12) months after this Agreement has been signed by Owner and City. Prior to commencing work, Owner shall obtain all permits required by law for the construction and installation of the Landscape Improvements. All fees for such permits shall be those in effect as of the date of application for such permits. 4. Owner's Duty to Maintain Landscape Improvements; City's Acceptance of Landscape Improvements. (a) Owner's Duty to Maintain Landscape Improvements. Beginning immediately following completion of all of the work described in Section 3 above and continuing for thirty-six (36) months (the "Maintenance Period "), or for a shorter period of time if City determines in City's sole and absolute discretion that (a) either Establishment and Funding of the CFD (defined below) has occurred or Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism (defined below) has occurred and (b) the City has accepted the Landscape Improvements (as defined in the following paragraph (b)), but subject in all events to extension as described in this Section below, Owner shall, at its sole cost and expense, diligently maintain and care for, and repair and replace as necessary, the Landscape Improvements. Owner's obligations pursuant to this Section 4 shall include, without limitation, the following: (i) providing sufficient water, fertilizer and other nutrients to the turf and other plants to maintain them in a healthy and thriving condition, (ii) keeping plants trimmed by removing dead wood from trees 858251v2 and shrubs, trimming back foliage which has exceeded the landscape boundaries and shaping plants as necessary, and keeping turf mowed to a height of between two and three inches and trimmed back from edges of hardscape, (iii) pruning and trimming trees and shrubs, as necessary, in such a manner as to prevent interference with sight clearance for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle traffic on adjacent roadways, walkways and rights of way, (iv) maintaining, repairing and replacing, as needed, the irrigation system serving the landscaping, and obtaining all legally required permits with respect to such work, (v) causing all weeds, trash and debris to be regularly removed from the Landscape Area, (vi) replacing plants which have died back or become unsightly on no less than a monthly basis, and (vii) paying all costs and expenses for the water and electricity used to irrigate and light the landscaping and Landscape Area. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, diligent maintenance and care includes persistent upkeep which employs the standard of care necessary to meet all requirements of applicable local ordinances and regulations and is in accordance with the generally accepted standards for maintenance and care observed by comparable uses located within the City of Gilroy. If, at the end of the Maintenance Period, the City has not accepted the Landscape Improvements, then the Maintenance Period shall be extended to such date as the City has accepted the Landscape Improvements. In addition, if, at the end of the Maintenance Period, either Establishment and Funding of the CFD has not occurred or Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism has not occurred, then the Maintenance Period shall be extended to such date as either Establishment and Funding of the CFD has occurred or Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism has occurred. (b) City's Acceptance of Landscape Improvements. City agrees to accept the Landscape Improvements for maintenance by City when all of the following have occurred: (i) City has accepted the Owner's offer of dedication of the Landscape Area, (ii) the Owner has performed all of its obligations under Sections 3 and 4 above, (iii) the City has determined, in its sole and absolute discretion, that all of the plants are in a healthy and thriving condition and that the Landscape Improvements are in the condition to which Owner is required to maintain and care for them and (iv) either Establishment and Funding of the CFD has occurred or Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism has occurred. 5. Funding for Landscaping Maintenance. Until either Establishment and Funding of the CFD or Establishment and Funding of the Alternative Funding Mechanism has occurred, City shall have the right to withhold final inspection for all residential dwellings within the Project for which final inspection has not yet occurred. (a) Establishment and Funding of the CFD. Concurrently with execution of this Agreement, City shall provide Owner with a form of petition to initiate proceedings under the Mello -Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended (the "Mello -Roos Act ") for the establishment of a City -wide community facilities district ( "CFD "); the CFD will (i) initially include the entire Property for 856251v2 4 the purpose of financing, in perpetuity, the future cost of diligently maintaining and caring for, and repairing and replacing as necessary, the Landscape Improvements, in accordance with the standards described in Section 4 and (ii) identify the remainder of the City as territory that may be annexed to the CFD in the future with the unanimous approval of the owner or owners of each parcel or parcels being annexed at the time of such annexation, as described in Section 53339.3 of the Mello -Roos Act. No later than 15 business days after the effective date of this Agreement, Owner shall present the executed petition to the City requesting the institution of the proceedings to form the CFD. Within 90 days after receipt of the executed petition from Owner, the City Council will adopt a resolution of intention to establish the CFD. Owner hereby agrees to vote in favor of the levy of the special tax to be levied by the City on the Property at an election to be held on that issue. City agrees to process the petition and the formation of the CFD in a timely manner in accordance with applicable laws. As used in this Agreement "Establishment and Funding of the CFD" shall be deemed to have occurred when all of the following have occurred: (i) the CFD has been established as a result of the adoption of a resolution of formation by the City Council, (ii) the special taxes required to fund the future maintenance, care, repair and replacement of the Landscape Improvements in perpetuity have been approved by the qualified voters in the CFD in accordance with the Mello -Roos Act, (iii) the City Council has adopted an ordinance levying the special taxes on the Property (provided however that any portion of the Property owned by the City or another governmental entity shall be exempt from such special tax in accordance with the provisions of the Mello -Roos Act), (iv) a notice of special tax lien has been recorded against the Property with the Santa Clara County Recorder in the Official Records of Santa Clara County, California, (v) the 30 -day statute of limitations period that commences on the date of the special tax election shall have run without a challenge being commenced and (vi) the City has collected the first tax year's special taxes in an amount at least equal to the sum of (A) the related fiscal year's budget for maintenance, care, repair and replacement of the Landscape Improvements and (B) the City's administrative expenses related to the CFD. The first Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) of the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the formation of the CFD and the levy of the special tax thereunder with respect to the Property (which costs include without limitation reimbursing City for all costs incurred by City (including without limitation staff time) in connection with the CFD), shall be paid by Owner to City not later than ten (10) days after City Council approval of the Property Improvement Agreement for Rancho Meadows IV- Tract 10076. Following establishment of the CFD, other areas within the City may be annexed into the CFD from time to time as determined by City in its sole discretion and without the consent of Owner, for the purpose of financing, in perpetuity, landscaping related costs anticipated with respect to the annexed areas, provided that with respect to any such annexation the cost of annexation shall not be an obligation of the Property and any such annexation shall not change in any way the Property's special tax obligation. 856251v2 (b) Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism. If and only if there is an impediment to the Establishment and Funding of the CFD, then prior to end of the thirty -sixth month following completion of all of the work described in Section 3 above, Owner shall provide for Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism. As used in this Agreement, "Establishment and Funding of an Alternative Funding Mechanism" shall be deemed to have occurred when all of the following have occurred: (i) Owner shall have established and provided for the benefit of the City an alternative funding mechanism ( "Alternative Funding Mechanism ") reasonably acceptable to the City which will provide funding, in perpetuity, for the future cost of diligently maintaining and caring for, and repairing and replacing as necessary, the Landscape Improvements in accordance with the standards described in Section 4 and (ii) Owner shall have established for the benefit of the City an account pursuant to such Alternative Funding Mechanism that is acceptable to the City and deposited into such account an amount which, in the reasonable opinion of the City, provides the City with assurance that that there will be funding, in perpetuity, for the future cost of diligently maintaining and caring for, and repairing and replacing as necessary, the Landscape Improvements in accordance with the standards described in Section 4. Owner shall be solely responsible for payment of the establishment of the Alternative Funding Mechanism required by this Section above (which shall include without limitation reimbursing City for all costs incurred by City (including without limitation staff time) in connection with the Alternative Funding Mechanism). (c) Application of Funds from Funding Mechanisms. Any funds received by City for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Landscape Improvements shall be used and/or invested as City elects in its sole and absolute discretion. In no event shall any portion of the funds received for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Landscape Improvements, or any interest or other amount earned in connection with such funds, be reimbursable to Owner at any time. 6. Bonds. Upon execution of this Agreement by Owner, Owner shall deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and a labor and materials bond, each in the amount of Twenty Five Thousand Fifty Nine Dollars ($25,059) and in form and issued by a bonding company acceptable to City to assure timely completion of the Landscape Improvements and the timely payment of all costs of constructing and installing the Landscape Improvements. In addition, not later than ten (10) days after completion of the Landscape Improvements, Owner shall obtain and deliver to the City a faithful performance bond and a labor and materials bond, each in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred and Six Dollars ($2,506) and in form and issued by a bonding company acceptable to City to assure timely completion of Owner's obligations under Section 4 of this Agreement and payment of the anticipated cost of such obligations. 7. Insurance. Owner shall maintain, and shall require all contractors engaged to perform any work pursuant to this Agreement to maintain, at all time during the performance of the work called for in this Agreement, policies of insurance in form and amount acceptable to City, including without limitation, commercial general liability insurance, s56251v2 6 automobile liability insurance, employer's liability insurance, business automobile liability insurance, and worker's compensation insurance. 8. Indemni . To the fullest extent allowed by law, Owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and City's officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liabilities, losses, costs, expense, injuries, damages, judgments, findings, awards, suits and proceedings (including without limitation costs for staff time, copying costs, court costs and attorneys fees) (collectively, "Claims and Liabilities ") arising out of, or in connection with: (a) the design, construction or installation of the Landscape Improvements, the performance of Owner's obligations under this Agreement by Owner or its agents, employees, contractors or sub - contractors, and/or any breach of any obligation of Owner under this Agreement; and/or (b) any violation or claim of violation of any law, rule or regulation (including, without limitation, laws, rules or regulations relating to payment of prevailing wages) applicable to any portion or aspect of the Project, including without limitation the Landscape Improvements; excepting only Claims and Liabilities caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or the City's officers, agents and employees in the performance of their obligations as the officers, agents and employees of City. It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement to provide the broadest possible coverage for the City and the City's officers, agents and employees. 9. City's Right to Cure Owner's Default. If Owner breaches any of its obligations under Sections 3, 4, 6 or 7, and the breach is not cured within ten (10) days (or such longer period as may be specified in the Notice of Breach) after the City gives notice ( "Notice of Breach ") to the Owner of the failure to perform, City shall have the right (but not the obligation), in addition to all other rights available to City under this Agreement, by law, or in equity, to enter upon the Landscape Area if deemed necessary by City and perform Owner's obligation at Owner's cost, and all costs incurred by City shall be reimbursed by Owner to City not later than ten (10) days after demand for payment is delivered to Owner. Any costs so incurred by City in performing Owner's obligations under Section 3, 4, 6 or 7, which are not paid by Owner when due, shall bear interest from the date due until fully paid at the rate of ten percent (10 %) per annum. Owner hereby grants permission to the City and the City's agents, employees, contractors and other representatives to enter the Landscape Area to perform Owner's obligations pursuant to this Section 9 and to inspect the Landscape Area and Landscape Improvements to determine if Owner is complying with its obligations under this Agreement. To the fullest extent allowed by law, Owner hereby waives any and all claims it may now or hereafter have against City and City's employees, officers, agents, contractors and other representatives as a result of entry onto the Property by City or City's agents, employees, contractors and other representatives pursuant to this Section 9, including without limitation claims for personal injury, death and damage to property. 856251v2 7 10. Notices. Notices required or permitted to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be served personally, or sent by pre -paid United States certified mail, return receipt requested, or by overnight courier, addressed as follows: CITY: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ATTN: Rick Smelser, Engineering Department OWNER: Civic Rancho Meadows, LLC 1500 Willow Pass Court Concord, CA 94520 Attn: Dave Sanson and, in the event that Owner hereafter conveys the Property or any portion thereof, to each successive Owner as shown on the tax rolls for Santa Clara County, California. Notices shall be effective upon delivery to the required address, or upon attempted delivery thereof if delivery is refused by the intended recipient or if delivery is prevented because the intended recipient has failed to provide a reasonable means for accomplishing delivery. 11. Recordation: Covenant Running With the Land. Upon execution of this Agreement by all parties hereto, the City shall have the right to record this Agreement with the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office. This Agreement pertains to and runs with the Property and every part thereof and shall be deemed to run with the land, subject to this paragraph below. This Agreement binds Owner, and all successors in interest of all or any portion of the Property, and all of their respective successors and assigns, subject to this paragraph below. If Owner conveys, grants or transfers all or any portion of the fee title interest in the Property or any portion thereof to another, such grantee or transferee shall be jointly and severally responsible with Owner for complying with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; provided however, that notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, in no event shall any obligation of Owner or its successors in interest be binding on the City, nor shall City be responsible for complying with any obligations of Owner under this Agreement, notwithstanding that all or any portion of the Property, including without limitation the Landscape Area, has been conveyed, granted or transferred to City. Owner shall advise City in writing of any changes in address of Owner and of the names and addresses of any subsequent owners of the Property or any portion thereof not later than ten (10) days after conveyance of title. Upon any subdivision of the Property or any portion thereof, Owner's obligations under this Agreement shall be joint and several among the owners of the subdivided lots or parcels; provided however, that notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, in no event shall any obligation of Owner or its successors in interest be binding on the City, nor shall City be responsible for complying with any obligations of Owner under this Agreement, notwithstanding that any subdivided lot or parcel or portion thereof, including without limitation the Landscape Area, has been conveyed, granted or 856251v2 8 transferred to City. The obligations of Owner shall be the joint and several obligations of any and all parties comprising Owner. 12. Breach of Agreement. Any breach by Owner of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed a violation of the TM Approval and the A/S Approval. In addition to any other remedy available to City under this Agreement, by law or in equity, the City may bring an action against the Owner to enforce the terms and conditions of the TM Approval, the A/S Approval and this Agreement. 13. Priority of Mortgage Lien. No breach of the covenants, conditions or restrictions of this Agreement shall defeat or render invalid the lien or charge or any first mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value encumbering the Property, but all of said covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be binding upon and effective against any successor to the Owner who's title is derived through foreclosure or trustee's sale, or otherwise, with respect to the Property. 14. Attorneys' Fees. If any party to this Agreement resorts to a legal action to enforce or interpret any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled. 15. Miscellaneous Terms and Provisions: (a) If any provision of this Agreement is adjudged invalid, unenforceable or void, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in force and effect. (b) This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter covered by this Agreement, and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations or statements, oral or written, are superseded hereby. (c) The parties specifically acknowledge that the Project is a private development, that no party is acting as the agent of the others in any respect hereunder, and that each party is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement. None of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership between or among the parties, or the affairs of City, or otherwise, or cause them to be considered joint venturers or members of any joint enterprise. 856251v2 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Property Improvement and Maintenance Agreement to be effective on the day and year set forth above. OWNER: Ci c an o Meadows, LLC, a California limited liability company By: Name: 9O,4-c, Sco.v-,sc,,n Title: W�,w�ncicilX Date: X 0 z r l k\ CITY: CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation By: Name: Thomas J. Haglund Title: City Administrator Date: 09,6wo' 1 j I.-W1 856251v2 10 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Linda A. Callon, City Attorney EXHIBIT A Real property in the City of Gilroy , County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: REMAINDER PARCEL AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF 'TRACT 9678 ", FILED FOR RECORD ON JUNE 8, 2005, IN BOOK 787 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 26 AND 27, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. APN: 783 -20 -061 1KKS1855573.2 080911-04706083 H CIMARRON OFFSITE LANDSCAPE I RANCHO MEADOWS IV A Q GMROY, CALIFORNIA SANTA TERESA BLVD LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DEVELOPER: DE NOVA HOMES, INC. 1500 WILLOW PASS COURT CONCORD, CA 94520 TEL. (925) 685 -0110 FAIL (925) 685-0660 r : 10 VIM WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC 6111 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD SUITE 495 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 TEL. (925) 463 -1700 FAX. (925) 463 -1725 CIVIL ENGINEER: RUGGERI, JENSEN & AZAR 8055 CAMINO ARROYO GILROY, CA 95020 TEL. (408) 848 -0300 FAX (408) 848-0302 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: RIPLEY DESIGN GROUP, INC. 1615 BONANZA STREET SUITE 314 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 TEL. (925) 938 -7377 FAX (925) 938 -7436 SITE LOCATION: SITE MAP: Ui Li 11J_ I Lu ixn wspr Wbft f fall v. . SHEET INDEX: L.I. OFF -SITE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING PLAN L.Z. OFF -SITE IRRIGATION PLAN L3. OFF -SITE IRRIGATION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES LA. .OFF -SITE WATER EF 1CANT CALCULATIONS L.5. OFF -SITE MRIGATION DETAILS L.6. OFF -SITE PLANTING PLAN LANDSCAPE DOCUMENT PACKAGE CHECKLIST: ® m� �k°f.r.wmwaa.uvnxu `.." 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Pnd2- show na16me6. 91WO IgaamapryeaE CahAadms an MaaAtlm Md6nrta66n i1PAkd Dn Wsrr ES<ien, Wuayeet- PaOea1 mMz PF =PY_Ent FadsraF6 fromiWSWUx ml WLCOLS fu= Hfdromna Arm last. maAaa aTd Mower tae nree6 Drtm'a fesE ' ATmt Tanee MABnArIaY1$•APPrM Net Enp40amphedon fblaDea Par ptW! � n .1,n a am Nev retAAU.7 611 NOTE: THE NUMBER IN THE MONTH COLUMN EOUALS TOTAL DAYS OF IRRIGATION PER MONTH klyde02ane Pfecip885on Rele from Menufag►aer � e m - ay. 3 e _, 4 •- rD 99 O ° E p5 2 gS E �9{ C1 24g� pun Time Antual Needed JUL IA to ]e .1 .1 1 9 a. 9.4 1 1.1 q.7 Maaan4dAFPYd WertMMwnea eakdeam ' wwA•IrmN6- aslNa- rnN+N�N1 . Anm l 643 - ;32 :12;7. 21',9" 26;9! :57;4: i39$. n:+13:fe. 33.3 332 �2aA .120 -; 7:6. 306 C-44 2 123.9 337.:. A' - 4.97.61030 5 4 112:2 - ',101.4 4 8611: 625 3f9 .2C:2 804 (lea, nuduera Ngn 1.0.- DW-1 '238 931 :ST.O' 7Sb BZ;S^ 1030 .1122r A[Il.t86A. 2 2 2 1625 31 3'. i20i2. 804 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 S 3 3 3 2 2 ? 2 2 2 1.125 1,125 1,125 -r..4 Fmmaz -1 1/b• ' 52 - 70.0 Q - r :0.; - : 758. ,_ ` ^c 7616 1m7 1108 TDTAL LBNUT'E8 � �,. Per I C... ""(at�h°um) Trte 1 1.3 1.91 3.2 1 43 1 5-5 1 6s 6.3 1 6.7 1 4.9 .1 9.5 1 1.8 1.1 1 Lariaampad Mee YAWA= I AST 0a PAGE 2 of 9 W.W Effiox d Lmdssapa Wereaheet F.W.A. ToUt Water Use C.W.A d ET W ub4EteME. W l6 PF*W El..stA1 HYDROZONE INFORMATION TABLE SCHEDULE - CONTROLLER X" OFFSETirSTABUSHMENT PER IOOI ANNUAL 43.7 0.62 z 2.131 e3' NOTE: THE NUMBER IN THE MONTH COLUMN EOUALS TOTAL DAYS OF IRRIGATION PER MONTH PIAM WRW U. Rant FWwTypImI Ranom IPFT STA RUNTIME JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC RUNTIME ANNUAL tow ater u - Type F.eb(PF) t Hfa- %d Typed Mptinn ft s., 2 1 C43 11 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 2 2 407 1 Hplmmm (lea, nuduera Ngn 1.0.- DW-1 A..tIW H Togs Aum (rton, ayxaY +yly, 1mDDleN,a 9ffid..Y OP qt low. see bWoM PFaHAAE C-44 25 C.45 25 C-46 26 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 S 3 3 3 2 2 ? 2 2 2 1.125 1,125 1,125 -r..4 Fmmaz -1 1/b• - 52 - :•.0.45 1 ' .2116 - : 758. ,_ ` ^c 7616 1m7 1108 TDTAL LBNUT'E8 9.762 did 11E NOTE- RUN TIME EQUALS TOTAL MINUTES PER DAY OF HRIGATI N. STATIONS MAY HAVE MULTIPLE CYCLES 5.�1 I - 43.7 0.62 z 2.131 e3' NOTE: THE NUMBER IN THE MONTH COLUMN EOUALS TOTAL DAYS OF IRRIGATION PER MONTH Rant FWwTypImI Ranom IPFT To ealwre Peel lrrraee'[AJOea ESL. -s adwa hero, �W tagsyspa P1aa.J. M tmWo,," mWWDIS• - wNr.nflnvAtm. lmcxe01M SCHEDULE - CONTROLLER X- OFFSMESTABLISED PERIOD) -PbnLL aTeeMrwrTA ar 1W6m. ANNUAL tow ater u - 6TA RUNTIME JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL IWG 9B OCT NOV DEC RUNTIME GiW1mWalrUSa nape K =3P®es Fades {rmpe6.1 -aT, See WlICOLHBp Hi�1 atr Ne =Dme'M Faduremga45- ts,wwwtxaasp C-43 9 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 4 3 4 2 1 315 A,,,. RAmOdpate faeerlrngeusl .a,ar Wt1COLS yaE C-40 20 1 2 3 6 6 6 fi 5 5 3 2 1 860 C-45 20 1 2 3 S 5 5 6 5 5 3 2 1 860 inmattm ElMtaney Ranges ([E) - CAB 20 1 2 3 5 5 5 6 5 5 3 2 1 360 adga-ea.Wa Vat vary ln•1 W. eaegrmo&En -a 9, neaa W% m.� Weaft munan ket I*-w4ew u4gaabn a an TOTAL MINUTES Do -Rd4r Waas 71.76• - eaea 71- NOTE: RUN TIME EQUALS TOTAL MINUTES PER DAY OF IRRIGATION, STATIONS MAY HAVE MULTIPLE CYCLES s 7 NOTE: THE NUMBER IN THE MONTH COLUMN EQUALS TOTAL DAYS OF IRRiGAT10N PER MONTH Fmmaz daurtsx SWUM LA 01 La fBfllT ln1.� RCa� TK.b ��S Ne M�,a Islnr�maunllas swan nuunx wm KY G4G ECLIP.f .4aa1.YMMM0. Mf1' OIP FIO W .110 /LOfGMLi6• /fwLtA(Re � Ae.M 1/a1161VDfa pry � 1D arMMmV. ��� M>ip} 1 ���L YI'1 WPn �aaww 1 1.IaAC! Wn O.10[ R I P L E Y ROOD ma ww an,w�� cue �.• seal. eo.-. m,oielra ar.� eOV1ii.o aaar we°as w�is� °R1°e .1ma- o-m.w�� ML/K'T. .�f f.�IL- e'�tt.l NO �RaF >� �� 1 Ma vstwT •KK S.�.b W.•fa® rV6MMdb ®LH111Ol•PGPRef V LM y�.�14 ieMI MIL! I""1 Re'✓1 rLLl.aafKtib lb �' alle/IH. LeWxf11'9 olM wM�MIe .sell rors men areas N� si� �CCIM.� � ��� BVrvaIR G4f.lUlaE essw ws�im..m/ rvc wawab xs LOwumm Wfe l/'KKR.Ie ?1M I'/..IMML/E y�1�'JPeA1<W SIDE V ®Y �� rrL....w .++ >rl' �..blf N./LLMlaf 4EYQ.Ofa: 'a..e aYry STEP z 8nF 1 N�l�IB40Gl DENOVA Torwnr •r`",n"° 1°i W eOla1/ b HOMES OESAO.E sews Ir- neCETAO.E ww .r.1w WUM OOXNEMM rr. M'.ro C QA7E VALVE arws ay.M 04 CLICK COUPLER VALVE M/w ` •r+' �/ cowumG �T �TRENGBNC B T6Q3Q/61111 PAL915J YSMa f. Vi' .i.at c.Ia+C e/Il 11VY1lK� assn. wean borne, ro.alMwa _ ; • b°• �^ PIIOIY.T1 CIMARRON RANCHO j1 1 MEADOWS ..Inns wnar ew aaLSwnw a�e.alAe �/tiRA�L.aee nvanlrnenw,. 11a.'p1w'a :,1"1�M �°••••�•�• - IV aI aAen ae 1C 1a41T1 — b16WebIfIY FlMM Af I�LII® _ a�..n °'www ��� � is Hess 1wx _ OFFSITE IRRIGATION �{' POPAP SPRAY NBAD .uue. w. roPOPAW MIRAY IMAD .w-. w. ro (�w- EUSELIA AND iHIBJY &TRAY wu rmw DETAA S KENO L VALY& T .. F IRRIGAT70N s_IRR -8 wA[ +r ►ROJPCT /: DATA AM mm 6CAIL AewH N W wl -(; �/YeANC QENQOMfi L.5 OP LA Men Ron _ _ _ _ r_` 0� oy 000 4 \r ~ �T T���O`OO f+ �+�-�'�� '� �O�J1OOO�OrO�O� 0040 /OfOdOO �OQ��e oo ec oo������� *�i�Oc►aoo�lOQaO�+ore000�a40eoo 00 0� ±010 �nD: Will �_ 0 �= o- agea4�:�!_n�. OO ^� p O�Q `, `.��.�o�t� O�t1�0ilO:t►O biQ 2T r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r iJMlr0F OFF 6M WMWE --- r r r r r m r r r --------- ��a�ool A��p'1i'p 1 C19yaioRll MR 0 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD 4 -------------- r r r --------------------------------- r r r r r r r r r r r r r r uw OG KORP PLAN7040 NOM i rrlrtrars rtaeerroar rLLxrrs oaxa rmlm raar urur t wa rtwnw fnt wtrx r rr LLnr r � saenu •xt vPnm ,nuatts.rur nano urntrs iKlreCaft Yrrarumw r) trrtLL#r I rrrrlilrlc non AMU aGOU atlr a�w0 r 1°r°°°trro+ mu�rr�i wlaAw"O errs _ aaRaFaltnOr°rurwrar rA1°ra�rt°r � ~i�iiun.weer�irri rnn�t 393yrua�,a,PPa��rrwnwNn.�* rut arswaern a rnrr r AOmixFA Wtaar Haut At •txn iv vP¢rP[ePPOa.wv sr�ATAa�pUa�tmpp AA��yarr`�rraruuvvn.r wunwra nc m.oa an w..azm® PANIrrW[rrr Mwear rte uoa ' :wr r r saw laAlt•r Rlr araOA�t Gr a��n�Y.¢ ram a or,rp61r� p�M{C�OI rlf'1BM tr rL 6t Arrtiarll�{ rW IP11Frr rn4u�l�WL1�61M 11�\pIp1I {rOMOMR(Or��tA Orr �nMrl4 Yp�mIi1R�M/,[IfMrR T•Kiar�MM�MOn MTWl1fMMG/r AYO rlt rr�l�[�Ab W1�IrIM/irl��imt a rra�AlA rmplra� Ft Y�iYOAraR,RMGrOrW ��4 rwr rxt a PfU RMIPRWOIt GM40CSnM411f®t111{allatPOtIR ArArIrO Phf M[iY01Rr LLar 6 (igrAa rLL q.f iD1111➢01 W nctwxarPr n r P lolr®Px¢ sAVO. t Irratrla uor a oxxxx Imam xxt xar n rusT r war,x..x Pi RPx.asut e u w rrn atua r u�P. wr. a AIS n r¢ nrlrtm.rm rrx, nn Mm. wiUVIt = nt x rla uGtOUiim . Fne arm �xu emrzxr urosclr aAUxa xn ansx mu tux r G a xr�sPU um tG tarxuFt M aorrs amrta TMw s. on. PLANT LEGEND n�rai eterr arrr rtr vi utr xrrmaer G�Nrrr ra[MINE ter rA a�: .rut mP.w+uAUarr TtRf+Oltrurl u. rw.w w r Ax �xGUae�wr our 'rtr�eN�lro[ rii u et: r���xwa�+Pww• rw rnnn ua r anxtn twat uT r r Txsutxonna nnenen. emir xr raxr OFFSRE - HYDROZONES x.mar Pe.r.11a b rwu Par .aG IoM 9aYr GV iMt xM xwLr <i /pY MPX arMf 11) GRAPHIC SCAIE w ae r cwxm> RIPLEY W1oRbrfu xtroxor �Tnrnfl{ IH.artroar M'SAPPX DENOVA HOMES ssr tm.wwrAVer lY1VCOagU NFD rax..�rsaut PAZ p}�r50660 CIMARRON RANCHO MEADOWS Tv GGnoP, OPFSTTE LANDSCAPE PLAN1"IlVG slr �rmw`r ntamcrR Da26` A00 RL,7r1 rwul 1V Vim' rAAPSK 1tMC �IDCYx 1110 rsvmmrx L.6 OP a.6 ira'Is CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF AKNOWLEDGMENT State of: California County of: Contra Costa On Nov. 21, 2011 .,before me, Kristen Dean, Notary Public (name and title of the officer) personally appeared Dave Sanson who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persoDy40hose name(3jis subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hels executed the same in his/ Ir authorized capacity,�eej and that by hislh,VAietr signatuce*on the instrument the persq_nW, or the entity upon behalf of which the pers acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. KRISTEN DEAN N Comm. # 1797685 to NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA =' ` CONTRA COSTA COUNTY y MY CONN. EXP. MAY 9. 2012 '' (Notary Seal) :.;. ;OPTIONAL INFORMATION: a.... m Information below is NOT required by law however may deter fraudulent removal of this form. Description of Attached Document Number of Pages Document Date: Capacity Claimed by Signer(s) ❑ Individual(s) ❑ Corporate Officer ❑ Partner ❑ Attorney -in -Fact • Trustee(s) • Other Title or type of document Additional information