Ordinance No. 597 ~: i 4\3:39 ...\.... l./~' , ,,,,\ " t1 1 o R DIN A NeE NO. ~q '1 AN ORDINANCE Or THE CITY OJ' GILHOY VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF \.\lEI BURN A VENUE '"' 1".1 COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF GII-HOY having heretofore (~uly passed and adopted Ordinance No. 595 whereby it declared its tntention to proC'A~~d 'j lln6el" thQ Street Vacation Act of 194], and vac:ate a certain strc,9t :tn the City of Gilroy hereinafter described. And, the City Clerk cf the Ci tj" of Gilroy hav:l,ng caused notices of the passing of said Ordinance to be published in The Gilroy Eveninp, D:l.spatch, a newspaper of general circulation, in the manner and form J:'equired bi la'tJ'; and thu said street, public alley, or thoroughfare haVing been posted in the manner and form required bylavl; and no objection to sELid proposed vacation of said street, nubIic alley or thoroughfare having been filed at or before the hf')~H'jng twld by saie council on the 16th day of February, 1959, at 8:0(" P.. 1'~8 o'clock, at the Conmon Council Chambers In the tiheeler f-funiclpal Audi tori urn, at Sixth and Rosanna Streets, in the C1 ty Gilroy, California, the time and place fixed for the hearing in the said notices, and the Comrron CO')rlct 1 having d-:'ily considered the matter of vacatinr, the said street, public alley or thoroughfare, which is hereinafter described: TEE MAYOR ANT' Cm,n~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GIlROY DO ORDAIN AS FOLlmvS: SECTION I: The following described portion of Welburn Avenue within the said City of Gilroy is hereby vacated and abandoned: BEING a portion of We1burn Avenue as shown on the Map of Tract No. 1785, ttSherwood Park, unit NO.1", which map is recorded in Book 71 of Maps at pages 28 and 29, Recore s of Santa Clara County, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at the corner common to Lots 63 and 64 in the northerly line of Welburn Avenue as shown on said map and runnin~ thence along the northerly line of We]burn Avenue N. 89? 15' w. 107037 feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 20 feet through a central angle of 670 for a distance of 23.39 feet; to a point in the easterly lIne of 'tJayland I,ane; MD( 43.:39 fAG! 19 thence southerly along the projection of the easterly line of itlayland Lane S. 220 15' E. 17~99 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radins of 10 feet through a central angle of 670 for a distance of 11.69 feet; thence S. 89c 15' E. 113.52 feet to an inter- section with the projection of the line common to Lots 63 and 64; thence N. 700 E. 47oP.6 feet to a point on the northerly line of 1H'elburn Avenue as shown on said map; thence westerly along a curve to the right from a tangent bearing of 59 700 W. with a radius of 100.CO feet, through a central angle of 200 45' for a distance of 36.22 feet; thence No~ 890 l5~ w~ 13.29 feet to the point of beginning.1t SECTION II: The vacation and abandonment of the said alley or right of way or easement hereinbefore c:iescribed shaJ.l in no way affect the right of way, if any, in said alley, right of wa~ or easement now held bj' the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company as set forth in the right of way agreement now of record with the Recorder of Santa Clsra County, Or' any right of way heretofore granted to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company or its predecessor at interest, the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company or of the City of Gtlroy to repair or replace any water, drainage or sewer Itnes now irl or on said premises & SECTION III: The Ordlnance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage and approval. ,.r.,; ADOPTEr ANf PAS'?IEf. this lie;" day of february, 19~~9, by the . follO'Yling votes.. A YES: r.rOES : CO~JNC II,j'.'8N: Pate, Il11Sh, Petersen, 1.rJent\.lorth, 'J-allo, Jordan COUNCIVfT5N: None ABSENT: COTJNCIIXEN: None ATTEST: ':d'"'" /) ". i (;it, -r {';:'":\ z:~ ""1 ;:;: =a ~ >r= P-'" '1 -un ;0"'0 _ 'Tl .." Nt'{') .:::; 0 --,..~ :!:? <:>'" .... ~ a; .s:: , .t,......... ~ Nj)~ o'-{ (T'j ::r1K'_ C? _ ,"00 ~TI;Q t: C ~, ~ <:C.) Ap:'ROVED: U'> 't>. ~ ('I' ('I L . .~ 2;:, ,:>12" .:>ancnez "... -" t4'''''. aYOl'0 ~ ;:,~! \::J .~ 0 '" t'~ 0 c "~ l'<1 c::;r , % t> -.j I., .< ,.... ~ CI. B. . Qa:CI: City Clerk '"'->-- --h Clerk's Certificate Fl (,;.,. ,;,:G~e.itJLGarp, the City Clerk of the City of .-Xilroy do hereby certify that the : ,":<. ',' annexea'G'6py .of ordj nance 597 has been compared by me 1tlith, and is a true and . . '. . , correct COR)' of the Hhole of such Ordinance duly adopted at and apDearinrr amon.'" >,;:;::1 the offici~l minutes of a re'c;ul<:: r meetine; of the COJ11'on C01mcjl of slJch City of ;~~\:}ill':QY~ ~~itd on the lhth day of r'ebr\1c,ry, 1959. . ...1~d:~:)'0i:::t?L"i:.';:L:"":i'.~~:r:)' . - 2 - ,:/ /~'~,. t K...__ l~",./ t (,t ii' L. ~'p Ci ty Clerk of the City of ";ilro;l, County of Santa 21ara, State of California