Ordinance No. 578 ,)' 1.\11 ~l)tl ~o ~};,~ r.. /" /-/ p. 1 f"l'1Q.-, ~d,( ,r1J7 -. j . {) , . )t.f~ ~ .Q]!D.!!ANCE # 578 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT PART OF FOREST STREET BETWEEN I.O.O.F. AVENUE AND SWANSTON LANE, IN THE CITY OF GILROY. . . . . . . . . . . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY having on the 2nd day of September, 1958, dUly passed and adopted Ordinance 577 whereby it declared its intention to proceed, under the Street Vacation Act of 1941 and vacate a certain street in the City of Gilroy herein- after described, and reserve and except the permanent easement and right at any time or from time to time to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove and renew sanitary and other sewers and drain and water pipe lines and storm drains in, upon, over and across the part of said street, and pursuant to any franchise thereof or renewals thereof or otherwise, to construct, operate, maintain, replace, remove, renew ~~d enlarge lines of pipes, con- duits, cables, wires, poles and other convenient structures, equip- rnent, and fixtures for the operation of gas pipe lines, telegraphic and telephone lines, and for the transportation or:distribution of electrical energy and water. And, such Ordinance having been published in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch on the 3rd day of September, 1958: and the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy having caused notices of the passing of said Ordinance to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the manner and form required by law: and the said street having been posted 1n the manner and form required by law: and no objection to said proposed vacation of said street having been filed at the hearing held by said council on the 15th day of September, 1958, at 8:00 P.M. o "clock, at the Common Council Chambers in the Wheeler .. Municipal Auditorium, at Sixth and Rosanna Streets, in the City of Gilroy, California, and the said Common Council having duly considered .t.7 t,,,~ $,' 1 iJrt9't. , I p(cr ii, the matter of vacating the said street, which is hereinafter des- cribed: THE MAY:PR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DO ORDAIN AS FOyLOWS: SECTION 1. The follo~ng described street within the said city is hereby vAcated and abandoned: All that portion of Forest street in the City of Gilroy, lyinq between I.O.O.F. Avenue and".ns~Qf1Lane. " '\ ~ ," ~~l' .-' ll. ,,~) ""'I SECTIO~~I :,~~~ vaca~.:~~J\\ and a~~ndo~~,~t of the said portion '..,' ....... ....' ". ~-., -"", } \ of said Forest Street hereinbefore descrihed,'shall in no way affect "~"".". < ...... .~. '.'. . '..~ the right of way, if an'f.;,t<<"kaid s~.'t "~d. ~e1.d by the Pacific ik, \J Telephone and Telegraph Company as set forth in the right of way agreement now of record with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, or any right of way heretofore granted to the pacific Gas and Electric Company or its predecessor ',n interest, the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company SECTION III. This o~dinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage ,and approval. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 15th day of september, 1958, by the following votes. NOES: councilmen:Pate,Rush,Petersen,Wentworth,Jordan & Gallo ~. "'" . ~ >F ~:!.., ~ ~~; . ~ :~ c:.. '1 m." I...~ ~ c=i"<~;- 0 f- .' '-".., w ~~ '~..'.:'.' '.:0 ~ ~.'.';'..' -4 ,,'.::tl --., .... , I~,." ~ ~ .'C':l~'...:I .:> 0,..,., -n:o -1 co c I....~ ,if) ~ Councilmen: None 1:- :n \ 't'- ,.. ~ '.l:\ :l'" ~ .it~ -i...,. -... . "t..:1>-..~ :1\._, -, f") ~.~~'~ AYES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: .~ ._~~; ~ ;; ;~" t; ()~ g:J zC:. ~CJ -< Sig Sanchez Mayor ATTEST: G. B. Carr City Clerk .. . ill lIl!- --'..-- .J .~ ""''''1 ...~ << ' UF;t'-lj f I h\Gf t J .~ .,,~ 1_ -._~ i- ~ ~ ~:.""" C18IIaI CefW"ia- ! _. --1~7G;"Bl~i!jGi~u~ed{'~ w~ CitY Of M~. ~.;, certitythat the annexed coW of Ordinance 11578 has been compared by me with, and is a true and correct copy or the whole of euoh Ordinance duly adopted at and appearing 6.!nOftg the official minutes '( of'a regular meeting of the Common CO't'lncil of such City of Gilroy, 1, Sth dq of Sept. . M C-/1-/1/' City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California. ... t!l,,- _..~'"'---~~:~:,